Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay do i look like a man that wants a simple life? - Printable Version

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do i look like a man that wants a simple life? - Arturo - October 15, 2016


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The trip from Ravensblood Forest to Stavanger Bay did not take Arturo long to make. It had been a long while since he had spoke to @Skellige and with Teaghlaigh on the very cusp of taking form Arturo knew it was past time that he inform the Leviathan of it's development and enforce that he very much intended to keep to their alliance. There was a part of him that knew he should have went to Skellige long ago but there had never been any promise that it would finally take root: not to the certainty that he had now. It was a matter of time, of days, even. Doe knew of it and there was a chance that the sea titan was already aware — no doubt his absence hadn't gone unnoticed by the Depth wolves — but Arturo was not a man to presume. It was a strange sense to stand outside the Depth's borders but this felt most respectful to the gangster who was a business man first and foremost. The Ceannasach drew in a deep breath, tipped his head back and let out a summons for the Leviathan intent to bring him the news.