Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay omerta - Printable Version

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omerta - Murgash - August 24, 2016

set after he comes back from the island with seaweed in his mouf

he spat the grog from his mouth, curling his tongue as he winced from the brine that barbed it. his trek to the island had not been entirely disappointing (except for discovering that maude was decidedly not female) and despite that mood-killer, his spirits were not dampened.

"OIYE!" he bellowed in his loudest, most obnoxious voice. "SPECK'LEH SKINNEE BOY N' BIG STRIPEY BOSS!" he meant szymon and skellige of course -- "OI'VE GOT YER SEEWEEDS." his jaws closed with a clap and a long length of drool expunged from his hanging jowls as he awaited what he believed was a well deserved audience.

RE: omerta - Jagoda - August 25, 2016

Jagoda traisped along the rocky tidepools, half-scouting, but mainly taking a much needed walk. The tidepools were something of a wonder to him, and he loved the sea life to be found there. He prodded a purple urchin with a dark paw and watched it react, closing in upon itself as if afraid. Jagoda wore a wry smile, but it quickly disappeared at the sound of someone's caterwaulling.

​Displeased, Jagoda swung his head around and spotted another male along the shore, seaweed in his mouth. His words were muffled by the mouthful, but nevertheless, they were idiotic. Jagoda departed the tidepools and approached his packmate.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why is there seaweed in your mouth?"

RE: omerta - Murgash - August 25, 2016

murgash stamped his feet as he waited, tapping along with some imaginary beat. he was about to belt out in ludicrous song when he was hailed by an assumed packmate -- a wolf cloaked in dark fur with a sharply contrasting mask of pale ivory.

there were many things wrong with murgash and none were so blandly innocent as having towed seaweed from the proclaimed 'murgash's island'. the beast licked his chops slowly, savoring the brine flavor of his ropy, foamy saliva.

there were few things so damning to first impressions than uncouthness, and murgash eyed the beast critically. the lack of civility would be reciprocated -- and it would be reciprocated tenfold. after all, murgash might possibly have been the coarsest, nastiest thing alive  -- he was not about to let an offhand slight go unanswered.

"wot's wrong wit me?" he parroted, his voice thick with the lowlands: "wots wrong wit yew? why is dere a tuna-hedded cloutwit interferin' wit my offishal pekk bisness? lookin' all like yew stuk yer face in some moldy deer crap or sum shit." he added dismissively, already deciding this one was not one he thought kindly of.

RE: omerta - Jagoda - August 26, 2016

Jagoda gave no response except for a set of raised brows. He crinkled his chartruese eyes, not sure exactly how to respond inititally. Much of the male's words sounded little more than gibberish to him, going on about "pack business" and the like. 

"What sort of official pack business requires the use of seaweed? " His eyes were stern but held some degree of speciousness and general curiosity. This was a packmate, after all, and Skellige had to have some purpose for the strange-minded male. He responded to the insult with little more than a scoff and a roll of the eyes -- but that did not mean the offense was forgotten.

RE: omerta - Murgash - August 26, 2016

murgash expected retaliation; physical, dominant retaliation. when none came, murgash realized he had the upper-hand and a wicked grin sawed his ugly features in half with delight.

unfortunately for jagoda, looks -- even looks that could kill -- had never been forceful enough to cow murgash's outright impropriety. he looked the male up and down and decided then and there he was better -- and it showed clearly on his mangy mug.

"nunyebizness, dat's wot." he answered with a sniffle of self-importance, pleased with how rude he was allowed to be without punishment. like a toddler that was undisciplined, murgash's incivility would only grow. the seaweed he had collected remained pooled at his feet, but he was prepared to fling it at jagoda if the male became provoked by murgash's complete unruliness.

RE: omerta - Jagoda - August 26, 2016

Jagoda did not believe for one second that the other male had the upper hand. This situation was beckoming  more of a joke -- an idiot against an intelligent creature. Jagoda rolled his sturdy shoulders into a nonchalant shrug.

Maybe none of my business, I will give you that, kind sir. But will you be so kind as to satisfy my curiosity? What purpose does your... Seaweed, serve?

RE: omerta - Murgash - August 26, 2016

as dense as the brute had the capability to be, he did not miss jagoda's sudden change in tactic. he closed his jaw, his slack gums noisily squelching shut -- levelly, he gave the male a long and hard stare.

he considered not answering; in truth, he had little reason to. one might have compelled him to answer any inquiry graciously had they not immediately accosted the fractured state of his well-being -- as far as murgash was concerned, no amount of honey poured from jagoda's lips could ease the fracticious relation between them.

"did oi stutta?"