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Silvertip Mountain Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Printable Version

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Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Addie - August 20, 2016

Set directly after this thread.

Adeline ran straight to the den and retrieve the moonstone that @Niita had given her. She had really like the gift when it was given to her, but after hearing Chaska's story and what the stone could do, Adeline decided quickly that it wasn't something she wanted to risk happening to her. 

So, with the stone in her jaws, she ran to find a spot to discard of the stone. After searching for a little while and not finding a suitable spot, she decided to simply bury it. Next to a large tree, she began digging, sending dirt flying every which way. 

RE: Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Ezekiel - August 21, 2016

Hope you don't mind me, I love threading with Adeline!

Ezekiel had decided to seek out Adeline, to play or something, give her some attention. With him spending time with his friend Valette, and being the beta, and the fox hunt, he hadn't been around to see her in a while. He felt it was about time to visit his little friend. When he arrived at her place however, the pup was nowhere to be found. His first instinct was that she was in trouble, but he extinguished that thought quickly. She wasn't really a baby anymore, and could do things for herself. Plus he found a fresh scent trail, so she couldn't be too far off.

He followed the trail to a large tree, whose roots were being demolished by a small brown pup. Adeline. He wasn't sure why she was digging a hole, but she wasn't getting far deep. With a shrug, the playful male trotted forwards and started digging right next to her. Turning to Adeline as he dug, he asked, Why are we digging holes? He was joking around a bit, assuming it wasn't too serious. It wasn't like she was burying a body or something (or was she?).

RE: Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Addie - August 21, 2016

Not at all! <3 Adeline loves her Ezekiel!

Adeline was almost frantic in her motions to disturb the ground and move the dirt away so that she could place the moonstone in the hole. So engrossed was she that it took her a moment to realize that someone else had begun helping her did. She glanced to Ezekiel, pausing for only a second before returning to her frantic digging.

When he asked why they were digging, she dropped the moonstone beside her so that she could answer, still digging. We have to bury the moonstone so it doesn't take me to the moon forever, she explained, dead serious. She wasn't really sure how far she needed to dig, but she would keep going until she was satisfied the moonstone couldn't take her away.

RE: Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Ezekiel - August 21, 2016

Adeline continued to dig, as frantic and crazed as a spooked horse. Ezekiel furrowed his brow as she explained herself, quickly returning to the task. Clearly she was serious, and believed every word of what she was saying. But that couldn't possibly happen. A rock, taking her up to that big cheese ball in the sky. Ezekiel wondered where on earth she'd gotten such an idea, but continued digging. If she was that serious he wouldn't try and convince her otherwise. He'd go along with it for now.

Why is your rock gonna take you to the moon? He asked, sounding just as serious as she. He was good at serious, even when faking it. It was his natural resting facial expression, so he pulled it off well. However he was quite amused by her notion that a rock was gonna take her to space.

RE: Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Addie - August 21, 2016

Ezekiel didn't tell her she was wrong, not that she had doubt about what Chaska had told her. Because, if you tell anyone about the moonstone, it takes you to the moon and you can never come back, no matter how sorry you are, she explained, huffing between a few words as she exerted herself digging. 

She paused then, her body going completely still, dirt covering her front paws and legs. Slowly, she looked at Ezekiel, her eyes wide with fear. I just told you, she said, her voice quivering. It's going to take me! she cried. She flung herself at Ezekiel, trying to wrap herself around his legs. Don't let it take me, Ezekiel! Please! I don't want to leave!

RE: Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Ezekiel - August 21, 2016

The moonstone was gonna take her to the moon? Who had told her that? Ezekiel stopped digging, realizing that she had grown frightened. Sure enough the girl flung herself at him, after realizing that she'd done exactly what she'd just said not to do. Ezekiel was a bit surprised when she first hit him, stumbling for a moment. But he stopped himself, looking down at her with an amused look. Adeline its a rock. It can't take you anywhere. It can't even take itself anywhere, see? He walked towards it, allowing the girl to remain wrapped around his leg. 

He stopped in front of it and prodded it with his nose, moving it in every direction. See no legs. No legs, no wings or find, no no no uh He paused, trying to remember the word, pseudopods or whatever those things are. Just a cool rock. I promise it's not taking anywhere. Even if it could I wouldn't let it. He turned his attention from the glittering stone back to the small green eyed girl. Hopefully she would get off his leg and understand, but you never could know with little kids. They did what they wanted.

RE: Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Addie - August 21, 2016

She held on as he moved closer to the stone, tightening her grip on his leg. It... It's magic! she said. Or, at least that was the only explanation she could come up with. Otherwise, Ezekiel was right. The thing had no legs, and couldn't take itself anywhere.

Ezekiel informed her that the moonstone was just a rock, and couldn't take her anywhere. But, then he said if it could, he wouldn't let it anyways. But-but, @Chaska said if I tell anyone about it, it'll take me to the moon, and I don't get to come back. He said! she cried. She trusted Ezekiel, but she couldn't get Chaska's story out of her head. It was like he knew she had the stone and he was warning her. 

RE: Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Ezekiel - August 22, 2016

It seemed he hadn't swayed her quite yet, she told him that it was just magic. He couldn't argue that it wasn't magic, so he tried another tactic as she tightened her grip. Finally she explained where she got the idea, one of Chaska's famous stories. Ezekiel had yet to hear one himself, but he'd been told about them many times. He shook his head and spoke again, You wanna know a secret about Chaska? He whispered, as if this was very very important. He makes up all those stories, they're not true. Plus he's just a crazy old man. He chuckled at his own joke, picturing the older male's response to that statement.

Besides, Niita gave you that rock right? She told you about it but she didn't get stolen did she? I have one too, but I'm still here. I promise, it's just a fun little story he came up with. But we can still bury it if you want. He still hadn't pried her off his leg yet, he would let her get off when she felt comfortable.

RE: Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Addie - August 25, 2016

Adeline's gaze moved to Ezekiel's face as he asked if she wanted to hear a secret about Chaska. Hesitantly, she nodded yes. Her expression contorted into a furrowed frown as he told her Chaska's stories were all made up. He went on to explain that Niita had given her the rock, told her about it, and she was still here. She had never gotten sent to the moon. Even Ezekiel had a moonstone.

Her frown deepened. This is not fun, she confessed, her voice a little accusing, though it was directly at the absent Chaska and not the present Ezekiel. Why did he make that stuff up? she asked, finally releasing Ezekiel to stand on her own. Her gaze moved to the moonstone. If it isn't going to take me to the moon, then I want to keep it, she told him. It was pretty, and she liked it. 

RE: Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Ezekiel - August 26, 2016

Adeline's face remained in a perpetual frown as he spoke, clearly she wasn't enjoying it. To confirm Ezekiel's suspicions, she confessed that this was not fun. With a question, the girl removed herself from Ezekiel's leg and he stepped back to sit in front of her. He made that stuff up because he thought it would be fun. He didn't mean to scare you. He explained, a look of pity on his face. If the stories had frightened Adeline so much, he wondered if he ought to tell Chaska about it. He was sure that the older male would lighten them up around the child, if she wanted him to.

Luckily it seemed she had gotten over it, for she looked to the moonstone, saying she wanted to keep it. Keep it then. It's a really cool rock. What are you gonna do with it? A smile came to his face, glad her frenzy was over and they could just play.

RE: Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Addie - August 28, 2016

Her frown deepened as Ezekiel explained that Chaska hadn't meant to scare her, and that he did it to be fun. She shook her head, not feeling like it was at all. He asked what she intended to with with the moonstone now, and her gaze turned to it, thinking a moment. I suppose I could take it back to the den, she thought aloud. She didn't any reason now why not to keep it where it had been all this time.

I'm sorry it's short >_<

RE: Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Ezekiel - September 03, 2016

So sorry for the delay! First week of school xP

Ezekiel could tell that Adeline still wasn't so sure about the whole, Chaska's stories thing, but that was ok. He'd explain more later, and she'd seemed to have moved on from them anyway. He watched as she thought about his question, waiting for her response and finally she said that she'd like to take it back to her den. He smiled, glad that she'd gotten over the whole rock taking her to the moon thing. Great choice! You wanna walk back with me? He hummed lightly, tail swishing content my across the ground.

RE: Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Addie - September 04, 2016

With the crisis averted, Adeline wagged her tail when Ezekiel asked if she wanted to walk back with him. Yeah! she exclaimed happily. She grabbed the stone between her jaws and began to trot in the direction they were going. She paused a moment, as if to make sure he was coming, and began the short trek back to home base.

You can archive here, or with your post <3 And no worries on the wait!

RE: Out of my mind, back in five minutes - Ezekiel - September 10, 2016

I'll archive here! Btw your new avatar is super cute <3

Ezekiel watched as Adeline picked up her moonstone and bounced away. He was proud of her, she'd gotten over her little fear of the moonstone and was now going to keep it. She was a smart kid, the Silvertip pack's prodigy. She turned her head to look back at him and he nodded his head, trotting to catch up. He fell into step by her side, then enjoyed the rest of the walk through the woods.