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Wapun Meadow daughter of gaea - Printable Version

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daughter of gaea - Hemlock - August 26, 2016

The moon rose swiftly and beneath it Isley stood. She watched the moon's silver rays bounce across the meadow and her heart felt full; it felt free. No matter what choices she made she did not know if she would be happy with the life that @Palisander suggested. To be a pack wolf - to put her faith in them. Hadn't the closest pack to her oasis fallen? Where were they - and what had caused their demise? 

There was a worry in the red wolf, and if she knew any better it would tell her that others would come. More wolves to claim lands near the ones she loved, more wolves to trample and maim the flowers and herbs that grew so securely. Could she stand that? Would she have a choice? She was tiny - but she was not frail. She could never be called such a thing.

RE: daughter of gaea - Palisander - August 27, 2016

Palisander hung around the meadow like the female. He was still a free roaming spirit and often would check out other territories close to the meadow. However the female was somewhat of an anchor for him. He often did return. He was not sure if that was something he wanted. It was a bit like having a pack and being located in one spot.

The male now returned back to the meadow, and saw the thoughtful expression on the female's face. Yet, they weren't together or anything romantically so far. Was he allowed to ask about what she was thinking. The male laid down in the high crass. His warm colored eyes looking at her. "I am going to leave soon, find a pack," he spoke to her. He assumed she was not coming with him.

RE: daughter of gaea - Hemlock - August 28, 2016

When Palisander approached her Isley did not flinch or stiffen. This was a huge improvement for the female, her entire world shifting towards something closer to appropriate behavior though she still had a long way to go. She'd at least stopped thinking he had something out for her, that his presence was equally suspicious. She regarded him for a moment as he spoke, frowning at his words. It was so soon! Perhaps he was hoping to claim something, someone, make a name for himself and do so long before the weather turned colder. She had, perhaps foolishly, begun to think that they had longer and things were going to last a little longer in this idealistic world. 

"Where are you going?" She asked and made her best efforts at keeping her voice level. She wouldn't miss him, she thought herself, and she wouldn't care if he was gone. Yet there was part of her that knew this was wrong; she would notice his absence. She was a little disappointed by the facts but she couldn't deter the male - and she was suprised to find herself even considering making the attempt. 

RE: daughter of gaea - Palisander - August 29, 2016

Palisander didn't realize that he had made a female feel this way. He had been attracted to her in the beginning, perhaps trying a courtship, but over the last few days he grew comfortable around her. I was quite an accomplishment for him too. Yet the male did have a plan and he was not sure if Isley would fit with him. "I don't know? North perhaps?," he shrugged. "Ask packs what they have to offer to me. Maybe one at the beach? Who knows. I want something different," he admitted.

"You could come with me. I would dislike leaving you alone, even though I know you can take care of yourself," he grinned and nudged his nose against her shoulder. "Yes! That is an excellent idea! You should come with me and widen your horizons. Do something wild and unexpected for once. And then you will have me as your anchor, the one you know and can completely trust," he smirked a bit, because he would do that for her.

RE: daughter of gaea - Hemlock - August 29, 2016

North was away from their Meadow. Instantly she stiffened, realizing that she'd said - their - and not her. He was going to leave her Meadow and then whatever sort of peace they had reached would not last anymore. He touched her gently and Isley made a soft sound, sighing at the notion. "You would take me far from here, then? " She asked - considering that he couldn't very well promise that they'd be close enough that she could see her plants. 

"The only way I would leave is if you promise we will return to visit." Isley offered her condition, turning her emerald gaze to him. Was it a promise that they would stay together? Not necessarily - but it was a start. 

RE: daughter of gaea - Palisander - August 31, 2016

Palisander thought about it. "Perhaps. I would not know where we end up," he spoke to her in all honesty. His tail started to wag when she was willing to go with him, yet only if he promised to visit this meadow again. "Isley, I don't think this is the only big meadow with flowers. Maybe we find one even grander and with more different types of flowers!," he pointed out. "It might be right there and you would never know!," he hummed trying to get her excited.

"But I promise that we shall return her upon spring and watch the new spring flowers grow if we are still on speaking terms," he spoke with a smile on his lips. Curious where that would bring them. Maybe they would separate or o their own direction. He disliked to think they were in a relationship. Perhaps later he would see her in a different light.

RE: daughter of gaea - Hemlock - September 01, 2016

Isley watched him, the slightest bemused smile growing on her face at his excitement level. He seemed pleased with the process and the thought, and while Isley was reluctant to leave the meadow and it's beauty she knew she would soon have to seek a shelter. She couldn't live out her days alone - she was small, she wouldn't do well through the winter. "I think you miss my point." She said, a more quiet offering. "I am not saying no place will be better than this." As she had seen beauty before, she would find beauty again. 

"But this meadow is special to me. I would not want to leave it forever, not unless I leave these lands entirely." She said. It was something perhaps nostalgic in her but the truth was the girl was a bit naive in the sense of how quickly she could imprint on somewhere she was drawn to. Was she drawn to Palisander? She was curious about him but did not know how far that went. It was impossible to guess.

RE: daughter of gaea - Palisander - September 01, 2016

Palisander's excitement leveled out a bit more and he inhaled softly. "Oh I see," he spoke after she explained what she meant by returning to the meadow. It was special for her. They met here, so did that mean he was special for her as well. The male smirked a bit. "Does that mean I am special to you as well?," he asked flirting lightly. He couldn't help it. She was very pretty and he was not going to deny that he wanted her. Though perhaps that was more a lustful thing to think. He was not sure if they would work relationship-wise.

The male calmed down more. "We shall return here," he spoke and nodded. That would be a deal he made with her. What ever happens. Though if they were in a big fight, because who knows, perhaps traveling to the meadow and staying here was not something that would help their relationship, or perhaps it would.

RE: daughter of gaea - Hemlock - September 10, 2016

Palisander seemed to understand the importance to her, finally, and she relaxed. She leveled him with her emerald gaze - looking so intently at him it might have seemed to seek into his very soul. "Perhaps," She teased with a coy smile - more flirtatious than she had been previously with him, but, she was feeling generous. "Or perhaps you are so hopeful for my affections." She said with a small smile. 

Isley tore her gaze from him, looking across the expanse of flowers to more distant lands. "The pack here has fallen, they were unworthy." It was the natural conclusion for her and it made the most sense. Why else would they abandon the lands? "How quickly are you wanting to move along?" Without a doubt he would most likely want to get going if they were aiming to find a pack. They might go for quite a while, who knew?

RE: daughter of gaea - Palisander - September 11, 2016

Palisander quirked up his lips when she flirted back somewhat to him. He decided to not beat around the bush and just come forward. "I am hopeful for your affections. Otherwise I will have to find companionship somewhere else eventually," he returned to her. So then she at least knew that the male did fancy her. He was rather interested to be more than friends with this girl.

"Soon, but if you need time I can wait," he spoke to her, he did not want to force or drag her away from this place. If she needed more time he was willing to give her that. "They were unworthy," he agreed with her. "Lets find a pack that is worthy for us."

RE: daughter of gaea - Hemlock - September 11, 2016

Isley gave a soft laugh, shaking her head. "I do not know if you'll find anyone quite like me." Isley warned with a teasing smile, looking Palisander over. Could she see herself saddled with him, rearing their young? No - she couldn't - but that was because she didn't see herself the type to properly settle down at all. Maybe would some luck and effort Palisander might change that in her but there were no promises. "We can go soon, then." Isley offered. The sooner they set out the quicker they might find another area she could make peace with and with any luck a pack the two might compromise and come to like together. 

Isley couldn't promise that she would ever be truly happy in a pack's border - but - she could try. Maybe she did care some for Palisander, given that she was willing to even make the attempt for his sake. "Come," She leaned over to nudge him before she stood to move towards the Rosings former claim. "We should catch something for dinner."

RE: daughter of gaea - Palisander - September 12, 2016

Palisander raised his brows a bit when when the other returned that no others were like here. Which was most definitely true. But then again those others might want to settle with him or would be more clear in returning any affections. His tail flickered being him and nodded to her other reply.

The male grinned a bit when she even told him to come and follow her so they could catch a dinner. "Yes boss," he grinned playfully and jumped forward. Maybe he was trying to be more playful, perhaps she would grow playful from it too.

The male nudged her and then ran into the direction they were going. His tail wagging as he did. He was excited that he wouldn't be traveling alone, and he was rather hopeful that she would want to settle down with him.

RE: daughter of gaea - Hemlock - September 12, 2016

Would she be outright in her affections? It wasn't her style. She had never seen an example of a healthy relationship and to suggest she might have one herself was preposterous. Instead, she could flirt from time to time, string the male further into her clutches, and it would be enough. Isley batted her eyes for a moment, smiling sweetly at the male. He nudged her and leapt to his feet, moving back towards the woods quickly. 

Isley smirked, for a moment actually admiring the view. Then the redhead took off like a wildfire - her gait quick as she overtook the male and ran further into the woods to hint down a meal for them. Who knew where they were going to end up, there were plenty of places to explore. 

RE: daughter of gaea - Palisander - September 12, 2016

Palisander was quick to chase after her. His larger sized frame was technically not faster but he could make bigger paces to catch up with her as she ran past him. The male let out a soft woof and helped her sniff out a meal. He would like a deer or something close like that. He was not sure if they were going to hunt but he was open to end up where ever they would run.

He kept his eyes open for anything they could hunt. A baby deer might be something manageable if they didn't have a ranging baby mother. A soft hum came from his lips, running with her. His nose caught some fox trails and some bunnies but he was sick of small game. "Lets hunt something big!"

RE: daughter of gaea - Hemlock - September 12, 2016

They were rather easily matched, her speed met by his longer strides and it left them on par with one another. Isley glanced over her shoulder just before he found her side and offered him a little grin at his interest in hunting something bigger - well. She was tired of racoons and foxes and hares, perhaps a deer would be good for them. The protein certainly would be welcome before their trek to another land. 

"Shall we track a deer?" Isley asked, curious of his intentions and if he thought that was going to provide more for them. Maybe they could take the hide with them, use it as a little marker for their land as they shifted through the terrain. Others might not recognize it, but, it would provide an easy home base for them. 

RE: daughter of gaea - Palisander - September 12, 2016

Palisander looked to the side at her with a mischievous grin. He liked her way of thinking, technically it was what he was thinking too. The male nodded. 'Yes, lets," instantly agreed with her, his tail carried high and full of confidence. He liked hunting, though he would not call himself a hunter. Only perhaps with the ladies at times. However seeing that he liked food hunting was never something he complained about.

He slowed down a bit more and brought his nose closer to the ground, trying to smell any tracks or even more important, droppings. He did not really have much luck. Though he was determined and let the playful nature go and returned it for a focussed one. He found some tracks, and let out a soft woof to Isley to signal to her that he found at least something.

RE: daughter of gaea - Hemlock - September 13, 2016

The small Kali was used to hunting smaller game. Tracking things she could handle alone, things that would not be able to withstand her petite frame. A deer was usually off her menu unless she had a companion. It was almost exciting considering taking down something bigger, something that was rich and would sustain them for longer. "Good," it was nearly a coo as Palisander found tracks for them to follow. She returned to his side, joining him in his hunt. 

Isley had a keen nose, it helped her in her hunt of herbs, and she was quick to latch onto the trail. With any luck it would be a deer just the proper size for them - nothing to waste and nothing they would feel too gluttonous for consuming. "It has been a  long time since I had a proper hunt with someone." Isley hummed out, her tail lashing behind her. 

RE: daughter of gaea - Palisander - September 14, 2016

Palisander trotted proudly next to her as she was trailing the scent. As she looked around with her nose he kept his eyes out for any movement, and perhaps other clues to what kind of deer they would encounter. A big lone buck wouldn't be feasible for them to hunt. But perhaps a small doe, or a young calf that was becoming close to adulthood was perfect.

Palisander let out a soft chuff and stopped walking, which was probably more than enough of a signal for Isley to stop too. They were in luck. Seeing they were so close to the mountain, a female pronghorn came down from the mountains and cautiously listened to her surroundings. This was the perfect size for two wolves to tackle. Still a hassle that would make it a decent meal.

RE: daughter of gaea - Hemlock - September 15, 2016

It barely took any time before they had tracked down a proper kill. Isley saw Palisander stop and slowly approached him, nose brushing his shoulder briefly as she peered through the foliage to meet his mark. "I can drive her forward." Isley murmured softly. She kept her voice low, already thinking of what she could do to build the deer right into their trap; guiding it without ever touching it until the right time. 

She was fast on her feet and she could make sure that she could drive things forward and make it work as quickly as possible. They could spend the day resting, letting their bodies take advantage of the fuel it gave them, and then they could leave. It would all work out perfectly if the male agreed with the plan - already she was mapping it all out. 

RE: daughter of gaea - Palisander - September 15, 2016

Palisander nodded back to her when she spoke softly. "I will go more to the west and try and make the final kill," he offered on a soft tone. He would approach from the side, keeping an eye on Isley and how she would drive the animal forward. Pali would jump in later and reach for her throat. His larger size should make the animal's neck snap pretty easily.

He gave her another firm nod before heading out silently. He would be keeping an eye on her and in which general direction they were going so he could be an added surprise. He figured Isley would be smart enough to be present at the other side so they wouldn't push the deer more away from them. He was pretty keen on this meal.

RE: daughter of gaea - Hemlock - September 16, 2016

Palisander let her set the plan alight and Isley smiled, feeling settled by his choice to listen to her. He said he'd focus on the take down and a little thrill rose up in her. The chase, she could drive that and get going and the deer would succumb. She nodded and waited as he wove his way back around and she paid attention to see where he'd settled himself to wait. He blended in far better with the foliage than she did and so Isley had to be more careful.

She crept as she moved, motions slow and methodical, protecting their efforts and likelihood of catching a meal. When she'd made her way around the doe she took a few careful breaths, making sure there was no one else coming along. It was just them - they were alone and this was theirs. Isley surged forward, snapping her jaws with a snarl to get the doe moving. She'd planned the moment just right, the doe flying into motion and right towards Palisander. 

Isley was fleet of foot and used it to her advantage, dancing between sides to keep directing the doe right where she wanted her to be. She was feeling good - like they were going to be successful already. 

RE: daughter of gaea - Palisander - September 16, 2016

Palisander moved through the undergrowth with making as little noise as possible. The black and tan wolf watched Isley and what direction she was moving the pronghorn female towards. Palisander expected her to at least drive it in his direction, which she did. What a team work! It made him grin. The male traveled quietly with them. Instead of expecting Isley to do all the work in driving the animal towards him he was flexible to change course with them while staying hidden.

Once the doe was close enough Palisander exposed himself from his cover, lining up right next to the head of the animal. It only took a small jump to the side to clamp his jaws around her neck. Palisander had about the same weight as this female and pushed his paws into the ground for more grip. His jaw locking and not letting go until the deer was dead. The deer's legs were kicking and he made sure to keep most of his body away from those kicking legs. As he expected this would be a perfect meal for the both of them. The animal slowly suffocated, along with further wounds Isley might inflict on her. Palisander didn't really keep an eye on that.

The animal died between his jaws and let her go. Blood staining his white muzzle by now from the blood leaking out of her wounds. Palisander didn't wait a second before ripping open the softer tissue of her belly to start feasting on the delicious organs. However the male was thoughtful enough to rip open the hole enough so both their heads could get to the soft and nutritious part of the animal.

RE: daughter of gaea - Hemlock - September 17, 2016

There was a sort of thrill that came with such actions, of hunting and killing, of taking a life just as she tended to heal them. Isley watched Palisander as he threw himself onto the deer, bracing himself and locking on for the kill. Isley wasn't too far behind him, launching at the doe from the other side to keep it off balanced and make it easier for the pair to take down. She sank her teeth into it's flank, tugging against the doe and when she felt it finally sag she licked the blood from her jaws. 

Palisander took the opportunity to start at the stomach and was quick to take on the organs. He seemed to realize and made enough room for Isley to enjoy them too, the smaller female quickly beginning to eat. They would need a great deal to sustain themselves, after all, and it would be perfect for them to get started with such a meal secured. 

RE: daughter of gaea - Palisander - September 18, 2016

During the male there was not really much dominance needed between the both of them, because they were in Palisander's eyes equal of rank. The male was very keen on this meal though. He had enough of small rabbits or raccoons. Now when he took each bite he had big chucks of meat. It filled his stomach in a way it had not been filled in a long time before this.

After he had his fill the male happily slumped down, letting out a happy grunt of his stomach being so full. Yes, this was the life. Perhaps even better than in a pack because now he had the good pieces of meat too. His muzzle and head was stained red, which gave the male an idea. He slowly pushed himself up and approached Isley. He wouldn't mind to do some more bonding with her grooming-wise. "Let me clean your face," he grinned.

RE: daughter of gaea - Hemlock - September 18, 2016

She ate her fill, watching Palisander from the corner of her eye as he came down upon the earth after getting his fill. She was slower as she ate, taking her time so that she was not entirely stuffed and nauseated. When she finally pulled herself from the deer she came to rest upon the ground near him, feet almost touching his. "Hm?" She hadn't quite heard him, but, he grinned at her and her eyes narrowed a bit in question until she realized that he was looking her over and had settled upon her jaw. 

"Do you dare?" She asked with a slight curve to her lips, grinning at him. She wondered if he would actually seek to touch her, if he was brave enough to do so.