Wolf RPG
Grouse Thicket The hounds of Baskerville, part two. - Printable Version

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The hounds of Baskerville, part two. - Steady - July 21, 2016

Set directly after this thread. More information can be found here! Tagging @Doe for visibility!

They howled for him to go faster, and he did under his lungs burned with the exertion. They forced him to turn into some slough, pushing him to go, go go! He was slowed by the mushy ground, but eventually he made it onto dry ground. He continued running, into a forest. He weaved through the trees, left, right, and left again. He jumped over a log, but miscalculated his landing. He faltered and his body went down, twisting his body so that he landed on his side, sliding a few feet. The bone was jolted out of his mouth and went several more feet before him. Steady's sides heaved as he did his best to take in oxygen. The voices growled in displeasure, but he could tell their hold on him had lessened. He uprighted himself slowly, his eyes on the bone. His gut instinct told him it was dangerous and not to touch it again, even as the voices seemed to order him to do so. Steady shook his head, trying to rid himself of them. He took a few steps back, and they lessened even more. He needed no more proof.

He turned and headed east out of the forest, putting more and more distance between him and the bone. The further he went, the less he felt them.