Wolf RPG
Northstar Vale The way your words hang in the moment suspended - Printable Version

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The way your words hang in the moment suspended - Saēna - November 18, 2016

Their band of four had grown to six or more. Saena was proud, but the growth of her pack also unsettled her in ways she couldn't explain. It was happening quickly, and the wolves that joined them now were not ones she was familiar with. They pledged their loyalty to Warbone, surely, to be living among them. It ought to have made her happy, for she was pledged to him as well, but it left her on edge instead. She knew not their intentions, strengths, weaknesses, loyalties and nuances. She couldn't hope to know how to handle them without knowing them, and having pledged themselves to Warbone specifically, there was no guarantee these unknown canids would show her the respect she deserved, even demanded. Dagfinn had done so easily enough, but the others...?

They will, resolved Saena as she strode out into the frosted vale, leaving the pack huddled together under a stand of trees. She sucked in a breath of the frigid air and used it to steel her nerves as she sauntered across the rolling valley, through banks of fog. There was no room for that here. She was a lead wolf, and would conduct herself thusly. In retrospect, she had failed in her past positions, if only because she had allowed her rule to become complicated by feelings, sentiments, and favouritisms. She was a new wolf, now, and she would encounter her new followers with nary a hint of her former, weaker self. She would earn their respect, or take it, whichever proved to be simplest.

By the time she struck the middle of the vale, where a larger white-barked tree stood, she was resolute and proud of stature, ready to face both the day and Warbone's followers.

RE: The way the words hang in the moment suspended - Calliope - November 18, 2016

Intent on familiarizing herself with the territory Warbone lay claim over, Calliope had struck out on her own before the sun had the chance to splay its first rays over the vale. There were indeed other wolves that had pledged themselves to the rugged wolf, but she’d had no meaningful interactions with them thus far. Perhaps she’d cross paths with them during her explorations but if not, she was content to roam the sprawling valley alone for the time being.
As she trekked along, she encountered the scent of a female she had definitely picked up on since Warbone had welcomed her into the vale. Curious, Calliope quickened her pace to pursue her. Her intent was to make her presence known and, ultimately, respected. Bonding with pack mates was important to her, as was gauging others’ strengths and weaknesses so she may decipher where her place within the hierarchy lies.
The smaller, pale woman was difficult to pick out amongst the fog from the distance, but Calliope had much more visibility as she began to close the distance between them. Right away she noticed the other’s tail, or lack-there-of, as she stood abreast one of the larger trees within the vale. Missing appendages could be telltale signs of past conflicts, but the fact that she was still alive hinted at her resilience.
Calliope chuffed in her direction, ears pinned forward while she maintained an otherwise neutral stance to gauge how the other would perceive her.

RE: The way your words hang in the moment suspended - Saēna - November 18, 2016

What made it so white? The thought crossed Saena's mind as she inspected the white tree from afar, but there were no answers forthcoming. Her time as a naturalist shed no light on this mystery. What the tree had seen in its time eclipsed her lifetime a dozen times over, but it could not tell its secrets to her, a nonbeliever in the voice of trees. It could not tell of the dance between monk and dragon that was its last memory until her time in the vale began. She studied it a moment longer, then dismissed it, attention drawn elsewhere by a voice.

Saena turned to find Calliope, presumably one of Warbone's pledged or else a loner (for Saena did not know her), and her nerves fluttered up in her belly all over again. What if this one, another woman, refused to be led? But again she bit down on her uncertainty, and used it to fuel herself instead. She completed her turn until she stood head-on, squared against Calliope in a stance brimming with confidence. For the moment, she saw only grey and green, and made out little else but that the other wolf was bigger than her. She was prouder, so she believed. The nub of her missing tail rose as best it could, but of course, it could speak very little for her dominance. That was okay. Saena had done without out for a long while now. Her ears formed erect points over her crinkled brow and the wide eyes that were fixated on Calliope's face, but there was a hint of a smile, a hint of welcome, on her otherwise crimped lips as she asked, "you are?"

RE: The way your words hang in the moment suspended - Calliope - November 19, 2016

Calliope studied the other female carefully, noting the distinct characteristics that lent her a unique appearance. The pale-furred wolf pivoted towards her and although she was petite, she made no attempt to mask her pride. Calliope wondered, then, if the woman before her was Warbone’s equal – she certainly carried herself as so.
If that were the case, she would make no attempt to outdo her. Calliope knew Warbone would not settle for just anyone to lead alongside him. Of course, she would have to wait and see if that was truly the case for the sharp little wolf, but her demeanor already spoke volumes about her place within the pack.
The female’s voice beckoned to her, requesting her identity. “Calliope,” she replied evenly, her bright gaze meeting the other’s piercing blue stare evenly. Sinewy limbs shifted to begin closing the gap that separated the two women. Calliope carried herself confidently, but not overbearingly so; her ears remained thrust forward and her tail swept from side to side at a neutral level.
She had to intention to challenge the woman, but her demeanor made it clear that she would not roll over and cower in weak submission. The beginnings of a smile twitched at the corners of her mouth. As she halted a short distance away from her, Calliope’s look seemed to ask, “and you?”

RE: The way your words hang in the moment suspended - Saēna - November 19, 2016

Saena remained still, willing Calliope to approach her rather than the other way around. And she did. The woman was both taller and thicker than Saena, but only due to a difference in size; they were equally streamlined, with Saena being maybe slightly plumper about her midriff and hips, but the comparison was difficult to make. A bib of white stood out against Calliope's dusty silver fur, and her eyes were a haunting shade of green that instantly reminded Saena of Tytonidae. She fleetingly wondered what had become of her sister, but the thought flew away when she noticed Calliope was meeting her eyes.

While the other wolf's tail signalled neutrality and ordinarily she would have been fine with that in spite of the erect ears, the direct gaze was too much for Saena. She'd never been one to demand absolute submission except from outsiders and those who crossed her, but she did demand the basics, and Calliope was not giving her enough even for that. They were unfamiliar with one another, and Saena needed to establish herself as Calliope's better here and now. First impressions were everything. If Saena let Calliope believe that meeting her gaze was okay, she would never be able to correct the behaviour in the future, when it mattered more. Though the silver-haired woman stood above her, Saena managed to give the impression of looking down as as she curled her lip in displeasure and let her hackles bristle. Down, she seemed to say. Calliope may not have meant to challenge her, but it took very little to make Saena prickly about her station. She'd dealt with insubordinate bullshit in the past enough that she simply would not accept it in any form, intentional or otherwise, now.

Maintaining this displeased posture to promise further consequence if Calliope refused to look away, she grunted, "Saena," and then added, with emphasis, "your first wolf." They would become acquainted if they could get past the establishment of hierarchy, perhaps even find something in common, and if they could not, then they would surely fight. It all depended on Calliope's response.