Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain I've got you baby - Printable Version

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I've got you baby - Muses - November 15, 2016

[size=large]She had spent the rest of the day exploring the glacier, and then that night sleeping curled up in a tight ball at the icy base of the mountain. It was a dream come true, and she lost all concept of time and sense of duty. The mountain felt just like home. It rose well above the surrounding land, a single spire that penetrated the clouds and beyond, to where her eyes could not see. There were steep cliffs and meandering paths, small waterfalls, and running creeks to decorate the mountainscape. Muses - no, [/size][size=large]Mneme[/size][size=large] - stood in the middle of it all, a third of the way up the southern face. Everything was so beautiful, she thought she would weep there and then.[/size]

[size=large]In that moment, in that space, she was exactly who she was meant to be: Mneme, priestess of the mountain, daughter of a demigod. Her fur flowed and billowed, ethereal tendrils of ivory curling gently to frame her face, reaching out from her body as if to caress the mountain. She, soft and young, stood in stark contrast of the age old rock of the mountain. Her tender presence was illuminated by the citrine glow of the late afternoon sun, contrasted by deep onyx shadows that sharpened the proud features of her face, the depth of her breast, and a trim waist beneath a heavy down coat. If ever there was a place she belonged, it was here upon the mountain. Caught in the moment, she threw her head back and sang her praises to the gods, mourned and cherished the memories of her lost sisters, twisting a sweet and sorrowful tone that rose towards the sun.[/size]

RE: I've got you baby - Bastian - November 16, 2016

He so far had no luck in finding a pack, but it was not as if he was actively searching for one. The Doktor wandered aimlessly, taking what assessment of the land he could before he would decide; though as the snows began to pile he felt himself drawn closer and closer to the scent borders of the packs tucked in the Hinterlands, but the Flatlands and Wilderness drew him like a fly to honey. He was quite torn.

For the moment, however, he sequestered himself upon the mountain jutting out, the precipice before the shore, the Hinterlands, the Valley below. To his delight he was far from alone; a woman made her home here, some religious fanaticism taking hold, if he read her howls right.

Tucking his elkskin bag somewhere safe, the Doktor travelled to her, acidic eyes gleaming all the while until he was a few breadths away from her. A crooked, drunken smile overtook him as he observed her pale fur — that sweet contrast — though he didn't dare speak, instead waiting for her attention to turn to him.

RE: I've got you baby - Muses - November 16, 2016

Her song eventually trailed off, a whimper lingering on its final notes. Gods she missed her sisters, her family, and their way of life. Had tragedy befallen her because her faith had wavered? Muses shook her head. No, it had nothing to do with that. Of all her family members, she had been the least religious, but perhaps the most obedient. Now that she was freed, she felt lost. With a sigh, she turned, thinking she would trudge onward to continue her exploration.

That's when she caught sight of the nearby stranger. Had he heard her? Her face warmed with embarrassment, and a pink tongue lolled out as she began to gently pant. Cheeks puffing out in a dainty chuff, she shyly nodded and greeted the fellow. "Hello, hope I'm not disturbing you." She was apologetic as usual, too polite not to assume she hadn't done something wrong.

RE: I've got you baby - Bastian - November 18, 2016

He watched her sing for a while, his eyes focused on her throat as it vibrated. He licked his lips, wondering if it looked different than the others he had examined. Or was she simply using it differently? His trail of thought broke as she turned to him, a look of apology on her face. He smiled in what he thought — hoped — was a friendly manner: Zere ist no need for apologies, Fraülien, He smiled gently. You have a beautiful voice,

RE: I've got you baby - Muses - November 22, 2016

The stranger had a rich voice and heavy accent. He insisted that she had done no harm, so Muses relaxed, shoulders lowering and chest widening somewhat. A strange name was given to her, but out of politeness, she did not ask any questions. Instead, she bowed her head graciously, tail waving slightly although it remained lowin her embarrassment. "Thank you, sir. I'm truly honored." She smiled sheepishly before continuing. "Even if I'm a little embarrassed to have unknowingly shared a private moment." Never had she considered herself a singer - that was her sister's role - but she enjoyed melodic howling from time to time.

RE: I've got you baby - Bastian - November 28, 2016

She relaxed, though that was probably the wrong thing to do around him. His acidic gaze locked onto her throat as she spoke bashfully, watching it move up and down with her words, making sure to keep eye contact as much as possible. Private moments are 'ard to 'ave vhen you are makink such loud noises, no? He chuckled.