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Golden Glade Finest Success - Printable Version

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Finest Success - Darsal - July 07, 2016

@Charley Pryor @Shalon @Aspen

Shalon and Darsal returned in the late afternoon. They had been gone for a couple of days, off on an excursion to Ghost Lion Crag. Their return had been delayed, due to the load they were carrying: two Bighorn lambs.
Darsal was exhilarated by their success. Not only had the famine's lift shown results, but fortune had smiled upon the pair as well. Darsal had met Shalon for the first time in Golden Glade, and they had both agreed to hunt for the pack. Their trip had been strenuous and difficult, but Darsal believed with all of her heart that it had been worth it.
Drowned in faitgue yet full of confidence, Darsal dragged the lamb into the clearing before the Nimbus mountain tunnels. Her jaws were sore from dragging the kill such a long distance, and her entire body practically shook with exhaustion. Yet, she stood at the mouth of the cave and howled for all inside to hear, Charley! Aspen!

RE: Finest Success - Shalon - July 07, 2016

Shalon dropped the lamb between her jaws, and sat back. Her paws were sore, but her forelegs was the worst. It had stopped bleeding from her stumble at the Crag, but it was still sore and she walked with a slight limp. She was glad to finally have a break, hopefully Charley and the girl Ayla were doing better. Perhaps a bit to eat would help. Neither Darsal or Shalon had had anything to eat, and at least Shalon waited for either Charley or Aspen to join them before she let her own hunger get the better of her. For now she waited for her King and Queen, licking her tender leg.

RE: Finest Success - Alder - July 21, 2016

Whoops I totally didn't see this. D: My bad! @Aspen is "sick" and technically I said in his other post he didn't leave in two weeks buttttt..... :D

A few days after the bear inflicted wounds held few little excitement for Charley. He was drained of energy, finding himself drifting in and out of sleep at most points of the days and nights. The Kings movement was limited to slinking to the pool at the side of the meeting den and back to Aspen's side in their nest.
However, when a call came, a call came. There was no telling those who pledged their loyalty to him and his purpose NO when they needed him. So he pulled himself to his massive paws and groaned, shuffling out of his den and up towards the fresher air. The scents were brought to him on the current, that of Shalon and Darsal, his newest recruits. What did they want, he wondered? Prey was also mingled in with his packmates, but for all he knew it was the bear or something else. 
He didn't come all the way into the entrance of the tunnels, staying back in the shadows and squinting his one open eye up at the two girls.
                           "Forgive me for not coming out, got a hell of a headache still and its been pretty dark lately."
It was then he saw the lambs at their paws, the smile already on his face growing wider. Even without that he could smell that they'd been out of the Golden Glade, but it bothered him none. As long as no details were given out about their location or Court to those without interest in pledging their lives. 
                                              "Whatcha girls need?"

RE: Finest Success - Shalon - July 24, 2016

I'm going to skip Darsal as she has gone inactive...

Shalon took a step forward, nudging the meal forward with he. She looked toward the voice coming from the shadows of the tunnels, "I wish to apologize for leaving the territory, your Majesty, however Darsal and I thought that your recovery might be faster with a fresh meal." Shalon brought the lamb closer to the entrance of the tunnels. It had been a little while since seeing her leaders and this was a slight relief to hear his voice. Although her and Darsal were still hungry, they hadn't stopped to eat what they had caught as Shalon wished to get back quickly. Her stomach rumbles, much to her embarrasment.

RE: Finest Success - Alder - July 25, 2016

T_T Damn. One more gone.... Just gonna wrap this up here....

Shalon stepped forward, blocking the view of Darsal as she took his attention. She apologized first, something Charley dismissed with a flick of his tail and a shake of his head. 
                 "Don't be sorry, Shalon. You two went together, which is very good, and I hope I'm right to assume that nobody knows about us past our name and where we are. To top it all off, you've added to our caches."
It was then her belly rumbled, and Charley gave a weak chuckle. He was beaming with pride at his packmates for strengthening the Court in his temporary vacation deep in the stone tunnels. They would be within the tunnels before long, he was sure of it. 
                            "Go ahead and take that other one to share between yourselves. I'll share the other with @Aspen."
He didn't stay long, feeling the throb in his head from even the small amount of light. He stepped forward, eyes closed against the sun, and grabbed the lamb before turning and vanishing down the tunnel with a parting bark that was partially muffled.