Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau O' death - Printable Version

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O' death - Sunny - January 29, 2018

Set after the trespasser fight thread. I rolled a 99/100 on how serious Sunny will be sick so...whoo boy. @Grayday

There was something off with his breathing as he patrolled. It had started out slowly so he thought he'd be alright but then it suddenly became hard to pull air into his lungs so he paused. Every exhale was wet and rattled awful loud and soon he began to cough and hack up big blobs of disgusting smelling phlegm. He'd been feeling weird all day, the occasional wave of heat despite the cool air or the way his head would suddenly get all fuzzy and he'd almost fall over just standing still. The coughing subsided finally and he sucked in a deep breath, his eyes teary and blurred. He stood up once again and began to run back to the pack but all of a sudden Everything hurt and he couldn't breathe and then he hit the ground hard enough to slide a few feet.

Whether it was from being around Sorrel Marie or his quick chat with Aditya or the rabbit wound had become infected despite Pema's treatment, maybe a mixture of all three but he was seriously I'll. He peered in the direction of the dens and whimpered feeling so weak. He just wanted his dad. As childish as that sounded he just wanted to be near his father right now, what if he was dying. Struggling to pull in enough breath he parted his maw and released a weak and shrill cry for help and most of all his father before closing his eyes and just trying to stay awake.

RE: O' death - Shale - January 29, 2018

Shale was examining a small hole in the ice in the catfish pond--what had happened to cause such a perfect circle?--when the cry from afar set off alarm bells in his mind. Abandoning his idle task, he trotted swiftly to the source of what had almost certainly been Sunny's voice, calling for his father. It was such a plaintive cry that Shale took it upon himself to answer, though he had not been the intended recipient of the message.

It was the father in him, the persona that hadn't died when his children had. He had forever been changed by the birth of his pups.

Sunny was lying on the ground, looking remarkably pitiful. His breathing was wet and thick, his eyes closed. Shale padded over to him, nudging his cheek with his muzzle (hindsight would later inform him getting so close to the boy's saliva was a mistake). "Hey, hey, kiddo, what's wrong?" the man asked softly, gently, lowering himself down to Shale's level and giving him the warmth of his pelt. "Shhh, it's okay. Are you not feeling well?"

Sickness was rolling through the plateau like a terrible storm; some, like Aditya, had been brought to death's door because of it, and others had gotten by with hardly a sniffle. Sunny looked to be in the former category, which worried him. He was a braw, strong wolf, but so was Aditya, and the fever had nearly taken his life.

Tipping his muzzle back, he let loose an additional howl for @Pema, should she be nearby. She would be better equipped to deal with the illness, and would know what herbs to bring Sunny.

tags partly for reference. @Grayday can hop in whenever! <3

RE: O' death - Sunny - January 29, 2018

Someone approached not too shortly after and he cracked open his eyes to see Uncle Shale. It wasn't his father but Sunny was grateful nonetheless for the warmth by his side. "Been feeling kinda sick all day. Really hot and dizzy then I coughed up gross stuff. I tried to run back to the dens but everything just hurt and I fell" he whispered softly and moved his eyes to stare at Shale. "Probably from hangin near Sorrel and Adi" he said as an afterthought. 

He finally lifted his head and rolled rather limply onto his belly "probably shouldn't lay here..." He murmured but the movement of rolling had thrown something off and his head swam rather badly. He sucked in a breath way too quickly and began to hack again, coughing hard and loud for a few moments before another glob of disgusting phlegm shot out and hit the ground in front of Shale's paws. "Ugh... Sorry Uncle Shale" he groaned and struggled to his paws where he swayed for a moment before finally coming to a semi steady  standing position.

RE: O' death - Shale - February 05, 2018

Sorrel. The name conjured up an image of a sickly russet girl, whom he'd mostly seen hiding in the dens near the rendezvous site. Her illness made logical sense; Sunny's--and Adi's, too, apparently--did not. The two were big, strong males: a small winter cough should have rolled over them like nothing. Unconsciously, Shale found himself breathing shallower, not wanting to inhale any of what the boy was carrying. If this disease was knocking young guys on their ass, Shale didn't want to risk catching any of it.

"Shhh, it's okay," he assured Sunny, resisting the urge to flinch as the kid hocked up a ball of phlegm that looked like something out of a nightmare. He braced his weight against his nephew, standing with him, though still keeping his muzzle away from the labored breaths steaming from Sunny's nostrils.

"Let's get you back to the rendezvous, huh?" Shale offered, a soft smile stretching his mouth as he glanced over to the boy. He stood strong and firm, allowing Sunny to rest as much weight upon him as he needed to.

RE: O' death - Sunny - February 08, 2018

He leaned gratefully against the larger form of his Uncle, taking in a slow breathe and releasing it wearily. All of a sudden all he wanted to do was lay down in his den and go to sleep for a while. Maybe a good long rest would bring back his energy and he could return to working for the pack. After so many trespassers and the attack of the lynx he'd smelled around and saw the wounds from he didn't want to be down for the count. 

"Yeah...I'm gonna go sleep for a while then maybe I'll be good to go again" he said forcing the brightness to his tone. His head had begun to throb in time with his heartbeat and the area behind his eyes ached. He began to walk forward slowly turning his muzzle away from shale so he wasn't breathing on him and infecting him too. He figured he'd definitely caught was going around, it didn't need to spread any further than it had.

RE: O' death - Shale - February 22, 2018

sorry for the wait Chey i'm terrible :(

"Sleep will help," Shale agreed, giving his nephew a smile. He was young, after all; he ought to bounce right back, right? That was what always happened. Sickness rarely took the lives of strong wolves Sunny's age; it preyed on the very young and the very old, and even more so if they were weak.

It seemed he was talking himself down, as well. After all, Shale was in good health; why should a cold knock him flat?

And a nap sounded great, too.

They reached the rendezvous site, and Shale let Sunny go his own way, to get some rest. He blinked softly at his nephew. "I hope you feel better soon," Shale said. "I forgot Pema had left. I'll see if Raid or Forrest can help you heal, if they haven't already."

RE: O' death - Sunny - February 23, 2018

it's alright! I'll just say fade here and archive. I love Shale, he's great. We should thread again whenever you have time

"Thanks Uncle Shale. I'll probably be in my den if you wanna send them there." he said and offered a smile. At this point he was sure he'd probably be up and going in a few days again. He would just rest and take it easy for the time being,sleep off this nasty feeling. Then he could be out and hunting and patrolling again like always. At that he turned and headed away toward the den, yawning softly and curling up once inside.