Wolf RPG
Gilded Bay Swirling Curiousity - Printable Version

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Swirling Curiousity - Sylvas Streiter - September 15, 2016

The scent of salt water wafted to a wet, leathery nose.  Amber eyes gleaming in the morning sun as the mixed brown male ventured into the unknown lands. The scent of the ocean lingering in the cool breeze, filling his lungs as he stepped carefully across the soft, grainy ground. Eyes shimmering, watching as the small glistening streams of water snaked their way through the sands to only stop and end in one of the many pools. The brute's wandering gaze trailed from the many scattered pools around the terrain to the jagged formation of rocks and spires that dotted the area. It wasn't often that Strei found himself near the coastline. One being for the forests, more than anything. It was unusual for him, but pleasant.

Bushy tail swayed behind him as he strolled onward aimlessly, minute grains of sand flicking to the sides with each movement his tail made. A snort escaped him as he caught out of the corner of his eye, movement within one of the pools. A frown furrowed across his brow as he stopped momentarily, head lifting some as he attempted to peer into the swirling mass of water. Unable to see properly, the young male made a detour to this particular pool of water. Curiosity gradually gaining the better of him as his paws came to the small waters edge, head tilting to the side slowly as he watched the water swirl. What was that?

Undecided whether or not to lower his head to the pool, Strei paused for thought. Obviously it would be a foolish idea This he knew. The young male grumbled at himself for the moment. Amber eyes never leaving the pool as it swirled, eyes catching a glimpse of a slimey looking creature with more then four legs. A low growl rumbled within his throat as he decided to lower himself into a crouch, tail dancing behind him as he stared at the creature, completely intruiged.

RE: Swirling Curiousity - Somnus - September 15, 2016

Hope you don't mind if I join! ^^

Humming the lullaby his mother used to sing to his siblings and him when they got too rowdy, Somnus observed his surroundings with an exited air. He had never been this close to anything that even carried the sea’s salty scent and he could not in good faith pass the opportunity to explore.
Knowing he had a silly grin on his face he playfully chased some leaves carried by the wind, often tripping and tumbling. He was sure that more than just leaves had stuck to his fur but he was too entertained to care. So entertained ,in fact, that he didn’t notice that he actually entered the beach until a blast of air carrying the strong scent of the ocean blew the leaves away.
Giddily walking in the grainy ground he pranced towards some spiky rock formations, observing the many pools they formed. He amused himself with watching the marine wildlife that scurried between them, restraining himself of chasing them and risk falling into the pools. He stopped though, when he noticed a brown male leaning over one of the pools.
‘Spirits, I shouldn’t. He is way bigger than me and he would probably make me his next meal… C’mon Somnus, control yourself. Don’t do it’  But even as he thought this he was already silently creeping up towards the male, carefully positioning himself behind him and taking a deep breathe, spoke with the loudest voice he could manage, all the while hoping that the male would fall into the pool.
“Hey there!”

RE: Swirling Curiousity - Sylvas Streiter - September 15, 2016

ooc: Of course not! Sorry I couldn't figure out the code for ooc chat x3

Amber eyes were focused soley on this marine animal, the young male watching as it swirled around with its many long apendages. Stupidly the young male had left his guard down, something unlike Streiter; though this probably had something to do with being at a beach. His head tilted, swaying slightly as he followed the creatures bizarre movements. For a moment, Streiter felt himself like a pup discovering new things. He couldn't help but allow a small smile to display itself across his muzzle, bushy tail swaying contently behind him as he stupidly allowed this creature to entrance him like this.

Head gradually edging a little closer to the glistening mass, Streiter felt his brown fur stand on end as a loud voice sounded from behind him. The brute went rigid and all of a sudden, Spash! Strei had fallen head first into this creature festered pool, the wolf's rear scrambling frantically to pull his head out from the water. Though, it wasn't the water that bother him as much. It was that thing swimming around inside it! With seconds of scrambling, Strei managed to pull his head out from the infested waters; also bringing a friend out with him.

He couldn't see! I'm blind! he thought as he stood in a panic, It's stuck to my face! Whatever it is, it's on me! Violently the young male shook his head, standing as he tried to shake the thing off. Realising that wasn't working quick enough, front paws were brought to his head as he began to claw at the creature, its many legs curling and sticking to his fur. Gah! What a nightmare!

RE: Swirling Curiousity - Somnus - September 15, 2016

It was beautiful, at least in Somnus opinion. The male was too close to the pool and distracted with the water to avoid falling into it. He started to laugh loudly but it was nothing compared to when the male actually got his head out of the water. He had some kind of creature stuck to his face and that, coupled with his drowned rat look was enough to send Somnus rolling on the ground.
‘Oh… this is too precious…‘ Managing to calm down somewhat, Somnus wondered if he should, perhaps help the poor male. Looking up he managed to see the other wolf obviously panicking about not being able to shake the creature off, which set Somnus into another round of incontrollable laughter. ‘I’m so dead, but it was so worth it’ Crawling towards the edge of the pool he managed to speak through his laughter.
“So… Hahaha N-need a little help? Pfff” He was sure the male would gut him, once he managed to gain his face back from the creature that is.

RE: Swirling Curiousity - Sylvas Streiter - September 15, 2016

Through the grueling struggle, Streiter could hear the voice that had called to him, laughing. A slight growl escaped him lips from frustration. He must've looked like a proper idiot! How often does this happen to a wolf? Continously shaking his head, Strei began to drag his head along the sands. The small golden grain sticking to his fur as well as the sticky, slimey creature that was currently sucking on his face! Growls rumbled within his throat, vocals vibrating as the frustration grew rapidly inside him.

He could barely hear the words the other male spoke as he dragged his head along the floor, thrashing and clawing at his head, the thing only seeming to get tighter around him! He must look such fool. Sand flew in all directions as Streiter struggled to free himself in a panic, ”Please, get this thing off me!” his voice a roar with fear. The fact he couldn't see was the most fearful part of it.

RE: Swirling Curiousity - Somnus - September 17, 2016

Somnus stopped laughing when he saw how scared the other wolf was. He hadn’t meant to scare the other so much, wincing in regret he approached the brown male trashing on the sand.
“Okay, just stay put for a moment. I don’t want to cause you any injuries” ‘Besides the obvious scraps you’re going to have’ He observed the creature and noticed that its legs were stuck all around the male’s face. “This may take a while, the thing is gripping you quite hard.” Somnus nudged the thing with his nose and noticed how it gripped the male harder. Frowning he tried to think of a way of getting the creature off of the male alive but he didn’t think that would be possible.
“I will need to kill whatever is on your face to get it off. Please don’t move” He really didn’t want to cause any more harm to the male…

RE: Swirling Curiousity - Sylvas Streiter - September 26, 2016

Masculinity had completely gone out the window in this situation. Sylvas mentally cursed at himself for being such a fool. 'Why do you have to be so inquisitive?' he thought as he pawed at his face again. A rumble grew within his throat, 'Why did I have let my guard down?' A mix of emotions; fear and anger spiralled within him as his ears perked at the sound of the other male's voice, the brute barely hearing his words over the pounding of his own heart. Streiter ceased in his movements, body trembling some as he felt the slimy grip of the creature around his head. The texture of this thing, sliding its many legs around his throat and ears, practically slapping him multiple times as it clung to him made Sylvas shudder more. His fur felt soaked and sticky, the slime from the marine animal dripping from his face as it wriggled about.

”P..p..please, just get it off.” he managed, tail thrashing behind him as he positioned himself steadily in front of the male. Feeling the nudge as his head jerked with the motion, Streiter tried to remain calm as the other attempted to prod the creature off. Which was unlikely to work. At the sound of the male's words, Streiter squinted as he tried to visualise the other male's plan to remove this foul thing from him.

”Do what you have to!” He growled, frustration starting to wash over him like a tidal wave. The suspense to see again was practically killing him! Especially this thing that persisted to suck at his face! More so the texture of it against his fur! This would probably be the last time he'd ever visit the shore again, or at least stay away from scattered pools of infested waters that's for sure!