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Heron Lake Plateau Only fools fall for you (and me) - Printable Version

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Only fools fall for you (and me) - Emory - December 30, 2016

Emory gave into her craving to leave the territory of the court, and loved the sense of freedom, even though no real restriction was put on her...except to keep Onai away, which only made her want to drag him as close to the border and play the risky game of chance. She hadn't seen her brother lately, which bothered her, espiecially since she just got here, and all of a sudden he's spending barely any of his time with her at all. She spent so much time toiling to find him, and he won't even say hi. Her joining of the court was the last time she saw him, and she was truly hurt of her lack of seeing him. Sure, he was a king now but she was once his top and only priority, it was hard to adapt otherwise. 

The chance of Onai being here was little, and she wasn't exactly soughting him out more so than getting some air. Night had fallen, and what she knew of the pack had fallen asleep. Which mean it was time for her to play, she walked across the borders onto neutral land, and an imaginary collar was stripped off her neck and she felt relaxed. Yes, she'd been thinking of what Aspen said of her brother, and the more she thought about it the more she feared. What if all those kind words was just a lie? What if she'd fallen for her own game? It was terrifying to think. 

Now, she stared at a lake frozen around the edges, but the watery lake still somewhat alive. She looked up at the sky and was reminded of her meeting with the young but adorable Paschar. The wolfess smiled for a moment, reminiscing his kindness, now too lost to notice anyone near by as she had fallen for the mesmerizing stars.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Onai - December 30, 2016

Onai had been at the coast for a few days  wandering around aimlessly and talking to whoever he wanted. Though Emory frequently found herself amongst his thoughts and Onai had yet to figure out why. He travelled south. Perhaps he would go and hang around the territory down south where they had said they would meet back up. Take up a home there. Also gave him the opportunity to scount around the court too if he wanted to. Up to no good.

As he walked through the valley and over the plateau a familiar scent drifted on the breeze and he used his piercing blue eyes to glance around in search for her. It did not take long before he spotted her sat by the edges of  the almost frozen lake. He smiled softly watching her from a distance as she stared up at the sky. He waited for a moment before padding over chuffing so as not to startle her.

Since his company was not expected he didn't want to scare her by just showing up out of the blue. Not like he was stalking her. He came to sit near by  he too lifting his head to the sky. There were a few clouds but not enough to hide all of the stars from him. 

He then returned his gaze to Emory. "Beautiful aren't they. The stars," he spoke with the slight head tilt him and his sister possessed when asking questions.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Emory - December 30, 2016

Her eyes drifted from the stars when a chuff was heard, pulling her away from the starry night and instantly his smell overcame her. It was Onai, and she almost didn't believe it. The male, his body hard to see but eyes shining out against the dark, hadn't spoken yet, so she kept her mouth closed as well, refocusing on the stars before her. A wintery breeze blew past the too, and she restrained from shivering. 

When he did speak, her ear flinched in his direction, but her eyes did not move from the sky. It took her a moment to answer, once again falling into her thoughts. "I find them ugly." Of course, she was only fooling around, and a wry smirk appeared on her maw as she said so. "Not much is else beautiful with me around." She continued on the joke, and it was rather obvious. She could never compare to the beauty of the shining lights hanging in the sky. 

Finally, she looked at him again, her smirk remaining. It was strange to see him again, especially since she thought they would never cross paths, no matter how much she wished. Though, fate seemed to favor her desire.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Onai - December 30, 2016

Onai shook his head playfully as he listened to Emory joke about the stars being ugly. He knew it was a joke just by the tone and the look on her face and he couldn't help but chuckle lightly when she stated nothing was more beautiful if she was around. "You are very beautiful Emory, but not a beauty that could argue that of the sky and the stars," he stated with a smile.

One thing he noticed that was different about the girl. Is she smelled of other wolves. What's worse. She smelled just like his sister. "What's new with you," he questioned in the hopes she would tell him without having to ask the exact question. This presented a slight problem because if she had joined them, it would make it difficult for them to meet. Especially if she returned with his scent on her fur. 

Though, if what he thought was true. What was she doing all the way out here.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Emory - December 30, 2016

The agouti wolfess was pleased to hear him laugh at her own jest, but somewhat disgruntled he hadn't played along, and instead denied her acusation. No matter that she agreed with him, his lack of acquiescence was a bit disspointing. But nevertheless she moved on, his question, though, sparked an interest she had forgotten about when staring at the stars. 

"I've joined my brothers pack." She admitted, glancing at Onai for a moment, she wouldn't hold back from questioning, she desired answers and would get them. Emory moved her gaze away from him, now looking over the lake. "Leading me to discover something a bit unsettling." Despite wanting answers now, she loved playing with him, and would draw out what she could on her own.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Onai - December 30, 2016

Onai's ears twitched as he got the answer he was looking for...but not quite. Her brothers pack? His sister's pack. Oh no....this was not good. "Uhm...my sister...is in that pack too," he spoke rather concerned looking now. Especially as Emory's next comment. Stating she had discovered something rather unsettling.

"What did you discover..?" he said slightly worried as he scuffled his paw on the snow. If it was as bad as he thought it was...Emory knew everything. And this could ruin whatever this was between them.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Emory - December 30, 2016

She tookl a deep breath, not wanting to really admit to it outloud. "I know how you treated your sister, Onai." Emory's voice was no longer soft and quiet, her word didn't spill off her tongue smoothly. Now, it held a sterness and seriousness that hadn't been used in months. She avoided looking at him, still glaring at the quiet lake reflecting a blurry recreation of the sky. 

"And I'm mortified." Yes, she was surprised by his past ways, and nor did she like them. Though Emory was never much of a good egg herself, taking advantage of peoples emotions and thoughts to gain what she wanted, whether it be food, sex, or a place to stay. So, yes, she was mortified, but if he said the right things, would become simply a thing of the past.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Onai - December 31, 2016

Onai cringed internally as his worst fear had been confirmed. Emory knew. Everything. He stared down at his paws. This would not be an easy thing to come back from. When they say your past haunts you they aren't kidding. "Look...that man, the one that abused her, is the man of my past. When I left to come and search for her while I will be honest and say it wasn't initially with good intentions, it was by the end. People here that I've met and made promises to made me realize that power isn't everything," he began to explain. He was not grovelling but he still made sure she knew that he was aware he fucked up with her.

"Being raised where I was, it's what I grew up knowing and what I lived with. When I got away from all that, I got a new perspective on things and I began to regret some of the biggest mistakes I made. One of them was treating her the way that I did. When I went and talked to her..it truly was to make ammends, but it didn't surprise me that she wouldn't accept. I wouldn't accept me either," he stated scuffling his paws some more.

"I still mess with people sometimes, in ways I probably shouldn't but nothing any where as close to the abuse my sister endured. I was young, naive, and stupid. It's no excuse...but it's all i've got. I can't justify any of my reasoning behind it, it was all wrong," he stated looking at her with his blue eyes. Seeking for some sort of reaction, some sign that she might forgive him.  

"I don't do that anymore Emory, you've gotta believe me," he decided to let what be be. If she was going to forgive him it would be then. He had nothing else but to get down on his paws and beg. Which didn't seem that appealing to him but if it came to it. He might consider it.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Emory - December 31, 2016

Emory was taken aback by his honesty, he rambled on about his regret and attempts to ammend what he had done wrong. She let a moment of silence fall when his explination was over, she was still pondering what to say to him, since she held no idea what to think of all that was going on. But during that pause, she realized Onai was her only source of adreneline in her life, and some deeper meaning she wouldn't admit and would take as much of it as she could before letting it go.

Finally, she turned to face him, her eyes somehow still holding the facade of want, and let out an excessive sigh, causing a grey cloud to form around her nose. "Do you really care if I believe you?" It was an underlying question she thought of while he explained further into what Aspen already said. Essentially, she just wanted to know that her opinion truly mattered to him. If his reputation was something never wanted her to see, not to reveal his ways, but because he actually cared how she thought of him.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Onai - December 31, 2016

Onai was startled by the girls next question as she asked him if he really cared whether or not she believed him. "Of course I do Emory. What you think of me matters to me more than what most wolves here think of me. I'd hate to think your opinion of me changed after finding out what I've done in the past," he stated hoping that had been the right answer and hoping that he would get a second chance.

"Least you know why I said I was an asshole now," he spoke with a casual roll of his shoulders and somewhat of a chuckle in a feeble attempt to lighten the mood. He was not proud of his past. But he also couldnt change it. That was unfortunately something set in stone and the damage had been done. Now he suffered the consequences.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Emory - December 31, 2016

Onai continued to surprise her, lately. Her ears lowered, he really did seem to care, and she wasn't one hundred percent sure why, but it hardly mattered. What mattered is that he was dependent on her opinion in some way, and it was relieving to know. She blinked for a moment, unable to keep herself from smirking at his remark.

The wolfess refocused on the sky, specifically a certain star that wasn't of any significance, just happened to catch her eye. "Then you're forgiven." Emory turned her head to him, and gave a comforting smile for a moment.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Onai - December 31, 2016

Going to bed after this post. Tired as heck. Will be back tomorrow xD Thanks for spreeing with me :D Got us both on crazy writers :P

Onai waited analyzing the girls reaction as her ears fell back and her head returned to the sky. He knew he was forgiven when she smirked. Though he had to hear it just to be sure. So when she looked at him and said those exact words relief flooded through him and he couldn't help but smile. "Thank you," he said as he nosed her shoulder with his muzzle. That was the most honest thank you he had probably said in his entire life. 

Onai tipped his head to the sky staring at the stars trying to located the warrior of the sky that he had spoken to jilaiya about. "Do you know much of the stars?" he asked curiously glancing over at her briefly as he spoke.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Emory - December 31, 2016

Don't worry about it! I passed out before you posted anyway...heh

Emory was startled by the touch of true affection, and backed away for a moment. It was strange to receive any sign of comfort from someone outside of her brother. She lowered her ears, and looked back at Onai sheepishly. "You're welcome." She exclaimed, following his gaze back up the starry night hanging above them. 

She then shook her head, "Yes, but only the ones I made up." The vixen kept the fact that it was her and Charley who would spend hours at night making up their own constellations.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Onai - December 31, 2016

Onai wasn't sure what to think when Emory pulled away from his affection but she seemed to look rather sheepish aftwerwards. Perhaps it was not something she was used to. Onai tilted his head as Emory explained she knew of the stars but only what she had made up.

He didn't really know what to think, he didn't want to laugh because he knew that could come across quite mean so he held himself together. "Oh yeah?" he spoke with a questioning tone. "Tell me some of the ones you know," he stated curious as to what the girl had come up with. He couldn't say he knew all but he knew names to most of the constellations just in passing conversation.

Also from a wolf he knew back home. When Onai asked the wolf answered but that wolf never told him the stories only the names and where to find them. Probably to keep Onai's mind from wandering to a life besides the Warrior.

I noticed :P

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Emory - December 31, 2016

Emory smiled faintly, reminiscing on the past, her tail curled around herself to keep as warm as possible on her own. She tilted her head to the side, eyes searching the sky until she seemed to light up. "Right there, the one to the right of the moon, that ones a crab snipping a rabbit's head off." It was a bit vile, but her and Charley were a bit morbid. She giggled slightly, remembering the moment the two had created it together.

She then turned her head back to Onai, for a moment just looking at him with a grin. "Do you know any?" The wolfess questioned, shifting her body a bit closer to him, unconciously doing so. There were plenty other constellations the two made up, and she starting spotting a few more, but most were forgotten the same night they were created.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Onai - December 31, 2016

As Emory began to speak of a certain group off stars he followed her eyes to the star to the right of the moon and tried to picture them as Emory had described them chuckling softly. "I can sort of see it, but a bit violent don't ya think," he teased playfully his tail flicking calmly beside him trying to ignore the cold. Though it wasn't that noticeable to him, he had a thick coat and large body mass. 

She questioned as to if he knew any and out of the corner of his eye he saw her shift a bit closer consciously or not and he smiled slightly. "Actually I do. Though I only know their names and not their stories," he spoke as he searched for the ones he knew. 

He spotted the belt of orion and immediately began to put some stars together to form the full thing. "South west of the moon," he spoke looking with his eyes and hoping she would see it to. "There is a group of three stars equally as bright forming a line and to the left and right of that on a diagonal you can form a constellation called Orion. It's a warrior, holding a weapon in his right hand and his second arm is raised way up," he said hopelessly trying to explain it to her. Probably making a significant fool of himself. Stars were something you either knew or didn't know. It was hard to teach. Yet there were some who were very good at it. "That one is my favourite," he spoke warmly. Not only had it been the first one he learned, it reminded him alot of himself.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Emory - December 31, 2016

She shrugged at his opinion of her constellation, yes it was violent, but it was also humorous. "I can be violent, occasionally." Yes, she seemed harsh of tongue, and although she'd almost never act on her words, the seemingly opposite of intimidating wolfess could bite when needed. Her father not dabbling much in mercenary for her as she had a strong brother by her side, but in the time she was alone she had to know something of defense. 

She thought about his second comment, before cocking her head to the side. "Why don't we make our own?" Emory questioned, referring to the absent stories of the figures in the sky. 

She trailed her amber eyes across the stars, eventually finding the odd constellation in the night. The vixen continued to listen as he spoke all that he knew about it. "Sounds a little bit like your name." Emory commented, she'd never seen a real man before, let alone their weapons, but made out what she could from stories she was told of humans. "Why's it your favorite?" She asked.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Onai - December 31, 2016

Onai smiled softly at her "I can be violent" comment. "There's no harm in it on occasion. Only if you have a good reason though," he stated. There were a few times where he had questioned some of his brothers motives but he never had the mind to challenge him. He wouldn't win.

Emory commented saying they should come up with their own. "Alright, what do you see?" he asked. He wasn't very creative so he might have to stay out of this one. Or come up with something...fast. 

Emory listened to him and the spoke saying the constellation sounded a bit like his name. Huh. He hadn't noticed that before. "That's true..." he said half puzzled by the fact. "I never noticed that," he added. Then Emory went on to ask him why it was his favourite. Easy.

"It's my favourite because it was the first one that I learned, and it reminds me a bit of myself. I connect with it in that respect.Someday I want to know the story behind it, see if theres a deeper connection to it than I thought," he spoke. He wasn't really sure why he shared all this with her, but honestly everything was surprising him in respect to her lately so he had given up questioning it. This was beyond his control now.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Emory - December 31, 2016

"You didn't have good reason." She pointed out, only in order to show his hypocritical ways, and also give some pay back for her new sister. It was strange to think of Aspen in that light, as a sister. Family was the most important thing to her, and at the moment she was betraying them. Her ears lowered in guilt, and she sighed. 

She then shook her head at the misunderstanding. "No, no, I mean their stories.Emory explained, wondering what he could come up with for the warrior in the sky. She hoped it would be something revealing of the shadow beside her, with eyes that gleamed with an azure tint. 

It was something she took pride in, noticing something he did not when it'd been in his face so many times. "Sometimes you just have to look a little closer." She said simply, glancing back at Onai and didn't shift her gaze back to the sky. 

A breeze glew by and she couldn't keep herself from shivering, damn the cold. It was awful, and all this shivering was just burning calories she didn't need gone. She listened intently as he spoke his reason for favoritism, and she smiled somewhat at the explination. "How does it remind you of yourself?" 

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Onai - December 31, 2016

Onai stared at his paws cringing internally again when she brought up that he did not have a good reason. He had a feeling she wasn't going to let him get past that so easily. "When you were growing up, did you do things to make your parents proud of you Emory. Like, that was the reason you did  certain things," he questioned looking at her with his blue orbs. It was a question innocent enough but at the same time he might be able to prove a point.

Emory explained that she had not meant coming up with constellations she had meant to come up with their stories. Indirectly asking him for one about Orion. "I'd like to think that Orion came from a kingdom ruled by a great King and Queen and that the King and Queen he worked under so loyally trusted him enough to send him on a journey to retrieve something that was lost many years ago. Perhaps by fault of their own but they were determined to get said thing back and this warrior was sent because he was the bravest of them all. Scared by little and wise enough to face challenges that he would come across on his journey," Onai spoke in a warm and welcoming tone. He had to admit he was quite proud of himself for that, though he wasn't sure what Emory would think. 

When Emory commented on the fact that Orion and Onai was not a connection that had been made by himself Onai nodded. "It seems so," he agreed.

Emory asked another question about Orion. Why did it remind him of himself. "Now look who's asking all the questions," he mused playfully reflecting on the last time they had met and how it had been he asking a lot of the questions. 

"Well," he began. "A warrior is a person who not only fights to protect the things that he cares about no matter the cost. His family. His kingdom. It is also someone who is loyal, and trustworthy. Someone that people can rely on to protect them in times where it matters most. Orion was willing to lay down his life to retrieve something for his King and Queen despite it being their fault that it was lost. That's loyalty," he stated before continuing.

"I'd like to think that I am  much the same way. If I truly care about something or someone then I know I would lay down my life for them in a heartbeat. I did that for my brother despite the cause of various situations being because of him," he stated in a rather relaxed tone.

I am quite proud of this post :P

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Emory - December 31, 2016

Emory dug her her paws into the ground at the mention of her parents, she gave a vexed look at the brute, her eyes no longer showing a pool of lust that always filled them. She was reminded of her horribly mother, and the way she had treated them and her father. "We do not speak of my parents." She snarled, of course Onai would have no knowledge she would react this way, they were only now getting to know each other, but she couldn't help the impulse that drove her to be rude. The answer was yes, her whole life was fueled by what her father had taught her; conning. She would do it as long as she possibly could, but she would never admit that in such a juvenile stage of a relationship. 

She relaxed after a moment, letting herself breath. His story helped to calm her down, and she laid down in the snow, no matter how cold it was. Emory needed some form of rest, even just be for her legs. The fae placed her head between her paws, feeling as her heart beat slowed. Her ears lifted to listen to him speak. The story was satisfying, and she enjoyed while she could, his tone of voice helping her to unwind a bit more. "I like it." Was all she had to say, she was still settling down from her outburst and didn't want to be overly excited about the story, no matter how much she liked it. 

His comment did make her smile, but only faintly. "Would you prefer me to stop?" She asked, in a jestful tone. She almost reflected him by saying, any questions you have for me? But realized more questions for her might be innapropiate with her last reaction to one. 

The vixen enjoyed as the ebony wolf opened up himself to her, and wondered why he was so deadset on being loyal. Especially since she was such the opposite, at least for anyone out side of Reek or Alder. She was even being disaffected towards Aspen, even though she felt extremely guilty for it, it couldn't change the fact that she was. 

He then continued to justify himself, and she couldn't argue because it was true. She believed he did what he did because he was taught that way of life and despite regretting it, he was proud of his loyalty. 

And proud you should be! Sorry for Em's outburst, she's a but touchy on that subject

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Onai - December 31, 2016

Onai flattened his ears slightly as Emory snapped at him stating that they don't speak of her parents. He hadn't known...but now that he did. He would not be bringing that one up again. "Sorry Emory," he stated apologetically. 

He watched as the girl moved to lay down her head resting on her paws. He was worried but he could see she was relaxing so perhaps he shouldn't be overly concerned. "I like it," she spoke. Though the comment was little it was compliment enough for him. He was no storyteller, so he was glad she liked it. "Why thank you," he said taking a bow, a smile resting on his ma, in a probably futile attempt to cheer her up some. 

"Would you prefer me to stop?" the fae asked. Onai shook his head with a chuckle he spoke. "Nah nah, I'm enjoying it actually," he stated. He didn't know why he was enjoying it, but he was and that was all that mattered right now.

"Anything else you wish to know your highness," he spoke once more in an attempt to get her to smile again. He lay down facing her, just watching/admiring her. 
No worries. Hes gotta learn someday right. :P

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Emory - December 31, 2016

Another huff of air exited her nose at his apology, creating the illusion of smoke. Yes, she loved to get someone to apologize to her, to make sure they knew there fault towards her, but something about having Onai saying it wasn't pleasant, maybe she didn't deserve an apology... It didn't matter, it was already out in the air, but despite her guilt, she wasn't going to openly say that what he asked was okay, because to her it brought back awful memories. 

His gesture was admittedly adorable, but she still didn't smile. She had caught on to what he was doing, and wanted to make a challenge out of it. The fae would keep herself from smiling as long as she could, hopefully he would catch on at some point to her little game. 

She already knew he was enjoying it, and in return she enjoyed learning. Onai, being the asshole he was apparently, friends were likely a less common thing, the same for herself. So talking about himself was probably something he rarely was able to do, same was applied to Emory, but most anytime someone asked about her she wouldn't answer. 

Your highness. She almost smiled, but forced it from appearning. Emory thought for a moment of what questions she might have for him. "Have you seen Jilaiya since our last rendevous?" She asked, now lifting her head up to lookk back at the brute.

RE: Only fools fall for you (and me) - Onai - December 31, 2016

Onai seemed puzzled by her lack of reaction to his gestures. Normally that would work. Had he really upset her that bad? Oops.. but as the conversation went on he watched her desperately trying to hold back a smile after he called her his highness that's when it clicked. She was being stubborn, and those his attempts to make her smile hadn't yet worked, she was cracking. Slowly.

He smiled. He liked the game she was playing. Emory questioned whether or not he had seen Jilaiya since the two last talked and he took the opportunity presented to him. "No your highness I have not," he began with a smirk. "You see I was too busy moping around because I just wanted to see your pretty face again," he mused his smirk turning into a playful smile. If there was one thing Emory loved. It was compliments. That was the one thing he knew for sure.

It was true. Well most of it. He had not in fact seen Jilaiya, and he had spent some time moping. Though emory might have had a slight part in it. Most of it was reflecting on his past and all the ways he screwed up with Aspen and the consequences of those actions. Ironically the first thing Emory brought up.