Wolf RPG
King Elk Forest Little Lamb - Printable Version

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Little Lamb - Laika - August 25, 2016

Girl thread because I want to! @Rowan Mayfair <3 Can we also back date this a bit do it fits her timeline?

She lay in the forest, thinking about things. Laurel and Indra were gone. Her children were gone. They were the first things in her life -- besides Casmir of course -- that she loved with all her heart. She felt like she needed to protect them under all costs and now they were in danger. Reek had them, and he was not safe. 

Tail thumped bed on the ground anxiously as she counted down the hours. Counted down the hours until she and Cas set off to find them, were she would get her revenge.

RE: Little Lamb - Rowan Mayfair - August 25, 2016


Since the meeting Rowan had felt a little out of sorts considering she had met the wolf who had stolen her cousins and that she had not immediately felt the danger. Her senses had dulled somewhat with the growing of her children but still - shouldn't she be on high alert? Shouldn't she be even more sensitive now? 

Her wandering too her to the forest, moving aimlessly until she realized that there was a familiar scent nearby. It took a lot of work before she found the other female and approached with a low chuff.

RE: Little Lamb - Laika - September 21, 2016

Soo sorry for my inactiveness, I should be a lot better now that my scedule has cleared up!

The chuff of another alerted Laika of their presence and she looked up. She was greeted by the pail figure of Rowan and she smiled and the pregnant female. She was coming along well. She glanced at her swollen stomach for a moment, her mind exploding with questions she wanted to ask her. What was it like? How did it feel? Did it hurt? How are her moods? Would she recomend becoming a mother? Could she feel the babies? Could she sense them? Could she hear them? 

The question threatened to spill out of her mouth but Laika knew that would be way to much for poor Rowan. "Hey Rowan." Instead, Laika would avoid that topic until she couldn't any longer.

RE: Little Lamb - Rowan Mayfair - September 21, 2016

The questions would have been welcome, offering Rowan a chance to give a voice to some of the strange reactions and responses her body was putting her through. She felt restless frequently, and she could not tell why - if it was a mental issue or a physical one that drove her into moving when she should have been relaxing and preparing. Maybe this would be her way of preparing. 

"Laika," She offered warmly, sitting down near the woman but not being too forward. "How are you?" She asked. She knew the pale pair plotted their rescue of their daughters and Rowan could not fathom how that would feel. With any luck, she would never have to endure such an ordeal.