Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest miracle sun - Printable Version

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miracle sun - Rannoch’s Ghost - August 16, 2016

Another day meant another opportunity to go out and explore. The morning was just starting as Rannoch woke from his sleep. Slowly, he opened his heavy eyelids and greeted the soft morning light with a yawn. Despite him still feeling tired, Rannoch knew that a new day meant that it was time to go and play-- not to sleep the day away. He was not quick to jump to his feet and after some lounging her eventually got around to doing just that. He lifted himself from their next with a grunt and turned towards his sleeping family. He had three options on who to wake, three easy targets… His whiskers twitched as he mulled over this decision and eventually he set his eyes on who he would wake: Momma.

He tiptoed over to her side and sat, looking down at her with excited eyes. “Momma,” he whispered, reaching out with a soft paw to prod her in the cheek. “Momma, peas,” he had to make sure that he had his manners in line!

RE: miracle sun - Eshe RIP - August 23, 2016

At the prodding of her son, one eye twitched to a golden open. She beheld her growing son, and her tail thumped against the ground. Hey, sweetie, she greeted, up already? As though this were a shock! Try as she might to schedule them to naps and wake-up times, the cubs had a mind of their own.

He had minded his manners, so even despite her exhaustion Eshe hummed a complacent, what's going on, honey?

RE: miracle sun - Rannoch’s Ghost - August 23, 2016

It did not take Eshe long to wake up and as she did the young prince danced back a step and smiled widely at her. “Momma!” he whispered in a sweet purr, greeting her as warmly as the sun greeted the horizon every morning. Once she asked a question of him, he stepped forward once more to place a kiss upon her cheek.

“Momma, can peas esplore?” Came his request quietly once the kiss had been given. He wanted nothing more in that moment than to go and explore the territory with her alone.

RE: miracle sun - Eshe RIP - August 23, 2016

Eshe hoisted herself upward as he continued his attentions toward her, and at his inquiry she glanced toward the sleeping pair that was Cypress and Scimitar. She informed her mate that she'd be taking a quick little jaunt with their Rannoch, and that, when he and Cypress arose, he could find her when he wished to or else she'd return in not too much time. She kissed her man and then her lookalike, before turning to her baby. Well, only because you asked so nicely, she responded agreeably. Come, now! She encouraged, hoisting herself to all fours and stepping over him to exit the den first, her eyes adjusting and seeking any potential predators. None could be smelled, to her relief, but that was no surprise. The Forest was well guarded, her mate ensured this.

RE: miracle sun - Rannoch’s Ghost - August 23, 2016

His question was met with action, but not an exact answer. He watched carefully as her attention turned briefly to the sleeping pair, his attention shifting with hers. When she was set to go and gave a verbal agreement, the cub jumped to his paws with a smile. “Thank, Momma!” His voice was quiet because he knew that being indoors required a special voice-- the inside voice. Dutifully, he trotted after her and allowed her to take the lead out of the den. When the two exited their cozy home Rannoch looked to his mother with bright eyes. “Momma,” he asked, an idea striking for what the pair could do on their jaunt. “Can we peas go chase out bad woofs? Like Pawppa?” After all Scimitar was sleeping soundly and they could help him out! The idea of danger did not strike the child’s naive mind and his only current concern at the moment was protecting the woods that they both loved so dearly.

RE: miracle sun - Eshe RIP - August 23, 2016

No, darlin', she answered swiftly, not wanting him to even think she entertained such an idea! And I don't want to hear you doin' none of that with no one, you hear me young man? Not yet! You see, size is a big advantage, and you are still a little thing. You had better believe that the big bad wolves out there would surely use that to their advantage... She shook her head, discontent with even the imaging of any hurting her little boy. She'd kill them, she would!

Then, Eshe thought fondly of Goldhawk for a moment, and an idea occurred to her. But I can teach you how to react quickly to things, I sure think it'd impress your paw, she marched a bit ahead of him, sure that this would distract him from what he couldn't do!

RE: miracle sun - Rannoch’s Ghost - August 23, 2016

No, they couldn’t go get the bad guys? He looked up to her with a gleam of disappointment in his milky eyes. If only she had seen that time that he and Cypress had chased out butterflies-- surely then she would think differently about allowing to go and save the day. But he did not protest to this, instead she remained silent and waited as she offered some more thoughts about the matter. “I prowmise,” he offered to her warning with a solemn nod. As much as he didn’t like it, he would not go behind his mother’s back.

But instead of stewing in his own hurt feelings, Eshe offered an alternative. Perking with interest he cocked his head and asked, “Wassa do, Momma?” He quickened his speed to attempt to keep up with her as he wondered what was up her sleeve.

RE: miracle sun - Eshe RIP - August 23, 2016

She moved towards low-hanging shrubbery and bushes, and paused before them. She circled one small bush in particular, and pulled at a branch and watched it thwap forwards. It would do. She moved to a neighboring tree, and looked to her son. Now, watch, and she demonstrated. Her first go was inexpert; she hit herself in the face and jumped backward with a frustrated whine. Mama was just showin' you what not to do, sweetie, you don't wanna get hit by the tree! And then she tried again. This time, she snapped at the branch that danced around every so often, getting certain points of it; her tail waved.

The point is, don't go for it all at once; grab what you can, then jump back! Then try again, if you see a spot you can grab without gettin' hit yourself, she encouraged him with a nudge, and then moving to wind the shrub up for him some. Rdy?

RE: miracle sun - Rannoch’s Ghost - August 23, 2016

Curiosity drew him down the path that his Momma trekked, his attention only falling on her. Once they came to a shrubbed area their lesson promptly began. He watched keenly as Eshe went up against the bush and soon found his excitement fading as he watched Eshe get his in the face. A low growl bubbled in his throat as he looked to the shrub, making a new enemy in the process. Nobody hurt his Momma! But he was soon soothed by her explanation. He relaxed at this watched carefully on how it should be done.

Soon it was his turn and as she nudged him, the child teetered towards the shrubbery, remembering all that he had just seen his mother do. “Ready, Momma!” His eyes were focused on the branch and he was ready to jump to action. Without another thought, he lunched. Launching himself to the unsuspecting bush, Rannoch snapped at it and retrieved a small mouthful before jumping backwards only a step or so away. Once he had landed, the boy looked up to Eshe with a smile as if to say “Did you see that?!”

RE: miracle sun - Eshe RIP - August 24, 2016

He sprang after the branch when she released; he caught some, withdrew, but did not remain watchful. As the branch went to thwap him--its force significantly less than the force that she had made for her own stick, Eshe moved to intervene so that only the leaves brushed against his features. You need to keep watching the wolf you go against, Rannoch--in this case the branch! Darlin', if you take your eyes off your opponent, you give 'em the advantage to strike when you're not lookin'! It's a dishonorable thing to do, but there are dishonorable wolves in the world. Now, son, here's a big life lesson: never attack another when their back is turned to you. They are retreating--and that is a loss, for them, okay darlin'? To attack someone when their back is turned is the lowest of the low things you can do. Of course, if they trespass and they're fleein' and they're dangerous and too close to the territory, you can give chase and attack as necessary, there was a difference between a fight and trespassing and a true retreat. She wanted her son to be great and honorable like his father before him.

RE: miracle sun - Rannoch’s Ghost - August 24, 2016

He was all too wrapped up in his own glory to even notice the branch swing back in his direction, his eyes only looking to his mother in the moment. A smack and a loud thwap jostled him out of his prideful moment and he yelped in surprise at what had just happened. Thankfully the only injured thing was his pride-- he came out of it unscathed. As Eshe pulled the branch away he took a step back, his ears flattening upon his crown as he looked up to her. He wasn’t proud of what had just happened, especially since it had been in the midst a lesson!

He quickly forgot about his pride as a lesson was taught. His attention was undivided as the Gamma instilled a lesson that he would not forget anytime soon. “Dishonwable?” he echoed curiously, his head tilting at the strange word. “Issa dat bad woofs?”

RE: miracle sun - Eshe RIP - September 19, 2016

Yes, honey, she informed, nodding sagely. You watch out for that sort. She would not get too deep into lessons about 'bad wolves' today, as he was still young. He was smart, and she would never pull wool over his eyes. He knew to behave, and he knew why he must behave, and he knew why he must inform her of his whereabouts; but as for the true savagery the world could offer, as for the true savagery even she herself had endured... well, not yet. The innocence in his eyes was something she held fast to. She moved to kiss where the branch had inflicted its blow, and gestured to the shrubs. Y'wanna try again, darlin'?

RE: miracle sun - Rannoch’s Ghost - September 22, 2016

He took in the information, knowing that he would probably need this information at a later date. He was naive to all of the wicked things in the world, but eventually he would come to learn all about them. To Eshe’s next question, as she drew out the darker subjects in their lesson, Rannoch smile and nodded. “Ywes, peas momma!”

With the acceptance in the air, Rannoch turned towards the branch and growled as he readied himself mentally for what the bush was going to offer. They continued to practice from there and Rannoch learned much in the sport of sparring, all thanks to Eshe.