Wolf RPG
Hideaway Strath Where the red fern grows - Printable Version

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Where the red fern grows - Zorina - October 16, 2016

She didn't really find herself adventuring out as much as she used to.  After she had pledged her loyality to Zaavier she found herself more and more just wishing to stay here, in Hideaway Strath where her surroudings became more and more familiar each and every day.  Where it felt like home.  

Every day she would get up early and head out to go explore more and more of the territory.  By now she had explored just about every inch of it.  So today she found herself just relaxing, breezes ruffling her fur.  SHe blinked with content enjoying herself.  It was so nice here.  Soon though she knew that she would have to get up and get moving again, perhaps go mark the borders or hunt.

RE: Where the red fern grows - Vandal - October 25, 2016

Hope you don't mind? :)

The sound of his joints, softly popping and cracking rang in his ears, the bulky male stretching out his front limbs as he allowed a yawn of sorts to escape his muzzle. Van's large, gray and white muscular form rippled as he shook himself vigorously, attempting to shake off this sleepy daze that had its hold upon him. Sapphire eyes blinked momentarily as a partial haze seemed to blur his vision, the brute simply giving his head shake as his eyes closed tightly. Unable to rid the sleepy blur from his vision, he decided to bring a white paw to his face as he tried to wipe his eyes, pink tongue protruding out from his mouth as he slowly began to lick at his muzzle, now able to see clearly once more.

Sapphire eyes peered around at his chosen resting place, somewhat pleased with his choice. The male let out a small, relaxed sigh, for he hadn't slept that, well in practically forever. Recharged and relaxed, Van moved onwards, leaving his temporary home to continue his travels. The gray and white male now searching for a source of water and possibly something to sedate his growing hunger.