Wolf RPG
Firefly Ravine A stranger appears... - Printable Version

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A stranger appears... - Reginae - July 04, 2016

The fawn wolf walked slowly around the trees, her fur getting caught in the bushes around her. Much was on her mind, so much she was barely paying attention to her new surroundings. She could hear sounds in the distance, but hoped they were too far away in case she was pursued. Her paws were aching as they touched the ground and she whined as it only got worse. Reginae soon decided she should rest for a moment and pay attention in case someone was around. Her brown tipped ears flicked as she listened for any other wolves or larger creatures, though she could hear light steps, she tried to convince herself it was merely small prey. She sat on her haunches and lifted her head to the air, sniffing. Reginae was not familiar with any scents that surrounded her, and soon became aware that she was in another wolf's territory, maybe even more than one. Her eyes widened in fear, she looked around frantically to see if any of them noticed her, she hadn't planned on stumbling into a pack's territory and tried to avoid doing so in case they were unfriendly, but just as she was about to move she had a horrible feeling someone might be watching her.

RE: A stranger appears... - Sadie - July 07, 2016

Please excuse my crude and rude pirate for butting in :3

She watched the girl from afar, hidden in the shadows of the trees. Sadie's top lips were pulled back and revealed a toothy snarl. Her fluffy plume swayed back and forth, then curled over her back. This girl didn't even know she trespassed into a pack's territory. The golden girl sat onto her haunches and looked around, soon noting where she was. "That's it lass, take it in before I run ye out." Sadie thought to herself, soon moving towards the front of where the girl faced. Then, Sadie poked her muzzle out of the brush of a bush, snarling and growling madly.

Her black lips revealed stained teeth, slobber dripped from the sides of her mouth. Truly, she looked mad, rabid if you will. Her golden eyes gleamed at the girl, warning her well enough that she was not welcome. If Reginae didn't show any signs of submission, Sadie would take the chance and kill her on the spot and eat her right then and there. If Reginae showed submission, Sadie would chase her out and plan ahead from there.

Until then, Sadie continued to inch forward towards the girl with a terrifying expression.

RE: A stranger appears... - Reginae - July 07, 2016

Reginae looked at the wolf in front of her with a terrified expression. Her legs shook as she frantically decided what to do next, her mind was too unstilled with fear to allow herself to move. She hadn't known whether or not there were other wolves with the one that stood baring her teeth before her, yet she knew even one adult pack wolf could rip her apart in a matter of seconds. She took a few steps back and lowered her head, as she tucked her tail between her legs. Though she hated being humiliated and put into submission, she was too weak as it was, and attacking or even insulting the stranger could get her killed. Her ears flicked as she scanned the area for other wolves and heard none. Knowing that gave herher enough confidence to know that she could run if her life depended on it. Her light fur bristled and stood on end as she lowered herself to the ground and she looked up at the wolf, "I'm no threat to you," she said calmly, pinning her ears flat on her head. She continued to be deep in thought, rambling in her thoughts about how stupid she was. She was clearly unaware of what she clumsiness could get her into and now regretted it.

RE: A stranger appears... - Sadie - July 07, 2016

The blind girl caught on! It was about time, stalking really ached Sadie's legs. She settled down into a submissive position after stepping back, clearly aware of what crime she committed. This didn't appease her as much as she liked, Sadie continued to move forward threateningly. The wretched pirate heard the words of the girl but was not moved the tiniest bit. Trespassers were all the same to her, always unwelcomed and always ran out. "I'm not blind lass," she said in an irritated tone, her plume lashed behind her. "Threat or not doesn't matter. Ye trespass onto marked land, ye get treated as a trespasser." And that was that.

"Get. Out." She commanded roughly, not wanting to see the girl any longer. She wasn't sure if @Sen would even want this wolf to join the rankings, but that was unknown to Sadie. Until the lady appeared herself, Sadie would handle the situation on her own in her own way. Sadie then moved forward into a quick trot pace (luckily far enough to reach the golden girl quickly). Her head was held low to cover her neck and chest, legs covering the ground with ease.

RE: A stranger appears... - Reginae - July 07, 2016

Reginae looked back up at the wolf as she quickly came forward. She stood up and quickly walked backwards before suddenly stopping in her tracks, her ears were shoved forward as she narrowed her eyes at the wolf. She tail was still between her legs, but she was still nervous that the wolf would injure her, "Why should a leave so soon?" she challenged, she was surprised at her own words, but decided she wasn't going to be that easy to get rid of. She moved back again slightly, in case the wolf went for her. Her head was lowered as she looked at the wolf, staring at her legs and watching her movements. She knew she couldn't defend herself in any other way than dodging if the wolf chose to attack her. Her hackled rose, yet she did not bare her teeth.

RE: A stranger appears... - Sadie - July 07, 2016

The girl picked onto the threat but fired back with a challenge of words. "Why should I leave so soon?" Sadie stopped in her tracks watched the hackles of the blond wolf rise up towards the heavens. Her mouth didn't crease and open in a snarl, however. It was a hard message for Sadie to understand, but she only took it as one thing: she was challenging Sadie. "Because wench," she started off, looking dead into the eyes of the other.

The pirate raised her hackles up to an extent with her tail as if they were waving flags displaying her righteousness. Her chest and body heaved from the loud growls that dripped from her coal-dusted lips. Her pupils shrunk as she blinked, her eyes becoming glossed over. "I WILL KILL YOU." She finally said, a twisted smile overtaking her face.

Her twisted smile reflected insanity and rabidness, able to create fear into any onlooker's heart. Her smile faded into a snarl, growls poured out of her mouth like saliva and blood. With her words spoken, Sadie launched herself towards the golden wolf, her jaws wide open and teeth exposed.

RE: A stranger appears... - Reginae - July 08, 2016

Reginae watched as the wolf spoke coldly and snarled. She leaned down and watched the wolf carefully before suddenly watching in horror as she leaped into the air straight towards her with open jaws. Raginae's eyes widened as the wolf was about to grab onto her, and in an act to get away she lunges out of the way. Only she hadn't done it in time and felt a sharp pain from behind her. She yelped and looked behind her in fear, she looks around frantically trying to find a way to escape her jaws and tried to get away, then she stopped struggling and narrowed her cold icy eyes at the wolf, "Fine, kill me!" Reginae yelled, trying as hard as she could not to whine.

RE: A stranger appears... - Sen - July 08, 2016

Tagging for visibility.

Close to her den, the woman had often lingered. Only when she ate would she find herself wandering a distance away, and it was never without ensuring someone was standing guard by her place of slumber. The child inside needed protected, as well as kept from escaping. It had been Sen standing guard for a good while, curled up inside with her back to the entrance and @Chusi somewhere within her line of sight at all times. The darkness had become her second home, and perhaps the only thing that the child might ever know. The Gorgon did not view the decision to keep her caged as being a terrible one—she was simply protecting her property, is all. Her choice often seemed accepted, for she could recall no time during which she'd been disturbed. Though, that day, she had been bothered by quite the commotion. So much so, even, that she'd departed from the den without having secured for her daughter a proper babysitter.

Sen followed the noises, her gaze hard and tail arched over her back at all times. A fight was going on, she'd assumed, judging from the sounds. It was something she was partially disapproving of, but not entirely so since she was not the one involved. However, after coming across the scene, she found herself not caring at all. Someone had entered the snake's territory, and so it was only reasonable that Sadie be left to do as she pleased. Still, the woman had something to say, the words lingering on the tip of her tongue as she stopped a short ways off and gave a sharp bark towards the pirate. "Chase the trespasser out before you answer her demands," the woman stated, offering not even a glance towards the stranger. "Don't stain our home with the blood of an imbecile." The words were not a request, but an obvious command. Sen didn't need to explain either a corpse or the remnants of one to her daughter, should the young serpent ever be allowed outside of the den.

RE: A stranger appears... - Reginae - July 08, 2016

Reginae suddenly heard steps in the distance, and soon enough another wolf aproached her and the other pack wolf. She looked at the dark wolf and pinned her ears to the back of her head, she looked away in embarrasment that she was merely nothing, not even worth killing. As much as Reginae was not looking to die at that moment, it somehow still made her loose her confidence. She looked down at her paws as she tried to keep her mind off of the splintering pains she felt on her hind limbs. She sighed and wondered for a moment, the wolf's words and tone must have meant she was their alpha, and realized she shouldn't even speak, in case she changed her mind about letting her live.

RE: A stranger appears... - Sadie - July 08, 2016

She made her move and tried to flee, but nothing could ever escape the pirate's tight grip. Her teeth snatched a part of the back, tearing flesh and fur.

the metallic taste of blood made Sadie feel alive, she soon stopped and was about to pounce again. This stranger wanted death, she was going to get it.

however, Sadie was forced to pause herself. Lady Sen came in to settle the situation down, though she didn't even cast a look to the trespasser.

her words were simple: remove the wolf. 

Sen's harsh sentences only made Sadie understand more since she was used to commands and such. With a nod of her head, the pirate turned to face the girl who gained a new marking. "ye heard the lady, move wench!" She emphasized, snapping her jaws near the girl to drive her out. Although Sadie would have preferred to put the girl out of her misery right then and there, Sen must hate the scenes of fight and wasted energy.

then Sadie thought, Sen also had children. The last thing they needed was to see a dead wolf in their lands.

RE: A stranger appears... - Reginae - July 08, 2016

Reginae listened to the wolf as she told her she needed to leave, she got up and started to limp away from the two strangers and sighed as she tried to go faster, but couldn't bare to put any more pressure on her leg. She breifly stopped, still only steps away from the two wolves. She looked at her wound and asssumed it would only be fatal if it got infected, then she would really be in trouble. Then she looked back at the wolves to see if they would follow her, whether it be to make sure she left or something else.

RE: A stranger appears... - Sen - July 13, 2016

Last post from me.

In spite of the woman's words, the outsider had not fled immediately. She'd gone a distance away, only to stop and look back as if she were waiting for something. Seeing her do such a thing annoyed the leader quite a bit, of course, as it felt to her almost as if her authority there had been challenged; whether or not that was truly the case, she neither knew nor cared, for the feeling alone had been enough to have her thinking irrationally. To Sadie had the Gorgon then looked, expression serious and lacking in any and all positive emotions. "Take care of it," was the only thing she said before turning away. For a second, she'd looked over her shoulder, offering a snarl and a lash of her tail in the unknown female's direction, before departing from the potentially soon-to-be violent scene. Chusi needed and eye to be kept on her, and so it was off to the whelping den that the mother had gone.

RE: A stranger appears... - Sadie - July 18, 2016

Instructions were simple enough to follow. Sadie merely nodded before rushing towards the girl with a dark intent and mean glare. Her devious smile stretched her dark lips as she moved forward, often snapping her jaws every now and then. She was having too much fun chasing the wolves out of the land. First the dumb male, now this lass! What a treat for the pirate!

RE: A stranger appears... - Reginae - July 18, 2016

Reginae heard what the alpha had said to the wolf that attacked her and started to run as fast as she could, she could her the stronger wolf darting towards her, trying to rid of her presence. Her wound stung as it bled, yet as he didn't look back in fear of what she would see. Reginae narrowed her eyes at the closest exit of the territory and soon came at a half as she reached it. She panted from the growing pain in her leg, her three good legs were surprisingly sore since she was going so fast without the fourth. She kept trotting away, in fear she was still being pursued which she was too frightened to take a peek for.