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Dragoncrest Cliffs Sit still, look pretty - Printable Version

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Sit still, look pretty - Wildfire - January 14, 2017

Hoping for one or more of the following folks: @Tanja, @Emaleth, @Arlo, @Melchior, @Tirgatao, @Xan and/or @Kendra! :)

Although the temperatures outside were nigh on brutal, Wildfire couldn't stand being cooped up in a cave indefinitely. She needed fresh air and wide, open spaces. Ignoring the frigidness that almost immediately sank into the very marrow of her bones, she ventured onto the beach at the base of Dragoncrest Cliffs. She turned her back to the wind, which whipped against her and rapidly stole the sensation from her extremities. If she stayed out here for more than a few minutes, she knew she might subject herself to frostbite.

But she would take what precious little time she could and hopefully give herself a few extra seconds by taking a brisk walk. Wildfire picked her way south along the surf, so preoccupied with the uncontrollable chattering of her teeth and shivering of her black tail that she didn't notice the lump on the beach at first. Then she did notice it and approached it warily, blinking her chestnut eyes at the frozen carcass of a sea lion.

If she could somehow drag it back to the caves, it would feed the pack for days. She couldn't do it alone, though, so Wildfire turned back into the biting wind, stretched out her neck and howled for some assistance.

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Tirgatao - January 14, 2017

Tir, similarly, was growing restless from long hours spent in the cavern. Her fluffy winter coat offered her more protection from the elements than some, but the chill pierced like daggers into the exposed flesh of her nose, ears, and toes. She hungered, though, so she decided to challenge the elements in hope of finding something nourishing. She cursed the weather as it whipped snow into her face, and buffeted her slight frame. Despite being predisposed to colder weather, she hated winter. 

A howl rose above the whistling wind, and the crashing waves, giving Tirgatao pause. She lifted her head, squinting against the shear wind, and followed it to the source. There, standing beside the impressive mound of a sea lion carcass, was an ember-kissed wisp of a she-wolf. Tirgatao sniffed, but the chill had desensitized the receptors in her nose, preventing her from reading anything important from the scent. 

She gave an amiable wave of her tail as she ducked in close to the carcass. "Need some help?" she shouted, fighting to be heard over the din of the storm.

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Wildfire - January 15, 2017

Been sayin' your character's name in my head all day, except I'm not sure I'm pronouncing it right. :p

Others are welcome to hop in anytime!

She couldn't howl nearly as loudly as other wolves, yet the bracing sea breeze helped carry her voice. That very same wind felt like it cut right through her, turning the very marrow of her bones into ice. Wildfire tried to minimize her surface area by hunching down behind the sea lion's carcass. It did help with the windchill factor, yet there was really no escaping the bitter cold.

Shivering violently, Wildfire poked her head up over the mound of dead meat when she heard a voice call out to her. "Yeah!" she called back, her teeth clicking together noisily as her jaw trembled right along with the rest of her body. "Is anyone else coming?" she wondered, peering past the vaguely familiar Kru member with a thoughtful frown. She didn't see anyone. They could really use an extra mouth or two.

"I know my voice doesn't carry very well. Maybe you should try?" the Bandrona suggested before realizing they'd skipped introductions entirely. "I'm Wildfire, by the way." She was pretty sure she could guess the woman's name—they were all hunkering down together in the caves lately—but she waited for a formal introduction.

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Tirgatao - January 17, 2017

Haha! We had a discussion about it in the Drageda channel a few days ago, and I think we settled on Tire-ga-tao.

The wind whipped and battered the poor women as they hunkered down on opposite sides of the carcass. Her call was met with a pair of fuzzy red ears, that were followed by a pair of honey-brown eyes and a question. Tir blinked, and looked back, seeing nothing but blowing snow and debris. "Not sure--" She stopped again when Wildfire spoke, and swung her head back around to aim her attention towards the russet she-wolf (though it was difficult to see much with her eyes squinted against the stinging wing). 

"Tirgatao, and yes, I'll give it a shot." She hollered in reply while she turned, once more, to the cavern. Mustering all her strength to her vocal chords, she bellowed a howl of summons to the winds, until her breath ran out and it faded once more into the din of the storm. With just the two of them, as loathed as she was to admit it, there would be no partaking of this carcass. Not unless they did sprints to and fro to strip whatever meat their teeth could grab before having to race back to the safety of the cavern to warm their frostbitten skin.

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Dio - January 18, 2017

Hearing Wildfire's voice come from near the sea pinched a knot of worry in his throat, and since he was relatively nearby, he opted to go that way to answer -- and investigate. As loathe as he was to stay in the cold for too long, he picked a careful path and kept his head low as he trekked on, unknowingly feeling very grateful for the arctic in his blood.

He usually did not make much traffic on these trails in favor of their borderlands, so he was certainly not the first on the scene. Another howl went up and that got him going faster. Eventually he found himself trying to follow Tirgatao's route, despite the seasalt and cold burning his nose, but with enough time he did get there. When the beach opened up to bitter swatch of landscape, he could barely make out the shape in the distance that pulled him forward instantly. There he could at least lope along in an effort to get his heart pumping and blood really moving; anything to distract from a cold he'd not felt like this in years and get him there faster at once.. despite the weather literally fighting against his every move.

"Hey..!" he barked against the wind once he was good and closing in on them, and in doing so, he realized how badly his voice dissolved into the cold. Were it not for the chill and the wind, he would have waved his tail as he came towards the impressive carcass and pack mates. It was an encouraging find to get that much meat for free.

Instead he preferred to make haste of it all to find any relief from the weather. Since it was closer to the direction he'd come in from, he moved to the prey and hunkered low beside Tirgatao, but the improvement was minimal at best; it was still several sorts of awful out here. He looked between the two females (as much of Wildfire as he could see without compromising his own cover that is), and tried to signal that he was ready, however, whenever, and in whatever capacity they were ready to attempt to address this fascinating feast.

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Arlo - January 18, 2017

Arlo hears the first call but it is faint as it rings into the cavern and he doesn’t dare move. He knew he should be out in the cold with the others but he’d spent a good portion of the morning out and he’d rather try and keep the feelings in his toes a little longer before doing anything else. The boy tucks further into himself and peers across the empty cavern.

When the second call comes around, a little louder, his ears swivel forward and he picks up his head to peer around. No one else is inside except for a few stragglers but they haven’t moved any more than he has.

Slowly, Arlo uncurls and picks himself up to trot through the back of the cavern and out the other side where he circles the trail the others have made to reach the secluded beach. Dio and Tirgato are noticed first and he awkwardly shifts, lowering his head and tail in their presence. His eyes turn to the seal and he licks his chops then swishes his tail, almost missing Wildfire on the other side. He closes the distance after a moment or two and stands nearby against the wind, waiting for instructions.

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Wildfire - January 19, 2017

It wasn't long after Tirgatao sent up a second, louder summons that other members of the pack arrived on the beach to help. Wildfire remained crouched until Dio and the unfamiliar Kru (Arrow? Or something like that) stood over the carcass. Wincing as she rose, the she-wolf saw that the Wocha had already positioned himself to begin hoisting. She nodded at him, then exchanged a quick glance with the two Kru members before latching onto a readily available spot.

When all four wolves were presumably gripping the dead seal, Wildfire flexed and began to tug their blubbery prize in the direction of the caves.

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Tirgatao - January 20, 2017

Two more appeared a short while later. She couldn't really make out their features aside from their similarly pale colored fur. They fell in beside her, and Wildfire came around to join them. Tirgatao watched her, waiting for her cue to go, before leaning down and sinking her own teeth into the hide. She worked her jaws into the already freezing skin and proceeded to throw all of her weight backwards, yanking and tugging the carcass alongside Wildfire and the males. She grunted with the effort; she was not a large wolf by any stretch, nor was she particularly muscular, but between the four of them the work was made much easier.

Still, her toes were going numb, and her ears were nearly frozen. She didn't stop to check their progress, but only hoped they'd reach the cavern soon.

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Dio - January 23, 2017

Not very far behind him, one of the younger, newer males joined them and his confidence on the matter increased proportionally. Four of them increased their odds of making (relatively) swift, effective work of this that much more. If even more came, he wouldn't find himself opposed, but he knew they could not waste much more time out here in this cold. This would have to do, and he dug his teeth into the carcass then tugged with all the might he could.

Together, they pulled and hauled through the wind and snow. Bit by bit, the cavern crept closer, and their pack's stocks would be full of blubbery meat for some time to come after this.

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Arlo - January 24, 2017

There doesn’t need to be any words as they all simultaneously clamp down on the nearest part of the seal and begin the trek to pull and tug until they were close to the cavern. The wet, frozen sand beneath his paws crunch and grind and he holds on to his piece with everything he has. The progress feels slow on slippery, wet ground but he forces himself onward until they’ve neared the cavern. He falters in his step and his jaws release as he stumbles but he manages to get back up quickly and resume his position on his side of the seal so they can get it the rest of the way.

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Wildfire - January 25, 2017

Between the four of them, they made decent progress toward the caverns. As they neared the entrance, Wildfire clenched her teeth a little too hard, her fangs slicing clean through the hunk of flesh in her mouth. It tore off unexpectedly, causing Wildfire to snap backward and fall hard on her rump. She blinked in surprise, the bloody chunk of blubber dangling from her snout, then gathered her wits and stood.

She spat the ragged morsel onto the ground, then tore it into smaller pieces, quickly bolting them down to avoid waste. Wildfire then jumped back in and clamped onto another section of the carcass, helping the group tow it the last few feet until they were indoors. It wasn't exactly warm inside, yet the lack of windchill was certainly noticeable. The Bandrona felt sensation returning to her extremities, accompanied with a bit of a burning, tingling sensation.

Letting go of the dead seal, Wildfire licked a waxy layer of fat off her lips and then grinned at her four comrades before peering deeper into the cave. Surely the smell of flash frozen meat would summon the rest of the pack to the proverbial supper table.

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Tirgatao - January 25, 2017

When they finally reached the cavern, Tirgatao released her grip on the seal and took a moment to survey their catch. It was a massive thing, likely washed up in the storm, and not quite frozen to the point of inedibility. She did flick an ear at Wildfire as the smaller she-wolf, well, wolfed down the chunk she'd taken with her during her tumble. The name rang a bell—the Bandronna. No wonder she was able to rally so many wolves so quickly. She was one of Heda's trusted circle. Again she repeated the conversation with Portia in her mind; it had been on repeat ever since, but nothing good had come of it until now.

Tirgatao smiled back. She licked her lips and tasted salt. Her hunger rose like a wave, but she was reminded of her low rank in comparison to the Bandronna and the others (save for maybe Arlo). So she stepped away and quietly settled back on her haunches, waiting for the others to emerge from the cavern and enjoy the feast.

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Dio - January 26, 2017

It takes time, and it's not the smoothest or most graceful trip any of them have ever made, but it's good enough to get the job done. They reach the cave, officially securing the find as all theirs, and he can breathe a sigh of relief looking at the sheer volume of food this is. The worst of the chill begins to leave him moments after, and he blinks thoughtfully at the meat for a second before quartering off his own piece to sample -- then moving aside a bit, for he guesses others are soon to sniff this out as well. It's been a very long while since he's eaten anything quite like this, and while it may take a bit of getting used to, he's grateful for the meal that not only feeds him, but each of packmates to their heart's content.
probably my last ;D

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Arlo - January 29, 2017

The last stretch feels like it takes forever but by the time the four of them stop, Arlo’s legs burn with strain and he feels the water soaked into his fur. A shiver runs down his spine and he twists himself awkwardly until he’s out of the way from the other two wolves. Wildfire scarfs hers down and Dio does the same but Tirgatao does not go for what is rightly hers. He sends a careful glance to the other two before he swings back to nudge the older woman in the shoulder and guide her to the kill. She’d worked hard to get it from A to be B and should not go without her portion. He steps up to help demonstrate and pulls off his own chunk before skirting away so he can safely fill his belly.

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Wildfire - January 31, 2017

Her attention returned to the carcass, assured that the rest of the pack would make their way over to feast. Meanwhile, Wildfire licked her lips again and then came to stand over the hulking body, looking around for the choicest morsel. She decided to simply sink her teeth into the thick blubber near the seal's neck, then tore off a ragged chunk of marbled meat. With her black tail held out behind her to keep her balance, the Bandrona then retreated to a more private corner to enjoy the spoils, then wash up and most likely nap off the cold still seeping in her bones.

RE: Sit still, look pretty - Tirgatao - January 31, 2017

When it was clear they would not be enforcing the hierarchy, Tir uncurled herself and stepped over to the carcass to take her share. Her lips peeled back, and her teeth sank into the dense flesh and blubber. She braced one paw against the belly and pulled away strips of fat and gristle until she was able to find purchase on the muscle beneath. The iron taste on her tongue spurred her forward and she lapped at the hole before shoving her entire snout inside, wolfing down on the bits her teeth were able to tear away. Finally a decent chunk gave way beneath her efforts, and she pulled away, retreating to the darkness of the cavern and her chosen perch to dine in peace.

last post from me! thanks guys!