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Golden Glade empty - Printable Version

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empty - RIP Eden - October 16, 2016

@Alder I'm putting this after the thread w/ the malkaria
It was a silent walk back to the court's territory. Alyssum, the kindest wolf Eden had come to know - her sister for God's sake - was gone. It was Eden's job to protect her but now she had nothing left to protect. For the time being, all of her euphoria had drifted away. The joy of having a home, a mate, a litter was gone. Now, she just felt empty and lost. Eden also knew that now she had bigger fish to fry. She'd allowed her sister to drift off and made the King go on a search for her, all while he had a new brood to care for and another on the way.
Alder, I'm sorry. I didn't...I don't even know why she would've done something like that. I take full responsibility. She was blubbering, but tried her best to keep calm. Eden had been okay until it came time for her to be composed, which is when she broke down. Still, she took deep breaths and stood stoic, waiting for her King's word.

RE: empty - Alder - October 16, 2016

Alder led the way back across the cedars, striding forward with a slow step - his heart went out to Eden, it really did, but he didn't feel bad for not taking action. Alyssum was not fit to survive, and it was simple as that. It was one less mouth to feed, that much more resources to care for his own children. In the long run, Eden's litter too - it made the situation no less sad, however, and when the pale Gentry apologized, the King shook his head. 

                    "It's not your fault she wandered. Alyssum was a grown woman, and it was her responsibility - unfortunately, she paid the price of her life." 

Glancing back to her as he stepped over their own borders, his eye softened from its previously glaring state and he loosed a sigh. There was little to say, little to comfort her over. 

                                              "I know its probably not what you want to hear, but our children will all benefit from one less mouth to feed - even with one less wolf to provide resources. You know what happened to her, so be thankful for that: my own twin vanished and I haven't seen her since."

RE: empty - RIP Eden - October 16, 2016

Eden's voice shook as she sniffled through a deep breath. Alder was right; Eden had bigger fish to fry now, what with three litters including one of her own. It didn't hurt to have more available to the growing youths of the pack, but it hurt to hear it said when the wound was so fresh. I've been keeping a cache. I wanted to deliver some parsley to Aspen to help regulate her milk flow. Work would help her keep her mind off of the trauma, so for now she would do as much of it as she could.
And thank you Alder. You didn't have to take her, or any of us in. But you did, and I appreciate it. I owe you hugely and I plan to prove to you that none of this was in vain.

RE: empty - Alder - October 17, 2016

Eden's pain was palpable, but as before he did not apologize for his harshness. They both knew the truth in his words, and niether contested them. Instead, the pale woman told him about plans to see Aspen - the herb, he questioned though. Brow wrinkling, he was not shy in asking, but he was not harsh, only curious. Either way, he would not allow this until he talked to Heartha.

                  "Regulate? Why would you regulate milk when she's got four pups to feed?"

Her thanks caught him off guard. She was very, very right - he'd detected the earliest scents of pregnancy hormones, known what he was getting into, and still let them into his home. 

                                           "You're welcome - All I ask is your loyalty to the Court, to become a part of our family and work as hard as everyone else. "

RE: empty - RIP Eden - October 17, 2016

That's my point, Eden began, with that many mouths to feed, it's important to make sure she isn't wasting milk. I'll still give her the borage leaves, but it's important that she isn't wasting something that important. The borage would keep the milk flow consistent, and the parsley would keep it in check. 
Our loyalty is nothing you have to worry about. You have my word.

RE: empty - Alder - October 18, 2016

In some way, Eden's argument made sense - with Winter approaching, his young would need all the milk possible, but not all at once. His uncertainty was clear, and he made no move to hide the crinkling of his muzzle and the tip of his head. 

             "Take it up with Heartha. If she agrees, then I'll allow it - she's our midwife, after all."

He was not in the least worried about their loyalty - Alder was pleased to give them the benefit of the doubt on that one, for if they did not, well, they would lose much more than an irrisponsible sister.

RE: empty - RIP Eden - October 18, 2016

Let me know if it's too early to archive!
Though his blessing had been given - with the input of Heartha - Eden could still see his discontent, though it seemed Alder understood enough. At least, she hoped he had. Thank you. I have their best interest at heart. With her final word in the air and a quick bow of her head, Eden was off to find Heartha and have her thought's final approval given.