Wolf RPG
Sunbeam Lair Its not Funny Magee - Printable Version

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Its not Funny Magee - Avannon - August 25, 2016


As Avannon limped through the territory, instinct told her to find a mate, to start a family, or to just satisfy the damned burning. She shook her head, focusing her thoughts instead on the one she wanted to return to. The best thing to do was leave the territory so nobody could claim her. She wanted nobody other than the one she had set her eyes upon the first day she joined the tribe. The black male...the one who had hurt her, drove her away. She shoved the sad thoughts away, grumbling to herself in her own mind Even if he does not want you, he still might need you the thought pleased her in a way, and her tail raised slightly from the spot it had been at since Jolon's darkness had attacked her right in between her legs. Ears perked forward she huffed a sigh and finally she could smell tyhe borders. She moved forward with a purpose, standing on the border of her new home, and drawing the familiar scents deep within her nose. She rubbed her scent against a small bit of shrubbery and stepped over the border, heading off to find a safe place to hide.