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Moonspear all complete in the sight of life with you - Printable Version

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all complete in the sight of life with you - Amekaze - August 21, 2017

eclipse thread! set morning time on aug 21. cameo or do as you'd please! @Charon @Hydra @Alya @Lyra @Wraen @Rouge @Terance @Tryphon @Korei Julia 

starting off before totality happens right here at least:
A late summer's day dawned like many others before it. Cloudiness for the morning kept it mild, and check of the low elevations began and ended in peace, so back up the mountain she went alongside the arrival of afternoon's humidity. Not long after, she noticed the clouds dissipating, and wondered just how warm it would get now with a barely-contained huff. She did want a hunt, since the allure of something fresh chased her, but not if too miserable out; she just may have to wait until dusk.

She kept to her path upward, weaving past the thickest of their forests, and further still. When it cleared enough, she slowed up and noticed that something seemed off, like a very subtle tone shift in the natural light she was used to. Her eyes narrowed and skin prickled responsively, thinking at first that she was misinterpreting this. The more she looked around, the more confirmation she found. For a clear day, this sunlight was not.. quite right and by the moment, it seemed to be darkening ever-so-slightly.

She pressed onward towards a clearing.. one only fringed by the forests she'd come from. Ambiguously, she raised her muzzle and called low for her pups--@Vela, @Galaxy, and Jarilo primarily. They shouldn't be far away from here, and the note would serve to raise the curiosities of the pack that would hear it too. Skyward, there were cosmic acts at play. Something was shifting, and nature was waiting.

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Galaxy - August 22, 2017

Galaxy's ear flicked in her sleep and she cracked open one eye. She didn't bother lifting her head, just sighed quietly and rolled her weight onto her hip, ears pricked now in case her mother called again. She didn't want to move if it wasn't absolutely imperative. She didn't have much energy to spare these days. Starving herself for weeks had robbed her of it, as well as the weight she had gained immediately following her rescue. She was beginning to look like a bag of bones again.

Her eyes began to flutter closed again when Galaxy abruptly noticed the waning light. With a grunt, she reluctantly pulled herself out from underneath the spruce to gaze up at the sky. There were no clouds and no signs of a storm. Her brow furrowed and her mismatched eyes dropped to peer at her shadow, which seemed to be fading from sight. The sallow white fur along her spine prickled and she suddenly found the energy after all to obey the Alpha female's summons.

"Mommy?" the pup called when she spotted Amekaze stationed near a fringe of trees at the edge of the rendezvous site. "What's happening to the light?" she queried, looking thin as a whip as she jogged over to her mother.

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Hydra - August 22, 2017

The day was brighter than most, which served mostly as an annoyance to Hydra. It gave her something of a headache. The newly named Beta drifted away from the borders and toward a cavern; she'd nap this out, she decided. It was then the world began to grow darker. Hydra blinked, but did not think much of it—it was as though the clouds had come to cover the sun, no different than that to her. She decided to seek out her sisters and see if they were down to nap—usually what bothered her irked them, too. Her trajectory put her on course to find her mother and little siblings as well.

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Charon - August 22, 2017

He had been out hunting and returned with a rabbit between his teeth, easily finding Amekaze and the children. Along the way he picked up @Jarilo and invited him to his mother and sister with a chuff. Then he went to make his way to the family and found several of them already there. He dropped the rabbit by Galaxy's side and suggested, "Have a bite, you look hungry." He did so casually but he made sure to keep an eye on his daughter to make sure she would eat.

Then turning back to the darkening skies he cast Ame a questioning glance; he didn't remember seeing this before, but maybe she knew what it was.

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Terance - August 22, 2017

osprey had told her children and abundance of stories over the years. each story had it's own flare, but the ones about the sky were always terance's favorite. that being said, if osprey had ever told them of how the gods moved the moon in front of the sun-- terance didn't remember it. he'd never heard of anything like this, and the sudden haziness of the territory made him feel uneasy. what was happening?

he'd mostly healed by now, thank god, and though his duties weren't as rigorous as they used to be terance had begun his patrols once again. today, when this happened, terance went to find hydra right away. she was a newly appointed beta, and terance felt it was necessary to report this to her, maybe she knew what was doing on. he picked up the pace, and after a bit of trotting a slight limp was notable on his front leg. he pushed through, he was fine. 

by the time he spotted hydra, he could see the alpha's not too far off. he made his way to them instead, assuming the three of them were meeting for some important leader stuff. terance could be a part of that, he decided, because he too noticed something weird.

he stood, quietly, and dipped his head to all three of them-- waiting for someone to explain something.

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Jarilo - August 22, 2017

All full of energy, and himself, he went romping happily after Papa when he'd come to gather him up from his nosing around. He'd been growing a lot lately too here on the back-end of a good spurt of growth, so his big awkward stride was especially big and awkward as they went to meet up with his mama, and probably his sisters too. Jarilo was in good spirits anyway, and had been even before the prospect of seeing the other wolves he favored most of all. Now with that goal in mind and coming closer with every stride forward through the woods, he was pushing it to borderline obnoxious levels of excitement.

When he saw the others he went rushing to Mama then leapt at her to lick her chin. She tolerated it barely with a bit of an exchange, but didn't seem too interested in him right this moment, especially not compared to his ruckus. It was this that began to key him into more as he sidled in beside Galaxy with an excited wiggle of his whole rump. He pressed up against her entire side for good measure, and shot his questioning glances all around--scenery, Papa, scenery, then Mama. Now that he bothered to pay more mind, he realized something was feeling very different, and this had him sobering quickly. The light was fading, yet he was certain it wasn't time to be night.. so if not that, then why?

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Amekaze - August 27, 2017

Dark, yet somehow still light, at once.. but she saw the darkness deepening steadily by the moment. Certainly eerie. She couldn't help but be reminded of dusk as she found her family beginning to trickle to her side, one by one starting with the rawboned Galaxy and her questions. Amekaze's brow furrowed, keen to feed into her daughter's curiosity, but pained by the sight of her so thinned. "The sun is being blocked out," she explained quietly, although was far more familiar with lunar eclipses versus solar—especially when it came to experiencing them of this magnitude firsthand herself. "So, almost, night is coming during the day." As evidenced around.

These events she knew far more intimately in fictitious myth and legend, and certainly never approaching such a full totality to be this noticeable. Sun goddesses driven into hiding, fierce sun-devouring dragons, an extinguished sun.. all founded in the sight of what was unfolding above. It was still too bright to look at for long, so accordingly, this was no easy phenomenon to explain when stealing brief glances between the treetops' cover. She exhaled softly, torn between the curious anticipation of what may come in moments to follow, and a strange sense of reverence.

Before she could shape more observation and hypothesis into word, and hope to understand this better, Charon and by extension, Jarilo arrived. The boy got a nip, her mate a nod (mainly for shoving food beneath Galaxy's nose), and she stood over them both protectively. "Listen, the nighttime bugs are even starting to come out, just like dusk.." she offered as well, twitching an ear as she spoke to the pups.
others are more than welcome to still pop in of course ^^ and feel free to be loose with the order here. i'll be hopefully trying to stagger ame and jarilo posts a bit if i can help it >>

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Korei Julia - September 06, 2017

Korei came out after waking up later than usual, going out to...she paused stepping out of her den. How was it dark? Was it not morning? She was confused at first before looking up, blinking rapidly at the odd circle of light in the sky. It was not like the usual sun or moon. What was this rather odd phenomenon, something she had never seen nor heard of. 

She headed out and spotted Mama with some others of the pack nearby, sitting behind her Mama. "Mama, what is going on?" she asked, gazing back up to the sky. "I thought it was meant to be day time."

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Charon - September 07, 2017

Charon's gaze was lifted to the sky as the sun darkened; he had no idea what was going on or why, so he let Amekaze answer all the questions the pups had, including Julia, who arrived not long after him. He sat beside Galaxy and watched the sky in amazement, having never seen something like this. An ear was turned towards Amekaze as she spoke and he silently listened for the sounds of the bugs, though so far he wasn't hearing anything yet.

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Galaxy - September 07, 2017

When Charon and Jarilo appeared nearby—the former with a rabbit and a command to eat, the latter with a bodily hug—Galaxy flashed them both a smile but then turned her attention back to the pack's matriarch. Amekaze explained what was happening, though Galaxy still didn't quite understand.

"Being blocked by what?" was the natural first question that came to mind. Galaxy tilted her head to try to see for herself, only to squint and look away quickly. "It hurts my eyes," she said even as her mother pointed out the sound of insects rising around them, just like they did every evening. But it wasn't time for any of this yet.

A worried query came from the recently arrived Korei and Galaxy's lips pressed together as she looked eagerly to Amekaze, waiting for further explanation.

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Hydra - September 12, 2017

Soon enough Terance joined her side, and he with her sisters and herself arrived before her family. Korei's question was regarded with an ear-flick. For once she did not know the answer. When Axe mentioned it hurt her eyes, Hydra was quick to attempt to stand over her to block her vision, if she could. Don't look. The sun still seems to be out, and it was just known one should not look at the sun.

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Jarilo - September 13, 2017

Jarilo peered around wide-eyed, torn between a growing uncertainty and curiosity. What was this!! Thankfully, everyone else was already voicing their questions, although the answers may not be as clear-cut as he might like to process.

Since squinting upward towards the sun didn't show him anything except an immediate sting that diverted him, so once recovered, he busied himself more with looking around, instead of up. But he wasn't sure what to look for. The growing shift in light so soon had him feeling strange already but generally, most everything else seemed pretty typical—and with his family all around, it was harder for him to find earnest things to be concerned about. Mama was right, though, the night bugs were singing their songs, really completely easing them into the aesthetic of a coming night. A piece of him kind of liked it, despite how inherently bizarre he recognized it as. Fascination towards that was enough to peel him from Galaxy's side, and therefore, Hydra's immediate shade. "The shadows are being weird too..!" he voiced, gesturing at the strange patterning the sunlight cast between the nearby tree leaves.
weird shadows = kind of like this, just maybe not quite so drastic yet!

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Amekaze - September 24, 2017

While she wanted to lend all of her attention to the skies, questions came quickly. "Yes, exactly, do not look right at it right now. When it gets darker, you can only if you are careful," she reaffirmed sternly after her older daughter to really drive the point home. It was tempting, she understood, but quick glimpses were for the best here. Jarilo was already catching onto the shadows it cast, too, so that was another way to behold the oddity of the sun blacking out in the middle of the day. "I do not know what blocks it out exactly—but I have heard many different attempts to explain, from a giant dragon swallowing it, squabbling gods disrupting its glow, the sun simply being angry and leaving its post for a quick break..." she glanced from pup to pup as she explained, but of course, any were free to draw their conclusions from what she could impart. With something so celestial and faraway, dividing fact from fiction was entirely negotiable, and in her mortal life, she may never have the answers for sure. "One that interested me most of all may be that it is a quarrel between the sun and the moon, in which the moon overtakes the sun, which is why nighttime comes during the day." She quieted then for a few more breaths—a pause that suggested, again, to look how dark was now.

But it all could easily be founded in nonsense from tales passed from generations downward. Who knew. She'd never seen a dragon or a god in the flesh, especially not one massive enough to disturb the sun, nor could she spot the moon in the sky right now to let it take the credit for this due to its phase. All were just maybes at best. "Maybe one day we could know for sure what it is. But they do not happen often.. not like this," she swung her snout to the nearby mountainscape, and then, it went even darker as the eclipse edged in the very last seconds before full totality.

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Charon - September 25, 2017

Charon was glad that Ame came up with a good story for the kids. He hadn't a clue how even to start explaining this shit. He wasn't sure if Ame was making something up as she went along or if she actually had a clue what was going on, and truthfully he didn't really care which of either it was. Charon just nodded along as if he knew exactly what Amekaze said to be true. He'd never seen anything like this.

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Galaxy - September 27, 2017

Galaxy felt like she'd somehow stepped into a different realm, as the shadows took on weird shapes (as Jarilo pointed out loudly) and the sky continued to darken. The fur along her spine stiffened with an uncharacteristic apprehension as she peered about herself, assessing the peculiar changes in atmosphere. Her attention then drifted to her mother as Amekaze offered up several different possible theories as to what was happening. Galaxy blinked loudly. All of them sounded quite fantastical, though as an aspiring astronomer, she saw the most appeal and logic in the latter explanation.

"The moon..." she murmured, drawing in a quick breath when everything went completely dark, just like any standard midnight. Only it was still the middle of the day, according to her circadian rhythm. Hydra's earlier warning echoed faintly in her ears as she tipped her head back and found she could stare right up at the sun now. Was that the sun? Her eyes grew wide as dinner plates, her pupils widening into saucers, as she stared up at the glowing ring of fire overhead.

"It's so—it's so..." Galaxy stuttered out loud, literally struck speechless by the eclipse. "It's beautiful," she eventually breathed, eyes going impossibly wider and a gasp escaping her maw when she saw the entire sprawl of the universe around the glimmering phenom.

RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Terance - October 09, 2017

terance knew better than to look at the sun-- but hearing amekaze's story was enough to make him want to look directly at it. burn my corneas!! blind me!! just let me see the dragon!! but he held still, focusing instead on his alphas and their words. that was, at least, until the world around them fell completely dark. what! how crazy, he couldn't stand it anymore. following amekaze's advice-- which was to look only when it was completely dark-- terance turned to stare at the golden ring in the sky.


his jaws parted, and he stared that motherfucker right in the face. it was so... crazy. he couldn't believe it. for a moment, he forgot everyone-- including hydra-- and focused only on that damn ring. 


RE: all complete in the sight of life with you - Charon - October 25, 2017

wrapping this up since it is getting old :)

Charon followed Amekaze's instructions and waited impatiently until she said it was safe to look directly at it. He'd never seen anything like this and was amazed by how it all played out. He watched with open mouth, feeling in awe of all around him and the greatness of the world. He watched silently, enjoying time spent with his family, his pack, until the moment passed again eventually.