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War of lies - Printable Version

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War of lies - Jinx - May 06, 2014

Continued from "Precarious Situation"! For @Erika and @Sitri (if you want Danni).

Putting thoughts of the abrasive coyote behind her, Jinx turned her head to seek Erika's blemished face. From Macawi's words, she guessed that the two had some kind of relationship. She wasn't sympathetic to it, but she did hold concerns of wolves above those of any other animal, and took a moment to make that known.

“I am sorry if she is a friend, Erika,” Jinx said gruffly, “but I cannot tolerate so much disrespect from any wolf, let alone a coyote. I hope it does not colour your opinion of me or my pack.” But there was no use repeating that, so with that said, the Alpha female dismissed the issue. Her vision found Sitri then and she smiled.

“Thank you for your assistance, Sitri. This is Erika.” Though Jinx thus far had continued to walk back toward her home, she paused in her step now as she turned back to the lone wolf. “I trust you have made your decision?” There was a good chance, the Kesuk knew, that Erika's decision had been re-made upon seeing her friend chased from the pack and threatened by its Alpha, but if that was the case, then Jinx wouldn't mind. She was a wolf who cared more for protocol than friendships, after all.

RE: War of lies - Sitri - May 06, 2014

Ah ah you know me i'm an rp junkie so of course I want lol

Sitri padded behind the two females but close enough if his queen needed assistance. The coy/wolf had spoken out of turn and badly, but the othe wolf was still her friend and he did not know how she would handle the way the situation had been handled. He was also perplexed at the way Tyrande had handled it, she was to do what their queen said above all else and she hadn't instead she had then followed the coy/wolf after she had slung insults at the queen. That just would not do.

He turned red eyes towards the one whose face was half, Hello Erika This Brute Sitri just sitri. Then he continued back to staring at the ground as they walked one ear forward listening to them speaking. He realized that this female may soon be a pack mate.

RE: War of lies - Erika - May 06, 2014

The night-coloured wolf loped after her future alpha, away from her only friend Macawi. A small part of her was distressed at the coyote's behaviour towards Madame Jinx. It was understandable, at least to her, but it lowered the coyote's chances of joining a wolf pack, particularly Silvertip Mountain. The leader of said pack gave a gruff apology. Erika did not think of her any less, however, despite what Madame Jinx thought.

"Non, Madame. I understand why you 'ad to chase away mon ami. I do not zink of you any less." Erika replied. Jinx then turned to the chocolate brown male, Sitri and introduced the black wolf to him. He grunted out a response. "Bonjour, Monsiuer Sitri. It is nice to meet you."

Then came the big question: whether or not she chose Silvertip Mountain as her new pack. She had mulled over the question days ago, and despite the events that had occurred a few moments ago, she was still true to her decision. "Oui, yes, Madame. I wish to join your pack."

RE: War of lies - Jinx - May 08, 2014

“Good,” crooned the Alpha female. She had expected no less. Though she wasn't privy to Erika's encounters of late, she assumed that the lone female had investigated the other packs in the region and found Silvertip Mountain best suited. It seemed the most logical course of action for any lone wolf to do some “shopping” before selecting a pack.

“We do not tolerate rivals getting too close to our borders,” she said, “but you have already witnessed this. We are otherwise a normal pack. Our communal denning area is within the mountain for protection from the elements.” Ghost Rock Network was one of Jinx's favourite locations, and she gestured with her broad muzzle as though to lead both wolves in that direction. Not wanting to make Sitri feel like a third wheel, the woman looked over her should in hopes of catching his eye.

“Sitri, why don't you tell our new sister a little about what kinds of jobs we hold in high esteem here?”

RE: War of lies - Sitri - May 12, 2014

Sorry for my lateness guys i'm terrible slave boy
Sitri froze as he was put on the spot like that. He wasn't sure if his answer would be right, but he guessed based on the way things were it was a good thing to be a warrior and warden and a gamekeeper. So he spoke to the half face and the queen. Warrior to protect the borders, Warden to watch the borders and Gamekeeper to hunt for the pack and all those in it. he dipped his head and wondered if he was correct. The brute was slow and in a way rather stupid, but he was not the keenest purely from circumstances out of his control.

RE: War of lies - Erika - May 12, 2014

Erika blanched when Sitri described the most valued jobs of Silvertip Mountain in his strange guttural way. She could not be a Warrior or a Warden. She did not have the bulk and muscle that Jinx and Sitri had. A Gamekeeper perhaps, but she was not interested in hunting for a pack all the time, every single day. The maimed wolf was lean, even when she did not have such a skeletal frame. She was more suited to relaying messages. And even then she was trained as a Naturalist at her birth pack.

"Well, I guess I will not be 'eld in 'igh esteem in zis pack zen. As you can see, I am not suited to any of zose." she gestured to her ribcage that was clearly exposed. "In my birth pack, I was trained as a Naturalist. I did learn 'ow to fight, 'owever, but I was not trained extensively."

RE: War of lies - Jinx - May 12, 2014

“Those jobs are the most important,” Jinx said when Sitri and Erika exchanged words, “but that doesn't mean the others are without use. A Naturalist has particular worth in the mountains, and my own mate is a Healer.” All jobs were important, but Jinx would be lying to herself and both others if she claimed they were all equal. It was true that a Naturalist would be useful on the mountain, but if she had lived anywhere else, the black-toed Alpha would have claimed that particular trade was useless.

“For fighting technique, we will instruct you. You are not required to fight offensively for Silvertip Mountain but should its defence be required, all will be expected to rise to the occasion.” Jinx would, of course, be at the forefront of any defensive endeavour, primarily because she was a trained Warrior and in part because she enjoyed being in the middle of a fight, with heart pounding and blood rushing and adrenaline flooding through her.

RE: War of lies - Sitri - May 13, 2014

Sitri's ear's went forward and he spoke softly I teach you to fight if you want Erika and is okay with Queen. He was not a smart wolf and he couldn't do much but fight and hunt he could do. Fighting he could also teach he had taught the other slaves in his former station and home. He however had been rougher with them than he would be allowed to be with Erika, but he thought he could handle that fairly well.

He tilted his head waiting for answers from both.

RE: War of lies - Erika - May 18, 2014

Sorry for the wait!

The black wolf nodded to Jinx and her subordinate Sitri. "Yes, I would like zat to 'ave your 'elp, Sitri. Merci beaucoup. Thank you very much." she was pleased to have actual training in combat, something that would have been useful when she travelled. She could fight those smaller and less experienced than her, but anyone like Jinx or Sitri could destroy her in two seconds.

The broad, chocolate brown wolf, despite his guttural and unrefined speech, looked quite the experienced warrior. Erika knew that she would get a lot of knowledge from him, but she hoped that he wasn't too rough on her. She was as skinny as a twig.

RE: War of lies - Jinx - May 22, 2014

“You may come to me for any advice or tactics you require as well,” she said with a small grin, pleased with the developing camaraderie between Sitri and Erika. She had no doubt the strange wolf, despite all his inner demons, would be an adept mentor for the scarred female. Someday, Jinx would assign him the position of warrior or warden alongside her, but part of her hoped Erika would pursue a different path, if only to give them some diversity.

“I must get back to border patrol,” she announced, a note of worry worming its way into her voice. Most importantly, she had to make certain that Macawi wasn't lurking elsewhere. Leaving Sitri to introduce Erika to the pack, and quite certain he was more than capable of taking care of their newcomer, Jinx left with a wave of her tail in farewell.

RE: War of lies - Sitri - May 27, 2014

Sitri dipped his head in farewell to the queen. And watched her go, knowing he would have to join her soon on the borders to chase away outsiders and reinforce them, but for now he had a task to do.

he looked at Erika and gave her a brief dip of his muzzle not smiling, as usually it made his scars eery and he did not wish to scare her. You come with Sitri Erika, he umm show you around yes?

RE: War of lies - Erika - May 30, 2014

Sorry for the wait, I am at Disney at the moment. And it's a short post, since I'm answering this on pine for a ride. XD

Erika's head dipped to her new alpha as she left. Now alone with Sitri, she gazed at him eagerly. She was ready to be assimilated into this new pack. Her piercing yellow eyes blinked at the large brown male as he offered to take her around the territory. "Sure Sitri. I would be most grateful if you did." she gave gm a small smile and stood, ready to go.

RE: War of lies - Sitri - May 30, 2014

Last post for sitir. We should have another thread :)

Sitri motioned for her to follow and with a small woof he started trotting towards the center of their territory and the ghost network caves. Perhaps Erika could make a den there and he would help if she needed the extra muscle the poor girl looked as if she had been wasting away while being alone.