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Falls of the Hinterlands Moonshadows - Printable Version

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Moonshadows - Heston - August 09, 2016

He'd been restless, laying in his makeshift den. The moon outside was bright as the sun, full and glaring. It shone into the little tunnel of an entryway, stinging his eyes. Eventually, with a huff and a yawn, he'd given up on sleep and pulled himself from the earth. The moon hung large overhead, the skies clear and full of stars. He took a moment to watch them, before deciding he would head away from his den and the not so distant borders of Silver Creek. He'd heard of the Falls of the Hinterlands, of the "moonbow". Rather than linger and try to sleep, he'd make use of his wakefulness and so see the sight himself.

The journey was a pleasant one. Fireflies flickered and bounced on the warm air, singing their songs of seduction. He thought that this walk would be a nice one to take with a ladyfriend, the moonbow a nice date spot. It was well known though he assumed, for he'd heard of it during his short time here. He wound his way among the stone riverbanks, the rock cool on his pads. It certainly was a lovely place, moonbow or not. Finally, he heard the crash of the water ahead. He paused to take a drink from the river, to taste the coolness of the rocks before continuing on. 

Just as he approached the falls, mist flying from the thunderous downpour, a shadow passed over the moon. He glanced up, disgruntled, and saw a large cloud drifting steadily over. He issued a scoff of disapproval, wondering if it would blow away soon enough or bring rain. He'd be severely put out if he'd come all this way just to get rained on. He cast a last sneer at the cloud, expelling air through his nose in a vengeful manner, as if hoping to blow it away himself.

He lowered his gaze back to the falls and thought they were appealing regardless, but he was rather disappointed not to see the reason he'd come in the first place. He decided to sit and wait, enjoying the air in his fur and glancing periodically at the sky. His ears were perked, should anyone come. He certainly didn't want to interrupt a romantic evening for a couple.

RE: Moonshadows - Nico - August 10, 2016

He heard whispers in the trees, in the wind, whispers that drove him against his own thoughts, whispers that slowly, but certainly, began to soldify his inevitable decision to depart. The soldier hissed between gritted teeth, green eyes narrowing as he scanned his surroundings for what seemed like the umpteenth time. He didn't know where he was moving, or where he was going, for that matter. Nico wasn't lost; no, he knew where to go if he wanted to return home, but he knew not where he was currently, and he soon realised that he didn't really care.

The soldier heard the thundering of the falls before he saw them, and already, his face crinkled into a grimace, the unexpected noise pounding at his skull. Nico took a deep breath, steadying himself and calming his nerves before pricking his ears, his gaze now curious instead of murderous as he approached with slow, deliberate steps, wondering if there was anybody nearby on this moonlit night. Unknown to him, his train of thoughts arrived to the exact same stop that another wolf here came to tonight: that this was a good spot for a date. Although for Nico, his mind wandered more specifically to a certain silver furred, sterling eyed wraith.

Reluctantly, the soldier pushed the nagging thoughts of her aside and continued on his quiet journey, the source of the noise soon visible in the nearing distance. It wasn't long before a figure came to sight, nothing but a shadow, a silhouette against the flashing silver of the waterfall. He cocked his head, his footfalls silent as he determined his next move. He shrugged to himself; it wasn't like he had anything to lose, and approached, chuffing a soft greeting to the stranger as he neared.

RE: Moonshadows - Heston - August 10, 2016

He watched the water tumble down, the flashing silver disappearing into the darkness of the water below. It was pretty, at the least, even if a cloud did block the entire reason he'd had for being here. After a moment he heard another, the soft footfalls on stone. He flicked his ears to listen, to see if it were only one. It appeared to be just a single wolf, so his worries of interrupting a date were as yet unfounded. A soft friendly chuff reached his ears and he turned to look at the other, responding in kind and offering a small twitch of his tail.

It was another male, another large male, who was almost similar in color to Heston. The male's coat was a little darker where Heston's was lighter but they both bore markings of pale silver and grey. As the male grew closer Heston nodded to him, the typical smirk playing across his lips in a friendly way. "Greetings. Have you come to see this 'Moonbow' too? Your luck is as bad as mine, the only cloud in the sky decided now was the time to show itself." He chuckled softly at his own misfortune and glanced skyward once more. "Name's Heston." He raised his eyes to the other's, waiting for a reply. 

A male wasn't exactly the company he'd envisioned for this spot, but he wouldn't turn down a friendly conversation. The brute himself might have the same intentions for this area as Heston, simply wanting to see what it offered and possibly to evaluate it for future possibilities. The man didn't smell of a pack, but it was possible to live as a lone wolf and have your own life outside the boundaries of borders. The thought crossed Heston's mind that he might smell more of Silver Creek than a loner, though he'd not officially shared scents with the pack yet.

RE: Moonshadows - Nico - August 11, 2016

Up close, Nico noticed that the male was of similar colour to himself, whereas where he had black guard hairs peppering his spine, the stranger did not seem to bear the same marks, or perhaps he did, but merely a lighter shade. Either ways, the soldier observed him with mild interest, a small smile playing on his lips as if he wasn't sure whether to have it on or not. His paler twin greeted him, inquiring if he was here to see the 'moonbow' as well. At that, the dark agouti shook his head, though he lifted his gaze to the sky, observing with quiet interest what the stranger had pointed out: the cloud drifting over the moon. 

He smiled then, "I'm afraid not," he murmured slightly, easing himself into a more comfortable position beside the other male. "I have not heard of this 'moonbow' before this moment. I'm curious though, what is it?" Nico glanced at his companion, his eyes gleaming in curiousity, the corner of his lip quirking upwards in the ghost of his signature grin. While he held the appearance of one who's curiousity lends him to ask a question, in truth, the soldier was observing his companion's features which was decidingly comely. Another look caused the boy to come to a conclusion that this male was not interested in the same sex, but it wasn't terribly uncommon for his deductions to be incorrect, especially when it came down to situations similar to this one.

"Heston," Nico rolled the word around his tongue, briefly contemplating it as he stared off into the silver of the waterfall, seemingly lost in thought. "Pleasure to meet you," he murmured quietly. While the stranger had offered him a name, the soldier did not give him his own perhaps because he was silently wondering if it was worth it, as well as weighing his chances and odds, wondering if his name would be used for ill against him. It wasn't uncommon, especially for a wolf such as himself.

RE: Moonshadows - Heston - August 11, 2016

The other seemed amiable enough, coming up to take a seat at Heston's side. He bore a roguish smile that Heston found to fit his face. He was a handsome wolf, which to Heston's mind made them all the more similar. Woe to any female who happened upon the pair of them sitting here, looking nearly mythical in the mist thrown by the falls. He didn't comment on this idea to his newfound companion, but a glint lit his eye as he imagined it. He was not one to be envious of another as he was quite pleased with himself as he was. He wasn't one to deny what he saw, either, and to pretend that the male beside him was not attractive would be a lie. He wasn't blind.

His ears flicked as the other addressed the 'moonbow'. "Well, perhaps your luck isn't as bad as mine, then." He said with a small chuckle, meeting the other's green eyes with his own orange before gesturing back towards the falls. "Apparently it's a rainbow cast by the moon through the falls. I've not seen it yet, clearly." He shrugged. "I thought it sounded interesting enough, but the sky had other plans for me." He frowned lightly, in mock agitation. 

Heston wasn't unaware of different sexual orientations. Though he'd never directly met a male who appreciated the same sex, he'd certainly heard tell of them. Females as well. While he himself found his interests pointedly in the opposite gender, he'd never felt scandalized by any of the other paths to travel. In fact, he'd not shy from flirting with a male the same as he would a female. It was all a compliment to him. The male had made a guess as to Heston's orientation and he was right, Heston however, hadn't even thought to consider that the male may or may not be straight. 

The male spoke his name and Heston nodded, watching the falls again. He noted that the male didn't give his own name, but he turned and smirked lightly at the other, dipping his head. "Pleasure's mine." He didn't directly ask for a name, not yet, but he had noticed that the other hadn't given him one. "What brings you out this way, then? Were you restless as well? Damn moon was so bright, kept shining straight into my den. Only makes sense that as soon as give up on the thought of sleep and seek something else it'd go behind a cloud." He snorted and shook his head. "Are you new to these lands?" He meant of course, the Teekon in general but the male could take it whatever way he liked.

RE: Moonshadows - Nico - August 12, 2016

"A rainbow cast by the moon through the falls, huh?" Nico tilted his head upwards, eyeing the moon curiously. "Sounds interesting," he grinned, "Now, if only we can see it..." he trailed off, though his eyes wandered, scanning his surroundings and occasionally, admiring the beauty of the waterfall, even though he'd prefer if it wasn't so deafening. He turned his attention back to Heston, the corner of his eyes crinkling in mirth, "Yeah, sad for you, isn't it?" his tone was playful and the smile on his face indicated that if anything, he was teasing. He'd found that he enjoyed teasing others, whether they be familiars or strangers. As long as they didn't try to fight him; he didn't want to be accidentally kill someone just yet.

"Not really," Nico lifted one shoulder in a shrug, eyeing the sky once more. "I'm on a little scouting trip for the fledgling pack I'm in. I was bored and decided to check out the noise, so yeah. Not as interesting as yours, eh?" the soldier smirked, green eyes gleaming with a spark of mischievousness. He quelled his prankster thoughts, however, as he answered Heston's question with a shrug, "Depends. I supposed one could say I'm new here, since I haven't lived here long." He fixed his gaze on his paler twin, "What about you, Heston?"

RE: Moonshadows - Heston - August 12, 2016

Heston nodded the affirmative as the male repeated his description and he returned the grin, shaking his head. "My problem exactly." For a moment they sat in a peaceful conversational silence. It would be incorrect to say the night was silent, for the water still thundered on. He glanced to the male at the tease and smirked a little. "Well, I didn't expect to be teased for my bad luck on top of everything. Now I'm well and truly put out." He thought that he rather liked the male, then. He seemed to have playful air about him, it eased the unfamiliarity they had with each other.

"Not as interesting, no. More sensible, however." He replied in concern to the man's trip here. Heston had come seeking a simple sight, this man had a duty. "Hard to be as interesting as I am, though." He said with a shrug, casting his own smirk at the male. His answer was much the same to the brute's. He'd not been within the Wilds long himself. "Same as you, I suppose. Haven't been here terribly long, long enough to set my sights on a pack and work towards it. The one I was eyeing is already established, though. Whereabouts does yours aim to set up?"

It would be nice to have some information to give to Spring regarding a new pack if he could. It was possible he wouldn't know the area that the male said they were looking at, if the male said at all. Still, it would be information he could provide. "You seem a friendly enough sort, your pack intend on being the same?"

He didn't imagine any wolf would answer that question in the negative, but he only wanted a small amount of insight as to the behavior of the pack. All the more he could relay to Spring. "I'll mention your folk to the leader of the pack I'm well, courting I suppose. The pack, that is. Not the leader. Maybe start a peaceful relationship between the two." Although Spring was a lovely woman, if he grew to know her better he wouldn't mind saying that he was courting her, as well. And then there was Amber. The relationships within the pack were too new to say, however, too new to try and settle his mind on one face without knowing the person behind them better.

RE: Moonshadows - Nico - August 14, 2016

Nico raised an eyebrow, the corner of his lip quirking upwards in a smirk as he chuckled softly, "In your dreams, Hesty," he rolled his eyes, "No one can be more interesting than I," he grinned and once again, tilted his head upwards to observe the sky. The moon was still covered by the clouds which meant that this moonbow wouldn't be happening anytime soon. Not that it really mattered as long as Heston was here to provide him with easy company. It'd been sometime since he was able to have an exchange with a stranger with such ease and he'd be lying if he said he didn't quite miss it. It was almost soothing to realise that he hadn't lost his charm, not yet, at the very least.

But when Heston asked about where Royal Fire Court was, he knew that that was something he was unable to tell a stranger for fear that he might be a spy, manipulating the soldier for information. While he had decided to leave the Court soon, he knew, without a doubt, that until then, he was completely loyal to his pack and his packmates thus, keeping his lips sealed on that matter. "Oh, nowhere specific," he drawled, "Just north of here, I suppose," he finished vaguely. Then he shrugged, "Yeah, not if you're a trespasser though," he smirked. "What about you?" he inquired in return, deciding that this was a chance to work on his Scout trade. "Where's your pack located? Are they as charming as you are?" Nico winked, eyes twinkling with mirth.

"Maybe," the soldier shrugged once again, not knowing if Charley was okay with the ideas of an ally. If it was him, he would establish peaceful connections but not an alliance, alliances were annoying and troublesome. But he wasn't Charley and he wasn't the King, so, he supposed, he would just report back later.

RE: Moonshadows - Heston - August 14, 2016

Hesty. The name made him snort. He'd have returned the favor to the other male's name, but he still didn't know it. He chuckled at the response given however and rolled his own eyes. "Ah, I see. So we're at an impasse." He followed his companions eyes to the sky and watched the cloud, it was well and good over the moon, with no signs of ending soon. He supposed it wasn't such a bad thing though, not since he had good company here. Although, had he been aware of the male's assumptions, he'd be willing to argue the charm was his.

Direct questions about his pack drew vague answers, another thing that Heston did not miss. He nodded to the reply though, willing to allow the male his secrecy. He wouldn't give something for nothing though, and so he aimed to be equally as vague. Not in a malicious way, of course, but if the male was unwilling to answer him there must be a reason. "Fair enough. I don't think anywhere takes kindly to trespassers, for good reason. I'm opposite you, it seems. Southward instead." At the male's comment on his charms he smirked. 

"They're a good sort, and there's one who might give me a run for my money within them...but my charm surpasses even she. Though I'm sure she'd disagree." Amber, of course. He wondered what exactly she'd do if he came into Silver Creek to introduce his new friend, yet another smirking, charming face. Would he grow jealous, he wondered, if this male and Amber were to hit it off? He didn't fancy himself the jealous sort but he quite liked being one of the few males within Silver Creek. 

"You know, you've said that no one is more interesting than you and I have to say...shrouding yourself in mystery certainly helps. No name, charming smiles and words. The ladies must go mad over it. Without the mystery though, I would clearly dominate the interest." He smirked again at the other, showing her was only playing. He wouldn't push for a name past this, but he couldn't resist. He didn't see anything menacing in the other not giving his name, they were on free land that was unclaimed...there was no reason he need identify himself. "Or shall I give you a nickname myself?" His eyes sparkled with mischief.

RE: Moonshadows - Nico - August 15, 2016

"Ah, is it a nice place?" Nico asked, curious, but still wishing for answers but knowing that Heston was not as much a fool as he initially pinned him to be, keeping his own answers about the pack he was currently in, vague. "I've always preferred somewhere Northern, as I grew up in the North, but," he grinned then, "that's not going to happen anytime soon." His gaze turned a bit wistful and memories of his better childhood flashed through his mind. A wave of nostaliga swept through him, and the soldier swallowed before putting them away in his mental folder of 'good memories' and closing it, unwilling to be drown in a pool of melancholia while chatting with a stranger.

Instead, he smiled at Heston's words about a girl and mentally filing away the information, however vague it was, in his brain, to report back to Charley and Aspen when he came back. "I'm sure she would," he smirked good naturedly, his mind drifting back to Aeronwyn.

"Oh, they do. Ladies love me," Nico smirked, "guys as well," he added as an afterthought, though he wouldn't be surprised if Heston didn't know of same-sex relationships; lots of wolves he'd met didn't and he took no offense in that, as long as they weren't completely disrespectful. "Keep dreaming, Hesty, and maybe it'll come true," he teased, amused at the man's antics while knowing full well that he was the charming one here - or was it just his ego speaking?  "Go on," he laughed, "give me a nickname. I'll like to see what you come up with."

RE: Moonshadows - Heston - August 16, 2016

"Haven't seen the inside of the borders yet, actually." Heston sighed. "They've got a rather long joining process. Weeds out the impatient and disloyal, though, I suppose." This was true, not intentionally vague. He'd yet to receive permission to join their ranks as a full member. Heston nodded to his response. "Like the snow, do you? Fall was always my favorite season, personally. I came from a ways up North myself though. I thought I would have settled somewhere closer to home, but my paws lead me here." There was the slightest trace of bitterness as he spoke of being closer to home. He had been settling closer to home, though not so close as to touch borders but, alas. Still, the Wilds pleased him, Silver Creek pleased him.

For a moment the both of them seemed lost in memory, but Heston shoved it away. He'd been dwelling on his past too much of late, the circumstances of joining Silver Creek had drawn it to the front of his mind. He pushed his own mental folder, this of not so treasured memories. He snorted at Nico's reply, smirking at the male. The comment about guys drew a quirk of his brow, but no judgement. "You bear enough resemblance to me, I think if my gaze turned the male way I'd likely search you out too. Can't have much fun with my reflection, sadly. The best conversations, though. And such a wonderful view." He teased, chuckling and smirking.

"It's already true, poor soul, you just don't know it." He adopted a mock look of pity, flattening his ears at the male until a laugh broke his expression. "Hmmm. A nickname." He murmured, eyeing the male up and down. "Spectre. For all I know about you, you may just be the ghost of a lonely wolf who died in the falls. No name, no pack name. Longing for companionship. Throw in something about waiting for a lover and the ladies, or the men even, will be tripping over themselves to come here on nights without a moon." He grinned and nodded, clearly pleased with newly dubbed Spectre's backstory. "Hows that, Spec? Perhaps I should be a storyteller. You think they'd get too distracted gazing at me, though?"

He was having a good time with Spectre. Conversation came easily and the jokes were traded just as swiftly. It was like conversing with an old friend and Heston found himself slightly disappointed that the male already had a pack to belong to.

RE: Moonshadows - Nico - August 18, 2016

Nico had the urge to snicker at Heston's comment about weeding out the impatient and disloyal. Impatient, perhaps, but disloyal, definitely not. Some might be spies, with a long patience. Others simply wanted a home and were willing to do anything to have one until a better offer came by. As far as the soldier was concerned, there was no real way to weed out the disloyal, and to think that it was even possible was simply the thoughts of a delusional, idealistic wolf with their head in the clouds. Anyone who was practical would know the truth. The soldier wasn't as disrepectful as to state out his very realistic opinions, however, knowing that he might upset the other male and lead their current, rather peaceful conversation into a complete mess of an argument. That, he didn't want.

"Narcissistic little bastard," he teased Heston with a playful, well-meaning smile. "I think you meant to say that you bear resemblance to me, not the other way around," he said, with a roll of his eyes. While the soldier truly didn't care much for appearances, he was no idiot. He knew that he was rather charismatic and handsome and on occasion, he used that to his advantage, manipulating wolves to do his bidding. It wasn't something he liked, but it came to use when he was on an undercover mission. Plus, if they fell for it, well, they did ask for it, in a way, didn't they? After all, who would fall for a stranger, albeit a wickedly gorgeous one.

"Spectre," Nico smiled, a curious gleam entering his apple green gaze as he tilted his head, gazing at Heston with amused eyes and a thoughtful smile while he listened to the paler wolf's explanation for giving him this nickname. "You know what? I rather like it. I might just use that nickname when strangers much like yourself ask me for my name," he smirked, chuckling softly at the backstory Heston gave him. He raised an eyebrow, "For all you know, it might be the truth to my past," Nico said, with a serious nod, although the facade of solmenness faded away quickly. "Quit deluding yourself, Hesty," he joked. "You ain't that pretty, sweetheart."

RE: Moonshadows - Heston - August 19, 2016

Perhaps another word would have been better to choose than disloyal. Heston had only meant that wolves who would easily be swayed to abandon the pack would not be willing to wait so long. Those with a nefarious goal in mind could obvious wheedle their way in, though he would have argued that it would be a lot of work for simple spying. Of course, he was not a wolf who had much to do with espionage, so he likely wasn't the best sort to discuss it.

Heston raised a brow at Spectre's comment, snorting. "Honest to a fault, rather." He said with a grin. "Mm, I hate to disagree. I believe I am older, therefore I came first. You are but an attempted replication, I'm afraid." He was only guessing as to Spectre's age, though, and if the male came back that he was in fact the older of the pair Heston would have an answer for that too. Heston only nodded in response, his face calm and confident in his own fabricated story, as the other appraised it.

"Hm. More mystery then, I see." Then as the other replied it might be the truth Heston raised a brow skeptically and lifted his paw, intending to bump the other's shoulder with it. "Well, a spirit can't be touched. So, if you feel real to me...It seems at least that part is false. So I suppose you haven't yet died at the falls." 

"Augh," He sighed, over-dramatic like someone who had been injured. "You wound me, Spec. And you lie horribly." He smirked at the other, fluttering his lashes at the brute. "You know I'm gorgeous. You just don't want to admit it to yourself, lest your heart be broken because I don't swing your way." He waggled his brows then, before adopting a serious face and narrowing his eyes. "I've hit the nail on the head, haven't I? You poor love-torn soul, you." He smirked playfully, showing the teasing was all in good fun.

RE: Moonshadows - Nico - August 22, 2016

Nico canted his head, an amused smile playing at his lips when the other male said that he was older and therefore came first. Truthfully, the soldier couldn't tell whether or not he was younger or older than Heston, but thought it didn't matter. A year of difference meant absolute nothing to the deWinter, so he was never sure why it did to some other wolves. Nevertheless, he didn't question it. Instead, he laughed softly, eyes glittering with gentle mirth at his companion's statement. He cared little for his looks or appearances, despite knowing he had them, thus relented to letting Heston believe he was the prettier of the two.

"There are solid spirits, Hesty," Nico remarked, "Remember, a storyteller cannot afford to be close-minded," he teased good-naturedly, licking his lips as he mentally recalled the story that Heston told him about his supposed past. It was rather interesting, he thought, and what was sad was that the fabricated story was way more interesting than his actual life. Man, Nico definitely needed to make his life a tad more fascinating.

Nico raised an eyebrow, "Lie horribly?" he laughed, "Mate, I'm the best liar you'll ever meet. If you want to see a horrible liar, why don't you look into the river? I'm sure you'll see one then." Though his words might appear harsh, he was in no way, really insulting the paler man. He found the other guy's quirks amusing, and wished for a moment that he swung the other way so Nico would have a chance with him. However, the moment the thought crossed his mind, an image of a silver fae flitted through and he smiled, knowing that until that was dealt with, his heart was not readily available for anyone else.

"Don't kid yourself, Hest," Nico rolled his eyes. "Look, I'll admit, you're gorgeous and man, wouldn't I want to do you and date you," he smiled in a joking way should the other take his words in the wrong way and assume the soldier was insulting him by. "But you're overlooking the fact that I swing both ways, and my heart is already ensnared by another silver fae." He adopted a look of sadness, "I'm so sorry, Heston. I'm sure that you would've loved to date me too, regardless of the fact that you're a ladies man."

RE: Moonshadows - Heston - August 23, 2016

Heston would accept his victory whether the man truly believed he was more handsome or not. The other didn't contradict his words about age, so Heston assumed he was right on that front too, though he couldn't truly know. Some wolves looked younger than Heston with many years beyond what he had, some wolves aged prematurely. Either way, Heston's guess was unchallenged. He raised his brow at the male, snorting softly. "Solid spirits? I've never heard of such a thing." He did nod at the tip for story-teller though. "Perhaps I have skills to brush up on, then."

The male laughed at his joke and Heston smirked as he retorted. "Only if I lean so far as to see you, too, dear Spectre. Perhaps you're good at lying about other things, I'll allow you that, if you insist. I would say you could have been lying to me many times over as we talked, but you've given so little I can't imagine the point in a lie." He shrugged, dismissing the thought. If Spectre had lied about one of the small things they discussed, it was of no matter to him. The important things the brute had kept secret.

He straightened up and puffed his chest, wiggling his head on his neck as he thrust it into the air in a form of mock regality as the male complimented his looks. "Ah, the truth will set you free Spec!" He offered only a wink at the comment of doing and dating. Spectre continued and Heston allowed his posture to return to normal. He chuckled, eyeing the male critically. "Well, you've got me there. The heart wants what it wants, I pray you're less mysterious with this female than you are with me, though. Far as dating you...you're plenty good company, it's the logistics of things that would give me pause." Spectre was plenty attractive objectively, it was simply that males did not get Heston's heart racing, nor his passions up. He'd never before truly considered being with a male, though, so he had to wonder if Spectre wouldn't be right.

"So you've got your ghostly lover after all, hm?" He said after a moment, raising a brow. "May you both have long and happy lives, then and not end up leaping from waterfalls and haunting them." He smirked slightly, but his meaning was true. Spectre was a good sort, Heston liked to think that he and his female would have a good life together.

RE: Moonshadows - Nico - August 25, 2016

"That is true," Nico smiled and nodded at Heston's words about lying. He had given away so very little that there hardly was a point in him lying to the stranger when he'd basically said next to nothing about himself, his life and his pack. To be honest, he was rather proud of himself for his secrecy, knowing that Charley and Aspen probably wouldn't want everyone knowing everything about their pack. Although, if Heston had been a loner, Nico would've told him more, given the fact that he would want to recruit the paler man.

Damn, if only Heston was looking for a pack, because Nico would've been glad to offer him a place in Royal Fire Court. But he supposed that one could not get everything they want all the time.

Nico grinned and shook his head at Heston's antics, though he said nothing else on the matter of looks and dating. He realised that even if offered the chance to date the paler male, he wouldn't have taken it. He was too chatty.....and while it wasn't necessarily a bad thing, Nico wasn't sure he would be his type. Ah, well, he needn't worry about that, after all, he had a female to woo back home and as far as he was concerned, Nico believed that he had a rather decent chance with her.

"I suppose so," he smiled, "Don't worry, I'm not offended in the slightest that you prefer women, most do," he lifted a shoulder in a shrug. 

Then the silver soldier laughed, "Thank you, Heston," he said good-naturedly, "And I hope you find a lady as well, and lead a happy life with her," he dipped his head in a playful bow and rose to his feet with a yawn. "I'm sorry to go, but I have to take my leave. You've been great company, Hesty. I hope you see you again."

RE: Moonshadows - Heston - August 25, 2016

You can fade if you'd like, or I can close it up here?

Spectre returned his well wishes and Heston wondered if he would finally find someone to settle down with in Silver Creek. He was charming, but not opposed to commitment. He'd always liked the idea of children, though in practice wasn't exactly skilled at handling pups. Spectre dipped into a playful bow and Heston smirked and returned the gesture. He hadn't expected for this little trip to have gone so nicely, moonbow or no. He was pleased to have met the mystery brute all the same and slightly saddened to part ways. If only he had been in need of a pack, he'd gladly take him to Silver Creek.

Heston nodded, smirking again at the other male. "I understand, it seems I won't get to see the Moonbow after all. The trip was worth the company, at least, so it wasn't a waste thanks to you. I hope we meet again, as well, as friends." He didn't know how often packs in this area had disputes, but he hadn't to think the next time he saw the brute would be as enemies. "Have a safe trip home, Spectre." He said, smiling again at the male.

He would stay for a little while longer, watch the falls and hope the cloud would finally move. He cast another glance skyward, but still the cloud was dark and full. Only the edges of the cloud revealed the moon behind, lining it in silver. Fitting, at least, he thought. He would not see the moonbow, but he would have the silver lining of a good conversation.