Wolf RPG
Stone Circle If it's not rough, it isn't fun - Printable Version

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If it's not rough, it isn't fun - Addie - November 18, 2016

Adeline crouched low, her gaze never leaving the doe. They were both alone, their perspective packs elsewhere. Adeline assumed deers were never alone, but maybe they thought the same about wolves. The young adult could not pass up the opportunity to try and take down the lone deer.

She pushed off the ground, and headed for her intended target, who seemed so shocked that she froze. That split second was enough for Adeline to leap onto her backside, just as the doe meant to run. Adeline grabbed on with her jaws, trying to get a chunk of meat between them. The doe began to buck this way and that, attempting to throw the wolf. Adeline could feel herself beginning to slip, but she still fought for a hold. 

Suddenly, the doe bucked into the side of a tree, pinning Adeline between them before rushing off. Adeline lost her grip as the air rushed from her lungs and she fell to the ground.

She hoisted herself up as she tried to catch her breath, a grin spreading across her face. No, she hadn't gotten a meal. But, it had been a hell of a ride. She sat back on her hind end, knowing the doe would be long gone by the time Adeline found air again.

RE: If it's not rough, it isn't fun - Keoni - November 18, 2016

And then, Keoni was utterly besotted with Adeline. Watching, still, as the older girl faced off against the doe, watched her spring and land on the deeds back, watch her almost be bucked off with bated breath, watched her be thrown against a tree with a gasp and a steadily widening gaze. Awestruck by the display, it was a moment before she moved.

Than she was rushing toward the girl, bee lines for her with a wagging tail and skidding to a stop before her with a stare full of admiration. "You're so cool!" she said in a sudden rush, tail wagging as she beheld the might girl who had ridden a deer. With the sudden aspiration to one day be as awesome as the girl before her, the pup simply stared with wide eyes as the other caught her breath.

RE: If it's not rough, it isn't fun - RIP Valette - November 19, 2016

Valette tried to stay closer to the pups now she was technically their mother. The dark haired girl trotted after the little escape artist Keoni. It wasn't like she was not allowed to explore and roam the territory but Valette just wanted to check up on her. Before she could though she heard a disturbance and rushed forward, just in time to see Adeline being crushed between a tree and a deer. Foolish girl! She could have been killed.

However Valette was still a hunter and she couldn't pass the opportunity of a slightly hurt doe escaping. Valette rushed forward and instantly jumped towards her throat, hoping that the impact would snap the deer's neck or that she would at least have some grip on her. Though the deer was still too quick and the female's jaws closed against each other with a loud snap. The female landed on her feet and then turned to Adeline. She trotted up to her and gave her a nudge.

To her relief Keoni seemed to be there too. "I'd wish you called me for back up on that one," she spoke to Adeline. She would not scold her about the danger after all Valette herself jumped into a bison herd with the danger of her own life, along with Adeline. She then smiled at Keoni. "There you are. I've been looking for you," she spoke to the pup.

RE: If it's not rough, it isn't fun - Addie - November 20, 2016

She hadn't realized anyone had been watching, let alone an impressionable pup and the head hunter of Easthollow. She felt like an idiot, sitting there catching her breath after acting so carelessly. Well, at least that's how she felt she was supposed to feel. When Keoni announced that she was "so cool", Adeline couldn't help but agree. At least until Valette spoke how she felt. But, Adeline was a little stubborn. I didn't plan it. I just saw her, alone, and went for it. If I had called for you, she would have ran, she explained. Made perfect sense.

Valette turned her attention to the pup, and Adeline wondered if Keoni had wandered off again. Adeline wasn't particularly surprised; only jealous that the pup had more courage than she did at the age. It was months before Adeline got up the nerve to leave the densite. Why hadn't she just done it sooner? Well, she was making up for it now.

RE: If it's not rough, it isn't fun - Keoni - November 26, 2016

Suddenly Valette was there, and Keoni spun around, eye ps bright with excitement. "Did see? Top deer! I wanna too!" She said in a rush, missing a few words which could have captured her awe and accident better, but her joy was obvious all the same. Spinning to Adeline, the nameless woman who was only known as awesome at the moment, he grinned again. 

"You teach me!" She blurted as the idea came to mind. That looked so fun, and who better to teach her how to do it beside Adeline? And idea came to mind, and quite suddenly, not waiting for an answer from Adeline, she was beside Valette and leaping for her side, trying to clamber onto her back. ,aye Valette could be like a deer, and Keoni could practice on her!

RE: If it's not rough, it isn't fun - RIP Valette - November 28, 2016

Valette nodded to Adeline. "Alright," she agreed with a smile. It seemed most women in this pack were rather bold when it came to hunting. Keoni would probably be one of them with her enthusiasm. Valette was not mad at Adeline, she had just been worried. "At least the deer in injured we can look for it tomorrow and probably hunt it down together," she spoke with a smile.

Then Keoni joined in which made Valette smile briefly. "Well, you are a bit young for that, and riding deer is not really the way to hunt it," she explained. "Because we have no meat right now, no kill." Valette tried to explain it this way, perhaps then the deer ride would be less wonderful for the female. Though Keoni seemed pretty keen on riding like a deer. Valette gave a playful nip in her butt as a light warning not to jump on her.

RE: If it's not rough, it isn't fun - Addie - November 29, 2016

Valette let up, agreeing with Adeline's logic behind what she had done. The youngster didn't think twice about it, and smiled back to her leader. Adeline nodded quickly when Valette suggested they go and look for it tomorrow. I'll go with you! she offered quickly. She had started the take down today, and if the lead Huntress would allow her, she'd like to see it to the finish tomorrow.

Her glee turned to worry when Keoni announced that she wanted to ride the deer, too, and even attempted to hop onto Valette, who was quick to try and curb the pup from doing so. Adeline didn't want to see her spirits crushed, even if Valette was in the right, so she tried to turn Keoni's attention to herself. Getting down into a play bow, she playfully growled, and challenged Keoni. I bet you can't get me! she exclaimed. If Keoni gave any indication of being on board, Adeline would turn and start to run.

RE: If it's not rough, it isn't fun - Keoni - December 03, 2016

A short huff left her maw when Valette quickly curbed her efforts to ride her as Adeline had the deer, and her face was set in disappointment, though she did understand Valette's words. She knew not how scarce prey would become very, very soon, and thus the consequences did not resonate as deeply within her as it might someone older.

But Adeline wanted to play, and that drew her focus quickly as a beam spread across her muzzle, and ran after Adeline with reckless abandon, at times spurring her limbs inward and making a leap at her, so that she may catch her, but hadn't come close just yet. Still, her spirits did not flag in the slightest as she laughed and chased, pure joy flitting across her muzzle.

RE: If it's not rough, it isn't fun - RIP Valette - December 03, 2016

Valette was glad for Adeline's help. She didn't want to discourage Keoni but there was a voice of reason within her, clearly not wanting to lose the pup in a hunting accident. The young mother was only recently become a mother but she noticed that she already started to worry like one. It was good to see Keoni play with Adeline, and Valette decided that Keoni was more than safe with Adeline for now.

"Will you bring her back later to the den?," she asked Adeline. She was pretty sure she would so after the confirmation Valette decided to turn toward the den and see what the other pup was up to by now. With two of then roaming around and exploring it was hard to keep track of them sometimes.

- Valette exit! -

RE: If it's not rough, it isn't fun - Addie - December 17, 2016

Sure enough, Keoni joined in on the play, and began to chase Adeline. Adeline didn't run as fast as she could have, but did just keep herself out of Keoni's reach. The pup was determined, though, which would be an excellent characteristic if she choose to be a hunter in the future.

In the middle of the chase, Adeline's ear flicked towards Valette and her request. Yup! Adeline said quickly, not taking her focus off the game, but still let Valette know she heard her. When she was finally able to glance towards the older female, she was gone. The distraction made Adeline lose her footing over a root, and she went tumbling across the ground. Oh no! Keoni's gonna eat me! she playfully hollered. There was no running now, and Adeline knew she had lost the game.

RE: If it's not rough, it isn't fun - Keoni - December 28, 2016

The woman before her went tumbling, and with a flying leap accompanied by a happy shriek, the girl caught her quickly. She squirmed so that she was splayed across the woman's side, and looked at her earnestly as the woman spoke. "Dun worry. No eat." She told her with a smile, tail wagging behind her. No, wolves were not for eating. Only deer and mice and squirrels and bison, but not beetles.

they played a while longer, yet when it came to be that the girl was rather tired out, Adeline returned her to the den. With a final sleepy grin at her friend, thee girl disappeared inside to sleep for a while yet.