Wolf RPG
Ocean's Breath Plateau Hunting is not my forte - Printable Version

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Hunting is not my forte - Kendra - December 17, 2016

Kendra roamed the western region of the ocean side. The female was not the best hunter. As a loner she had to learn it, however she was ever not good at it. In her pack she just let others do the hunting and she never really bothered to learn too much about it. Now it caused her quite some trouble. She mostly lived on crabs that couldn't out run her, small fish stuck in tide pools or scraps from other wolves. It kept her alive. However she was really hungry for some thing bigger, something more to sustain her. She knew about the plateau and decided that it might be good for her to try her chances.

Little did she know that birds wouldn't be roosting now, nor that rabbits were easy to appear. Still the female gathered the courage to try it. Kendra stayed low to the ground. Seagulls flying high above her, out of reach. The scrawny female blended well with the rocks and the shadows of the small conifers. However the rabbits that did appear were to quick for her and after four failed chases the exerted female laid down catching her breath. She felt rather light headed too. Maybe it was time to seek out a pack if she wanted to get through winter.

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Athanasius - December 18, 2016

Ahhhhh Kendraaa (its alisha)

He wandered aimlessly, knowing that sooner or later he would have to find a pack. It felt strange, to desire another wolf's company, at least without the need to drink from them. His hunts ranged from mildly pleasing to downright disappointing, and yet he still lived, hungry as always.

He staved off his hunger on lesser creatures; birds and rabbits. Fish had no blood, as he learned, and the sea was strange and treacherous. He remained deeper inland, though still lingering on the shore, finding what weakened creatures he could and feasting on both their blood and flesh. It felt strange to eat as pradă would, but he needed to survive.

The strigoi haunted the shores, head bowed under the sun's rays. Shelter was hard to find here, but he could bear the sun for a bit longer before he would finally have to slink back into the shadows until dusk. He was alone, watching the birds circle above him and the tide pull in and out, but the flash of dark fur paused him. He watched the girl, quietly observing her failed attempt to catch a rabbit. His ear flickered, a turmoil inside as he decided whether or not he would make the kill.

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Kendra - December 18, 2016

Wheeeee! :D <3

Kendra laid there, trying to catch her breath and not be too dizzy about it. The young female was exhausted and wondered if she might be lucky later when the tide would lower and she could get at least some form of food. Her eyes closed, not really imagining that she would end up like this. She really wished she spend some more time hunting. If needed she could always seek out plants but then she would have to leave the beach.

She wondered if a pack would even take her in this shape. She had knowledge of plants and toxic plant at that but hunting and providing for a pack was less of her forte. The female curled up to preserve heat. Making a tiny black ball of fur, seeing that she would not have the energy to find shelter somewhere. She would just have to sleep for a little while. Just a little while....

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Athanasius - December 18, 2016

He walked towards her, seeing her body, exhausted and delirious with hunger. He thought of the boy he had found by the sea, and wondered. How many could he take under his control? He licked his lips at the thought of it. It seemed greedy of him to take so much, but it was truly within his nature to take, to take and take. He approached her, slowing down until he reached the rocks where she curled up. He stepped closer, then nosed her gently. Do not sleep, fetiță. He poked her again with his paw, urging her to stay awake. You will never wake up.

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Kendra - December 27, 2016

Kendra lifted her head when another spoke. Only then she realized how close the other was standing to her. The female scrambled to her feet more to protect herself instead of actually wanting to. She was panting lightly and felt rather dizzy as she stood. She almost toppled over again.

Her pale eyes were locked onto the stranger. What could he do about it? She was still hungry and it wasn't like she was ever going to get good at hunting! Kendra let out a soft puff. She was done with this lone wolf status she would need to join a pack if she would want to survive.

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Athanasius - December 28, 2016

She was naturally startled by his sudden presence, her body scrambling up in an attempt to protect herself, but she only succeeded in making herself even more dizzy, sending her downwards again. He clicked his tongue, nosing her gently. Stay awake, fetiță — I will return shortly, He hoped she would heed his advice and try her best to stay awake, but there was no guarantee. He acted quickly, stalking the shores for a kill of any size, any kind. After a few elongated moments of searching, he found it in the shape of a crab, trapped under a rock. He snatched tthrough it quickly, deadly ivories making short work of the exoskeleton before he returned to the black-furred girl in the rock, depositing the crab before her. Eat, fetiță,

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Kendra - December 30, 2016

Kendra realized that the other was trying to help her. The young female looked at him with a surprised expression. No one helped her before, not that she showed herself to other wolves if she was honest with herself. Her pale eyes watched the male leave and she instantly lowered herself to the ground again. The male returned shortly with a crab. She was fed up with those if she was really honest, but she wasn't going to complain. She was so hungry.

The dark colored female nodded slightly and then attacked the crab. She ate it with loud crunching noises as her jaw bit thought the exoskeleton. The female licked her chops and then battered her pale eyes on the other with a curious expression. She still wasn't anywhere near a good shape but at least this male helped her from being perished. "Why did you help me?"

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Athanasius - January 06, 2017

She ravaged the meal, tearing into the crustacean's flesh with savagery he felt was not becoming of her, but merely a reflection of her current despair. He sat nearby all the while, sated for the moment and slightly disgusted by the sight of an animal without blood. It was enough to make him shudder.

The remnants of the shell rattled against the sand, her hunger stilled for a moment. She asked a question, not of his identity, but his purpose. You would have rather starved to death? He questioned back.

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Kendra - January 08, 2017

Kendra thought about his words. Would she rather have starved to death? It was a rather peaceful way of going. No pain. Slowly being faded into oblivion. Into darkness. Did she mind? Perhaps she did not. A shrug came from the curious female. "I guess I still have reason to live since you saved me today," Kendra spoke in return. She was not afraid of dying. It meant that she was able to meet her brother again. To be with her mother too. She had been longing to be with her mother for a long time. To meet her and get to know her. Though it seemed life was not done with her yet and this male had saved her.

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Athanasius - January 10, 2017

She shrugged. Not a usual response someone would give to near death experiences. He wondered what might have happened to this young girl, who so warmly accepted death. Not even he had such notions in his older body. Death was a frustration to him; he wished that he could be immortal like the strigoi of old, like his master had told him about. But their blood had been muddled over the years; he was merely a blooddrinker now, no more preternatural than the girl before him...

That gave him a thought. It flashed before his eyes and settled. He did not know what to make of it; he could not do something like that so soon. You have a purpose to live now, correct? Or at least, it will come to you soon, He observed her wan face, wondering what morbid thoughts ran through her young brain. You will soon perish if you stay here, unable to hunt. Come with me for a while,

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Kendra - January 12, 2017

Kendra watched the male. The stranger. The female was not very keen on other wolves, on strangers, mostly because she had no clue how to act. Her pale eyes watched him. He would provide for her. The young female realized. Could she even deny such a thing? "What will you want from me in return?," she questioned.

She came from the brotherhood it was always something that they wanted in return. He helped her now so technically she was in his depth. But, she was not sure what the male expected from her if she would come along with him.

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Athanasius - January 14, 2017

There was always something. Nothing was done without a price; absolutely nothing. If there was anything he took from his home, it was that. If I ask you for anything, you will give it to me, without question, He was a man of his word. He had no reason to harm her much after saving her life. Do not worry. I will not ask for much; I will teach you more than ask favors of you,

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Kendra - January 15, 2017

Kendra did grew a little nervous at his demand that she would have to give him something without questioning it. Her face fell into a frown. She hadn't asked for this at all! The girl swayed her tail as she was uneasy with this verdict. "What will you ask of me then?," she questioned curiously. After all she had no clue what type of thing he was even going to ask.

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Athanasius - January 22, 2017

She is smart to ask what she would ask of him. She would not walk into this arrangement without knowing what it would entailed; unlike his băiat. Favors. Sharing what you've hunted for, It would be simple, so that she would not be frightened away so quickly. He had no intentions of feeding from her; he had Mazatl for that. No, she would be someone he would tutor, to show that he was more than just a beast, a hungry monster.

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Kendra - January 23, 2017

Kendra frowned at the other and then shook her head. "You are being cryptic again. What kind of favors. I am not letting you do anything weird or sexual to me," she pointed out, already feeling like running. Maybe this wasn't such a smart idea after all. He could also hurt her. Kendra was not even sure if he could outrun him. Now she really missed her packmates. They would never let anything happen to her, and this had been the reason she stayed away from other wolves.

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Athanasius - January 26, 2017

He barked out a harsh laugh. If only she knew. Granted, he was often the one taking all the pleasure, while his partners died, or passed out at best. No, he was not interested in that. He had Mazatl and other wolves. I can see why you would be suspicious. I do not blame you, He had nothing to lose in breaking the transaction. He could walk on without a second thought. She, on the other hand, might starve to death. If I am truly bothering you, I shall leave you alone.

RE: Hunting is not my forte - Kendra - January 28, 2017

Kendra decided that he was bothering her and that she did feel like going right now. She hoped that he would not be offended, then again, he was still a stranger to her. "I thank you for the meal and I would wish I could offer you something in return but it makes me uncomfortable," she returned. "So I will be going. Thank you. Maybe if we meet again I have more to offer," she spoke and then made haste to rush off.

- kendra exit -