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Sleeping Dragon mama didn't raise no b*tch - Printable Version

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mama didn't raise no b*tch - RIP Emélie - November 12, 2016

She was being overtly disrespectful, but Emma was blinded by a newfound wave of cockiness. As she sniffed at the border of Blackfeather's neighbors, Emma licked her jowls and pissed over a segment of the well preserved line. She was on top of the world, whatever she wished was hers, and she answered to no one. 
Circling the forefront of the territory and leaving her own scent behind, Emma rumbled loudly in her own obnoxious laugh. She wanted a fight and this seemed the easiest way to get one.

RE: mama didn't raise no b*tch - Tanja - November 12, 2016

There was cockiness and then their was stupidity, and it seemed this stranger was drifting more toward the latter. It was foolish to piss on someone else's property and expect to get away with it. But by the looks of it, it seemed she wanted to be caught.

She was being reckless and didn't exactly seem shy about it. So the man assumed she wanted a fight, and so a fight is what Tanja would give her. He waited no time in charging after her once he caught wind of what she was up to, and made sure not to hold back as he descend on her.

RE: mama didn't raise no b*tch - RIP Emélie - November 12, 2016

The male took no hesitation in charging for Emma and his threat didn't fall on deaf ears. The impact pushed her over into a roll, blood falling from her shoulder, yet she was quick to her feet once again. Her ears flickered as a rumble rolled through her chest and fell on the air between them.
As retaliation, Emma lunged forward, aiming for the male's scruff, though she would take whatever she could. Anger and frustration bubbled inside of her as a ferocious laugh erupted from her maw.

RE: mama didn't raise no b*tch - Tanja - November 16, 2016

He had trained his whole life to guard borders, to protect his home and the wolves within it. He would not let this female be the first to slip by him, at least not without putting every drop energy into stopping her. And that's exactly what he intended to do...stop her. He sent her tumbling and a satisfied growl rumbled within the man's chest, though she was quick to regain her footing and before Tanja knew it she was attacking him.

He felt as her fangs dug into the flesh along his nape, though the pain he felt was minor. There was already too much adrenaline coursing through his veins for him to truly feel the severity of his wounds, so instead he focused on trying to tear at any flesh he could. He snapped at her hind leg, hoping to break it in two if he could, though honestly any wound he inflicted at the moment would be perfectly fine with him.

RE: mama didn't raise no b*tch - RIP Emélie - November 20, 2016

With the snap at Emma's leg came a surge of pain. The male had succeeded in digging his canines into her leg and unfortunately, the tip of her tail which she'd been using to guard herself. She yelped in both anger and agony but quickly jumped away leaving a but of her tail behind. 
Before she was to leave the battlegrounds, however, Emma wanted her fair share of defensive tactics thrown into the mix. Thus, she lunged forward once again in an attempt to grab the male's face. Hopefully, she could get a hold and injure him enough to escape.

RE: mama didn't raise no b*tch - Tanja - November 22, 2016

A growl of satisfaction rumbled in his chest as he felt his fangs pierce her flesh and blood soon flowed into his jaws. He violently thrashed his head around hoping to tear as much skin as possible, and even as she pulled away he refused to let go until the very last minute. 

He quickly regained himself as she launched her next attack, fangs dragging along his face as he felt his muzzle become shredded with more scars. Blood began to drip dangerously close to his eye from a cut just above and in a desperate attempt to send the intruder packing he snapped savagely in her direction, hoping to finally scare her off.

RE: mama didn't raise no b*tch - RIP Emélie - November 27, 2016

She landed the hit, thank goodness, and her opponent offered a chance to go. Having finally tired of being torn at, Emma took the opportunity and stormed away from the border. Adrenaline still coursed through her veins as she made the escape, and yet it registered as euphoria. It was as though she was young again, running to the stars.

RE: mama didn't raise no b*tch - Tanja - November 30, 2016

To his relief she took off, though that was not enough for him and Tanja quickly followed after to snap at her flank until she was far away from the borders. Only after he was certain she was gone for good did he returned to Drageda were he would nurse his wounds to the best of his ability. He had vaguely heard of the Skayona that resided on the mountain, and while he was certain she would be able to do more than he could, Tanja was untrusting of her medical abilities. So instead he returned to his den where he would let his wounds heal with time while he slept away the pain.