Wolf RPG
Hideaway Strath Be your number one - Printable Version

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Be your number one - Síff - September 29, 2016

aw but hoping for @Zaavier :)

The morning dawned, bright and beautiful in the Strath, finding the ivory female tracking the scent of fox through the wooded areas of their domain. The thought of hunting foxes brought poignant memories of Rosings, thought on with nostalgia that Liri pushed aside. 

The healer came on the fox almost suddenly, finding it lapping water calmly from the stream as if it weren't an intruder. Liri tensed, shifting low to burst from the undergrowth with a jolt of speed. 

As she shifted, her paw landed on some loose rock and she slipped; sending the gravel tumbling with a soft clatter. The fox glanced up, startled and darted into the surrounding forest with a yelp before Liri could even think of chasing after it. 

With a sigh of frustration and defeat, the Caregiver straightened and began to pad in the direction of a bunch of herbs. If she couldn't catch food, the very least the healer could do was put herself to good use stocking herb caches for winter.