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Mount Everfall do not go gentle into that good night - Printable Version

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do not go gentle into that good night - Thyri - December 10, 2016

@Silaluk - this was the only place i saw her
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The thirst of a wanderer had carried the young storm-chaser much further than it ever had before. She had completely left the confines of her pack and the family that dwelled within it. After a point, Thyri was trailing further and further away just to prove that she was not bound. She had ventured past the point of her previous travels and had carried herself miles beyond it. It was not until she saw the length of the mountain that she realized just how far she had truly gone. The world was beautiful outside of Sleeping Dragon, and there was no fear in this inner admittance to herself. The child of the storm would not reprimand herself for an emotion that had played devilish thoughts throughout her mind for a short while.
With an ambitious leap, Thyri found herself beginning a climb upward. The mountain was far too dangerous for her to go too far, but she ushered her limbs to move forward and onward… and upward. She climbed until she found herself at a dangerous gap and a glance beside her suggested that if she were to miss the leap, she would fall to her death without a moment of hesitation. Heart thrumming wildly, the dragon huffed a plume of her fears into the air and darted forward, feeling her body take wind. As her paws struck the other side, she felt herself lose footing and stumbled forward, crunching into the stone that ensured she had made it to the opposite side.
Though pain shot through her limbs, she glanced back with a satisfied curling of her inky lips. She was certain that Freyja would have turned back when presented with such a challenge. The dangers of the mountain seemed to rouse a fire within her and she threw her head back to release a triumphant half-howl.  

RE: do not go gentle into that good night - Silaluk - December 10, 2016

Silaluk could have followed the waters from the Basin to move further, but she moved back to the Mountain but once more to inspect if any others from their branches had come this way. Mount Everfall would ever be the wolves of ocean-water and mountains preferred route. Her shadows remained behind her, but they lagged with intent. They were looking for trails of any that they had ever known. The she-wolf that had come to them by chance on the Mount would know different wolves than she and Anuniaq both. Silaluk would know many, for in her short life she had traveled much, aiding Tartok in many of their efforts of taking over territories. It explained the map of scars beneath her thick winter-fur that could likely only be seen by the eye that knew how to look. Scars were a great thing to carry, and it was not her who lost her life in those fights. 

Scree fell from an upper ridge of the mountain, and Silaluk, having been ascending herself, moved with precision to meet them. The wind was not in her favor and so she could not know what, exactly, she might meet. There was a deft and deliberate slowness to her movements as her glacial eyes searched her surroundings for signs of a predator lurking near. No scat, no claw-marks lining the rocks, and no territorial yowls. Though it seemed unlikely, it was not impossible, and so she was rightfully wary. Up and up she went, until she saw the sight of a tail that was distinctly wolf. This caused her to pick up her pace, though the way that she moved suggested her expertise in scaling mountains that had been even more difficult than this. Not once did she lose her footing, and soon enough she was level to the other. 

Silaluk shook out her furs, dirt, dust, and debris flinging from them before she took some odd steps toward the other wolf. Her ears cupped forward with interest. From afar, she could scarcely tell the others age. It could very well be a younger wolf of their ilk, and the adult they traveled with perhaps might be nearby... Silaluk's eyes took stock, again, of her surroundings, and a deep inhale informed Silaluk that around here, this one was alone. She did not think much on that, as thinking was not truly her way. Silaluk's tail fanned rigidly out behind her as she moved to close the distane, her body language calm. She was an imposing thing to behold, but at present she was not a threat to the other. No, Silaluk was merely curious.

RE: do not go gentle into that good night - Thyri - December 10, 2016

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It didn't take long before the scent of another had drifted toward the youthful child of the storm. She cast her head behind her and caught sight of the hulking she-wolf who had appeared like a massive shadow. Thyri's fur bristled instinctively and she drew in the scent of the other. The lands were not claimed, but she was not interested in making trouble for herself if someone was attempting to make a settlement there. There was something about the power within the other that drew her forward. Lifting her crown upward slightly, the child beckoned the larger beast forward, pleading with pale champagne eyes. She wanted to know this brute – this behemoth of a creature who had fallen upon her like some grace of the great gods. It was a sign for Thyri; a sign that the world was capable of so much more than what she had experienced from within the confines of her Heda's protective clasp.  
The storm crackled within her and she breathed out in a great plume of breath. Narrowed brows were not issued out of scorn, but interest, and she found herself taking a tentative step toward the brute of a woman – the warrior that Thyri wished she could be.  


RE: do not go gentle into that good night - Silaluk - December 10, 2016

The invitation was accepted swiftly, and the strong woman closed the small gap between them. Her wedgelike snout investigated the scents the young traveler had collected as Silaluk moved across the length of her body, slow but purposeful. Silaluk's bearing was that of one who was in charge, and though the other was young she heeded their body language. She was no mother, and intolerant of incompetence. Her teachings were savage in their instruction, but they were lessons none could forget. 

A sound in the distance caused Silaluk to become alert again. Small rocks bounced downward, and Silaluk looked upward in time to see a stray billy-goat lose their footing as she had not. It was the last mistake it would ever make; down, down, down it went. Silaluk brushed past the girl, then, the appeal of a free meal one that caused her to alter her path. The sickening crack of bones and terrible thud, thud of its body slamming against the duller parts of Everfall did nothing to her but, perhaps, provoke a feral excitement within her. What a fortunate error, for her. It was still going downward as Silaluk began to move, one ear cupping backward to listen for the stranger behind her.

RE: do not go gentle into that good night - Thyri - December 10, 2016

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The child of thunder breathed in the scent of the ink-cloaked figure and she held it within her soul. The stranger smelled of wanderlust and far-away places. An ache in her chest was enough for her to cast a glance back toward her home and the pack that she had ventured away from. Perhaps it was for the best... perhaps she should intend to make her leave permanent. It would allow for Freyja to grow and be strong on her own – Thyri only held her down and made her wild. She did not belong with the other dragon-born children and that had been made evident by her first few months of life. She thirsted for the great beyond and the prospect of thrilling wars and dangerous adventures.  
The sickening crunch sounded behind her and the girl turned her crown to face the direction of the falling beast. She felt the brush of the dark pelt again her as the warrior woman cast her steely gaze toward the tumbling prey animal. It would not survive, even the child knew. With a few steps, the storm-chaser peered over the edge of the mountain and witnessed the end of the goat's fall. It landed and did not stir again. It must have been a sign; it was time to feast with the brute at her side.   

RE: do not go gentle into that good night - Silaluk - December 10, 2016

Silaluk began her descent. Her eyes analyzed the precarious way down, and she lurked at a dangerous precipice. And she found her path. None of the many she had seen were easy, but to her it would not be a challenge. She was uncertain if the other would follow, though this was neither here nor there to her. She did not know the girls story, and she did not care to. The past, with many, was a tangled web. Tartok enabled many to tear clear of it and become better, stronger. Many wolves learned of their untapped potential when Tartok had them push past their own, self-made boundaries. Whether or not the girl began a new chapter this hour was largely in her own paws. 

Silaluk followed the bloodtrail, and the echoes the body had left in its wake. It had fallen a long way, and fortunately for the creature it had died long before its final stop. Were it alive, it wouldn't have made a difference. Silaluk called to her wolves, @Aklark and @Anuniaq as well as @Tugar—they would all eat this day. She tore into the fallen thing, its flesh and blood delightfully warm.
You guys can hop in this thread after a couple of more rounds between Mary and I if you guys would like!

RE: do not go gentle into that good night - Thyri - December 10, 2016

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The warrior moved with a strange sense of leonine grace that Thyri had not been subject to. She watched with calculating eyes as the inky creature made after the fallen prey. That was all that it took for the girl to follow after the wild beast. They would feast together and it would be far greater than any shared meal that she had with the wolves of Sleeping Dragon. The storm-born used the length of her limbs to scale downward and found that it was just as challenging as it had been to scale up. She followed diligently in the steps of the hulking woman before her and she found satisfaction in her ability to keep up – to hold her own with the beast of brilliance before her.  
Just as they touched down where the goat had landed, the shadowy stranger began to tear into the flesh. In that same moment, she threw her skull upward and called for others – names that the young child did not recognize, but she did turn her crown to where they might appear. Her flesh pricked with excitement as she imagined the surrounding terrain to burst forth with beasts of equal might and splendor. To the prey animal, she breathed in the sinew and blood before she sank her fangs into it's hide and began to feed.  

RE: do not go gentle into that good night - Silaluk - December 10, 2016

Silaluk dug into the beast, and when the young girl made to do the same her bloodied lips peeled back in a warning snarl. The stranger had yet to be brought into their fold, and would know that she must wait her turn before she had her fill. Silaluk knew the girl was young, and remembered the days when she had been so young that rank did not matter and she could eat with those who led the mountain. This one was not her young, however, and Silaluk would not see her resources taken by strangers—the other would need to earn her trust, earn her place among them. She could stay if she obeyed the simplest of rules in their wolf law, and her patience for disobedience was nonexistent. Wait your turn, the severe look said. It had not yet come.

RE: do not go gentle into that good night - Thyri - December 10, 2016

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There was an unwarranted warning snarl that was emitted from the dark female. Thyri cast an electric glance toward her and felt the storm stir in her gut once more. She cracked with the power of the rolling clouds and drew her tongue across her blood-stained muzzle. For a moment, her respect for the powerful woman had fallen. She had not demonstrated some great act of strength to land this prey animal; it had fallen due to its own folly. The land was not marked with this woman's scent, and so Thyri was not moving in on claimed terrain. To claim the kill as her own was not right – not by any means – so she did not understand.  
Drawing her gaze away from the kill, she turned to leave. Respect was earned, not freely given, and the dark woman had done nothing but stand on the mountainside while the goat had tumbled to the cold grip of death. Perhaps Thyri had been wrong to think this brute a powerful creature.  

RE: do not go gentle into that good night - Silaluk - December 10, 2016

As the other turned to go, Silaluk blinked and licked her bloodied chops. The girls fate meant little to Silaluk, who held no trust for others she did not know, and cared even less. Appeased, Silaluk tore into the warm, fallen thing. Her subordinates would fall in soon, and they would eat. Silaluk desired for them to feed before the girl who darted away, as it was them who had earned her findings above any other. This world was about survival, and Silaluk had ensured that those who followed her did just that. With Silaluk, they thrived.  

RE: do not go gentle into that good night - Tûgar - December 13, 2016

The sound of Silaluk's summons called Tûgar to move swiftly in its direction. When near enough she could smell the fresh-scent of blood, and she watched another wolf retreat. Tûgar paid them no mind whatsoever in the moment, instead crouching low and seeing if she would be permitted near the food as Silaluk ate. While there was plenty, something told her to stay back... still, she would not be Tûgar without making an attempt toward the morsel to see what would fly, and what would not under their leaders rule. And so she inched ever closer, not even thinking of the potential consequence from either Anuniaq or Aklark. Her tail wagged appeasingly and she let loose a low whine, teeth revealed a submissive grin.

RE: do not go gentle into that good night - Aklark - December 13, 2016

When the call came, Aklark followed shortly behind. The scent of a stranger hung in the air, but when he arrived there were none but Silaluk, Tûgar, and a felled beast. Simply the sight of the latter caused Aklark's chops to water with saliva. His stomach growled, but the hierarchy was to be striclty enforced. He fell behind Silaluk, and he would wait his turn. He sat and looked over to the other subordinate, Tûgar, who appeared to be making a move toward the body.

Aklark moved to stop her and remind her of her place. She showed submission to Silaluk, but she would show it to him as well. He snarled, baring his teeth. After all, she would not be eating any time before himself.