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Moonspear The Physic - Printable Version

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The Physic - Estella - July 13, 2016

Upon joining Moonspear Estella had found herself loving the place.  It seemed like her true home, it was wonderful.  Already she had started to stalk up on her own herb cache and had done some exploring.  She had not met anyone yet, but intended to.  She also had yet to seek out Amekaze to help her learn how to properly heal.  She would do that though, soon or whenever her Alpha was up for it.

At the moment Stella found herself looking at her small herb stocked pile.  She would probably go search for some more herbs today and maybe even start looking for good places to start an herb garden.  Her green eyes lifted from the herbs to survey the area around her for a moment, then she looked back to the herbs, checking them out and also thinking all the while.

RE: The Physic - Charon - July 14, 2016

A few new members had arrived, but Charon himself had been out of the pack territories for a long time so he had not been there to greet them at the borders. Luckily Amekaze had stuck mostly to pack territory, feeling poorly after what had happened with Lazarus, so she was there to greet newcomers. While Charon felt the desire to protect her, he felt an even bigger desire to chase down the culprit in case he wasn't laying dead at the bottom of a cliff (but even then finding the exact place he would've fallen would be hard). So Charon had been out and about after staying to pack territories for some time in the past.

He had just arrived back at Moonspear and was on his way to see Amekaze when he ran into one of the newer members of the pack. He did not recognise her, but she smelled of Ame so she was probably alright. Charon's face still had the fresh wounds on it from Lazarus' attacks, which made him look gruesome, but his demeanour was, though dominant, not aggressive upon his approach. "What're you staring at?" he asked, his voice gruff, though not necessarily unkind.

RE: The Physic - Estella - July 14, 2016

The sound of a voice made Estella's ears perk and her head flick up.  In front of her was a stronger looking male, with a marvelous pelt, he seemed dominant too, so she just assumed that he was in the upper tier because of that, probably an Alpha.  Alpha male perphaps, but something had happened, because he had fresh wounds that lay upon his face.  Soon enough he asked her a question and she was quick to answer.  "I'm looking at the herbs that I have stocked up on.  I have some good ones actually, I suppose that I got lucky.  In this pile I have cobwebs, burdock root, Mallow and Goldenrod."  Stella informed the male in a solemn tone.

Estella soon remembered the wounds on the males face.  "You are hurt... I could help you if you will allow me."  Stella offered to the male in a kinder voice, which was easily not as formal as before.  Then she waited for the male to make up his mind.  To either allow her to help him or not.

RE: The Physic - Charon - July 14, 2016

As she started to ramble on about herbs, Charon thought to himself that it was both useful and annoying to have another herb nerd join the pack. He didn't really want to hear her herb stock's life story, but before he knew it it had already come out. "Cobwebs aren't a herb," he stated gruffly as he thought of how it was a spider's produce, though his statement meant little.

Her attention on the wounds on his face reminded him only of his failures. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Shouldn't you introduce yourself to your new Alpha first?" He forgot to answer her question in the progress; probably because the wounds on his heart were far greater than those on his face.

RE: The Physic - Estella - July 17, 2016

The male never answered her question, so Estella took this as a no, he did not want to be treated.  Still if he ended up wanting help later, she would be up for it no matter his temper.  He first gruffily told her that cobwebs were not an herb, which Stella knew was quite obviously true.  Wow stupid, how could you make such a simple mistake, she thought to herself internally.  Then the white furred male continued on to narrow his eyes at her, which Stella took as acting a little overdramatic and then asked her, or it probably wasn't a question, more of a demand, for her name.  He also told her he was Alpha, which Estella had already assumed.

Estella kept her face neutral.  "Your right... I can't believe I actually called cobwebs an herb."  She began, with a small laugh at herself, in attempt to lighten the mood.  "My name is Estella though, or Stella for short.  I'm sorry I did not introduce myself sooner, though it is a pleasure to meet another Alpha here.  I have meet Amekaze already as can probably be assumed.  She seems like a great leader."  Stella told him steadily.

RE: The Physic - Charon - July 18, 2016

There was something about how calm she reacted that annoyed Charon. He wasn't in a very good state of mind after what'd happened between Amekaze and Lazarus, and he wanted nothing more than to get over that. But to get over it he needed his feeling of control and power back — the feeling that he was able to manipulate others and things to go his way. The fact that she didn't even seem nervous in his presence annoyed him, because he was the top dog 'round here and he wanted others to see that.

Yet he didn't speak of any of these things, of course; he'd never admit them. She admitted her mistake, but remained calm, and then introduced herself. When she said Amekaze seemed like a good leader Charon wondered if she was trying to insult his leadership skills, but he managed to control himself. "She's my mate. I'm Charon Ostrega." Stella was a pretty douchy name, Charon thought to himself, but he decided not to say it. "I doubt herbs will help make my face look any prettier, but you can try, if you want." He looked at her, impatiently waiting for her to do something. He knew Thistle'd told him that herbs could sometimes help prevent scarring. It was worth a try, as he'd been beat up enough in his life to not aspire more ugly scars. Once he'd told Potema he thought her missing eye scar was cool, but now he wasn't so sure.

RE: The Physic - Estella - July 30, 2016

Mild PP, tell me if you want me to change it and I will.  :)

She remained calm, but found herself a little fearful of Charon now inside, because of his temper.  Perhaps though he was just having a tough day.  Everyone had those of course.  She listened to his words silently taking them in solemnly without much emotion, just nods of her head.  She was although she was surprised when he grumpily agreed to letting her help him, she was glad too though of course.  She would be honored to help heal her Alpha.

"Of course Charon, thank you for letting me help."  Then with that Stella proceed to apply the burdock root on the wounds, careful with the touch.  Soon enough she was finished.  "That should help I hope."  She told him quietly, then waited for him to speak if he had any words for her.

RE: The Physic - Charon - August 04, 2016

no problem :)

Charon waited impatiently for her to start fixing his face, feeling his mood sour with every second passing. He couldn't tell if she was pleased that he would let her treat the wounds, but whatever, it didn't matter what she felt anyway. Charon felt his mood worsen when the herb stuff was applied to the wounds, a growl bubbling in his throat, rumbling and then fading out slowly as the sting of pain weakened.

"Good," Charon said, continuing a la grumpy cat style, before he eventually decided: "I should go do important things. It was nice to meet you." The words were forced and didn't sound very well-meant (probably because they weren't), and Charon turned away from Estella. He waited a moment longer before he fully turned away and started to search for Amekaze to make sure she was still doing moderately okay.

RE: The Physic - Estella - August 14, 2016

Charon's growl frightened Estella quite a bit, but she didn't mention it, although silently she wondered if poor Amekaze had to put up with this everyday, or if he was totally different around her.  Who knew though.  It wasn't like she was actually going to ask anyone.  That would be totally rude anyways.  So with that thought she decided that she would just deal with it.

Soon the Alpha began to speak... in a grumpy tone of course.  Then he went on to criticize her.  So silently she thought to herself, I think doing anything else would be better than talking to you you self centered grump.  Then the proud Alpha walked away to go do who knew what.  "It was nice to meet you too Charon."  She called out after him in a kind voice, although of course that was a lie and she really was not looking forward to seeing him again.  Still he was one of her Alpha's and Amekaze was nice.  Afterall you couldn't always have everything that you wanted in life.