Wolf RPG
CLAIM · That's your horoscope for today - Printable Version

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CLAIM · That's your horoscope for today - Jinx - April 14, 2014

This is the official founding thread for STM! Please make sure you post once here if you plan for your character to join STM as an official founder! @Tyrande Nightshade @Lecter I've left it vague how they got here (and if Tyrande came at all) to accomodate your guys' current IC status. @Ira @Sitri I powerplayed you guys a bit, just PM me if you have any issues with it!

Fox had found them all out, it seemed, and cast all of them into the wilderness. This served Jinx well enough, for she was soon done her preparations and wandered away from the mountain momentarily to collect them. By prowling across the lands and calling out for them, she had found first Sitri, who had found his way to the mountain somehow, and then Ira, who berated her for not returning. Lecter had come at a later time, but whether or not he had brought his pet was uncertain, for Jinx did not know of her.

Dawn was nearing, and Jinx was standing on a small plateau about midway up the mountain, staring coldly across the flatlands at the opposite range. Fox's command had been clear, and Jinx did not hold a grudge against her for it, but she knew they would attack her on sight. How she felt about them for that was mixed. Closer than the Creek was Northstar Vale, but the wolves there knew nothing of Jinx's departure from the Creek nor anything about the mountain being claimed, so she had little to fear from them. Horizon Ridge was in the same boat, but Blacktail Deer Plateau also knew.

She decided she would worry about it later. As dawn's first light touched the mountain's eastern face, Jinx tossed back her head to bay a low, triumphant howl into the brisk morning air, inviting the scant few who had followed her here to join her in rallying as the Silvertip Mountain pack for the first time.

RE: That's your horoscope for today (Official claiming) - Tyrande Nightshade - April 14, 2014

totes mcgotes I want to join! But I'm not entirely sure where I'll be yet, so... I'm just gonna say here that I'm here : p

Tyrande smiled softly as the breeze hit her fur. She closed her eyes and imagined she as flying like a bird for a moment before opening her eyes and letting out a long, rather deep for a female, howl.

This particular howl was full of emotion. Full of grief and guilt, excitement and hope, a mixture of goods and bads. To her, a howl was like a song, and this song just happened to have no words, but she prided herself on her howling, most of the time.

RE: That's your horoscope for today (Official claiming) - Sitri - April 14, 2014

Sitri had followed the scent trail of Jinx. Though he was not the smartest wolf and he took orders better than he thought through life he was a fairly skilled tracker, warrior, scout, and defender among the few skills he possessed. Though he was made purely for the queen to do with as she wished, she had made sure he had valuable skills to uphold her orders and do as she wished.

He heard her howl and a fiendish smile lit up his face. Their own space this new pack, the demon queen was back again and it filled him with a sick twisted sense of delight. Now he could work out the kinks he could follow orders again he may even be able to maim, kill torture.

His voice joined hers in a loud scratchy howl to let them all know he was here for the claiming. He would follow the demon queen, he was hers to command. Orders orders the voices whispered he would have orders soon.

RE: CLAIM · That's your horoscope for today - Ira Nox - April 15, 2014


Ira had not told a soul, exactly as he had promised Jinx when she had let him in on her plans to go her own way. It had been concern that had ate at him, gnawing at his heart as he liked to worry bones when Jinx had not returned when she had said she was going too. Ira had not stayed in Swiftcurrent Creek long after it, giving her a couple of hours before he gathered up his few possessions and went in search of her. Admittedly, he had unashamedly berated her when he had found her, out of passive aggression and relief that she was unharmed. Ira had been made aware of the official claiming, finding the whole process exciting. He felt pride swell within his breast at the knowledge that he was a founding member of Silvertip Mountain, and that he was apart of something bigger than he’d ever been before. Jinx’s low howl rose into the morning air, causing her Princeling’s ivory velveteen ears to perk forward atop his skull. He gave a pause in his eager exploration of the mount that was his new home, and lifted his own muzzle towards the horizon, letting his song join Jinx’s and the tones of the strangers who called themselves founders with him.

RE: CLAIM · That's your horoscope for today - Lecter - April 16, 2014

He raised his voice in song with Jinx and the others, paws gripping the shale as glory and gratitude unfurled in his tones. As he had been with Bon Dye, so was he with Silvertip, but a new sense of mortality had been granted the male, and he knew upon these slopes he would pass, with the scent of the sea wafting about him and his Mamba's love buoying his heart.

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