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Horizon Ridge checking in - Printable Version

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checking in - Nerian - June 07, 2014

@Ragnar let me know if this is not ok and I'll delete and make another

It had been a few weeks since she had found Ragnar here, and since their last meeting she felt a little repudiated. So she had not actively sought him out, she had meditated, collected herself and wandered about looking to find plants to add to Thistle's garden.

She wouldn't let what had happened last time happen again. She chalked it up to missing Ragnar and wanting to be near him, and away from the cove. Steeling herself she closed her eyes and drove emotion from her physical body, she appeared outwardly neutral in expression and body language.

She scented the territory and looked around, where could she find him without having to howl him to her, she didn't want to call more attention to herself and seem like she was actually wanting his attention.

Nerian came upon a place thick with his scent it looked like an incomplete den. She peered inside but dare not enter. She was curious but not curious enough to disturb his privacy.

RE: checking in - Ragnar - June 08, 2014

It's totally fine! Actually your post reminded me that I should probably make mention of it in the Behind The Scenes thread so the birthing den can be reused (if HR has more puppies in the future) :-)

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Ragnar had not sought Nerian out after their previous meeting, had not lingered in her presence after the bear attack, because while the Beta had more pressing concerns on his mind than his jilted Priestess, namely the new pack that had settled right on the Ridge’s doorstep, he had also thought to give her space. No doubt his immediate presence after rejecting her would only serve to rub salt in the wounds he had cut upon her …that part of him felt culpable for inflicting. Upon a reluctant and harder study he realized there was a fondness for Nerian in his savage heart besides admiration and he was struck with the idea of being in a polygamy relationship but knew very well that Thistle would never go for it (had said as much when she told him she would kill him if he was caught with another woman) if her jealousy was anything to go off of, and Ragnar wasn’t sure that Nerian would be all that ok with it either. He loved Thistle, there was no doubt of that and he was devoted to her but he wanted to take care of Nerian, too. He wanted to take care of her and he didn't trust any other man to do it correctly, and he could give her children if that was what she desired. She deserved at least that much after the things that Váli …and even Ragnar himself had put her through.

It was with the thoughts of a polygamy relationship swirling uselessly around his head, knowing that while it seemed like a perfect solution it would never work (even if they did agree to it they would constantly be at each other’s throats) but wondered if suggesting it was even taking it much, much too far. It was a fool man’s fantasy — having two women. It had once been his goal to spread his seed, to have many children to many women figuring it was the only surefire way to pass his genes and culture on rapidly. A great shake of his head was given to dispel the fantasy before it turned into something remotely tangible as he neared the rendezvous den he was working on, freezing when he saw Nerian peering into it, presumably looking for him. For a moment he stood back, observing her in the distance and felt himself sigh longingly, inaudibly for the complications his libertine ways had caused for all those years. Apparently, they weren’t as gone as he had first believed. “Priestess,” He called to her after a moment or two of staring, idly wondering why she was seeking him out, having assumed that’s what she was doing.

RE: checking in - Nerian - June 08, 2014

A voice broke the air behind her, her tail dropped and her ears flipped to the back of her skull in an instant and Nerian froze, still as a statue. She felt like a pup being caught with their paws in the cache or with her hand in the cookie jar as the saying goes. She closed her eyes and drew a resolved breath. Longing stirred in her but she was not about to let that sin out again. Measuredly she turned around to face Ragnar her ears returning to a more normal position.

RagnarShe returned his greeting with the same infliction he had used in her title.
Her face was pleasantly neutral as she inclined her head to him. I wanted to speak to you and tell you I have completed my den. A smirk lit her face for a moment before turning back to her more neutral veneer. I'm sure you'll find it lovely

To the far left of the communal denning area there was a crude stone hut. Far cruder then the stone made dens from the land in which he had taken her from but it resembled them none the less. It took Nerian many days to build it and even then she had needed a male of more brute strength to complete it. Though she had not sought out Ragnar, there could have been many reasons for that; The full plate Ragnar found himself with, a rejected heart Nerain may be suffering with, A more convenient wolf at the time of need, Avoidance in totality of Ragnar, there were many reasons, however Nerian was not about to spout out her personally chosen reason.

The only think Nerian could think of for small talk was perhaps the pups, She choose not to continue to blather on, for one it was not in her nature and Ragnar usually took care of that. Nerian didn't want to talk of pups, her heart always felt hurt and her chest heavy when she thought of them. She could not understand why, she had never put thought or stalk into thinking about pups of her own, it was unfathomable. Just thinking about yearning for a males love and touch was sinful enough. Her mind had not even put the two thoughts together yet, so young and naive she was in the ways of physical love. her would would be torn asunder when she got to meet Ragnar's pups and truth be told she was planing on avoiding that for as long as possible too.

RE: checking in - Ragnar - June 09, 2014

Ragnar tucked the dangerous and stupid thoughts of offering a polygamy relationship deftly away as he studied Nerian from afar, waiting for her to turn around and acknowledge him. Perhaps the Priestess’ confession of love had merely been a panicked response to her fear of Váli, or perhaps it had been because in some twisted form she had missed Ragnar; maybe, he considered, she hadn’t meant it at all. She turned to face him then, speaking his name how he had spoken her title. “You were looking for me.” It hadn’t been a question as it left the Viking’s lips but rather a statement. Peering inside the still in progress rendezvous den made it clear she was looking for him — or so this was how Ragnar chose to see it. She could have easily been looking for someone else but considering his was the only scent that hung on the den he doubted that was a viable possibility.

Ragnar’s eyes took in Nerian’s face as he drew closer to her, closing the previously wide gap of distance he had left between them. It was the familiar, stoic mask he had came to know and grow equally as frustrated by over the months of keeping her as his captive. She never spoke her mind, never showed her true feelings and when she did it was gone within a hairsbreadth of a moment. Ragnar couldn’t stand it, following the mind set that if she spoke what she thought and showed what she felt that maybe things wouldn’t be so damned complicated. Instead, she led the once Jarl on this bread crumb trail of riddles and guessing games. And maybe that was her intrigue to him. She was a puzzle. Every time Ragnar thought he finally had her figured out under her façade she threw him a curve ball that threw him back to square one. Wrong and frustrated all over again.

Though the wounds the bear had left had healed there was a small, sickening sort of ache on his hip/hind leg where the creature’s claw marks had torn open the flesh; reminding Ragnar that he had gotten them because he had let his attention waver at Nerian’s appearance on the scene. It reminded him that he had been concerned for her — which currently wasn’t helping anything.

He had stopped, making sure there was still some distance between them, turning his attention to the den she indicated towards suspicious that it was the true reason she had wanted to see him. She came to find him, after this time to tell him she had finished her den? “It is familiar,” Was all Ragnar remarked before he turned his attention back to her. It reminded him a little too much of the pack he had stolen Nerian from, them with their strange, nameless God and their strange dens. He did not ask how she moved the heavy stones, figuring that she couldn’t have done it on her own and realizing that he didn’t care to know who had helped her. He only knew that it hadn’t been him. “Is that all you wanted to tell me, Priestess?” He asked her, dubiously, letting it open for her to either confess or continue on with what he assumed was a lie, which was ironic considering he was fairly certain her God didn’t like liars. Patiently, the Viking waited.

RE: checking in - Nerian - June 10, 2014

She looked into his face, clearly he was not in a chatty mood tonight which worried her, when he wasn't chatty he was brooding and when he was broody she believed not much good came of it, as far she she was concerned.

She frowned briefly and moved closer to him, drawing up along side him preferring to be beside him rather then under his piercing ocean blue stare. Not unless that stare had a more soft nature to it. Is that not enough? It means I plan on staying as long as you ... want me ... too She faltered on those words and winced inwardly.

Nerian pressed her lips closed Ragnar... she started to say something else but quickly changed her heart hurt to much to go down that road again, she changed topic How is the Alpha? What is your take on her leadership skills? Truthfully she wanted to know if Ragnar would fight the alpha and take what he desired or would he spilt off? but if he did that in the next two years he'd be leaving his children behind so she doubted a splinter pack was in his end-game plan.

But maybe this change in topic would change the look in his eyes, the look she couldn't bare to see in his face, the reason she had taken a more friendly position beside him in hopes of not seeing what she wanted to see. He wouldn't have those feeling for her he made that clear. Though the kiss he had placed on her brow made it hard for her to believe that.

She still keep her expression neutral though her ear tipped toward him showing the piqued interest in her new topic. Pump was a curious leader to her, she seemed untested, young or naive maybe all three. She didn't make sure her followers knew whom they were following; that was glaring fault to her and made her uncomfortable.

RE: checking in - Ragnar - June 11, 2014

You get my 400th post! :D

Ragnar did not pull away as she moved closer to him, and though his body tensed as hers drew along side his he did not feel the contact he had expected to feel. Still, she was too close and Ragnar was aware of the lack of distance between their bodies the same way he was aware of the proximity of Thistle. His expression was stoic, but his eyes were tempestuous, darkening as he was forced to come to the realizations that he otherwise wished he didn’t have to come too. He loved Thistle — there was no contest of that — and he didn’t want to lose her …but he would be lying if he said there wasn’t something — even if it was nothing more than a possessive fondness — for Nerian and that he didn’t want to lose her, either. In no world, aside from his fantasy world, would he ever be able to have both females, while the polygamy relationship sounded like the end all solution to him he instinctively knew Thistle would never go for it and would divorce his ass on the spot, and he wasn’t sure that Nerian would go for it, either. Maybe instead of taking wives he should have just created a harem. It would have been simpler.

Is it not enough for who? Ragnar wanted to ask her but resisted. Was she genuinely looking for his opinion on it and if so why? Did she value his opinion that much? Or was there a hidden connotation he was simply not picking up on? With Nerian, it was hard to tell and Ragnar felt that he always had more questions than answers. Because Ragnar wasn’t sure what she expected him to say he settled for, “If it makes you happy.” It was probably the wrong thing to say, touching the surface of what he assumed was her happiness so casually when he knew, deep down, it did not make her happy. She wanted her freedom — realistically it probably would be better for the both of them if he just gave it to her now — but her couldn’t. It was true that he probably didn’t need her as desperately as he had previously, he had enough followers that he could have set her free at any given time and yet he did not.

She spoke his name, beginning as if she had something important to tell him or ask of him, hesitating in a way that made it clear to him she was suddenly unsure if she wanted to ask it, before she asked something different. A question, he suspected, unrelated to what she had originally been about to ask which drove him a little crazy, wondering over what she had began with. Ragnar inhaled deeply and let it out, hedging his response. “I respect Pump,” Ragnar told her but it wasn’t that simple. It was never that simple. “We are not as similar as I first thought. We are very different leaders,” That much was obvious as they were two very different wolves. “We disagree on a lot of things…she is more lenient than me on things that I believe should be seen with more importance than she sees them.” Like the whole fiasco with the bear and now with Wheeling Gull Isle. Ragnar had done what was in his small amount of power to do: warned them, and now given Pump’s take on the thing could do nothing more and was forced to let it drop beyond tightening his patrols.

“Why do you ask?” He inquired to sat his own curiosity, while inviting her to give her opinions without actually coming out and saying it.

RE: checking in - Nerian - June 14, 2014

Nerian had seen Ragnar love more then one woman at a time and wondered why it would not be the case here; She couldn't bring herself to ask. At this point if Ragnar gave her, her freedom she would not know what to do with herself, she'd be lost and confused. Unable to return home or move forward she'd just become a mess or worse. She had thought long and hard on this and truthfully it made her afraid. She didn't want to look herself in the mirror and see the wolf staring back.

So preoccupied with her den and her own personal feelings she had missed out on something completely the words Wheeling Gull had been whispered on the winds around the territory but she knew nothing of it she wanted to ask Ragnar about it but she didn't want to seem like a uneducated whit either.

Nerian bobbed her head as if what he said she had taken in account for Well I do see things are quiet different here then the cove, and I was wondering if they were your choices or hers. I see now it is her choices, odd as they maybe that have made things slightly peculiar in my eyes. Not that I could put my paw on every different thing She hoped to squelch any further questions on the topic of the differences lest she offend either of them. But she did have a question to distract Ragnar from further topics she didn't wish to discuss

What of this Wheeling Gull Pack, I have heard of it but seen very little action toward it on our 'packs' part, is Pump allowing this? She hoped to gain more insight on it; all she knew was that it was a pack and it was close by. More intuition on her part she wanted to know if that pack bothered him.

RE: checking in - Ragnar - June 15, 2014

A silence had settled over them as Ragnar waited for Nerian to speak, ears twitching towards her when she spoke that things were different here than compared to the Cove. She was right. Things were different because Ragnar did not lead and did not enforce the rules, and traditions he had known all his life on the wolves because it wasn’t his choice to make. Odinn had demanded he come here to start a pack that would be the Cove’s sister and so far Ragnar had been unintentionally slacking; and if the Allfather was angry about it he had yet to relay that fact to Ragnar. “I do not always agree on how she handles things,” Ragnar admitted but then again he suspected Pump realized that well enough. On some things she was too lenient in his eyes and others she was not lenient enough. “It is not my pack I cannot tell her how to lead it,” He could only give his opinions to her and what she chose to do with them was her business. He didn’t have to like it — and more than often didn’t but he was powerless beyond speaking up. Just as he felt powerless over many things. Some things he could accept, sometimes it was the Gods’ will and then there were other times that he felt he didn’t have to accept it but did because he had no choice.

Nerian asked of Wheeling Gull Isle and slowly Ragnar inclined his face towards her so he could look at her before he looked sharply away from where she still stood beside him, lest contact accidently came out of his desire to see her face. It drove him crazy how she was hiding from him. It was no secret that Ragnar desired to see them gone either by choice or death. In truth, the savage didn’t care which one. Which ever came first, he supposed. Ragnar had wished to tear them apart while their numbers had still been few, by now they probably had the numbers to rival the Ridge though Ragnar couldn’t help but sneer at the thought. He supposed fools tended to follow a fool. “I believe that she is,” Ragnar spoke coolly. “She can’t stop me from ruining their hunts, or chasing them out of our hunting grounds if I catch them.” And that was exactly what Ragnar intended to do if he caught them on the Ridge’s hunting grounds. “I have considered even raiding them,” He wasn’t sure how bountiful their caches would be but it was a consideration. Of course, not a choice he could make on his own without Pump’s approval and she probably wouldn’t approve of it so he didn’t bother asking.

The Viking was tired of wasting his breath.

RE: checking in - Nerian - June 17, 2014

“I have considered even raiding them,”
Nerian bumped her head against his shoulder and chuffed softly. There is the Ragnar I know She was finally beginning to feel more at ease in his presence, or perhaps the contact she had just made with him helped ease her tension. I would go with you if you do. Perhaps seeing other lands like you have would me good

Finally she had the courage to ask him the question that was probably going to lead her to a more uncomfortable conversation, But curiosity snuck up upon her sinking it's claws in. Curiosity may have killed the cat but it still could do a lot damage to a wolf. Tell me, you do not live in this den, what are your plans here? It doesn't smell old or unused...

This time she turned her head and looked at him, Her expression still neutral as she fought for control of her mouth. Her heart pounded she was almost sure he could hear it, she could hear the buzzing in her ears. Nerian exhaled steeling herself for his answer, it's not like he was building a den for her. He wanted her close by so that he might use her not so close that he might want her...

She flicked her back foot out and reset it below her, turning her head to glare at the offending appendage. Then back at him, Itchy, she offered by way of explanation of her weird behaviour. Truly all she wanted to do was to stop her train of thought and embarrassing herself was just the ticket to do that.

She could not begin to fathom what went on in Ragnar's mind, and sometimes trying made her head ache. This was going to be another one of those days if she didn't get ahold of herself.

RE: checking in - Ragnar - June 18, 2014

It surprised Ragnar when he felt the crown of Nerian’s head bump against his shoulder, the touch wholly unexpected speaking that him talking of raiding was the man that she had known. Ragnar hadn’t changed, not really, he was just being smart and bidding his time. Playing obedient lap dog was not his favorite thing to do, admittedly, but he was clever and he knew that, for now, it was the role he needed to play (it also helped that he did respect Pump). “You would go with me?” Ragnar asked her, incredulous that he had actually had those words spill from the Priestess’ mouth. Raiding?” He clarified just in the off chance that she had not picked up on that. He wouldn’t be going to make nice, if they did ever go, he would take what he wanted. What would be beneficial to Horizon Ridge. It wasn’t as if those words were anything he ever expected to come from Nerian’s lips.

Ears twitched absently as she asked him the purpose of the den, which was an interesting question for as far as Ragnar was concerned there was only a couple of reasons why wolves typically dug dens. “It is a rendezvous den. For my family, Priestess. The children grow each day and the birthing den is too small to hold us all. Us moving out will free the birthing den up for the next children to be born,” There was no sense in every couple building a new one each time when the one Thistle had given birth in was perfectly fine and wouldn’t be used until she was pregnant again (if each couple building their own was the case). He could feel her eyes burning into him but he did not look at her, not really wanting to see what he would expect to see there because he could never have her. There was no possible way that he could ever have both women, and Ragnar loved Thistle and to leave her just because he wanted that claim on Nerian (as if slave wasn’t enough) was stupid and piss poor to both women.

She made a weird movement, heard by Ragnar as opposed to seen as he studiously eyed the den trying to make sure it was perfect. She explained that she had an itch, though, he hadn’t asked and had assumed that it was just a twitch or something; her explanation, though, only proved to strengthen his suspicion. Ragnar prided himself on his renown as a family man, even if his reputation with women was a lot more liberal and libertine. Perhaps that was what Nerian expected: the man with a line of conquests and perhaps he would have been if he had not fell in love, and if he did not respect Nerian too much to add ‘conquest’ to her title of ‘slave’ as well. Still, the polygamy idea didn't sound all that bad to him but he would never suggest it because he couldn't.

RE: checking in - Nerian - June 23, 2014

Nerian could not forget the children, she wanted to ask to see them but she also didn't want to see them, she was so conflicted she knew she'd have to find a time and place to meditate on the reason's behind it.

Instead she focused then on the other idea, dropping the subject of their alpha and the pups in one shot. She met his eyes with her own and inclined her head solemnly. The natural yet scared cross upon her face added to the seriousness in her voice Yes I would ... If you would allow it, her emotional wall grew stronger and her neutral expression didn't falter as she said this, for he had every right to deny her and he did hold that power over her in more ways then one. She spoke as if she had the freedom of choice and in his own way Ragnar would give her that freedom of choice, without actually giving that her, if that made any sense at all.

Nerian chuffed softly looking to place some humour, though it was usually lost on her or she didn't make jokes correctly. This might just be one of those times... I could use a slave myself to help me build the water way to Thistle's garden, it would make it easier to water it by far and the plants will be more healthy for it

RE: checking in - Ragnar - June 24, 2014

Ragnar watched as Nerian’s pale silver eyes met his as she inclined her head, the strange cross marking on her fur that he normally was oblivious too, flashing at him like some sort of repellant. For a second the Pagan wondered if he was supposed to be burned or something, but felt nothing. It was just a marking, and had no more power for burning him than the earth did. Besides he didn’t even believe in her religion. She seemed adamant about wanting to go on a raid with him and though he thought her sudden desire was strange (perhaps a little suspicious) he drew in a tepid breath and let it out. “Fine. If you want to go raiding with me then who am I to stop you?” As it stood, currently, Ragnar wasn’t sure if there would ever be another raid but he figured he might as well indulge his Priestess. He couldn’t do anything unless Pump allowed it and while she hadn’t seen against the idea when he had brought it up when she had promoted him she hadn’t seen over enthusiastic about it, either.

He studied her when she chuckled, as if she found something funny but he hadn’t said anything and she hadn’t said anything previous to it other than about the raid. He offered her a wry twitch of his lips when she spoke about her needing a slave to help with some water way and with watering Thistle’s garden. He knew his wife had a garden somewhere in the Ridge’s lands but he had never been to it because well he’d had no need. He found the Berserker mushrooms elsewhere (though he suspected she did not approve) and he would have been lost in what was just green plants and flowers to him. He knew how to cleanse a wound with saltwater to battle off infection but that was about as far as his field surgery knowledge extended. “Slaves can’t have slaves, Priestess,” He knew she had been joking…or at least it was her way of joking and snorted slightly at the thought before he fell silent once more.

RE: checking in - Nerian - June 25, 2014

Nerian shook her head, something felt off and awkward here and her attempt to lighten the mood did not help at all. She bumped his chest with her muzzle, You know I could never take a slave Ragnar, but help would be nice. I dig each day until my shoulders are sore, I hope to impress her though little did she know that her gift to Thistle would soon be in vain if the pack were to move. Ragnar never staked in one place to long anyhow, so why she expected any less was beyond her. He had even told her he was planning on moving. But she was hoping to befriend Thistle if not then at least be respectfully neutral with her.

Fine then if this was awkward then she would find another way to talk more at ease or at least give them both something to be distracted by. I was about to go fishing at the lake, I wanted to fill my belly, would you come with me? She looked at him questioningly and swayed her tail behind her, an innocent enough request and outing. but one that he could easily deny her and just move on, She hoped though for a moment in where she could 'just be' with Ragnar and not have to worry about anything else.

RE: checking in - Ragnar - June 25, 2014

I'm going to have this be my last post since this seemed to have came to a natural close. Thanks for the thread! <3 I'll leave this open so you can reply once more or you can just have it archived as is. ^_^

Ragnar remained stoic when the Priestess bumped her muzzle to his chest, and spoke that she was trying to impress Thistle. In a way, Ragnar felt bad about the position Nerian was in. Nerian shouldn’t have had to bear the full weight of Thistle’s jealousy and dislike, just because she was Ragnar’s slave, and likewise, Ragnar thought Thistle should give Nerian a little more credit than she did. It wasn’t like Nerian could help that she was in love with Ragnar; just as Thistle probably couldn’t help her jealousy. Apparently being honest and admitting his libertine past had not been the right to move to make with his fawn colored Shield Maiden. “I’m sure she appreciates your help.” Ragnar spoke before he fell silent, contented with it though his Priestess did not.

She spoke of being hungry and of fish, and let her offer out there in the open for him. “Now that you mention it I am hungry as well,” He was always hungry (he hadn’t grown out of that when he was a teen, apparently) and the offer of fish for a meal was as good as any. “I will join you to fish.” He agreed.

RE: checking in - Nerian - June 25, 2014

Nerian lead the way toward the lake, glad for once to be sharing an easy moment with Ragnar that would not be filled with questions.

She'd wade into the water easily and busy herself with the task of providing fish for both him and her, pretty sure this was going to turn into a fishing competition. She offered him a presumptuous smile before placing her mask back on and getting down to business.