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Blackwater Islands businessy business stuff - Printable Version

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businessy business stuff - Kalika - April 03, 2017

The Moon no longer loomed silently above Kalika's head.

In the night, She would whisper to the young mother to place her paws into the Sea, who would then comfort her with gentle waves and gurgles. They would each give her small doses of wisdom and insight as a way of keeping her afloat even under the added stresses of her life as a follower. It was something which both pleased Kalika and terrified her, as well. 

After listening for a moment to the words of each Mother, she decided to look for Akantha and further her new intelligences. Before departing, she checked to make sure that Calypso was well, then made her way in the direction of her Matriarch, everything about her submissive.

RE: businessy business stuff - Akantha - April 03, 2017

Ever since the Mothers blessed Kalika's ascension, Akantha had been preoccupied with their voices which now came to her stronger than ever. They needed more. More Sisters. More Consorts. Whip, Gabe, and Chelan were some, but they needed more to prove themselves worthy to Drageda. She would not remain idle beneath the looming eyes of the Commander forever, because Akantha was not the type to prostrate herself before power that deemed itself more worthy of respect. The Mothers were the only beings Akantha would bow before, and it was Their will that bade her to draw the conclusions she did now.

But before she could rise and begin work on such things, her newest, and only, Adept made herself known. Akantha's ears twisted atop her head and she focused on the smooth planes of Kalika's face, drinking in the subservience of her approach, and finding it to be enough. The Matriarch nodded, relieving the Adept of her active posturing, but a smile did not grace her muzzle. The hard cut of her shaggy head looked as severe as the gray Sea. "Kalika," She murmured, reaching over to nudge her Sister's cheek, "is something wrong?"

RE: businessy business stuff - Kalika - April 03, 2017

Kalika took the hint and straightened herself back to a normal, yet remained a few inches below the Matriarch's own height. I came to ask you that same question, she cooed. Although she had many responsibilities, she would not allow herself to neglect the duties of an advisor hopeful and wished to make this known to Akantha. Kalika took a seat and began to preen her tail, waiting for the Matriarch to speak on the hot topics of the day. For one, had she chosen a Nereid for the breeding rites? And if she had, had she accepted? 

Having learned from past experiences, waiting for Akantha to bring up her own woes seemed to be the best way to go.

RE: businessy business stuff - Akantha - April 03, 2017

Akantha snorted and drew away, though it was not an unkind sound. It was simply an Akantha-ism. Kalika stooped to groom her tail and she watched her for a moment before looking away. She got the sense that the floor was, once again, open to her alone. She began to wonder just how often Kalika thought of the Matriarch, and to what end. She appreciated it, of course, but the recently promoted Adept seemed to be entirely selfless in the act—something a bit unheard of back in Themiscrya.

But she wasn't going to take the chances for granted, nor was she going to sour their relationship. This wasn't Themiscrya, she reminded herself, and it didn't need to be like that. "Honestly, no." She replied after a time. "But I am thinking: we should have a celebration when the Moon is full again." She said, not touching on her earlier train of thought; the greedy one, before Kalika arrived. "I think everyone would appreciate it, including the Mothers." 

she continued with a smirk, "if it is well recieved, we should invite Drageda to the next." 

RE: businessy business stuff - Kalika - April 11, 2017

Kalika drew in a deep breath as she considered an upcoming celebration. On one hand, the idea of mingling with the Drageda wolves was a grand one, but the young Adept also held a sense of anxiety when it came to her child being in the midst of such commotion. Another deep breath was taken as she crossed her paws over each other and bit the inside of her cheek. I like that idea, she said, leaving her worries to herself.

I think a bit of celebration is in place. We have all earned a break from our daily stresses. A laugh was added onto this harmless thought so that it would be received properly.