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Sea Lion Shores green and grey - Printable Version

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green and grey - Gristle - June 25, 2016

He viewed them from a distance, grazing his tongue over teeth as his hungry eyes stared. They had congregated around a smaller form that lay still on the beach earlier that day and, slowly, they had finally begun to move away from it. A pup, Gristle guessed. One that had perished from whatever reasons these creatures died from. He had never encountered them before but their girth alone prompted him into wanting to hunt and devour one. Their tusks, however, gave him pause.

The opportunity of a dead pup had graced him, though, and so Gristle had waited until the sea lions moved far away from it, back to the beach. Were they grieving? Wanting to eat it, too? He had no idea, but it seemed they had abandoned it, allowing the male to gallop over the sand bank and launch himself upon the carcass. He sunk his teeth deep into its side and, with a mighty yank, made to drag it away from the others so he could feast in peace.

RE: green and grey - Ambrosia - June 25, 2016

Ambrosia had taken a strong liking to the shore, to the sand beneath her paws, and had stayed a few more days after arriving to enjoy it all. Making sure not to come across any borders, the tawny woman followed instead the scent of what she assumed was food. Death lingered on the air, and the fen female was hoping something had died to provide her an easy meal. 
 Unnoticing, Ambrosia watched the same carcass from a distance until the rest of the odd looking creatures backed further away. Just as she was stepping into full view and about to make a beeline for it, a male leapt in front of her and snatched the lion up. A snarl rising in her chest, Ambrosia bore her fangs and charged forwards. 
             "I had eyes on it first!"
The warrior snarled, not bothering to slow her approach. She didn't think this man would be one to give up a meal, even in times where there wasn't a famine. 
But this was HERS, she'd been watching it and hadn't seen hide nor hare of him either kill or claim it and she clearly hadn't bothered to scent for him. Should he not move, he would have an angry she wolf tearing into his flank without mercy.

RE: green and grey - Gristle - June 25, 2016

Dice roll each post to see if their hit lands? :D (or just roll for an overall outcome, I'm cool with whatever!)

He had barely moved it two feet before another came charging towards him. He heard her claim but it didn't register in the beast's simple mind. He was focused on dragging the carcass away and paid little attention to his surroundings. That was until the female burst into his line of sight. She was a creature with fiery fur and a peculiar undercoat of black, a wolf one definitely wouldn't miss.

However, her intent on claiming the pup was obvious, and Gristle faced her with a protective snarl of his own. He had seen it first, therefore it was his. Hell, he had even taken a bite out of it! Sharing — along with reasoning with the girl — was not on the agenda today either, and so the male stood before his meal, ready to take the brunt of the female's attack and defend what was rightfully his.

RE: green and grey - Ambrosia - June 25, 2016

Im really bad with the dice so you can just roll to see who wins and well IC type it out, fair? :3 Either way they'll both get some wounds and I can use this for a Mercenary thread :D Go ahead and rip her left ear ;) Gotta earn a scar for each battle, right?

The man didn't relent, and with a roar of a warrior Ambrosia flung herself at his shoulder. There were no words, none needed, and no pause: both wanted the pup, both assumed it was theres and now the only way to settle such a thing was to fight it out. Such was the way of wild creatures, but it was also the way Ammie had been raised and trained for: fight for what is yours. And fight she did, aiming to tear into him breifly, hoping to bounce away before he got to hit her. The fact that she was a long way from home should have registered, should have told her to give up the carcass and find something else. An injury out here could prove fatal if only it prevented her from getting back to the Fen.

RE: green and grey - Gristle - July 10, 2016

Haha, no problem! Outcome here! Rolled a 3 (from a /roll6) so Gristle wins, but yeah, they'll both get some injuries, feel free to have her mess up his face a bit, too :D And sorry for the wait!

She didn't hesitate in her charge, her form barrelling towards him with no hints of slowing down. Gristle grit his teeth with a faint trace of an excited grin; it had been some time since he had had a good fight. She connected with a bone-jarring thump, and he felt a pinch as her teeth caught his shoulder. No blood was drawn, not yet, but they were just getting started!

The two warriors pulled away, Gristle snarling as he did so before he surged forward just as quickly. His jaws parted, hoping to catch some part of her in them as he threw his weight towards her — the beast's usual tactic in battle.

RE: green and grey - Ambrosia - July 19, 2016

Poor Ammie she lost three of three fights xD Im gonna keep this fight short since its still famine time and she's not at her best. I figure he can pin her and tear her ear to send her off or something?

Her jaws didn't break skin the first time they collided, as she was still hoping that he would back up with force. She was hungry, and didn't particularly want any wounds in the first stretch of her journey, but there was food right there. The tawny woman wouldn't fight hard for it, but she'd at least put up a wrestle. 
They backed away, Ambrosia baring her fangs and steeling her lemon eyes against the male. Were she at her normal size, this fight wouldn't have been so taxing. 
He rushed her this time, another forward attack, and the ink faced woman threw herself into another collision with a grunt of effort. She reached down to snap at his legs in hopes to unbalance and flip the man, painfully aware of her back and shoulders being open and vulnerable. 
Everything happens fast, next, but before she knows it, or even really decides, the tawny woman is tearing herself away and making a break for it. The pup carcass isn't worth getting even more hurt.