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The Sunspire Karma Is A B**** - Printable Version

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Karma Is A B**** - Judas - January 03, 2017

Judas had headed out to scout a path to this pack Burke spoke of. He thought he was going the right away. How wrong he was. He had made the mistake of moving at night, and what a mistake that was. It was only when his travel had been going longer than he had thought that he began to wonder whether he had gone the right way. There was a pack nearby, he judged by the scent he smelt. Thinking he could ask for directions, he headed over. 

There was something odd about the scent, as if he had been here before. But he didn't even think about that, only wanting to move on after asking questions.

@Avannon here it is! @Asterr so you know what's happening.

RE: Karma Is A B**** - Avannon - January 03, 2017

Awake as she was most nights Avannon patrolled the land, occasionally stopping to sniff around for any roaming prey. Her white coat was ruffled in the slight winter breeze, and she shivered for it was cold enough without the breeze seeping through her normally thick pelt. She had been through a relapse in progress as she recovered from the shock and trauma of the incident, and had been doing so well for a while until she snapped once again. She feared him, like she feared no other in Teekon and she also wanted his death on her paws. 

Pausing to remark the border she neglected to smell him nearby as the urine spread her freshly begun heat scent in the air. Standing up once more she felt the need to scent for danger, for some kind of chill of foreboding crept up her spine like tiny bugs. She gasped as she drew in the cold air, the scent that she smelled one that she would never have ever wanted to smell ever again. She howled in panic, scrambling over her paws as she stumbled away from the borders and looked around her gaze wild. Where was he? Where was his stench coming from, the scent that would have once been normal to her was now the cause of panic and fear.

"Stop where you are! Judas, I command you to stop!" she screamed in both rage and fear as she took the steps across her territory and began to follow his scent. Finally she came across him and stopped short, her eyes widening until you could barely see any white around her pupils. "You attacked me and left me there to die, and then come back? How did you know i was in heat again?" she growled the words as she curled her lips up over her long fangs showing her anger. She took a few steps forward and stopped short of a few inches away from him "I am taking you back to my Tribe. Someone from my Tribe has been searching for you. You can either come willingly or you can be injured and i will drag your hurting body back to my home" She gave the option to come of choice, but secretely hoped that the foolish asshole would try to escape so she could sink her fangs into his horrid flesh.

RE: Karma Is A B**** - Judas - January 03, 2017

Judas never saw his mistake till it was too late. First, he smelt the scent of heat. The familiar nagging of the voice in the back of his head popped up. He started humming to himself to distract himself from it. But it only got worse from there, when memories flashed by of that day.

Then a panicked howl went up. He thought about moving to help, but the flashbacks he started having at the same moment made him have second thoughts. And as it turned out, the panicked wolf would be coming for him.

As soon as he heard their voice, he froze. His face was frozen in fear. He knew that voice. And they knew him. How had he made the mistake of coming here? How did he not know that border scent? He dared not move, as he saw her face in front of him. The woywolf could not even speak her name. His legs said to run. The voice said to fight. But another part said to surrender. He was too conflicted to move.

RE: Karma Is A B**** - Avannon - January 03, 2017

"Do i have to decide for you? Where's that nasty sneer of yours now?" she barked harshly a snarl leaving her maw roughly, and echoing into the air. "Afraid of me? Good! Now you know what its like" she said, her voice cracking for a moment as she stared him down. Why wasn't he attacking her or saying nasty vile things? Why was he just cowering below her like a Whelp being scolded? It confused her and so she fell silent for a few moments, the tension in the air so thick Avannon had the urge to lap at it with her tongue.

Was he reliving the memories as she was and regretting it? Part of her hoped he was sympathetic and not just fearing for his life, while the other part didn't give a rabbit's tail what he regretted. Apologies couldn't bring back what was lost to her in the end. "Decide now, or i'll decide for you." She spat narrowing her eyes and taking a slow, deliberate step forward to make her point.

RE: Karma Is A B**** - Judas - January 03, 2017

Judas stepped back at Avannon's snarl. She was very pissed at him, any could tell that easily. His other side caused this. He silently wished he had control back then as he let out a small whimper that he could not hold back. 

And yet, after what he had done, she was giving him a choice. Just as Malice had done. Just as Mitanni had done. They didn't kill him outright.

He had a long pause before answering. "I'll come..." He did not say sorry, because he knew that wouldn't change anything. It was much too late to say such things.

RE: Karma Is A B**** - Avannon - January 03, 2017

She blinked once in surprise at the whimper that left his maw, but fixed her face once again to the stony and cold expression of hatred. She nodded as he accepted the choice, and said he would come willingly to Asterr with him. Would Asterr be surprised that she herself caught him, or would she just get called foolish again? Whichever it was she would handle when it came, but for now she was escorting a prisoner to his (Hopefully) Doom.

She moved behind him and nipped his flank "Move! Follow the border scents, im sure you can smell them" she commanded. When they reached the borders she would call for Asterr's help, and then hopefully he would be punished. Punished for destroying her innocence, for creating a monster inside of her, for making her cry out for death at times when she felt no hope. He would pay for the pain he had caused her, she would make sure of that.

RE: Karma Is A B**** - Judas - January 03, 2017

Judas made a little yelp when she nipped at his flank, and then he got moving. The coywolf had gotten himself into this mess. And now, he was about to pay for it. He was going to be justified before Avannon's entire pack. Possibly killed. 

Although, a small piece of him was rather thankful. The agony he had caused over his life, he would rather it come to an end then live to harm others.

He stopped at the border, still standing. To sit would be comfortable, something he doubted he would have the luxury of at this moment in time.

RE: Karma Is A B**** - Avannon - January 03, 2017

Avannon felt a small piece of satisfaction as she herded him to the borders and stopped him one step over them. "I will call my Chieftess now. Do not sit down, do not speak unless spoken to. Show respect" she hissed, speaking to him like he was a savage which in her mind he was. His behavior was confusing her immensely but she ignored the niggling sensation that something was wrong, and instead called for Asterr.

Making a new thread! It will be IN Ryujin!