Wolf RPG
Arrow Lake you're getting warmer - Printable Version

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you're getting warmer - Ynes - April 19, 2017

The days were long, but the heavy weight of long-distance travel sapped up most of the excess time. Ynes was finding herself to be quite fond of her travel partner, though she wasn't quite sure what he thought in turn. This was less of a physical attraction (it was rare for anyone to catch her eye in that sense) and more of a mental connection. They were two travellers on the same path, though their stories varied vastly. As Ynes thought about it, she realized that she knew little of @Gabe's actual background; where he came from and why he'd left remained questions hanging in the air to be asked at a later date, should he allow it.

In the distance was a lake, which meant that prey couldn't be too far off. Ynes allowed a rumble of excitement and chirped for Gabe to come closer so that they might look together.

RE: you're getting warmer - Gabe - April 20, 2017

Gabe had conversed little with his travel partner on their journey. When they stopped to rest, he slept at a distance from her, refusing to snuggle close even for warmth. He likely came off as a solitary, cold hearted beast. That was quite the opposite of who he usually was, normally Gabe would've been all over Ynes, not physically of course but he would've adored the companionship. He would've talked to her until her ears couldn't take it anymore, and snuggled close to her at night. But the connection, at least on his part, was broken. He was broken.

They were walking along, Gabe's head hung as he watched the pebbles around his feet. His head shot up when he heard her chirp, calling him closer. He indulged her, moving to stand by her. He looked at the lake, his eyes searching for life. Faint movement caught his amber orbs on the other side of the lake, and when he focused he could barely make out the shape of some type of ruminant. He swung his hips to nudge her, getting her attention then jerking his head towards the herd.

RE: you're getting warmer - Ynes - April 23, 2017

It was beautiful. 

They had gathered with one another as a family group, no doubt. Males (although few in count) stood valiantly, as if proud of their familial roles as protectors. The females and their young grazed almost silently, save for the playful calls from one fawn to another. But just as quickly as these lovely thoughts had arisen, they fell apart and Ynes fell into hunter mode. 

The doe, back there, she whispered, using her chin to motion in her relative direction, She looks weak. She was without child, unlike most of the others, which most likely meant that hers had not survived. It was a harsh thought that made Ynes's stomach turn, but she knew that it was all a part of nature's cycle. A shitty part, but a necessary one, nonetheless.

RE: you're getting warmer - Gabe - April 25, 2017

Gabe nodded, and in a low whisper said, I will sneak around closer to her, you try to send her in my direction. Before she could respond, he turned, grazing her side with his tail as he did so, and crept around the herd towards their target. He figured that Ynes would have no problem with his plan, it was a good one, and with so few wolves at their disposal they would need to be stealthy to have the upper hand. The large arctic male moved into position, low down by a cropping of rock. With his winter colored pelt, his hunting was best done in the snow, or when that wasn't available; greyscale terrain.

RE: you're getting warmer - Ynes - May 04, 2017


Ynes watched Gabe snake around for a moment before deciding to take position. She crouched down low to the ground, almost to where there was contact. Once close enough to see the faint freckles on the doe's rear end and the scar she bore on her flank, Ynes's eyes darted around to find Gabe once more, though it wasn't difficult to spot the alabaster coat in the middle of the terrain. There was a bark and a lunge as she began herding the prey back toward him, leaving slight nips on her ankles and rear as they continued the chase.

RE: you're getting warmer - Gabe - May 09, 2017

Gabe heard Ynes's bark and assumed that meant she'd begun the chase. He peered up above the grass, his fiery eyes scanning the herd as it rushed by. He waited as long as he could, waiting for Ynes and the doe to get close enough to him, and then he lunged. His powerful back legs helping him move off the ground with ease and force. He nailed the doe right in the side, knocking her to the ground. She rolled over defenseless as Gabe picked himself back up, taking a moment to catch his breath after that massive leap.

Just as the deer was beginning to pick herself up, he jumped back on top of her, biting into the ridge of her neck. He would try his best to hold the injured kicking animal still while Ynes took the final blow.