Wolf RPG
Northstar Vale they'll never get old and gray - Printable Version

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they'll never get old and gray - Curran - August 01, 2013

As the sun rose over the ridge, the male could see a lush oasis that lay at the center of the mountain's range. Other wolves might have been suspicious of such a place—it was the perfect trap, a section of land that seemed like paradise but opened one up to attack from above on all sides. But not Curran. It was immediately inspiring to the male, and he decided in that moment that it was worth exploring. Surely, nothing could go wrong in such a beautiful stretch of land. It would be exactly the type of lift his spirit currently needed. So, tail held high with excitement, the earthy male made his way down the ridge towards the vale.

When he first arrived, it was everything he had hoped for—lush with small creeks and ponds, painted with small swathes of vibrant forest. Curran couldn't help but grin as he made his way through the territory, pausing to bury his nose in wildflowers as he went. It was when he spent a long moment with his nose in a thick growth of Indian Paintbrush that he changed his mind—in an instant—about the Vale. Before he could take note of the scent, something heavy fell upon him... clawing and biting, punctuating the morning air with grunts and snarls.

Curran crouched down low, before springing back up with powerful kicks of his legs—the goal to throw whatever it was off of him. The action worked, and with a warning growl, the Phase spun around as he leapt away... only to be faced by the desperate visage of a half-starved, juvenile mountain lion.

RE: they'll never get old and gray - Two Face - August 12, 2013


Two Face

He had wandered far from his new home. He didn’t know any of the wolves other than Koontz yet, and she seemed busy with her new responsibilities. So Two Face decided to go on a mini adventure outside of the Plateau. He chose a direction and just began walking — he wasn’t sure if he should ask permission before departing but he didn’t think anyone would notice his absence.

Two Face had been traveling for some time now and the most interesting thing he had found was a rabbit digging in the ground. Lucky thing he happened upon it when he did because he had been feeling a slight annoying rumble in his stomach. Now his tongue felt like he had been eating mouthfuls of sand. Lifting his nose to the air, Two Face attuned himself to his surroundings, trying to catch the slightest hint of water on the breeze. He smelled a water source very close. Two Face walked in the direction that the smell came from and came to the top of a ridge. Staring down with his bicolored eyes, Two Face looked for any sign of the water. Something else caught his eye, though — there was a big cat down there squaring off with a brown wolf with what looked to be a black streak running along his back. Sprinting down the ridge before he gave himself time to think, Two Face bared his fangs ”I hate cats.”

Two Face didn’t slow his stride during his descent, even when he came to even ground. He wasn’t sure who this wolf was, but he wasn’t going to stand by and let a cat get the better of one of his kind. He was a pack wolf now and pack wolves were strong. Lost in his thoughts, Two Face found he was upon the cat quicker than he had anticipated. He tried to stop himself but he was moving too quickly. Two Face bit at the big cat’s tail but missed it completely as his momentum carried him past the beast. ”Don’t worry! I’m Two Face, a member of Dragonwatchers, and I’m here to help!” the yearling hollered as he swerved from the cat’s lashing paws, trying to avoid a slash that would lay him low before he even had a chance to help.

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RE: they'll never get old and gray - Curran - September 12, 2013

Sorry for taking so long to reply, Billy! School started up again, yadda yadda. :)

At this point in time, Curran was still a mere vagabond. Though his built was still solid and muscular, it had lost some of its tone after a long period of irregular, small meals. If he had the benefit of a pack, the Phase might have been able to sent the cat off with only a small bit of difficulty... but as a lone wolf, weak and weary, he would be lucky indeed to escape without a crippling injury. Even knowing this, Curran didn't have a lot of options, and so he loosed a threatening growl at the creature and attempted to make himself look as large as possible.

Before the tense stand-off could erupt into something far more vicious, someone from above said something Curran couldn't quite make out... and moments later, a blur of a wolf launched himself at the mountain lion. Startled out of action temporarily, the Phase could only watch as the younger wolf barreled past the feline. When the creature began to prepare for a strike, however, the brown male was moved to action.

Curran circled around the cat's side and then ran at it as it attempted to slash at the stranger, using all his weight in an attempt to knock the creature to the ground. It seemed to work, though the Phase could tell it wouldn't remain down for long. As he prepared for another attack, he said, "Thanks, Two Face. I'm Curran—unaffiliated, for the moment."

RE: they'll never get old and gray - Two Face - September 14, 2013

It’s cool :-) Ebony told me you have school and a butt load of other things on your plate. I’m just honored every time one of the original WWS folks responds to me.

Two Face

Two Face thanked whoever for allowing the brown wolf to interrupt the big stupid cats attack on him while his stupidity left him vulnerable to attack, otherwise he would be lying on the dirt moistening the earth with his life force. The Brown wolf stopped only long enough to give his name. Two Face had to give credit to someone who could exercise proper manners in the middle of a fight, that also lead him to believe that Curran was probably a more than capable fighter and didn’t require his help after all.

Though he believed his nose had been stuck some where it was not needed Two Face was already a part of this fight so there was no turning back now. Two Face took one more moment to marvel at Curran’s combat abilities; he had already set himself up for another attack on the big stupid cat. He knew that it would be hard for Curran to launch his attack with the cat’s attention on him. Two Face began barking as he ran at the cat trying to get the beast’s attention, so Curran could launch his attack without the beast swatting him down immediately. Two Face began to pray again, this time he prayed Curran noticed a feint when he saw one.

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