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Mount Apikuni meeting asterr - Printable Version

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meeting asterr - Bonnie - October 19, 2016

@Asterr. Sorry for the super bland title lol I'm trying to keep organized.
A lithe vessel of grace, each stride intentional and precise, Bonnie was on the move. It had been nearly three months since she'd left her birth home and her survival since then depended solely on her skills with catching small game and sniffing out the few berries she'd been lucky enough to come across. And today just so happened to be one of Bonnie's lucky days.
A bird - crafted from shades of red and sized perfectly for a snack - frantically jumping around the cool ground, happened to catch her eye, thus she slowly moved herself to a point of aim. Just as the creature began to tire from the effort, Bonnie jumped out from where she sat and launched herself in its direction. Sadly, however, hunting wasn't her place of expertise.
With a smack of the about against the hard base and the humiliation of the ordeal, she slowly began to lift herself and walk away, hoping no one was around to have seen her incident.

RE: meeting asterr - Asterr - October 19, 2016

The hatchlings’ reliance upon her had dwindled, thus allowing for her to venture beyond the confines of the lair far more frequently. Still did she refuse to stay out for more than a few hours, knowing that, whilst they were growing, she was still needed in their lives. For the moment, though, they had been laid to sleep, providing for her plenty of time to venture outside of her home—and so she’d done exactly that. It was towards a neighbouring mountain, the one disconnected from the range, that she’d traveled, wishing to offer to her body the challenge of hiking. Since settling within the cavern, it wasn’t often that she was able to truly climb, and so there were moments in which she felt the desire to test just how well her body remembered to do so.

Up winding paths and steep inclines had the dragoness gone, stopping frequently to assess the view of the land below, only to continue shortly after. During her most recent of pauses, however, there’d come from up ahead a commotion of some sort. Curious, she’d proceeded with caution, and had arrived just in time to bear witness to the stranger’s failure. Yet, despite what had happened, she’d not laughed nor said even the quietest of humourous comments. Instead, her approach had been continued, stopping next once she was only several meters away. By then, her presence should have been noticed, and so she’d gone on to ask, “Are you alright?”

RE: meeting asterr - Bonnie - October 19, 2016

Just as she'd begun to leave the scene, Bonnie was met with another's company. She stood still before sighing and flopping back down onto her haunches. There was an apparent wetness on her face - she was bleeding. Fantastic.
I've had better days. I'm Caroline, but y'all can call me Bonnie and as you can see, hunting isn't exactly my forte.
Bonnie did all she could do in a moment like this - she laughed. It was something that'd always worked for her when she was in a rut, and this surely fell under that category. She was hungry, embarrassed, and bloodied, but she still made an effort to keep face.

RE: meeting asterr - Asterr - October 19, 2016

Face her had the stranger then done, revealing to the chieftess that her potential embarrassment would not be the only takeaway from the incident. For there upon her face was were the crimson liquid was spotted, sure to make an attempt at staining her coat—though that was not what stuck out to Asterr. What held her attention was the fact that the female had clearly injured herself, but, rather than taking appropriate measures to ensure her wound did not end up festering, she’d simply spoken and then laughed everything off. It simply would not do.

“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Bonnie,” the girl began, taking the opportunity to draw closer. She held herself in a relaxed way, lacking malicious intentions. “My name is Asterr.” The response was but a murmur as her silvery gaze sought out the source of the blood, inspecting in from a short distance away, for she’d yet to acquire the necessary permissions for invading another being’s personal space. “I believe I could make your day a bit better, if you will allow for me to treat your wound,” the dragoness said, offering her services. It did not matter to her that they were strangers, knowing nothing about one another save for their names. Before her, she did not see the potential dangers that came with meeting a new soul, but an injured wolf that was in need of some assistance.

RE: meeting asterr - Bonnie - October 20, 2016

Though it wasn't often that Bonnie gave up her trust so easily - seeing as from her perspective, everyone else was a daunting threat - but Asterr reminded her of home. Maybe it was her tone, or her appreciation for aiding those in need, but whatever it was, Bonnie took it as a sign that her confidence would be safe in the she-wolf.
Well if it isn't too much trouble, I mean if I wouldn't be keeping you from other commitments, then I would much appreciate the help.

Unsure of the other's next move, Bonnie sat still, awaiting a response.

RE: meeting asterr - Asterr - October 20, 2016

The offer made to assist was not denied, and so she’d continued her approach so that a better look could be taken at the injury site. “For now, it is fine for me to be away from my commitments,” she’d told her, a smile accompanying her words. From her end, there came only silence thereafter, for she had gone back to examining the injury. It seemed like nothing more than a simple nosebleed, and so she’d moved back and glanced around at their surroundings. Moss was spotted, which she’d made a mental note on before directing her attention back towards the stranger. “Wait here for a moment,” the girl instructed, turning as she did so and disappearing down the mountain. For several moments she’d be gone, searching for and then gathering that which she’d needed before her return was made.

As the dragoness returned, she had clutched gently in her maw the leaves and bark of a witch-hazel shrub. Towards the female had a glance been cast, right before the ingredients were dropped into a small puddle. Asterr remained silent as she allowed for the items to soak, then retreated several steps to pull from some rocks the moss that she’d noticed earlier. “This treatment may offer a strange sensation, but it should stop the bleeding,” said she, having pressed the moss into the puddle only seconds prior. It was relieved of any excess water upon being pulled out, and then carefully carried towards Bonnie. “Keep still,” was said, though the words themselves were muffled by the moss. Should the other female cooperate and do as instructed, Asterr would then finagle the plant into the nostril whence the blood flowed. Lingering, it would be ensured that it did not immediately fall back out, and then she’d step back to examine her work.

“Try not to move too much for now, lest you wish for the moss to come free,” were her next instructions. “What is it that you were attempting to catch prior to your accident?” Now was as good a time as any to get more details surrounding her mishap.

RE: meeting asterr - Bonnie - October 20, 2016

Doing as she'd been instructed, Bonnie kept absolutely still, meaning that her head stayed at the same elevation point as before, giving an awkward view for Asterr, she was sure of it. Having the moss there was a new feeling, for sure. She smirked at the question, as she didn't necessarily want to answer but she wouldn't ignore it.
Well, I was trying to catch a bird. Like I said, hunting isn't my thing. I'm actually trying to become a counselor.
She lowered her head just a bit, so as to get a better view of Asterr. 
What're you doing up here, just out of curiosity? I'd hoped no one would be around to see my fail. But I reckon it's probably better that you were here in the long run.

RE: meeting asterr - Asterr - October 20, 2016

Bonnie made for a good patient, doing as she’d been told every step of the way. It was the type of behavior that she was used to, and felt relived to have been made to experience; patients that believed themselves to know better than the medic treating them were, for lack of a kinder word, downright awful. Her calm demeanor had allowed for the treatment to be given with ease, which had then allowed for the duo to have some time to converse—which was interesting, given that their first topic was what had happened. Asterr listened, and nodded when it was appropriate to do so, but had laughed not even once. “Catching birds is no easy task, especially on this sort of terrain,” was her response, being able to speak from experience.

The female’s true interest had been quick to catch Asterr’s attention, prompting a soft, “Oh?” to leave her lips. “Are you skillful in your craft?” she’d went on to ask, rightfully curious. The tribe did not possess any members that were interested in becoming counselors—to her knowledge, that is—so to meet a lone one was a curious thing. Perhaps Draco had been the one to lead her there on that specific day, and for the sole purpose of locating for her tribe a fellow keeper of the peace.

When spoken to, she’d smiled, agreeing with the latter statement. “It is good that I was here,” she’d said, knowing that not many were interested in helping out strangers. “As for an answer to your question, I am merely exploring,” continued the girl. “It is not often that I am able to leave my tribe anymore, and so I take any opportunities that I am given to traverse the mountains.” The terrain was familiar to her, which decreased her chances of her falling. Plus, they were close to home, allowing for her to return to the lair at a moment’s notice.

RE: meeting asterr - Bonnie - October 21, 2016

Pardon me for asking, but why can't ya leave much anymore? I don't know how long I could survive in one place.
Bonnie had purposefully skipped the first question, as she needed a bit more time to consider her answer. Yes, she was trained, but only for a short while before she'd left home. It wasn't necessarily true to say that she was skilled.
I had some training as a counselor, yeah. I still have a lot to learn though, seeing as I'm new to wandering. I only left my home pack some months ago.
Had she still had room for another question, she might ask about Asterr's trade. Of course, the caregiving was obvious, but maybe she had other tricks up her sleeve as well.

RE: meeting asterr - Asterr - October 23, 2016

The query pertaining to her level of skill was, for the moment, skipped over. It was something that the dragoness had noticed with ease, but another thing that she’d not commented upon. She understood that some were not interested in speaking of themselves, or could need time to gather their answers together. No matter the stranger's reasoning, however, she’d let it slip by. There was no reason to press upon a matter that was of little importance, after all. No matter the skills possessed, more knowledge could always be acquired with time and practice. Always were minds growing, evolving and discovering ways in which they might store more information. Such was what Asterr believed, and so she’d be patient with the injured female.

What had been asked of her was to be expected, the answer being one that she wasn’t the least bit keen on hiding. “I gave birth several weeks ago,” she went on to explain, smiling all the while. To speak of her girls brought her a great amount of joy, for they were everything that a mother could ask for—and then some. “Three daughters. They are still too young to be without me for anything more than a few hours.” There were others within the tribe that could watch over and protect them from danger, but they could not provide for the hatchlings what their mother could. Such was a role that no one aside from Asterr could ever fill, for she had been the one to bear and give life to their young souls.

Back to her initial question had the topic of conversation then gone, and to the chieftess was an answer revealed. “We all have much to learn, no matter how much—or little—we believe ourselves to know,” she’d said, assuring Bonnie that she was not alone. Whilst some tended to know more than others, there was always room for improvement, even when it seemed as if there might not be. Little time was spent on that idea, though, since the girl believed that certain things were best left to be discovered by one’s self. It was then onto the fact that she was alone that Asterr had moved, curious. It was with an obvious interest that she’d then asked, “Have you considered settling down into a new home since leaving your old one?”

RE: meeting asterr - Bonnie - October 23, 2016

Children! Though Bonnie had just left the juvenile stages of her own life, she adored the young (and the young at heart). 
Congratulations! I'm sure they're adorable. I still have a while until I have any of my own, but I'd love to one day.
Next came the question of a home. Bonnie had thought about settling once or twice, but she didn't have any idea how to go about it. She'd lived in the same pack her entire life, so finding a new one wasn't an easy task.
I have, actually. I'm just not quite sure where or when, or even how, for that matter. It's probably best that I do it sooner or later. I can defend myself out here but I'm still small, ya know?
It was true. Bonnie was no stranger to a fight, but that was at home. She was in new territory with new wolves, and no idea what she was getting herself into.

RE: meeting asterr - Asterr - October 23, 2016

It did not come as much of a surprise that the other wished to someday start a family of her own. Such was a wish that most seemed to carry, for the joys of parenthood were something that could not be resisted against. Though Asterr’s own litter had not been planned, exactly, she could not picture herself without the little hatchlings. Their presences alone seemed to brighten up the tribe as a whole, filling the world with a light that was unlike any flame she’d ever been told of dragons producing. “Thank you,” she’d said, the congratulations accepted. “Pregnancy is not an easy time to go through, but children are well worth it. I am sure you will learn this once you start a family for yourself.” At times, being pregnant had been absolutely awful. Her movements had been limited, as well as many of her usual activities. There were plenty of plants that she’d not been able to harvest on her own due to the effects that they could have on the unborn children, and still was she unable to surround herself with a few due to nursing. Yet, despite all of that, she wouldn’t change a thing. Her daughters were far more important than any task out there, and so she could deal with the wait.

“Settling into a new home is not always easy, especially if you have spent your entire life thus far in another one,” Asterr noted. “But it is wise to find a place that fits you. Many of us can defend ourselves, but there is only so much we can do as individuals. It is when we are together that we are strongest.” Always would a family defend, as well as look after, one another. Especially in times of need, or during the winter months, for each could understand the importance of maintaining the group’s well-being. “If you are in need of a home, you are welcome to join my tribe,” she went on to offer. “We are small, but we are strong. It would also provide an appropriate environment for you to improve your skills as a counselor.” Though the tribe did not have any members that could mentor her, there were still plenty of opportunities for Bonnie to improve her knowledge.

RE: meeting asterr - Bonnie - October 23, 2016

Intrigued by the offer, Bonnie considered her options. Or better yet, the lack thereof. Something she hadn't considered was the uocoming winter, thus Asterr's mention of it made for a good point. And if it was a place where she could improve upon herself and her skills, then Bonnie figured she had no reason to decline.
Well, I'd be honored. It's very kind of you to offer.
With a dopey grin and an excited jolt to her step, Bonnie's tail began patting against the ground behind her. It was truly exciting, a chance at finding a new family and better yet, a new scene.

RE: meeting asterr - Asterr - October 25, 2016

The offer made was taken, which was an occurrence that made the dragoness smile. The female would have a home to call her own once again, whilst the tribe would have a new family member to welcome. Often did introductions go well, and so she wasn’t the least bit worried about that. She was hopeful, actually, and excited to see all of the developments that Bonnie might make with her knowledge over time. “Excellent,” Asterr voiced, moving closer as she did so. Against her shoulder had the chieftess’ muzzle touched, the connection brief, and then she’d returned to her previous placement. “It is a display of trust within my tribe,” she explained, having expected the gesture to be questioned. It was a tradition that she had brought with her from her place of birth, where the leader touches the shoulders of their members regularly to show that there was trust between them. The very same touch was always offered to new recruits as well, for they became family the second they joined, despite how little might be known about them.

Glancing upwards, the amount of time that she’d spent away from home was estimated, and then her decision to head back was made. Looking to Bonnie, she said, “You may allow for the moss to fall free now. If it begins bleeding again later, we may repeat the treatment.” She’d give her a moment to do so, and then turn with a nod of her head, motioning for the other to follow. “I am sure my daughters are missing me by now,” was her reason, for more time had passed than what she usually allowed. “If you will follow me, then I may show to you how to get home. It can be easy to miss at times.” If one did not know where the entrance to the lair was, exactly, then they could easily move right passed it without a second thought. It was one of the perks to living inside of a mountain, the fact that there was always plenty of silence for troubled minds to sort through their thoughts undisturbed.

RE: meeting asterr - Bonnie - October 25, 2016

Well gosh, is that all? I mean, it's fine but that was all I had to do? That's a few months wasted then, huh?
Bonnie snorted in laughter at her own badly composed joke, before readily following after Asterr, her new superior. Upon arriving, Bonnie would take a moment to explore before finding her other packmates and making time for introductions.