Wolf RPG
Porcupine Ridge We are hope - Printable Version

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We are hope - Burr Saefyn - November 13, 2017

Looking for Morningsiders to find him and maaaybe bring them home with them, since he's hurt!

Burr bounced down the mountainside, yelping loudly each time his svelte body contacted the rough ground. He tumbled tail over teakettle, disoriented, until he came to an abrupt stop against a large spur of rock jutting out of the rugged slope. His paw and leg met the broad side first, then the rest of his body at an awkward angle that ended with a sharp pop and a piercing screech of agony that would surely carry for several miles.

He hadn't foreseen this possibility when he left Easthollow several days ago in search of Rowana, who had up and disappeared. Burr had never had an injury in his life save the scrape that Valette had left on his scruff, which was long gone now, so of all the scenarios he had considered, being injured while alone in the mountains wasn't one of them. Being kidnapped, sure. Being chased by a bear or puma, certainly. Getting lost, yes, but he knew how to follow his own scent trail. But truthfully, Burr thought it would be a fairly simple trip—after all, he was big and strong now. And someone had to go look for his pain-in-the-neck sister, and that someone was him.

But he hadn't once thought it would end like this. It seemed he had a little more to learn about considering all possibilities.

Gritting his teeth, the juvenile tried to push himself up from the rock, but the moment he pressed any weight down on his ankle, searing pain shot through his whole forearm into his shoulder and he crumpled weakly. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" he yammered, sinking with a sharp whistle of a whine to his belly and staring tearfully at his forepaw, which was twisted at an angle that seemed all wrong. He felt faint just looking at it.

RE: We are hope - Dawn - November 13, 2017

post attempt no. 3
The shrill scream shattered the silence, sending a cold jolt down her spine and her hackles to bristle. For a beat Dawn was still, balancing carefully on the outcrop, and then she was moving, scaling the incline with a practised swiftness. The scent of blood had her bristle as she neared, hearing now to the muttering and the high pitched keening. Abruptly she stumbled across the boy, dropping down to stand before him. Rocks skittered down between her paws as she came to a stop, gaze on the boy.

He was young, and a quick scan of the craigs ensured that he was alone. This itself seemed wrong, but the scent of Easthollow on his pelt made it apparent. They wouldn't let their young wander so far, least of all if this was one of Valette's pups. "you okay?" she asked, though the sight of his mangled paw answered that for her. "what happened to you?" 

RE: We are hope - Pema - November 15, 2017

Pops Pema in here.

Pema and Dawn were not traveling together at the time but their scouting party was heading in the same direction, ensuring that none of them were too far from one another. So when the loud scream of agony echoed over the mountain Pema, like Dawn, was able to hear it and was alert to whatever might have caused it. The scream caused Pema to raise her head as her ears picked up the direction of the sound before she began to treverse the mountainside. It may not be anyone she knew, but that wouldn't stop Pema from offering to help another, especially someone that was hurt. Her new found knowledge in her medic trade could prove useful.

As Pema climbed the mountain she saw Dawn first right before she meet the young wolf. He was tearing up and the scent of blood was in the air. Just by a quick glance it was clear that at the very least the young wolf's ankle was injured. Pema remained silent, not wanting to over whelm the wolf with questions, and the ones Dawn asked seemed to be right on point. 

Pema wondered why such a young wolf would be all alone, especially on such a difficult terrain. Pema stood below the young wolf on the mountain. Ensuring that if the rocks were to slide he would not be sent down the mountain again. 

RE: We are hope - Burr Saefyn - November 15, 2017

The world in Burr's eyes was an immense, yet empty place. He never thought to call out for help because he knew how far removed he was from Easthollow in the mountains. He had gone a lot farther than he ever intended to, having traveled for several days, and he hadn't encountered another wolf in all that time. As far as he knew, Easthollow was the only pack within ten thousand miles, and they were much too far away to hear his whining. Even if he cried out his loudest, Burr knew they would never hear him there.

He'd gone way too far from home and things seemed bleak. He licked his lips nervously, wincing at an unexpected sting followed by the acrid taste of blood. Burr hadn't even felt it when he bit his lip on the way down, but now that he was aware of it, the tears in his eyes swelled.

The clatter of rocks was his only warning; he whipped his head up just in time to meet the sharper, fiercer gold of Dawn's gaze. It was instinct to shrink back and away from her, both because she was a stranger and because he was injured. Burr pressed his ears back and drew his muzzle down, cradling his broken ankle close to his chest, and when she asked what happened, he took a long time to decide whether or not he should answer. After all, this could be Cyron's kidnapper, or Rowana's, for all he knew. He briefly glanced away to search for back-up on the mountainside, but knew that there was none, so finally he answered in a high, pained voice, "I-I fell." The pockmarked terrain could explain for itself how a sure-footed creature like a wolf might do something like that.

He could abruptly smell someone else, but couldn't see her, and pressed himself tighter back against the rock in hopes they weren't about to gang up on him.

RE: We are hope - Dawn - November 15, 2017

The kid seemed scared, and abruptly Dawn lowered herself, waving her tail and trying her utmost to appear Approachable and Unthreatening. "it's okay; we can help."  This enough didn't seem very convincing, especially delivered from the mouths of strangers, and thus she tried again. "my name's Dawn. maybe you know my brother, Sunny - he was a member of Easthollow, too." She can only hope that if the boy knows who she's talking about, her brother left a good enough impression on him so that he may trust her a little. 

he wasn't going anywhere on his own, that was apparent, and Dawn gestured now at Pema, who thus far she had not greeted. "that girl over there, she's a really good medic. she fixed my paw, once, she can probably fix yours, too." Given, her injury was a whole lot better than his, but he didn't need to know that.

RE: We are hope - Aditya - November 16, 2017

he hadn't been close to dawn or pema when it happened, but the piercing scream that seemed to reverberate across the mountains caught his attention, and he raced to the source of sound without thought. it hadn't sounded like either of his packmates. . .but you could never be too careful.

adi felt a surge of alarm when he came across both women, and scanned them quickly for injuries, eyes worried but saying nothing. then his gaze snapped to the youngster beside them, who was injured; something had happened to his paw, which rested at an unnatural angle that made his stomach churn to see it.

"what happened?" he asked all assembled, his tone sharper than intended. he looked at dawn and pema. "do you know this boy?"

for a boy it was--not even to his first year of life, with fresh, youthful eyes that were clouded now with fear and pain. he carried a pack scent, though he did not recognize it. he must have wandered from home and found himself in this predicament.

RE: We are hope - Pema - November 17, 2017

The younger wolf's answer was simply, but Pema hadn't expected much else from such a young individual, answering the question directly and either forgetting or avoiding giving further detail. But it wasn't hard to peice together what could have or must have happened, all that mattered now was what they were going to do to help him. As Dawn spoke and lowered herself, Pema did the same, moving to the young individuals side so her could see her better as she introduced herself. "Hi, my name is Pema. I'd really like to help if you would let me take a closer look at your paw and mouth." she said asking for his permission, not wanting to scare him.

She also now saw the little bit of blood dripping from the his mouth. Seeing it she hoped it was something minor rather then internal bleeding, but if it was she would have expected him to be in much more pain. And so she remained optemistic, until she had a chance to look him over more closely herself.

Then Adi was at the scene asking the questions Dawn and Pema had wanted to knew earlier. "He fell down and hurt himself a bit. But we don't know his name quite yet." she said giving the young one a chance to introduce himself as well. Her voice remained the same, kind and easy, even when talking to Adi. "This is Aditya. He's very nice and I'm sure he would like to help too." she said gesturing for the youngster where Adi stood. 

RE: We are hope - Burr Saefyn - November 18, 2017

As shock began to set in, Burr's eyes darted rapidly between the unfamiliar wolves. There was no way to keep them all in his line of sight, but fear of the unknown told him to try. Pema settled somewhere on his right side, Dawn loomed over him, and the third wolf was somewhat off to the left. He pressed his ears forward and turned blurry eyes up to Dawn as she spoke, but many of her words sounded rushed to the traumatized Burr, who felt like he was in a vacuum and the others were on the outside looking in.

He picked out the name, but it wasn't familiar to him. Unbeknownst to Burr, he had shared a game once with Sunny, but they hadn't exchanged names. He knew that his grey-furred adult friend had left the pack some time ago, leaving Burr to wallow in his loneliness—though that was hardly Sunny's fault—but aside from that, it rang no bells. He shook his head lightly, unable to formulate words through a tongue that felt sluggish and twisted in his mouth in spite of the quick, shallow breaths he was taking.

He became aware, slowly, of throbbing in his foot, and his eyes chanced to slide down toward it. When he saw the angle it was at, his vision swam and all at once the throb grew to sharp agony. He sucked in a breath—heedless of all the adult wolves around him and the questions they were asking—and screamed until the sight and pain of it made him dizzy and he fainted.

Feel free to powerplay Burr while he's out cold. :)

RE: We are hope - Dawn - November 18, 2017

The boy seemed numb to them, movements sluggish as if he was underwater. Her ears flicked forward in concern, wondering for a moment if the kid was dying. But no, he seemed to be sleeping, which confused her, but she prodded him lightly and determined him still breathing, rising again, she turned to her companions. "Pema, come take a look at his paw. It's definitely broken. Adi - I think I can carry him, but I'll need help." There was no question in her mind that they would bring him back to Morningside with them, for they couldn't leave any child; much less a child of Easthollow, alone and injured in the mountains. 

She stood over the numb child and waited for Pema to make her assessment. It wouldn't be impossible to drape the child over her back and simply carry him back to Morningside, but it'd be damned difficult. Her gaze turned to Adi, brow furrowed in concern as she shifted her weight.

RE: We are hope - Aditya - November 18, 2017

neither of them had answered his question, but judging by their body language and words, this child--or his pack--was no threat to morningside. he wondered if this might be one of the vale wolves, lost after his companions had scattered to the wind, though he hadn't caught this youngster's scent when they were on the old borders.

dawn would certainly need help carrying the boy; he was almost as big as she was. lowering himself, aditya wiggled his head and neck under the child's unconscious form and shimmied him onto his back. he was an ungainly weight, draped as he was over aditya's shoulders, but with dawn helping to support the weight, it shouldn't be too hard to bring him the short distance down to morningside's territory.

RE: We are hope - Pema - November 18, 2017

The pup didn't say anything, only looked around at the three of them frantically, but silently. She could almost smell how anxious this situation was making him, but she could also see the hurt in his eyes when his ankle rested the wrong way. When his eyes went cold and began to close, Pema rushed to his side, allowing him to be gently lowered to the ground rather then fall onto it. 

She thought the cause to be either then abundance of adrenaline that was running though him after his fall that was now leaving, or just his body going into shock. Either way it gave her a chance to look him over. She moved and lifted his ankle a bit to see where in fact the break was. It was from his ankle rather then his paw, but Dawn had the idea. Next she wanted to check his mouth, and luckily it was his lip that was the source of the bleeding, nothing internal. 

After her inspection Adi and Dawn lifted the boy and began waking him towards Morningside. She would have offered to help, but three wolves trying to carry one seemed crouded more then helpful. She wished she had known more about the boy to have taken him to a possibly more suitable place. But without much information the best thing to do was to bring him back to Morningside to heal. 

Along the way Pema assised the others with moving things to the side and holding the boy from time to time thought more uneasy terrain.