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Sleeping Dragon This is either madness or brilliance - Printable Version

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This is either madness or brilliance - Depp - December 06, 2016


There, on the edge of Sleeping Dragon, stood a swaggering figure, with an adventurous glow, attempting to gain his life back. In the months of Depp's absense seemed to go by rather quickly in his perspective, likely since there was no rush to return to Teekon. Yes, he knew well that his children were to be born while he was gone, and possibly killed by their mother since he wasn't around for Sen's labor. Sen. The name stung slightly, in some odd way. He had grown close to the woman, a occurance rather rare, mainly because he's traveled most of his life. He wasn't sure how she'd react to his returning, probably badly. Snarl at him for placing bastard children into her and then leave without word. Psh it wasn't his fault, he was kidnapped! Still though, he knew she would be difficult to convince. 

Strangely, there were no butterfly's in his stomach, nor second thoughts you'd expect from a wolf in his situation. Someone who built so much and right at it's peak disappeared, and now he stood with the chance of having lost it all. But his narcissistic mind didn't tread anywhere near the idea of such a thing. Truthfully, he began to gain something for Sen he likely didn't need, or want. She played him in a way he wasn't before - and he did the same in return. 

Now, he trekked lightly against the dirt of Sleeping Dragon, a once rival pack to his own. He could gain answers here, yes. He faintly remembered the alpha, one who never got along well with his partner. The story was different for him, though. The two were much more acquaintances than enemies, in his eyes at least. His nose twitched, trying to find any scent of the leader - not like he could remember it anyway. Depp waited, he knew sooner or later someone would come by.

RE: This is either madness or brilliance - Chessur - December 06, 2016

Chessur was rambling along the borders of Drageda when a foreign scent caught her attention. One that did not belong to any wolf in the pack that she'd met so far. It was that she knew all of them personally, but she had been at Wintam Dina, and this specific smell did not belong to any of her pack mates. While she knew that she technically wasn't a gona anymore, the idea of someone at their borders who shouldn't be there wasn't something she would stand for. She was devout in protecting her pack, and this stranger was too close for her liking. Healer Suri disappeared for the moment, and the warrior emerged.

The red furred female took off after the scent, and it didn't take her too long to track down the male. She waited in the brush for a moment, golden eyes burning into him as she scanned his flank for a weak spot. He was about her size, muscular but staggering about. She would go for his legs. With a plan in mind, she let forth a roar and lunged for him, barreling them both to the ground and hoping to pin him. Without waiting for further response, the warrior woman snapped at his shoulder, hoping to draw blood and penetrate deep.

RE: This is either madness or brilliance - Depp - December 06, 2016

Depp's ear twitched at the sound of another, he began to turn, in order to explain himself, but before he could do so was pinned to the ground. He held an extremely puzzeled expression, staring up at the wolf, before realizing their intention. He quickly shifted his neck to avoid the attack, and instead get nipped slightly on the shoulder. "Aye! Aye-aye, I mean no quarrel!" His voice was urgent, and somewhat offended. Violence was such an unintelligent and dense way to deal with issues, especially when you have a tongue as skilled as his. The wolf's intention was not for fight, but for simple answers, he stared up at the fiery fae, hoping to catch her gaze and use their mouths to speak rather than bite. 

He wasn't completely surprised someone wished to attack, he was aware of Sleeping Dragon's customs - almost the opposite of Seadog's brutality-free rule. If one entered their ground the most they would do was have Sen likely scare the living hell out of them, and perhaps brawl as the last resort. But to strike without thoughts seemed so... empty headed.

RE: This is either madness or brilliance - Tanja - December 06, 2016

Tanja had been minding his own business when a gust of wind revealed Chessur to be nearby. Having not seen her much since the day she joined, the gray man wished to ask her how she was and had hoped to catch up on what she had been up to these past few days. But upon drawing near the fiery female, Tanja quickly realized that unknown scent had mingled with Chessur's own and the hairs along his spine instantly stood on end.

He need nor wanted an explanation as to who this stranger was as Chessur's attack alone was enough to label him as a threat that needed to be dealt with. As always, Tanja was eager to join the fray and instantly took off towards the dark man, hoping to knock him off his feet. The only thing that mattered now was to remove the vile scum that had made the mistake of lingering on Drageda's borders.

RE: This is either madness or brilliance - Antumbra - December 06, 2016

sorry for the short post, wanted to pop something in before it go too far!

She'd been nearby when she caught wind of Chessur and Tanja, hoping to corner them for a little time together, but she's in a sprint as soon as she hears the scuffle. The foreign scent doesn't register right away and with her fur bristled, she slows to a stop as she comes upon the trio. The wolf doesn't trigger a memory just yet as she sizes them all. Chessur has the wolf on the ground as Tanja zeros in himself and Thuringwethil doesn't throw herself into the mix nor does she attempt to stop it.

There'd been no call made prior to this moment and she can only put two and two together to find the reason for violence. Her eyes shift between the three once she's closes in, teeth flashing white to boast her threat.

RE: This is either madness or brilliance - Chessur - December 07, 2016

Chessur's pearly white teeth missed the strange man's throat, but did graze his shoulder. She grabbed on tight to whatever she could and managed to rip out some of his fur but caused to real damage. She pushed herself down upon his chest harder, asserting her strength and keeping him pinned tightly to the ground. He started to talk, speaking that he'd meant no harm in native tongue. Unlike the male, Chessur found speaking to be inferior. Words were a sign of weakness, and those who used them were simply cowards. If he was so smart he should've recognized the border and stayed far from it.

She hovered above him, not allowing him any wiggle room but not attacking either. She snarled, peeling back her pink gums to reveal her sharp teeth. It wasn't long after that a familiar face joined her side. She was glad to see him, Tanja barreling towards her side. And after him came Heda, snapping her fangs as well. The male was outnumbered, and Chessur wasn't feeling merciful, but she waited for Heda's cue to kill, until then she waited, her golden eyes narrowed and fixated on the males exposed neck.

RE: This is either madness or brilliance - Depp - December 07, 2016

Depp was aggravated with the wolf above him, he saw the tuft of fur leave his body. The males aggravation grew even more as another brute came forth, growling in such - attempting to be intimidating. He didn't fight back, there was no reason too, though he tried his best to avoid any other attack. It wasn't until he noticed yet another wolf approach, goddamn, this isn't what he needed. It wasn't until his eye caught on to her being their leader. His muzzle turned to point in her direction. "You! You're the alpha of these wolves, yes? I've come to speak with you." He glared at the wolf atop him, hoping to be released of their grip so he could properly reintroduce himself to Thuringwethil. 

He gave a somewhat innocent smile, in attempt to have her call them off, his dark brown eyes in their most persuasive state.

RE: This is either madness or brilliance - Tanja - December 08, 2016

Tanja was oblivious to Heda's sudden approached but even if he had known it would have done little to sway him from his mission. The man before them now was an outsider, one that had been lurking among he borders of Drageda and Tanja would not allow for him to slip away unscathed. While Chessur pushed the dark man beneath her, the gray man was quick to approach her side and leaned down to snap at the stranger's face. 

Only when the outsider addressed another did Tanja realize that Heda had come as well. His iron orbs flickered to his commander and he made it very clear in his eyes what he wished to do. Tanja believed no mercy should be shown to this pathetic excuse for a wolf, but he made no move to attack. Instead he kept his attention glued on Thuringwethil as his eyes desperately begged for her to speak the command that would end this stranger.

RE: This is either madness or brilliance - Antumbra - December 17, 2016

I am very sorry for the delay. <3

Chessur does not go for the kill right away as they each, one by one, register her presence. Her eyes never leave the other, watching her own wolves from the corners of her eyes, and as he speaks, she feels a shiver shoot through her spine. Her ears fall back upon her head and she curls her lip, recollecting the woman that had swiftly lost her life upon her borders, and wishes for the same tear of her teeth to his skin. They have been nothing but a menace since attempting to stake claim near the dragon. It is almost poetic her companion lies beneath Drageda as the Seadog alpha once had.

“You have made a mistake coming here,” she tells him, flicking a glance toward Chessur as she remains ready to do as instructed. Thuringwethil raises her head slightly with an indication of her nose.

RE: This is either madness or brilliance - Depp - January 07, 2017

The charcoal wolf gave a nervous smile up at the stranger atop him, a skittish laugh escaped his mouth and he attempted back to leave the woman above him. "Thuringwethil, I- I've only come for questions, I mean no harm!" He insisted, did she not remember his kindess towards her, versus the scorn in Sen? It had to have been obvious, he was practically nothing like his once partner, he was calm and generous, he meant not to start a quarrel, but he was desperate for answers, and had no one else to consider going to. 

"Spare me and I will go," Depp exclaimed, staring up at the dark pelted alpha before him with his apprehensive grin.

RE: This is either madness or brilliance - Antumbra - January 12, 2017

One last round for you two to close it up?

Chessur hesitates against the command and Thuringwethil’s gaze hardens. It gives the straggler a chance to speak up and the sound of her name causes a rumble out of her chest. With Chessur backed up, her own anger fuels through and she has to fight to keep from lunching forward to do the deed herself. She persists a step forward with a growl lingering along her lips. “If you come near Drageda again, you will meet the same fate as your friend,” she tells him before she launches to chase him out.

RE: This is either madness or brilliance - Tanja - January 23, 2017

It was strange to see Chessur hesitate against the command and so Tanja himself moved to make the final blow. But before he had a chance to grasp the stranger's neck, the dark male spoke again and this time was granted freedom. He let out a low frustrated growl and would make sure to chase the man far enough away so that he wouldn't return. He was still curious though on why Chessur wouldn't obey a command given to her, but that was a thought for another time.

RE: This is either madness or brilliance - Antumbra - January 24, 2017

Thuringwethil growls as the male takes his only offer. If it had been a clear shot, she or Tanja would have taken his life but with the female in the way, she finds it difficult. She releases a snarl from her chest and chases the straggler with Tanja at her side. She doesn’t stop until the other is long gone and Sleeping Dragon is but a memory. She turns and remains silent on the way back, ready to deal with the kru when she finds her.