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Verdant Basin Love on the brain - Printable Version

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Love on the brain - Emory - December 10, 2016


The agouti vixen had roamed so far, her paws feeling a perminant numbness that was impossible to adapt too. She longed for company, and although the wolfess could never create a commitment beside her brother, she considered the idea. No, she wasn't ready to replace him, she never would be. Charley was her twin, her partner in crime, her other half and she screwed it up. It was disgraceful enough to have made such a mistake, but to put someone else in his place was unthinkable. For now she could manage the few wolves to occasionally pop out in the wintery ground beside territory she wasn't welcomed in. 

Emory was lonely. She would never admit this of course, maybe not even to her brother -- if she were to find him that is. Her muscles ached for a proper night of rest, but was proven impossible without another by her side to warm her. Months upon months of journey and barely any rest to reconcile. Luckily, she knew how to catch food, otherwise she would lose the second most precious thing to her; her body. She hadn't grown too thin while being in solidarity, but as winter grew it was proving harder to maintain. 

The sun had fallen onto the opposite side of the world and the moon stared her in the face with multiple stars, all so close. She took it as a mocking, how the stars never moved from each other cause they were smart enough not to leave. And the few times they did, creating a falling star, it would soon die off because it's decision. Emory blew air out of her nose, creating the illusion of smoke, and decided it was smart to rest -- well, try that is.

RE: Love on the brain - Paschar - December 11, 2016

Thanks for starting!

Paschar was in a much better mood since his run in with his cousin Hadraniel. Leaving him had been a bit hard, but he was older now. And when you turn eighteen you got to leave the nest. Char knew Hadraniel wouldn't want him following him around like a lost puppy, so he'd give him some space. However he did want to stay in the area, in case one day he needed to find his cousin again. He sighed as he trotted across a muddy ground, his breath made thick white clouds in front of his face, barely visible with only the moon and stars to see. It was too damn cold to keep going, if only he had someone to snuggle with.

He paused and gave his slick agouti fur a quick lick, then continued walking, looking for somewhere cozy to collapse and roll up into a fluffy little ball. Suddenly, after a wide scanning of his surroundings, Char noticed a figure. Another wolf. His fur bristled for a moment, fear rising from the butterflies in his stomach. He wasn't a confident guy, he hated confrontation, especially in the dead of night like this. He had half a mind to turn and run like a baby, tail between his legs, but something stopped him. A little voice telling him to stay and talk to the silhouette, maybe something good would come of it.

He walked towards the figure until she came better into view. A svelte woman with an agouti coat like his, but filled with the colors of a sweet Starbucks coffee. Her honey mocha eyes were barely visible except for the occasional glint they gave off. He admired her for a moment, while she was older than him, she was still very attractive. Then he chuffed, hoping to get her attention, and glad that he'd stayed instead of turning and running.

RE: Love on the brain - Emory - December 11, 2016

No problem!

Her senses failed her once again, having delved too far into the view before her to realize there was another close by. It wasn't until a short chuff could be heard did she turn, and for once was startled. Her ears lifted, and eyes widened, it wasn't until she was facing the male did she relax. It was embarrassing to be caught off guard, it almost never happened, but this stranger managed to do so.

Emory instantly altered her posture to accentuate her most feminine features, out of habit. Her eyes filled with an imitation of lust, only to accent the orbs with moonlight. She observed him before speaking, taking in all she could prior to her performance with the potential puppet. He was tall with paws that were unporpotional with his body, despite being brawny. The wolf's eyes seemed surprisingly plain compared to the rest of his colorful pelt, but stood out when under the stars. 

He was adorable. A rare thought for the vixen to think. She either focused on their sexual features the most, but damnit he was cute! Emory was almost disgusted by the idea, her actually seeing more than just someone to manipulate. Though that wouldn't kee her from trying. "Good evening," The voice seemed to pour out of her mouth like honey, all the more seductive.

RE: Love on the brain - Paschar - December 11, 2016

As soon as the coffee toned woman turned to face Char, he noticed a hangs in her posture. She became more feminine than she already was, alluring and beautiful. All Paschar could do was cough stupidly, gaping at her figure. Her words were smooth, inviting and warm. A perfect snuggle buddy, if nothing else. He stepped forwards timidly, dropping his tail and ears to show submission. Good morning- I mean night. He shook his head, fumbling over his words.

I'm Paschar. You can call me Char though. How are- how are you? Paschar's game was at zero percent. He was very young and inexperienced, and tired as hell. But he still tried his best not look stupid. He got into a more relaxed position, his fluffy tail swinging at his hips.

RE: Love on the brain - Emory - December 11, 2016

The fae giggled, she stepped closer to him so they were merely inches apart, her tail flicked like a feline, looking him in the eyes. "I'm good, now that you're here." After a few moments of eye contact, before half circling his body to end up directly on his left side. "I'm Emory." She cooed, pushing her fur up against his, slightly because she was cold as hell. "I apologize, I'm just freezing".

He was warm, and for a moment she considered throwing away the act and just admitting her need for a friend that night. She almost did when staring into his eyes, he seemed to sweet to trick -- but she persevered and managed to keep it going best she could. It was hard to make out all his features in the dark, but perhaps that was for the best. She might've already ended her cons if so.

RE: Love on the brain - Paschar - December 11, 2016

The woman didn't seem too disgusted by his first few dumb remarks, which gave him hope that he could still make a friend out of her. He gave her a slight smile, his dull silvery eyes looked so much brighter in the faint light of the moon. Suddenly the woman close to him, inches from his face. His head shrunk back away from her face, eyes wide in surprise as she began to weave her way around him like a cat. Her name was Emory, and it seemed to fit her somehow. She rubbed her head into his pelt, and a shiver went down Paschar's spine. But not the kind you get when you're cold, the kind you get when your happy and warm.

The heat that she gave off made his stomach churn with nervous butterflies, for he wasn't used to being so close to a woman. He turned his head to glance at her, shifting closer to feel her warmth. No problem, I'm fluffy. He gave her a friendly grin, his big ears flicking atop his head. Shyly, the boy stammered over his next words. Would you maybe want to, spend the night with me here? So we can keep each other warm and stuff? He flopped down onto his stomach, now looking up at Emory.

RE: Love on the brain - Emory - December 11, 2016

He was awkward and shy and sweet and cute, all making him the perfect target. It was obvious women didn't make large moves on him often, and she loved being a first time. She watched as he laid down, and decided to do the same, inching even closer to him as she did so. A wry smirk splayed across her muzzle, their faces inches apart. Char was right -- he was fluffy. 

His offer was tempting, though she'd never spent a whole night with someone she initially planned to only be using. It was strange, almost feeling like a sin to stay much longer. Almost too romantic versus the usual play on attraction. Though she was attracted to him, in a way she hadn't been in quite awhile. One she didn't dare enter, but found too difficult to leave once past it. 

The wolfess locked eyes with the male again, trying to gather the most she could from them. While also contemplating whether she should leave or not. "I'd love too." The words slipped from her mouth before she came to a final decision, and a slight feeling of regret fell to her stomach.

RE: Love on the brain - Paschar - December 12, 2016

The woman laid down beside him, accepting his proposition to spend the night beside him. He gave a triumphant and joyful smile, glancing to his new companion and wagging his tail. Now that they sat there together in the faint light, Paschar realized he had no idea what to say to her. Should he try to talking to her, or would she mind if they just laid there and enjoyed each other's warmth? He didn't mind either way, but he didn't want to screw this up and make her leave. He opened his mouth and shifted to face her.

So umm... where do you come from? It was a simple enough question, he could only hope it wasn't the wrong one.

RE: Love on the brain - Emory - December 12, 2016

She felt content beside the wolf, it'd been awhile since she felt another's warmth and Emory took advantage of it, snuggling up next to him close as she could. It wasn't until he brought up her past that she cringed slightly, remember her mother. The wolfess shifted, somewhat uncomfortable in her own thoughts.

It wasn't often she'd talk about her past to anyone beside Charley and Reek, but she think it to be harmful to open up just a little. "A pack called Sawtooth Ridge." She explained, not any sense of triumph in her voice, she hated her childhood home. "You?

RE: Love on the brain - Paschar - December 14, 2016

Char felt the woman's shift, and instantly felt he'd done something wrong. He always did. He just didn't know what to talk about, what to do. Honestly he wasn't even looking for a relationship or a one night stand, just a friend; and he'd messed that up too. He almost said sorry but before he could she answered his question. He was surprised, he was sure the next words to come out of her mouth would be something along the lines of 'how dare you bring up my past you suck you're the worst, etc' but it wasn't. He was just being anxious as always.

He'd never heard of a sawtooth ridge, but it sounded spooky. She redirected the question back to him and unlike her he didn't hesitate to open up. Oh I came from my birth pack, it's called Minhiraith. He said with a shrug, it was clear that Minhiraith wasn't his favorite place, but he wouldn't go into detail about his old home until she asked him about it. For now he laid his head on his too big feet, shifting to face her contently.

RE: Love on the brain - Emory - December 14, 2016

If there was one thing Emory learned throughout her time using people to her advantages, it was people loved to talk. Especially about themselves. So, a way to gain someones good side was to allow them to just talk. About themselves, other people, it didn't matter. At least the wolfess had the decency to listen when one would ramble on, and she'd use what they said to pry even more, causing them to like her even more. "What was that like?" She questioned, having a facade of interest in her expression.

The coffee flavored wolf opened her mouth again to speak, but seemed to be caught. She choked silently for a moment, her next question bringing her somewhere she hadn't wish to be. "Do you have family?" The slighetest amount of regret could be heard in her tone, though was difficult to the untrained ear.

RE: Love on the brain - Paschar - December 15, 2016

Paschar looked away when the girl asked him what Minhiraith had been like. He didn't really want to tell her about his sucky home, or his absent parents. Especially since the story would be hard to tell without bringing up Feral. His dark impulses hadn't been around since he'd left home, but just thinking about it made him worry. He tried frantically to think of something about home that he could tell Emory, and he stuttered out a few 'umm well's before finally thinking of something to say. 

It was ok. Never a boring day there. Me and my siblings and cousins were always doing some shit, getting into trouble. I- He paused to chuckle embarrassedly at the thought before continuing, I was kind of the family baby I guess. They just dragged me along with them. But I still love them, and I miss them. He turned to face her head on now, locking his grey gaze with Emory's golden one. He offered her a sweet boyish smile before asking her his own question. Do you have a family.

RE: Love on the brain - Emory - December 15, 2016

It struck her like a dagger, her eyes seemed somewhat stunned. Not only was her father killed by that bitch of a mother she had, but her only family left was her brother. The one she walked away from, the one she foolishly thought she could grow independent from, the one she desperately missed. Emory paused, her eyes locked directly in Char's stormy orbs. At first she opened her mouth to speak, but words no longer poured from her mouth like honey, they were blocked. "I...No, I don't." For once she was at a loss of words, and of course it was the too cute of a wolf to cause it. 

She wasn't sure if it were a lie or not, for Charley could truly be dead, or just gone forever. So, yes, she had no family. At least for now, no friends either. Emory never needed friends, relationships tied her down, kept her from moving on. All but her brother that is, and now that he was gone, she was lonely. If only she had taken the time to make a friend.

RE: Love on the brain - Paschar - December 17, 2016

Paschar's smile disappeared completely as he watched her close up. Her previous smooth speech became broken and choppy, and she seemed to shut down almost. Goddamn and he thought he was in the clear. I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want. He said quickly, hoping to change the subject, but he knew she was already thinking about it. Boy did he know the feeling, once you think about something it's hard to forget it. It was best to just leave these moments silent.

Char shut his mouth and inched closer and nosed at her cheek, offering her comfort if she would accept it. He didn't speak for once, and let his actions speak for him. His puffy grey tail curled towards her own, and he allowed her to lean on him if she chose.

RE: Love on the brain - Emory - December 17, 2016

Comfort from anything beside her brother was foreign, for a second she flinched and almost barred her teeth at Paschar, but her eyes relaxed after realizing he wasn't a threat. Emory felt her muscles loosen, which she didn't know they tightened in the first place. She accepted his touch and after seeing his invitation, quickly took it. The slender wolfess placed herself agaisnt him, providing a sense of warmth both physically and mentally. 

She opened her mouth to speak, but was once again was stopped. Why couldn't she just say it? "Thank you..." Her voice no longer held onto it's seductive tone, but instead relaxed into her real voice. Who on earth was this wolf who managed to break her down? No, she was just vulnerable is all, nothing else. If anyone else was kind like this she would do the same thing...right?