Wolf RPG
Phoenix Maplewood champagne eyes and saint-like smile - Printable Version

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champagne eyes and saint-like smile - Larus - January 24, 2017

Being vague about his hunting thread prior. Open to anyone! Especially if you want to meet Tryphon and join SCC when it revives!

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The weather had turned harsh and strange only days after the chill had settled across the wilds. The nights were filled with howling winds. The days, as they progressed, were inundated with sleet and ice falling in heavy sheets from the heavens. While he could handle the cold, Tryphon knew that the dampness of the air was a danger — the manner in which the ice and snow soaked through his dense fur was frightening. He had to make camp in a covered area rather than out where he could watch the stars; thus he shot to the east and sequestered himself (and his full belly) within the dense forest he found there.

But the howling winds did not cease because of the tree-shaped walls he had discovered. The air seemed to dry out over the course of a few hours, and by morning the exhausted boy (who had not managed to sleep at all) was listening to more than just the pitter-patter of hail through the trees. The sky had darkened. He couldn't tell if it was morning yet or if the night had swallowed up the sun — and there were rumblings overhead, as if a thunderstorm had rolled in and was waiting eagerly to break through the cloud cover.

Although Tryphon wasn't innately afraid of this weather, he was wary of it, and curious. The maplewood could keep him safe from the worst of the storm, he thought... But then there was a great boom, and when his head shot up to look skyward, his gaze was met by the forking path of a lightning streak overhead.

RE: champagne eyes and saint-like smile - Indie - January 26, 2017

Indie could travel no longer. Though her fabulous dark plumage kept her [for the most part] warm and toasty, her extremities had begun to cause her some problems. Indie’s toes had long since lost their feeling and sensation amongst the snow; her wet nose and delicate ears burned as the sharp wind buffeted her constantly. The woman maintained a tall figure, but even her beanstalk limbs had to be hoisted uncomfortably high to trudge through the ice landscape. No, this misery would not suite the lavish starlet! 

A crack of thunder made the decision to find harborage a quick one. Alarmed, the dark woman jumped and skittered quickly towards the nearest asylum — as if the lightening’s incredible voltage had manifested itself behind her and chased her, seeking her ruin. She felt just as those wolves of the Sentinels must have felt, ravaged and chased by the licking flames from the sky!  Galloped she did, stretching and heaving her body forward in an instinctive kind of fright. Indie ran and ran and ran until she could run no more and slowed, sides heaving from her physical exertions. It seemed that the electric fire-monster of her imagination was no longer in pursuit. Indie would be safe, for now.

Then, she noticed him.

“Ahoy,” Indie spoke breathlessly, hoping he did not lay witness to her panicked flight. “May I take shelter? It is... so... so very cold.”