Wolf RPG
A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Printable Version

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A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Kisu - June 06, 2014

Kisu picked himself up from the ground. He'd laid awake for around an hour just listening to the pups breathe and sigh during their slumber. Finally, he was bored of staring at a dark wall and quietly rose to exit the den.

It was pitch black in the outside world. Clouds hung over the moon's view, and the giant circle's light tried to break through the giant wall. Looking around for a moment, Kisu let out a small sigh before beginning to trot to who-knows-where on the plateau. He was possibly too old to be a father, definitely feeling the age difference between himself and the other wolves of the pack.

The rusted grey wolf slowed to a slow walk, stopping a few minutes later and letting out a great sigh.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Amelie - June 26, 2014

well hello ;)
Amelie was at it again. Once more, being unable to fall asleep she had silently crawled out of her shared den and slipped into the shadows of the night. It was strange that she could just not get herself to sleep, no matter how many times she tossed and turned something didn't allow for her eyelids to rest.

So while all the movement inside the den made her hot and uncomfortable, she had decided to slip out since the last thing she wanted was to disturb Blue. Once outside the girl stretched her paws in front of her and gave out a desperate sigh. Little did she know she was not the only lonely soul standing restlessly under the mantle of the night.

But she would find out soon enough considering that just like Kisu, Amelie began to roam aimlessly around the plateu like a dark ghost haunting the lands.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Kisu - July 01, 2014

Kisu felt a chill slide its way up his back. He turned, but nothing was there. Feeling uncomfortable now, he decided to continue his trek throughout the pack's territory.

The crawl up his back once more, and Kisu turned his head, his silvery golden eyes laying upon the black female with the "A" name. Kisu watched her walk among the lands, an early riser just like he was. Before he could get caught staring, the male moved toward the girl.

Trotting toward "A", Kisu decided to pull up next to her. He was in visible sight now, but whether or not she saw him was unknown. The male gave a small bark, something he did not usually do. Barking felt strange to him.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Amelie - July 01, 2014

The sly teenager was making a break for it, lurred by the dim light of the moon and the twinkling stars she continued to run through the plateu. She wouldn't leave the borders that was for sure, she'd stop when she came across a good spot to sit and watch the stars perform. The show was about to start.

Suddenly her race was cut short when a bark behind her called for her attention. The girl stopped, her ears pricked and her tail curling over her back. When she turned she encountered another plateu wolf, one with whom she had only exchanged a smile with before. Of course she had no idea he was Pura and Saena's father, as far as she knew Peregrine was the big papa bear.

"Oh hey" she barked softly, sniffing curiously at him as she took a step towards him.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Kisu - July 02, 2014

Kisu let out a shaky breath and gave a "hey" right back. Moving forward to close the distance between them, the colorful wolf asked, "What are you doing up so early?" He then looked up through the trees and at the stars. Focusing on the girl's face again, Kisu smiled. "Would you like to watch the stars and the sunrise together?" A slight sway of his tail came as he quietly anticipated her answer.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Amelie - July 03, 2014

The always-smiling little wolfess wagged her tail with deligth when Kisu greeted her back, it was nice to know there were other packmates that enjoyed the night as much as she did --or that perhaps just couldn't sleep; also like her.

"I'm taking a jog while I wait for the sky to take off her black dress and give entrance to the entrance to the morning light" she said matter-of-factly. Then she gave a nervous laugh realizing how stupid that must've sounded. "And you?" she inquired by tilting her head.

His offer made Amelie's eyes brighten, just like the stars that twinkled above them. A little smile tugged at her lips and she gave a high-pitched bark to answer, "Yeah! It's always better with company" she barked. After spending the first portion of her teenage years roaming alone, every bit of company was warmly welcomed by the female.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Kisu - July 10, 2014

ooc: I just realized you replied.... oops. Sorry :/

Kisu smiled at her use of words. Amelie wouldn't know that he actually found them refreshing and endearing, just like Kisu wouldn't know that she immediately thought it sounded stupid once it left her mouth. "I was also on my way to watch the sunrise, but my description is not as nice as yours." He obviously changed his mind about saying anything.

Happiness showed itself behind Kisu's eyes when he saw how happy the girl was at his offer, but especially so with her bark of excitement. It seemed so long ago that he had been an energetic, excitable youth, and, in this moment, he felt she brought out his younger years. "Let's go, then," he said while fighting a smile. He tried hard not to look at her too much as they walked together.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Amelie - July 11, 2014

don't worry about it :)

The first ripples of orange melted into the sky, mixing with the darker hues of the night and creating a lighter color. The change of scenery that dismissed the moon and welcomed the sun into the infinite stage that was the sky. Soon the burning rays of the sun would start to emerge from the mountains and the last stars would twinkle one final time before making room for the clouds to make their entrance.

Amelie casted her gold kissed eyes to the sky and then to Kisu, "I just made that up" she blurted out with a shy smile glimmering on her face. Honestly she didn't know where she had gotten all those fancy words from -- she was no poet yet she had described the sunrise like one.

"Where to?" she asked as she began to trot beside him, the tip of her tail swaying from side to side --sometimes finding its way to brush lightly against his flank.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Kisu - July 16, 2014

ooc: hahaha she's totally giving Kisu crush fodder ;)

Kisu watched the sun start to leak its rays into the sky, pushing the darkness back further and further in a gentle surge. He hoped that they could stop and watch the sun break over the top of the mountains — it was his favorite part, and, to be honest, no one had ever watched with him. He was always either a lone wolf or too early a riser for anyone else to want to enjoy it with him. (And to be honest again, he had never truly wanted another wolf with him, for he loved his solitude and the quiet most of all.)

Kisu looked at the black wolf and smiled slightly at her girlish and shy nature. "Well, it was very good for just making something up." He spoke with a calm and quiet voice, a rumble in his chest for speaking so low.

And with that, she was next to him, the tip of her tail brushing his flank now an again; the first time it happened his eyes widened in the slightest out of complete surprise and a tingling sensation filling his nether regions. "I-uh-" Kisu cleared his throat. "There's a nice ledge with a clearing to watch the sun come over the mountains. If you'd like." He looked sideways at the female with his silvery golden eyes.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Amelie - July 21, 2014

The light touch of her tail against his flank was enough to make the words slur out of his mouth. She searched his eyes as he began to search for the words she had made him lose, when he finally settled for a place Amelie's lips curled into a smile. She gave him a simple nod and a little prod with her hip so he could lead the way.

"Not everyone enjoys these sort of things" she commented while taking a step forward. Her mind trailed off to the day she had been watching the stars with Peregrine, he hadn't been too amused when she had asked him to find constellations. Kisu would've made a better stargazing partner than the dark coloured Alpha male.

Again she searched his silvery eyes and while they held their gaze she wondered if he would be willing to do this once more in the future.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Kisu - July 22, 2014

She smiled and he felt the cold adrenaline flow through his body and down to his limbs, allowing him to experience the beat of his heart throughout his ears and chest. The only other time he felt like this was before a fight, which hadn't happened in years.

A nod came from her. And then — it was like she knew even before he did — a bump with her hip that made him want to jump on her and take her right then and there upon the forest floor.

He was snapped (slightly) from his trance when she spoke. "No," he said quietly, trying not to think about the female sexually. "Most people would rather sleep in, hunt, play, laze around. They do not know how quiet the earth is in the morning, or how beautiful a sunrise can be." He looked at "A". "Beautiful like you," Kisu said, immediately holding his breath and looking forward while increasing his speed somewhat. What a fucking idiot he though, hoping she wouldn't yell at him.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Amelie - July 23, 2014

The gentle caressing of her tail along her flank, the brief second where his silvery-gold eyes melted with her own yellow eyes and the subtle thumping of their hips. It was all intentional yes, but it didn't hold any malice or ulterior motive. She did not see him in that way --truth be told she didn't see anyone that way. Not since Ryder, the rebellious teenager that had left so long ago.

Every time he spoke she turned to look at him, perking his ears to let him know he had her fullest attention. She bobbed her head in agreement, "Not only the sunrise, sunsets are my personal favorite.. and don't get me started on the stars" she gushed while allowing a string of laughter to escape from her throat.

She was still oblivious to the feelings and thoughts she aroused in Kisu. That was why she didn't feel his comment was inappropriate. Amelie knew she was a beautiful young girl; she had always been told so by her mother, so there was no way to blame him for stating the obvious. "Oh, I don't think I stand a chance besides something like this" she barked motioning to more orange stain the dark spots of the sky. "But..thank you" she murmured with a light dip of her snout followed by a smile.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Kisu - July 25, 2014

His tail swayed with her laughter and a chill went up his spine. Kisu had every intention of getting the girl started on the stars. "What about the stars?" He said with a slight tease in his voice and a smile upon his lips.

Kisu glanced over to the sky melting into color, then back to the dark she-wolf. He caught himself staring, embarrassment climbing itself onto his face. His first mateship was an arranged on between packs, but with his second one... the male looked down for a brief moment in sadness, but brief was all it was. He had declared to Pied that he would have her, and look where it led him. A daughter and a son, but a dead mate.

I won't say anything unless she does," he promised himself. But only time could tell if that promise would be kept.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Amelie - July 26, 2014

Amelie on flirting: [Image: 577.gif]

His subtle flirting went unnoticed to her. While Kisu had had two mates and children, Amelie's closest thing to a relationship had been her greeting with Ryder, which had been promptly interrupted by Blue Willow. The girl didn't now anything about romantic relationships and that was the truth.

Just like she didn't know much about the bright lights she loved so dearly. "Well, I've come to notice I'm becoming utterly obsessed with them." she confessed a little smile tugging at her lips, "I like finding shapes in them --constellations" she said using the proper name for said figures, "But I really don't know anything about them.. " she said with a bit of frustration in her voice.

"Peregrine says they're fireflies that flew too high, but I don't buy it" she said sarcastically, jumping back to her lively self. "What do you think?" she asked with a flick of her tail and a tilt of her lovely face.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Kisu - July 30, 2014

going lion king up in this bitch

Kisu looked toward the sky, knowing for a fact that Peregrine was wrong about the stars, though he would not disrespect his Alpha by directly calling him out. Instead he gave what his father told him, though he was not sure it was true, either — even if he wanted to believe so.

"My father was a great Warrior. In fact, his entire pack was, including my twin brother and myself. I named my son after him — Pura VirtĂște, as you know. He said that the stars are all of the past Warriors who died in honor, defending their packs. The larger ones are the Alphas, the others are different sizes based on how much honor and sacrifice they gave." Kisu knew a bit about stars, but it was hard to explain everything in one night.

Turning his head, Kisu sucked in his breath at the stunning wolf beside him. "You take my breath away." He stated. And it was true.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Amelie - July 30, 2014

Of course Amelie knew stars weren't fireflies that somehow got stuck on time and space. Though she had to give Peregrine points for creativity, she would've never thought of it that way. As much as she liked story filled with fantasy, with knights slaying dragons and princesses in distress, she enjoyed more to hear narrations that held truth.

That was what she was going for when she asked Kisu about the stars. He told her about brave warriors that shone over the earth, holding the light of their courage in their being. She smiled and wondered if she'd ever get to have a star of her own, a silly thought that managed to pull a giggle out of her. "That gives us something to aspire to doesn't it?" she barked while holding his gaze. One day perhaps they could both have stars and together light up the night.

Now it was him taking her breath away. His words had dropped on her like a bomb, one she didn't know how to react to. Thanks? No, that wasn't an answer. The little engines in her brain had begun to piece everything together. This was no ordinary compliment. Her muscles tenses as she thought of what to say.

Her mouth gaped and for a second nothing --not even a squeak-- would come out, until finally: "Is it because I ask so many things?" she mused, twisting her lips into a smirk so he'd know it was a joke. There was an overwhelming tickling sensation in her stomach now, and that was no joke.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Kisu - July 31, 2014

When she giggled and then stated that his tale gave them something to aspire to, he didn't think with his dick, FINALLY looked up to the sky. "Yes, it does," he replied. He then closed his eyes, letting out a howl for the loss of his father and the other Warrior wolves from his pack. Kisu never even touched the thought of having his own star until this moment; he had many valiant fights in his past, defending his family and the other members he ruled over. Yet, he never found his duties worthy enough, and the fact that he was getting older now and adopted a quieter lifestyle (he never did like fighting) meant that his chances of dying while protecting those he loved was very slim. A smile appeared on his face when the thought of you never know floated through his mind.

When Kisu saw that "A" was struggling with what he said, he felt incredibly stupid and embarrassed. And when she countered with a subject change, he both welcomed and became sad by it. Either way, he chuckled and swiped her cheek with his a tongue in appreciation, only noticing the tingle moments after he had done so.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Amelie - August 04, 2014

In the girl's mind there were approximately a thousand different emotions running by. Awkwardness being the main one. Whether she misinterpreted his gentle words was still unknown to her. Had his compliment been just an admiration or was it topped with some ulterior motive? Amelie didn't have any experience with pick-up lines or flirting to know for certain.

And though she would've liked to ponder on it a bit more, Kisu didn't leave room for her to make any conclusions. While a smile was exchanged between the two, he leaned in and smeared a kiss in her cheek. Which unlike the kisses other males like Pura or Sun Spark may have given her, it burned even after he had pulled away.

What was this?, she though as she tried to rid herself of the fire Kisu's tongue had left in her cheek..

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Kisu - August 05, 2014

Kisu pulled himself from the dreamy state of mind, noting the silence in the woods and the cool breeze on his face. At to the girl's face he looked, guilt flooding his eyes as it seemed that he and she were not on the same page. Amelie. That's it! He rejoiced in finally learning her name, rather than having the letter "A" bounce around in his head.

"I apologize if I have made you feel uncomfortable, Amelie. It was not my intention." Chills filled his body and roamed around, giving him a shiver as it reached his spine. Looking at the dark female, Kisu felt heat grow inside of him (particularly focused on one area of his anatomy that some might call the "penis"), trying to force upon his will the idea of pursuing the girl and having his way with her right beneath the stars.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Amelie - August 08, 2014

Finally the flames that had were left on her cheek died out, leaving nothing but a cool trace of ashes in her face. While she had tried to rid herself of the sensation, she realized she kind of missed it when it was over. Like a rollercoaster ride that ended to quickly, she wanted to ride the wagon he had placed her in again.

Her yellow eyes fixated on his face as he gave her an apology. Her pupil traced a path from the crown of his head to the tip of his coal black nose. To her there was no need to apologize. She tried hard not to break the silence with an awkward teen girl giggle. She was almost a yearling for heavens sake.

The gurgling of acids in her stomach became to much to handle, if she didn't act on her impulses she'd be burned alive. Slowly she twisted her lips into a gentle smile, that despite being so small and delicate it outshone even the brightest of stars.

"Apology accepted" she breathed while struggling to keep her yellow eyes from darting away.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Kisu - August 11, 2014

He thought a moment on his past mates, wondering if he'd had this immediate attraction to them — there was no doubt that there was attraction, but Red Heart had been an arranged mateship, and Pied... he was definitely interested in her, but it was more feel-good "puppy love".

He saw Amelie trace his face with her eyes, eyes that easily contend against all of the stars in the sky. He saw her small smile, one that could replace all of the sunrises he'd ever seen.

It was then that Kisu moved forward and rested his nose against her shoulder. Moments later, he was moving it up her neck. He nibbled gently on her, nervousness and fire consuming him equally.

edit: wow, short post is short

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Amelie - August 11, 2014

this was reaaaaaally hard to answer to.. omg

Now it was his turn to take her breath away.
He had been forgiven, for whatever it was he wanted her to forgive, and now while Amelie's shiny yellow orbs traced the space between his eyes and the bridge of his nose she felt her lungs begin to gasp for air. She felt suddenly as something unknown had wrapped itself around her neck. It was his stare, the power of his eyes had wrapped around her so tight with love.

She parted her mouth and tried to suck in air from the cold morning but there was not enough to save her from drowning in his eyes.The touch of his cold nose against her skin burned like dry ice. She did not pull away-- though she wouldn't have been able to even if she had wanted to.

Then came the nibbling and hot feeling of his breath up her neck.
Amelie shut her eyes and titled her head to give him more room to nibble through. All of this was done unconciously, she had never had and encounter simlilar to this one so she had no way of telling what was the proper way to act. Besides, the second his lips had brushed against the hair on her neck she had stopped thinking with her brain. Her heart had taken over now.

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Kisu - August 12, 2014

Kisu had acted upon pure instinct. At least, that's what he'd tell himself later, in denial of the situation. In denial of her allowing him to touch her. Her allowing him to go further.

He growled and became more aggressive, yet stayed just as gentle. He dragged his nose down her spine, giving a gentle nip on her badunkadunk backside, and then traced the fur of her stomach with his nose on the other side of her small frame. He returned to face her, looking at her with eyes that said he desired more than her body. Kisu touched his nose to hers.

He blinked. Concerned filled his golden eyes. He turned abruptly and ran away, fear and shame filling him. He wasn't sure if it was right. And he was scared to lose another that he loved.

ooc: let me know if the slight powerplay is okay. I made him leave so it didn't conflict with the timeline of Fox telling him to tell Amelie how he feels — if him almost sexing her up wasn't enough ahaha. Do you want to start a new thread of them running into each other and awkwardness possibly (definitely) ensuing? :)

RE: A Sigh as Great as the Wind - Amelie - August 12, 2014

powerplay is okayy, haha she's just there like 'what happened omfg'

Instict was a hell of a weapon.
It could save your life in times of trouble or completely control your mind and drive you to do drastic things you would probably think twice about when sane. It was kinda like being drunk.

The gentle path Kisu's nibbling traced along her spine were enough to make every single one of the hairs along her neck and back stand on end. After he caressed lightly the edge of her stomach Amelie felt like she would melt right then and there. But that was not all.

He proceeded to press his nose against hers in a manner that could only be described as a kiss. She didn't resist his unexpected gesture but she didn't push her nose against him either.She kind of just simply stood there returning the same shocked expression in his eyes.

Then without a word or sound, he turned tail and ran off, leaving the poor girl simply staring at him dissapear with bewilderment. That by far had been the one and only hot sunrise she had expirienced in her short life.