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Neverwinter Forest let me give you my life - Printable Version

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let me give you my life - Hemlock - February 21, 2018


She did not expect the scent that rose up off Reed, her eyes going wide as she looked at her young daughter. "Honey?" She questioned quickly as she stepped forward to sweep the girl into her embrace, giving a shiver as she realized the scent on her. Arturo was here. He had been here - but he had not sought her nor was he with his daughter now, and that left the burden on her to inform the children that their father had made a choice that lead him from them. What was she to say to that? 

Suddenly a pang in her rose up and she wondered if she should ever have taken the children from the island. Maybe they had been destined to stay and Hemlock had been wrong in trying to do what she'd done but she still could not question herself. So far she had kept them all whole and all together, she had not lost another of their flock - even just while being a solitary parent. She pressed a few kisses against her brow, sighing softly as she tucked her head over @Reed. "Are you alright?" She asked - she did not expect that Arturo would harm his children but then again, she did not expect that he would have left them behind in their time of need, either. 

Hemlock had never felt bitter towards her spouses. Lotte had brought a light to her life that she cherished. Lotte had brought her back from the brink and she had thought that together she and Arturo would manage to survive the loss together. Then Arturo had been gone and she had been left with multiple children to feed and home and no one to lean on - they were not a burden to her. She did not mind servitude to their lives; she'd give everything for her children. 

She had just hoped that someone might be willing to give to her too. 

RE: let me give you my life - Reed Wolf - February 23, 2018

her encounter with the strange man had not shaken her too badly beyond leaving her with the unsettling feeling there's something she's missing. mama's reaction to her does frighten her, though -- what's wrong with her to cause her to seem so worried all of a sudden? anxiously the girl scans herself for some invisible omen she's missed and comes up with nothing. "i'm okay, mama," reed says (although she can't resist leaning a little dramatically into the affection, her tone taking a brave, affected air). without waiting a beat she asks, "do i got a father?" peering up with innocent doe eyes only slightly undermined by the suspicious slant of her mouth. of course mama has told her and droman both of her father, just as they've spoken of aiti -- but being a small child with an ego that occupies most of her personality at the moment, she never bothered to commit those pesky details to memory. absent father figures are much less preoccupying than ensuring the correct level of attention is being paid to her at all times -- not that poor arturo would have any reason to suspect it is his daughter's self involved nature and not her mother's negligence that led to her scorning him.

RE: let me give you my life - Hemlock - February 24, 2018


She was fine but she still did not begrudge Hemlock fussing over her. Not that Hemlock ever thought she would, either. She was not blind to her daughter's imperfections after all. Still, it was a great relief to know that Reed had not worn the brunt of whatever anger Arturo bore - or the Witchdoctor, whomever Arturo was at that point. Hemlock felt the dull beginnings of a headache and closed her vibrant eyes. 

The question was curious, but, still had its merit - how was she to understand when so far her other parents were mere figures in stories? If Lotte had come to them in the flesh they would question so why not with Arturo now back from the proverbial dead? "Everyone has a father, baby."  Hemlock even, although hers was a monster. "You, Droman, Eirlys, and Ceallach all share the same father - the man you met was yours.' Hemlock did not allow her voice to waiver at all, to hold no malice for the child to detect. 

Later she might let it be known her heartbreak and let the bitter feeling of betrayal get the better of her. It was better to lose them to death than to be no more than a passing interest  Palisander and Lotte would love her eternal - they never had the chance to show her anything else. Arturo had done otherwise and Hemlock had been too lovestruck to think it could happen. It made her wonder if she had ever mattered at all "We do not always have daddies, though, I did not. You and Droman do not - only fathers who stay get to be daddies." Hemlock would not let them grow up missing out however. She had to be stronger than that. Her children deserved better. 

RE: let me give you my life - Reed Wolf - February 26, 2018

rather than confirm reed's suspicions, mama reaffirms that the mean man with the teeth is her father. shocked, she cant help but blurt "how did you know i met him?" -- mama hadn't been there! but -- oh, mama is a bit psychic, isn't she, and knows everything. rather than feeling bad for not believing him at the time, reed thinks, what a terrible man! to snarl at me! his daughter! 

she huffs, a touch dramatic, and burrows against mama's legs for comfort. she doesn't have a chance to disavow him before mama does it first: a father, but not a daddy, and if she doesn't quite understand the distinction yet she understands mama's tone. "not my daddy," the fearghal agrees vehemently, ready to complain. "he was rude, mama! and mean. he show-ed me his teeth." at some point during her attempt to merge with the matter of her mothers legs her eyes had closed: now one opens as she peers up, waiting to have her complaints validated by perfect beloved mama.

RE: let me give you my life - Hemlock - February 28, 2018


Hemlock gave a soft sigh and tucked her baby against her breast, still grateful for the fact she could and that Reed had not grown too large for her - yet. The question was a natural one, and she could understand why the girl was confused. "I smell him on you." Hemlock would never forget his scent, nor could she forget Lotte's or Palisander's. She still saw their orange eyed babies sometimes, Palisander's bright smile on their lovely faces. She dreamt of things she'd never have, never see, never know. She was, in all ways, a glutton for punishment. 

Hemlock's lip quivers as she holds back a snarl - but just so - at the news that Arturo had bared his teeth to their daughter. If he had known who she was, how could he? Maybe he wouldn't realize - maybe that was the reason. Hemlock had to hold out hope that maybe he just hadn't known but then, she knew in her heart that he had to have. The Witchdoctor had done his part in caring for Reed and Droman in their infancies but if his was the face presented to Reed....ugh, it was too many questions. Hemlock hated the lack of knowledge. "I will never let him hurt you." Hemlock said seriously, looking down to the girl. "Never." It was a bold promise to make but one that she felt she could uphold - and if she couldn't, she'd die trying in the process. 

It was an unfortunate thing to have to consider what she would say to the older children. Hemlock would tell them the truth. If any of them encountered Arturo, they would at the least be prepared - although Hemlock longed to believe that there was no just cause for their concern. "My sweet girl, do you remember our home on the island? Do you remember the sound of the waves on the shore, how pretty it was?" Maybe they should go back. If Arturo was here, and had so clearly abandoned his family, maybe they shouldn't be. 

RE: let me give you my life - Reed Wolf - March 03, 2018

her fur, puffed slightly from excitement in recounting the tale of her rotten mean father, begins to smooth down as she's cozied against her mother's soft fur. she is still young enough that the rushing emotions of the day make her drowsy, lulled further by mama's reassurances of protection. of course mama will keep her safe, she doesn't doubt it for a second. aloud she says, "'kay," in the way one might say, i'll allow it, despite the edge of sleepiness tugging her voice down. 

mama asks about about the island. she can't remember much, impressions of the den, of warm sand, of the water that frightened her when they left. but the impressions are soothing, too, of her snug early infancy. "sorta," she answers honestly, blinking up at her, unsure why she's asking. are they going back? reed considers that briefly, decides it's not a terrible idea. "it was pretty," she adds, in case mama needs a reason to return: her aesthetic judgement.

RE: let me give you my life - Hemlock - March 10, 2018


Hemlock lived for the moments that her youngest brood wanted those cuddles and her reassurances. As Reed snuggle down into her Hemlock in turn pulled her close. She listened to the notions of the young female, giving a soft hum of agreement. It was pretty. It was different, and difficult to reach unless you knew of the sandbar, and that sort of protection made her comfortable. "We could return there." She wanted her children to be safe and to grow without the threat of others. 

"We could take your brothers and cross the waters again and take it back." Hemlock had not shown them Teaghlaigh - and she did not intend to, truth be told, she did not think she could be there without Lotte next to her. "Shall we?"

RE: let me give you my life - Reed Wolf - March 10, 2018


reed's already decided returning to the island should be their next move. her subtle manipulations seem to have worked, for mama asks her if they should. she hums and snuggles in close for added effect. "yes!" the fearghal chirps enthusiastically, any sign of her earlier distress replaced by the exciting new prospect of returning to the place of her birth. so what if she didn't care about it a few moments ago, now she wants to go and she's always right. 

that final burst of energy takes it out of her, and sleepily she curls up on mama's paws, oblivious to it potentially being an inconvenience. she likes to nap as close to mama as possible, and she thinks she's earned the comfort after everything that's happened to her today..!

RE: let me give you my life - Hemlock - March 13, 2018

sounds perf


Hemlock would never begrudge her children when they wanted to cuddle. Someday she knew she would no longer have that option. Hemlock gave a soft smile as she looked down at Reed, settling until both could be comfortable, and marveled at the young woman she was becoming. Soon her daughter would be big enough for hunting and scavenging herself and wouldn't be so reliant on her family. Hemlock remembered when she was but a red dot at her side, and now, she was big; growing. 

The mother sighed softly and smiled as her babe drifted off. She rested her head across Reed's back and took the time to just savor her little girl while she was still little. Eventually Hemlock drifted off herself, plans of returning to the sea in her head.