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Silver Creek a hallowed whisper - Printable Version

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a hallowed whisper - Rowan Mayfair - September 19, 2016

Motherhood had proven to be rather dull for the first days of her children's lives. They ate, they cried, they squirmed. She tended to their every need and she had not had the courage to draw the pack close. There were so few that she trusted, which was unfortunate, but given the nature of her children's needs she did not want to risk them. Finally after they had settled Rowan decided that she might call and see if anyone was close, if they might want to speak - even if the mother did not trust anyone too close to the children. 

Her first thought was to Spring and she found herself proud of her children; wishing to share them with the Alpha. It seemed the safest move, and so, the pale woman slipped away from her children just long enough to lift her voice to the sky and invite @Spring to her. The moment her call had ended she returned to wrap herself around her children again, nose brushing the length of each tiny cub.

RE: a hallowed whisper - Spring - September 19, 2016

She heard the call.

Curiousity began to bubble in her gut.  She hadn't seen Rowan for a few days now and now found herself curious if this was for a certain reason.  Had Rowan's pups come?  Was that why she was suddenly absent from pack life for the past couple days.  So with that in mind Spring set off in the direction of where the howl had sounded from.

For a few minutes she travelled, but then she was there.  The scents of Rowan, milk and two others instantly caught her attention and her heart began to race with excitement.  She approached the den, but was careful to make some noise not wanting to startle the new Mother.  "Hi Rowan."  The Alpha called out softly.

RE: a hallowed whisper - Rowan Mayfair - September 19, 2016

For a moment she worried if anyone else was going to approach. She didn't necessarily dislike the other wolves of the pack but she didn't truly know them well enough to invite them near her children. Casmir would have been welcome, but he was still on his journey, and so Spring was the natural and only other person she would invite by name. 

When the Alpha approached the weary mother turned her face towards the entrance of her little den, smiling softly at her. "Spring," She said warmly. "You...you can come closer," She invited after a small pause. 

RE: a hallowed whisper - Spring - September 21, 2016

Spring was invited closer and so she slowly walked closer, taking careful steps, as if she was to fast she might harm the fragile new borns.  Then finally she got her first look at them and her heart almost melted with warmth at the sight.  One was a redder closer, while the other was white just like Rowan.

And they were so perfect.

"They're beautiful Rowan.  Perfect."  She breathed, stil staring down at them with a warmth in her gaze.  "Have you come up with names yet?"  Spring asked softly, curisou about what Rowan would decide on for these two little sweethearts.

RE: a hallowed whisper - Rowan Mayfair - September 21, 2016

She shivered under the praise, noting with pleasure the gentle way that the Alpha approached. She had every right to approach how she wanted - be it quiet and gentle or with stern steps and a heady authority but instead she was quiet and sweet. Rowan offered her a smile, dark nose nudging her little daughter before her tongue drifted across her son's back. "A girl and a boy," She said with a smile, finally tearing her gaze away from the pair to look up at Spring. 

"She is Mona Antha and he is Cortland Tobias." She said proudly. They were names that she knew from her family, but, they were also whispers she had heard. For someone as inclined as she was there was a thought that perhaps these were the souls destined for her children, she wasn't sure. 

RE: a hallowed whisper - Spring - September 25, 2016

There was a boy and a girl.  The girl was named Mona Antha and the boy Cortland Tobias and Spring thought that the names were perfect.  She eyes flicked adoringly over the little family unit before she slowly made her to the ground, before laying down close to Rowan.

"Those are perfect names Rowan, for such precious pups."  Spring whispered carefully, as if she didn't want to distrub the pups by raising her voice to loud, even though they couldn't even hear anything really, at their current age.

RE: a hallowed whisper - Rowan Mayfair - September 25, 2016

Rowan gave a small smile as Spring settled down, for a moment reaching out to nudge against Spring's leg tenderly. It was all she could reach of the woman, but still, she wanted Spring to know she had heard her and she appreciated it. "It was so worth it." Rowan said quietly, her silver eyes return to watch her children adoringly. "Soon they will know how the world looks and how it sounds... And then,"  Rowan chuckled. "We'll be chasing them all over the pack lands." 

Rowan was still uncertain about some of the pack. Spring, Casmir, and Laika were about the only ones she'd trust near her children. Heston was polite enough but she didn't know him well enough and after how Amber had acted and then vanished... Well. She didnt know how she felt about the dark woman. 

RE: a hallowed whisper - Spring - September 30, 2016

Spring smiled lightly at Rowan's words, imaging Rowan's two children running around the creek and how adorable it would be.  Rowan was right when she said it was worth it, because Spring thought so too.  These two lives were worth it.  These two lives would be apart of Silver Creek's future.  At that thought Spring woundered what these children would grow up to be.  A strong Alpha?  A loyal Beta?  Hopefully not an Omega...  Would one or both create their own pack?  What would they grow up to be?

Spring couldn't wait to watch them grow up.

"Your children are precious Rowan.  It will be such an honor to watch them grow up here in Silver Creek."  She told the new Mother.  "I can't wait to help you chase them around the packlands."  Spring said this time with a teasing wink.

RE: a hallowed whisper - Rowan Mayfair - October 01, 2016

Far away in Donnelaith new seeds were being down. A new reign was beginning and one was ending. Doors of possibilities she had thought were gone would fly open again - but she would not leave. She would not take her children from the Creek. They would not allow anything to happen to her children and Rowan would be assured that her children would have the Creek flowing through their veins. The teasing wink nearly brought a blush to her cheeks, relaxing next to Spring as the children squeaked and wriggled. She could not entertain notions of Spring feeling anything towards her. 

Rowan ran a tongue across Mona's back, nudging Cortland until he had latched again. "He cannot be filled," Rowan said with a light laugh, her silver eyes lifting to look at Spring again. "No matter how many mothers I have watched nurse their young doing so with my own is so... Surprising." Rowan admitted quietly. 

RE: a hallowed whisper - Spring - October 07, 2016

It was a sweet lovely sight watching Rowan and her pups.  A beautiful sight in deed.  As Rowan spoke of how Cortland could not be filled a twinkle lit up in her eyes as she remembered how Hazel had been the same way.  Hazel...  she pushed the thought aside.

Rowan continued on to speak of how surprising it was with her young even after having been around so many other Mothers.  She gave a small nod of understanding.  "I know how that feels."  She said softly as memories of Hazel came rushing back.

RE: a hallowed whisper - Rowan Mayfair - October 13, 2016

Mona was the more quiet of the two. Reserved in actions as if she was a child far older; not one new to the earth who explored for the first time. Rowan watched her daughter eagerly, offering her a little nudge to guide her to feed as her brother was. 'Mon petit amour," Rowan hummed as she watched over the girl for a moment before she returned her gaze to Spring. "It's exhausting, but I wouldn't trade it for anything." She admitted. "All of this - it was worth every moment of panic, of fear." 

RE: a hallowed whisper - Spring - October 15, 2016

The French words spoken by Rowan snagged her attention, for she had not known that the Mayfair spoke French. Then again she knew Casmir spoke the language and he too was a Mayfair so it wasn't too surprising the more that she thought about it.

"Je sais comment cela se sent.  She replied in her favorite language with a soft smile as she remembered the early days with Hazel.  How sweet her daughter had been, demanding too though of course.  No matter how demanding Hazel had ever been for something though her daughter had had a true heart, she had loved her more than life itself.

RE: a hallowed whisper - Rowan Mayfair - December 01, 2016

Hearing Spring speak her native tongue was a delightful surprise. Talking to someone in French always put her at ease and between the endorphins from the children she was soon growing tired. She didn't shoo Spring off, trusting the woman enough that when her eyes grew heavy and she let her head come to rest over her paws she didn't mind if the Alpha stayed or not.