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Blacktail Deer Plateau Get An Eyeful - Printable Version

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Get An Eyeful - Engel - December 08, 2017

Engel arrived to the pond in the Morningside territory, and looked it over. He took one look...then went to scratching at the ice, trying to break it. He managed it after a time, since it was a thin layer. It was shallower than he originally thought, but still deep enough so that he could start cleaning himself, flinging water over himself. It was refreshing for the older male, the cold water washing dirt and whatever else was in his fur, though most he couldn't get off himself. 


RE: Get An Eyeful - Grayday Sr. - December 08, 2017

He was getting better at this whole half-blindness thing. Slowly but surely. Enough that he felt confident enough to go and have a drink on his own, rather than bothering his wife or the kids with walking him down to the pond.

He was surprised when he got there to find that someone had already broken the ice that day. And, that that someone was actually in the water.

"Engel?" Day greeted, a bit disturbed by this odd occurrence, but too tired to react beyond confused silence as he awaited an explanation for this behavior. The male's past transgressions had since been forgiven, but with this new happening before his eyes, Grayday looked back and wondered if Engel might just be an alien or something.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Engel - December 08, 2017

Engel stopped what he was doing, lifting his head when he heard Grayday's voice. He recalled their last meeting, and thought over a necessary response. Slowly turning, he greeted Day. "Grayday, hey. Fancy meeting you-" 

He stopped when he saw Grayday. So that's what Adi meant by how Day had been attacked. "Your...no offense, Day, but that makes you look rather..." Menacing? Handsome? He wasn't sure which approach was better.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Grayday Sr. - December 08, 2017

"Pirate-y?" the male suggested, tail wheeling in amusement. There were a lot of drawbacks to missing an eye, but the new pun and dad joke opportunities were not one of them.

Day dipped his head to lap up some water. Some wolves might be offended by a dirty old man in their drinking water, but Grayday had cleaned the feces from his children's bottoms with his own tongue. Not much could phase him anymore. 

"Aren't you cold?" asked the leader, ears flickering quizically as he continued to quench his thirst, glancing up at Engel's murky form every now and again.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Engel - December 08, 2017

"Yeah...pirate-y" Engel said, averting his eyes to the cold water before he said something rather stupid. Again. He watched the reflection of Grayday lap at the water, and couldn't help but stare. Even his tail started to wag a bit. He had met a rare few with scars, and none quite like Day's new scar. Made him seem more mysterious...

He shrugged casually, although he shivered a little. "Used to it. I quite like the cold...but warmth is better." Especially the warmth of laying with another he thought quietly, with an amused smile.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Grayday Sr. - December 09, 2017

Grayday quirked a brow, at that. "If that's the case, that is not where I would be," he said with a hint of mirth, though he was still mostly just concerned about the older male. He remembered being angry with Mirabelle when she'd almost drowned herself in the river. But those had been angry days, and he was a different wolf, now.

He couldn't save everyone, after all. Especially not everyone who decided to get their fur wet in the wintertime.

Deciding to just sit tight and see how this played out, Grayday found a dry place on the pond's bank and sat down, silently observing.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Engel - December 09, 2017

Engel shrugged, giving off a light smile before putting his muzzle back in. Then with a smirk, he flicked his nose up with a breath of air, but his true aim was to splash Grayday, making it seem like he was just taking a breath. He tried to hide his smirk as he began to preen himself. 

"Don't you feel like taking a dip?" he said between preening his fur. "It's nice and cool, takes your mind off things...plus, it might be good to give your face a bit of a wash, eh?" He pat the surface of the water with a paw, invitingly. Although admittingly, it was getting a bit too cold for comfort. He would go out soon.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Grayday Sr. - December 10, 2017

This got a laugh out of the younger male. Hell no!" he said vehemently, his brows raising comically only to fall into a glare when he was splashed by the other.

"Why don't you drag your sorry ass to shore," he suggested, gritting his teeth in mixed amusement and irritation. They'd see about warming him up with a spar.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Engel - December 10, 2017

Engel pouted, then couldn't help but laugh himself. Grayday invited him to get out of the water, and so he did, grinning. Sometimes he he liked to tease, and Grayday seemed to be a bit more easy going today. He stopped, standing next to Day while facing his body in his direction. Engel remained standing there, looking at Dau curiously. 

"So, I'm out of the water now" he said. "What now? I mean, I could use something to warm up...but, by how you received my flirting last time, don't think you are up for 'cuddling up'...not saying I am." Although, that was exactly what he meant, but he still remembered how Day received his advances.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Grayday Sr. - December 10, 2017

In answer, Grayday bowed, slapping the ground with his large forepaws. A jolt of pain went through his injury, but he ignored it.

"I don't cuddle," Grayday lied. He most certainly did cuddle. Often, and with relish. But it seemed like the right thing to say, and the male punctuated it with a growl that danced the edge of playful and menacing.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Engel - December 10, 2017

Engel raised his brow. "Oh, don't cuddle do you?" He got down too, seeing what exactly it was Day wanted. "Well I guess there are other ways to get the blood pumping."

"So, heard you were taken"
he said as he started circling. "Are they a keeper? I mean, surely they must be" he continued, trying to lighten the mood with small talk. He stopped for a moment, and patted a paw in Day's direction, trying to egg him on into making the first move. He was no fighter however.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Grayday Sr. - December 10, 2017

Although he had, in his youth, regularly engaged in bull sessions are less innocent than what Engel's question suggested, the mention of Catori immediately had Grayday on the offensive. He surged forward and tried to tackle the older (but smaller) male, attempting to bite (gently) at his sopping scruff and pull him down that way.

"Don't be vulgar," Grayday growled, though there was no heat behind the words. He realized he'd overreacted a little bit, but they were just playing, and that was to be expected from time to time.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Engel - December 10, 2017

Grayday indeed made the first move, but faster than Engel saw coming. One second, he was grinning, the next he yelped out of surprise as he was brought down, kicking a little. He tried to resist, but he was weaker than he appeared, going down almost instantly. Grayday gave a playful warning, and Engel bit back a remark about their position.

"Vulgar? Is that what you expect of me? I meant kissing and other little things...but now I can't get that image out of my head." He tried to push Day off, but he was still weaker. And smaller.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Grayday Sr. - December 11, 2017

"You'd better!" said Grayday, attacking various parts of Engel's body with painless bites, hoping to spur him into a game of jaw wrestling or maybe tag. "That's my wife you're imagining," he scolded, standing over the smaller male in a typical dominant stance, basically straddling him.

"Don't you ever think about anything else?" Grayday wondered, dipping his head to gnaw on the other some more.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Engel - December 11, 2017

Engel laughed a bit at Day's response. He couldn't imagine Day with this female, as he had not met her. Perhaps seen her, but he would not have known it was her. Day stood over him, and Engel couldn't help but glance a bit down for only half a second or so. 

"I can't picture it well, since I've never met her, so you can be glad of that...And yes, I do think of other stuff. Like what pick up lines I can use, poems and rhy-" He felt a stirring down low, and realized that Day was in a way, straddling him. He stopped doing anything, half his mind telling him to just keep going and enjoy this little spar. His other half, telling him to stop before it let to something rather embarassing.

"I, uh...Day? Do you..." he gulped, not sure how to say it. "Your position...your str...stra...do you mind?" he finally managed, trying to keep his mind at bay.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Grayday Sr. - December 11, 2017

Grayday lifted his head at Engel's tone and looked down at him with a quizzical expression on his face. Luckily for Grayday (or unluckily, depending on how you look at it), it didn't take a genius to figure out what the problem was.

"You're getting off on this!" he accused, dumbstruck. Not quite able to process what was going on just yet, he remained rooted to the spot, standing over the smaller male with his ears pushed forward and his tail standing straight out in alarm.

A moment later, he regained his senses and did a quick hop-skip out of Engel's reach, like a little girl running from a June bug.

"I was just playing," the male said stridently, eye narrowed at Engel.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Engel - December 11, 2017

Engel pulled an awkward face, his ears pinned back when Grayday pointed out the rather obvious. He looked away, turning his head in shame. This, as surprising as it was, was a first. Not a first having someone standing on top of him, but a first time that it was accidental.

As soon as Grayday was off, Engel got up as soon as he could, retreating along the edge of ice-covered water. "I-I didn't mean it! I mean, I've had plenty of rather strong, dominant males standing over me, and lovers and such, but I swear I did not mean it! It's not my fault that I find you attractive!" He shut his mouth quickly, staring at Day wide eyed. He did not believe he had just said that.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Grayday Sr. - December 11, 2017

Grayday was not exactly offended - just surprised. He hadn't meant to stir anyone up like that, and part of him felt as though he was being disloyal to Cat, even though he hadn't meant for this to happen. He certainly wouldn't have gotten that physical with another woman.

"Man - now I have to go to confession," Grayday snapped, his expression falling out of surprise and straight into what was becoming his default Engel emotion: irritation. "I feel all dirty, now."

He shot Engel a sharp look, realizing the opening he'd just left. Don't you dare say it, said the look on his face. Out loud, he said: "Maybe you should take another swim, pal," glancing pointedly downward before flicking his eyes back to Engel's face.

With that, the male went off to find his mate, not quite sure yet how big a deal would be made out of this.

RE: Get An Eyeful - Engel - December 11, 2017

Engel just stood there, frozen like that and speechless. He wasn't sure what else he could say after that. He wanted to say he was sorry, that he didn't mean to say that, that he didn't mean for any of this to happen. But it was too late, he could tel right away from Day's expression that he didn't want to hear anymore.

Once Day was gone, Engel just got frustrated with himself. He turned quickly, slowly moving away from the scene, but not before kicking a paw at a pebble into the water. He had a lot of pent up frustration, and he could think of no way to get rid of it.