Wolf RPG
Two Rivers Isle But you had me underrated - Printable Version

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But you had me underrated - Aeronwyn - July 30, 2016

She was at the river, her muzzle in the rushing, tumbling water as it perpetually thundered past on it's endless path to the sea. Her side rose and fell with huge breaths, her muzzle having a short distance before been stained with blood. However, it was not as it might seem, for beside her on the bank lay the broken carcass of not an opponent, but a hare. It had been more of a challenge to her then out of hunger, the thing fleet of foot and quite the runner. She had run it down, dispatching it quickly, then come to the river to wash the blood from her muzzle. It had trashed quite a bit, you see, resulting in quite the mess.

Her plan was to take it to the cache,as her hunger was not great due to the plentiful summer prey, but for now simply washed and drank deeply, sating her thirst derived from the horrid heat. Oh, she hated the high summer. The prey was great, though the heat...that was a different story.

RE: But you had me underrated - Liekos - August 11, 2016

Assuming it's ok that this takes place after I joined Arthendal

Liekos was walking around exploring Arthendal's territory as she was still relatively new to the area. It was a warm day due to the summer heat. She trotted through with her tongue out panting slightly. 

She came back to the river where she had recently been accepted into the pack. She saw Aerowyn, the white wolf who had introduced her to the pack and the reason she had joined. She strolled up to where the wolf was. "Hello again" she said then lowered her head to get a small drink of water before looking back at her.

RE: But you had me underrated - Aeronwyn - September 04, 2016

Another arrived, Aeronwyn recognized the figure as Liekos. She watched as she approached, greeting her casually and the, leaning to take a drink. "Greetings." she said, watching as the other quenched her presumable thirst before looking back at her. "Hungry?" she asked simply, motioning to the rabbit that lay between them casually. Summer was an easy time, where prey was caught and shared and eaten without much thought, however, winter was a different story. And one very far away, and that did not require much thought at the moment.

RE: But you had me underrated - Liekos - September 04, 2016

Liekos looked down at the still body of the rabbit that lay between the two females as Aero asked if she was hungry. "No that's alright." she wasn't too hungry, she could have eaten some but Aero had caught it. It was all hers. She could go hunting another day, maybe highten her hunting skills. 

She wasn't really sure what to say, she had no goal in mind when she came up and greeted Aero. She was left with making possibly awkward small talk. "So what kinds of prey run around here." this might break the silence along with give her some idea of what she would be going after in a couple days.

RE: But you had me underrated - Aeronwyn - September 24, 2016

She confirmed that she was not hungry, and the pale woman listened as she continued. "Not rabbits. I had to cross the river and hunt a while to get this one; they can't cross the river, I think." She knew that Malice rather enjoyed rabbit; perhaps she would bring this one to her. A thought occurred to her, and she considered it a moment carefully. "However...if we were to catch rabbits, alive, and bring hem here, onto the isle; perhaps they would breed and the Isle could become populated." It would be difficult to initiate, and the rabbits would have to be carefully controlled so that they might not overpopulate the Isle, but it would be a good source of food. She wondered at it, looking to Liekos thoughtfully. 

"Deer, moose, cross the river on occasion. Racoon, squirrels, anything that can cross the river or has in the past." She added to her thoughts, answering the woman's question.

RE: But you had me underrated - Liekos - September 24, 2016

Aero explained that she had caught the rabbit across the river, seeing as how they were too small to cross without being swept away. Liekos nodded in a way that would have said That makes sence. Aero then went on to say that if someone from the pack were to bring them across the river alive, then they could breed here. The thought shocked Liekos. Sure it made sence in theory, but Liekos had never seen it done, or thought about the possibility.

She then took not of the animals that might be on the isle. She thought at first about how the racoons and squirrels might have the same problem with crossing the river, only to realize that if a tree hung low and long enough over the river, they would surely be able to cross. 

"I guess bringing them across would work in theory. But you would have to get quite a few, and I don't think they would be very willing. I've also never seen a rabbit in a wolf's jaws that wasn't dead already. she said commenting on her idea.

RE: But you had me underrated - Aeronwyn - October 07, 2016

She nodded, for the words the other spoke were true. It had much potential to become an I'll fated ideal.Still another thought irked her and she put it into words. "Liekos. You know of herbs and such, yes?" She begun. Perhaps she would learn some of this healing.

RE: But you had me underrated - Liekos - October 07, 2016

Aero seemed to drop the whole idea completely and changed mindsets. She asked Liekos's knowledge of herbs and plants. She nodded to her and replied saying "Ya. I know about the common plants and other healing things, but nothing to advanced or things about more uncommon plants. I've been trying to learn more." she had never trained to be a heal. She had seen and remembered how other healers in he pack did things. The common illnesses and cures were what she knew well. So far it seemed that this knowledge was useful to the pack.

RE: But you had me underrated - Aeronwyn - October 29, 2016

She affirmed her knowledge, albeit considering it not very advanced. but that was not what the woman needed, nor what she was interested in learning. "It is foolish, no, to be a warrior yet have no knowledge on how to heal oneself? That is why I ask of you to teach me, should you spare the time. I should be in debt to you were to to tell me a little of you knowledge. " she said to the woman, wondering a little at herself at the sudden change of mindset. She looked to he woman, curious for her answer, and hoping that it would be of an affirmative nature.

RE: But you had me underrated - Liekos - October 30, 2016

Aero began by saying how foolish she felt that was was awarrior who didn't know how to heal anyone. Liekos didn't think that was anything to feel foolish about. Fighting and healing were two very different things. One more active and another more passive, aswell as how one was mainly ment to injure rather then heal. But when she asked if Liekos would be willing to teach her some things she couldn't say no. "I'd be happy to help teach you some of the basics if you would like. Maybe things involving wounds more then illnesses. Might help better in fights."

RE: But you had me underrated - Aeronwyn - November 16, 2016

The woman agreed quickly, and the Warlord allowed for a smile to dance on her muzzle. She offered her thanks to the woman quickly, if not formally, before with a dip of her head and a lashing of her tail, knowing she would call for the woman soon, to teach her if she could spare the time. With that, she took her leave, though would not forget the encounter.