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Fox's Glade so fresh so clean - Printable Version

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so fresh so clean - Sriracha - September 20, 2016

The beasts that were the glade's eponym fled before him as Sriracha crashed through the wood. He had chased a rabbit from the Overture Downs all the way into the trees which surrounded the glade, and he wasn't going to stop now for fear of the foxs' delicate sensibilities. On went the hunt, the rabbit ducking and dodging through the trees.

At last the chase came to an end not when Sriracha caught his quarry, but when the rabbit ducked into a hole too small for Sriracha to dive into. Not that he didn't try. Indeed, he found himself eating dirt again as he tried to wriggle into the hole to no avail. Legs spread before him, head shoved in the hole, he kicked at the dirt with his hind legs as though that could propel him in after his prey. He wasn't stuck, though. Just a determined idiot.

RE: so fresh so clean - Vihaan - September 20, 2016

Of all the sights in all the world that he had so far witnessed, and the many that were yet to come, discovering the wriggling ass of a random homeless man half-buried in the dirt was by far the most confusing. Vihaan had heard a great commotion as he was wandering through the woodland, his pace a gingerly stroll with a touch of lethargy despite his high spirits, and upon seeking out the source of the commotion he had watched as a canine form slipped in to the dirt; and now that he arrived near the stranger's flank, he was left to stare.

It seemed rude to do so, and thus Vihaan averted his gaze for a second — but then his curiosity got the better of him. He drew up as close as he dared and, when the struggles of the stranger abated somewhat and there was a small gap between their immense girth and the surreptitious hole, he called out: Digging an early grave, are we?

RE: so fresh so clean - Sriracha - September 21, 2016

Even if he couldn't catch and eat the rabbit, he could snap at it a bit while it was cornered and scare the everliving shit out of it. That felt like ample punishment and brought him a good deal of satisfaction, to listen to the thing quail and cower. He wasn't a sadistic creature by nature, but he had worked very hard to catch this rabbit and was frustrated that he had failed.

A sudden, albeit muffled, voice startled him and he yanked his head from the hole to glance around. When he realized how close the stranger was, Sriracha pulled his forelegs from the hole and did a little 360 degree hop. He landed in a ready stance, but relaxed when he saw it was merely another wolf. The realization that he had overreacted sent him cackling, and he shook the dirt from his pelt. You scared me, amigo! he laughed. No, no. I was giving some escaped prey a little what-for. I looked pretty stupid though, didn't I?

RE: so fresh so clean - Vihaan - September 21, 2016

The wolf spazzed out a little bit, like he couldn't remember how to function in reverse, and as he withdrew from the hole he nearly collided with Vihaan. The boy did his own kind of hop-and-skip dance number, and loosed a small chuckle as he listened to the stranger's words; the accent was surprising but not harsh to his ears. He was curious about this guy now — but any questions he had were put aside for the time being.

I'm not one to judge, well, that was a blatant lie, but he honestly didn't think the view was all that bad (winky face). But I think you'd have a better chance of catching a rabbit before it hits the burrows. That's like, end game material right there. Gotta dig, and then get all dirty, and for all you know the rabbit has another entrance and its gone!

The boy's tail whisked the air at his hips, and as he spoke he looked over the spaniard's head and around his shoulders, trying to get a good look at the excavated hole. He played it up a bit by squinting and sniffing the air, but then came to the abrupt conclusion that yeah man, that pipsqueak is gonzo. Better luck next time I guess.

RE: so fresh so clean - Sriracha - September 22, 2016

They both lost their cool a little, but Sriracha was quick to pump up a bit of bravado. Yeah, yeah, he said testily, but he ran out of steam then. Doesn't mean I can't put the fear of god in it, no? Won't think about stepping up on my territory again, which was, maybe, a bad thing. Technically he wanted prey near his woods, but he was mostly just talking big.

The wolf was talkative (not to mention handsome ;;;;) ) in just the right way, an edge of hyperactivity that mirrored Sriracha's own. What is that word you used, gonzo? I haven't heard it before. he wasn't exactly up to date on all of the latest slang, despite having a pretty good handle on the language. But thanks, I guess. I'm Sriracha Rosinante Villanueva Santiago, Sriracha said, grinning mischeviously. He meant to overwhelm with his full, god-given name.

RE: so fresh so clean - Vihaan - October 02, 2016

Territory? Oh shiz, had Vihaan gone and disrupted the social order or something? He kind of hopped from foot to foot, looking like the floor was lava, but settled as the stranger introduced himself. At first he was prepping to explain the term of gonzo but then, when his brain heard the ridiculously long and complicated moniker that this dude's mother had unfortunately bestowed upon him, Vihaan's mouth hinged and he stood, mouth agape, and eyes wide.

Srirarosinantvillantia-bwuh? His tongue lolled out as if it were sentient and deciding to go on strike after that dang workout. Then the boy snorted (sort of, in an ugly 'there's a booger hanging out of my nose and I gotta fix it' kind of way, not an 'I hate your name' kinda way), and then spat a loogie off to the side, and settled back on his haunches. I'm Vihaan. I ain't got any other names. Did you collect them or something? Heck! That's a tongue twister.

And, derp, he forgot all about the guy's question till the last minute, but was too awkward to return to the topic.

RE: so fresh so clean - Sriracha - October 03, 2016

The stranger's reaction was so comedic that once Sriracha started laughing, he couldn't stop. It didn't help when the guy then hawked a massive loogie, which Sriracha found absolutely hilarious. He flopped onto his side, his tail thudding against the ground rapidly as he laughed. When his laughter finally subsided, he shook his head to rid himself of that precious little audio memory of the guy attempting his name. He flipped onto his stomach and stayed there, grinning toothily at the guy.

Sriracha Rosinante Villanueva Santiago, he repeated, slower this time. So slow that it was clear he was playfully mocking Vihaan. Just call me Sriracha, hombre. Anyway, I got all of those names from mi mamá y papá. Villanueva was mi mamá's family name before she met mi papá. Rosinante is ah... I don't know how you would call it in English. Santiago is the family name, he explained, prattling on happily. But shit! Listen to me go. Nice to meet you, Vihaan.

RE: so fresh so clean - Vihaan - October 03, 2016

He listened but didn't really comprehend a lot of what the guy said. Mostly because he was still fidgeting and fumbling over the various sounds that had come out of his own mouth, and wishing his tongue would behave. Then, blowing a small raspberry as Sriracha enunciated, he came to terms with this complicated bit of information.

I'll explain gonzo if you explain home-bray, home-brah, Although he got the gist pretty quick. 

Hack-tually, how about you tell me why you're here — aside from breakfast. You sound like an illegal immigrant, moo-cha-cho. At this Vihaan squinted sharply at him, as if studying him for some great and secret purpose, and then felt the spontaneous need to sneeze so that's what he did - almost right in Sri's precious face.

RE: so fresh so clean - Sriracha - October 05, 2016

Ever the bigger man, Sriracha totally didn't blow a raspberry right back. He didn't dislike Vihaan, so to say, but he could already see that theirs would-could- be a friendship based on rivalry. Sriracha was into that, he could roll with a good old frenemy in his life.

Nothing illegal about me, slick, he said testily. If he was a little frustrated by the mutilation of his native tongue, then he was pretty dang pissed about getting sneezed on. In the face, no less! Rather than do battle with words, Sriracha leapt at Vihaan, aiming to knock him over and pin him down. The violence wasn't one of teeth and claws, Sriracha really just wanted to wrestle the guy to the floor and rub the snot off on Vihaan. Uncle, you little bitch! he growled, but in a platonic sort of way. Sriracha was one of the middle children in a big family. He knew how to solve issues such as this one. Meanwhile, Vihaan's question was left to the wayside.

RE: so fresh so clean - Vihaan - October 09, 2016

For all his chatter and shade-throwing, Vihaan was a total pushover. Literally.

As soon as Sriracha turned on him and began to grapple and pull him down, Vee buckled. He put up a bit of a fight, the way a fish might flip and flop when removed from its element, but in the end he was sent directly in to the dirt. His shit-talking was rewarded by a nice mouthful of moss, dirt, and probably rabbit poop if we're being totally honest.

Ayy, ayyy! I give! Uncle - He squirmed and begged until he was let free, and then lay in the dirt and sputtered, clearing the spaces between his pearly whites with his tongue; except that just turned the dirt to mud and made him grin look extra dank. Mmkay, so you ain't illegal. Got it. But why are you here, dude? Looks like every other place I've ever 'ventured, ya know?

Because Vihaan was a World Renowned Explorer, or some shit, right? Cue eye-roll.

RE: so fresh so clean - Sriracha - October 12, 2016

Down they went. Sriracha, for his part, had not expected Vihaan to give in so easily, and so he tumbled gracelessly. Ass over teakettle, but he still ended up on top, which was just the way he liked it. Vihaan cried uncle, and Sriracha was quick to clamber off, though only after rubbing his be-snotted face all over Vihaan's neck and chest. Yet in the end he let the guy back up. Sriracha shook himself off, a little spray of dirt and small twigs coming off of him.

Vihaan smiled with his mud-speckled grin. I live a little ways away, he said by way of explanation. If you think it's so ordinary, why are you here? Check and mate.

RE: so fresh so clean - Vihaan - October 12, 2016

Even during the scuffle, while Vihaan wanted to get away from the possibility of danger and damage to his precious self, he had half a mind to grapple with the other man's face; to hold him with his forelimbs in a wolfish hug, just for the chance to be up close and personal. But the moment was fleeting, and before he knew it Sriracha was escaping — er, letting him up, more like it. It wasn't the kind of roll in the dirt he'd been interested in, but, whatever.

Eh, gotta deal with the bad before you can get to the good stuff — right? You know what I mean, as he rambled he waved a paw lazily to and fro, and then hoisted himself up from the dirt so he could sit properly; Vihaan shook his scruff in a noncomittal manner and loosed a tiny yawn, unable to stop the automatic response. Just lookin' for some adventure. But there doesn't seem to be much 'venturing going on in this place. How boring. The boy snorted, and after a second got to his feet.

Unless you're the adventure I've been looking for? He drawled as demurely as he could; but considering there was a wad of snot ground in to the fur of his cheek and throat, it wasn't very effective.

RE: so fresh so clean - Sriracha - October 13, 2016

There was something to be said for the physicality of this budding frenemy-ship. He wasn't about to just let loose and fuck the guy then and there, but he never minded getting a little rough and tumble in the dirt. If only Vihaan wasn't covered in snot and dirt.

Vihaan went on about his interest in adventures, though his yawn was contagious and Aesop did the same not moments later. So you're looking for an adventure, huh? he said, punctuated by a saucy wink. I've got an offer for you. I want to hire you as a professional adventurer. What do you say? It would be perfect! He could convince Vihaan to join up as a scout, which would leave Sriracha with more time to take care of his more administrative duties.

RE: so fresh so clean - Vihaan - October 13, 2016

Hire him? Those weren't words he heard often. Actually, he never heard them at all. When one imagined a daring adventurer or some kind of cunning linguist warrior, the big and the brawny types came to mind. Vihaan was neither of those things. He wasn't small, but usually when given the pick of the litter, he'd be the last in line. So when this guy expressed interest in using him (for good or bad or whatever) Vihaan's face broke out in to the biggest and stupidest grin.

Then, composing himself, he started to play hard to get.

Well, I do have a lot of spare time right now... But then there's the matter of payment! There was something wrong with the way he said that word. Something almost lewd about it. The boy dragged his tongue across his upper teeth and beamed suggestively at Sriracha, almost like he was staring down the plump rabbit that had escaped. If you hire me, I ain't your bitch. But I'll do what I'm told — mostly. What do I get out of it? Aside from, oh, a kiss? He leered and leaned in close, having entirely forgotten the ruinous state of his fur and the drying snot embedded in plain sight.

RE: so fresh so clean - Sriracha - October 14, 2016

It only made sense that Vihaan would play hard to get, but Sriracha wasn't so easily fooled. His face had lit up at the initial offer, and only once he schooled himself did he try to haggle. And, of course, his goal seemed to be sex. Well, Sriracha was flattered. Indeed, he might have even though Vihaan was worth a second glance. But it was a strange bargaining point, enough to give Sriracha pause.

Sriracha raised his brows. I'm not such an easy fuck, he countered. It was nice, though, getting this kind of attention. So when he spoke, he did so playfully, teasingly. Sans mucus, dirt, and mussed-up fur, Vihaan was kind of cute. Payment will be a place to sleep and a pack to hunt with. Security for the winter, a place to call home. Besides, we've got tons of hot babes. Anyway, you got to do a bit more than just work for me if you want my dick, he said. You gotta make me want it. He blew a puff of air in Vihaan's face as the guy leaned in for a kiss, then batted his snout away with a paw. Baby, we gotta work on our proffessional relationship first, he said snickering.

RE: so fresh so clean - Vihaan - October 17, 2016

Things got a little messy, and very quickly. No sooner had Vihaan jokingly requested a kiss that Sriracha was denying him, and while his face turned sour with a mockingly overdone expression of hurt, the boy ducked and dodged the lazily thrown paw that had been pushing against his face. He lightly grabbed at it with his maw — and then more or less choked when Sriracha said something about being an easy fuck.

Whhng whnd? Vi choked on the paw in his mouth and then, letting it go, he heard the rest of what Sriracha had to say, and his entire demeanor seemed to change. Woah, woah, woah there homo-brew, I never said anything about fff... fff... doing that, Vihaan visibly recoiled.

I was jus' kiddin' with you dude! No homo! But the rest of the deal sounded pretty dang sweet. He hastily cleaned himself up by rubbing his face against one of his own limbs, almost like rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and when Vihaan lifted his expertly toussled head back up to regard Sriracha, he still had the horrified look on his face.

I'm down to be an adventurer. Ain't getting no favors from me though, buddy. Jeebus, can't you take a joke? Ha, haha, I wasn't serious. But by denying it this vehemently, there must have been some kind of underlying truth that the jock just didn't want exposed.

RE: so fresh so clean - Sriracha - October 21, 2016

Paw intercepted, Sriracha merely frowned, tugging his paw halfheartedly in the other guy's gentle grip. 's that belong to you now? he joked, though his smile fell not a moment later. He pulled his paw back to himself the moment it was released and tried to keep calm, though he felt something like panic strike him. What? No, obviously I... you- he stumbled as much as Vihaan did, annoyed and embarrassed that he had so sorely misunderstood. But had he misunderstood? It seemed like Vihaan had been flirting with him up until he was, apparently, not.

Yeah, dude, whatever. I knew it was a joke, he said defensively. I'm not- whatever. He was all halting monosyllabls and stuttered defenses, clearly flustered. Okay, yeah. Cool. Adventurerer. Welcome aboard. Do you... do you want to see home base? Really Sriracha wanted a hole to open up and swallow him. Or Vihaan. Either would work, but definitely not both.

RE: so fresh so clean - Vihaan - October 26, 2016

Good. Great. It was settled then. He couldn't wipe that stunned, horrified expression off of his face. 

Cool. Yeah. Sure, lets go to.. home base? What? Something clicked in his head and he sort of snorted and did a double-take. Fully platonic, broski behavior. No homo, visiting your space, no favors, that kind of.. seeing, right? He looked a bit like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar; and without waiting for an answer (or maybe imagining one) he began to march in one direction — although he didn't know if it was the correct one.

If redirected he'd about-face. 

Yes, right, 'course. Lets go.

RE: so fresh so clean - Sriracha - October 28, 2016

Well now, that was just paranoid. Sriracha let out a long-suffering sigh and shook his head. No homo, he agreed with tired solemnity. Then, under his breath, Dio dame paciencia, porque si me das fuerza lo mato.

Vihaan began trotting off in, well. Not the wrong direction, but not the right one. This way, genius, Sriracha said, and if his tone was a little sharper than it was joking, well, fuck you.