Wolf RPG
Raven's Watch Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Printable Version

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Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Durnehviir - April 06, 2018

For @Rysk, sorry for the delay - was trying to work out our relocation timeline.  xD  Mild PP of Constantine, tag just for visibility.

With their decision made final, the wolves of Ravensblood had vacated the forest and began their journey to Swiftcurrent Creek. She'd made the trip once before, following her heart from the wetlands to support Constantine's claim on the coast, though the Summer months and a leaner frame had been on her side then. This time she carried precious new additions within her, and her duty was to protect them - thus, they would need to pause several times to rest along the way.

Their first stop was at the foot of the mountains, and Durnehviir stole away for a short time in search of privacy. She knew @Constantine would not allow her too far from sight and she was content to know he'd come running if she needed him, but also valued her brief solitude.

She meandered through the trees that afternoon, listening to the comforting sound of rainfall on the canopy above.

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Rysk - April 06, 2018

No worries!

Rysk had been dwelling near the coast for a couple of days now, coming back inland only when the weather was harsh. Today was such a day and he had set out towards the mountains to find shelter from the rain. The cold made his joints ache and in that moment, although he would never admit it, he wished for the company of his old pack.

He found some shelter between the trees and made his den from a carefully selected assortment of long dead leaves. It actually looked quite pitiful and he almost laughed. Then he laid himself down. The raindrops that rhythmically fell on his pelt lulled him to sleep, until a sound awoke him.

Rysk put his nose to the air. He could smell wolves nearby and one scent was more distinct from the others. He got up and peered between the trees. Then a movement caught his eye. It was a fawn-colored she-wolf, walking with graceful strides. Definitely a sight for sore eyes. And definitely a woman he would like to meet. 

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Durnehviir - April 06, 2018

As she meandered through the forest, Durnehviir felt somewhat liberated. The pack had freed themselves of the coast just in time, it seemed, and she was glad that they'd decided on a plan for the next chapter of their lives before things got too messy. It was sad to leave Ravensblood behind, especially considering what she knew it meant to Constantine, but she was confident that they would thrive better than ever in Swiftcurrent.

The russet wolfess thought fondly of the den she'd once shared with her mother and brothers, the one she'd instinctively gone to upon her return to the Teekon. Butterflies whirred in her belly at the thought of making it hers, a safe and familiar hollow to whelp her own litter when the time came. Within her womb the pups stirred, this sudden burst of energy giving the impression that they, too, would be happy there.

Durnehviir paused when the scent of a stranger flooded her nostrils, and over-sized ginger ears perked high stop her lovely crown. Wide champagne eyes scanned the woods for any sign of another, but the figure remained hidden among the foliage. She twitched her feathery tail, uncertain, before encouraging them to reveal themselves with a soft woof.

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Rysk - April 06, 2018

The female seemed to know that he was lurking around. Great, now she probably thinks that I'm some kind of stalker. Or worse - a socially incompetent weirdo. He didn't want to give her the impression that he meant her any harm, so Rysk stepped towards her and greeted her with a smile and a Hello

I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that he added quickly. His eyes lingered on her pretty pelt for a moment before they moved to her light-colored eyes. She reminded him of a blazing sun, sinking into dunes at the end of a hot day. I'm Rysk he said eventually.

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Durnehviir - April 06, 2018

Her head jerked to the side at the sound of movement, and Durnehviir fixed her pale stare upon the dark features of an unknown male. At the initial sight of him, her hackles pricked along her narrow shoulders and she straightened herself, for she mistook him for one of the dark coastal wolves who'd invaded Ravensblood prior to their departure.

The boy greeted her with warmth, however, and she let her muscles slacken a little. She studied him quietly as he extended an apology and then eyed him a little more suspiciously when he offered his name. "Are you alone?" Durnehviir asked.

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Rysk - April 06, 2018

He had expected her to introduce herself in return, but instead she asked him a question like it would define him. For a bitter second he thought about his brother, but the thought left him as fast as it had come. 

He looked around, comically feigning uneasiness, I do hope so, otherwise I'm being followed he said.

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Durnehviir - April 06, 2018

He looked around, seemingly mockingbher with his obviously feigned discomfort, and Durnehviir furrowed her brow in mild offence. It wouldn't have surprised her if the coastal wolves had followed them in attempt to poke fun at their misfortune, but it was only in that moment that she entertained the fact that this boy was not to know. He was not there to witness the pack's departure from Ravensblood, after all.

With an awkward flick of a bright ear, the dragoness dipped her muzzle in delayed politeness. "Forgive me," she asked of the young loner, taking a tentative step toward him, "my pack is on the move. I thought you might've been one of our... previous neighbours."

The russet she-wolf paused again, eager to get a better look at him now that she'd explained her unease, but unsure if he would allow her. "My name is Durnehviir."

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Rysk - April 06, 2018

It seemed like his joke wasn't received well, but honestly, that usually happened when he made jokes. She confirmed that there were indeed multiple wolves nearby. He cocked his head slightly to the side. Something tells me your previous neighbors aren't very nice he said and took a step forward, already interested in hearing the story.

A special name for a special woman, I bet Rysk said with a grin. Why are you moving? he asked after a pause and his eyes slid past her, watching the trees behind her. If they're traveling, than her pack must be close-by. And although Durnehviir seemed nice, her pack mates might not be.

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Durnehviir - April 06, 2018

Ravensblood, until their decision to move on, had been fairly lucky when it came with dealing with their neighbours. Wolves from Drageda, the pack on the cliffs, had trespassed a couple of times - the first excused, given Constantine's fresh claim and the urgency of their travels inland, and the second by a simple-minded boy. No one had stepped beyond their borders since, until they'd been harrassed out by the beach-dwellers.

"You could say that," she rolled a crimson-tipped shoulder, unwilling to discuss the matter with him. The dragoness was willing to move on from it, and leave that unfortunate event in the past where it belonged. He went on to make a comment in regard to her name, and Durnehviir wasn't sure how to respond to it; she'd been subject to the eyeing of rogue males her entire adult life, but had never entertained them until Constantine caught her attention. She decided to ignore it rather than make the interaction awkward, and smoothly responded to Rysk's enquiry after their relocation with the shifting to reveal a better view of her curved flank: "I'm due at the end of the month, and want to raise them somewhere more private. The coast was too crowded."

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Rysk - April 08, 2018

Rysk noticed that she didn't want to talk about the matter and he wouldn't press her further. She also didn't respond to his flirtations and soon became clear why. He hadn't noticed her pregnant belly until she changed her position. The only word his lips could form wasn't really a word but a simple Oh, as he kept his eyes fixed on her belly. He waited a moment too long before he added I understand, you want them to be safe. Then it became clear to him that this woman must be high in the ranks, since her whole pack moved for her, at least partially. Or maybe it was the father who was of importance. Not that he actually cared. Rysk never really understood the importance of hierarchy, probably because he never new his place.

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Durnehviir - April 08, 2018

He fixed the subtle well of her abdomen with a firm stare, and she let silence fall between them as he studied her - perhaps contemplating what to say next, or conjuring an excuse for a swift getaway now that it was clear she was not eligable. Her champagne eyes lingered curiously on the mottled wolf, guessing him to be no older than a yearling in search of his place in the world, and dipped her muzzle in agreement as he made sense of her situation.

"Yes," she said, canting a tall ginger ear. The main reason behind their decision to relocate was the unborn pups that she carried within her womb, but Durnehviir wanted all of her group to be safe. She'd always cared for them collectively but, if she was going to lead them slongside Constantine as the pair intended, then she knew she would need to consider their needs alongside those of her offspring. "Are you from around here?"

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Rysk - April 08, 2018

No he answered and his face fell as once more the thought of his brother seeped into his mind. He quickly regained his composure with a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. Rysk watched her tentatively for a moment, trying to find the right words. They had cast him out as the bastard son and so he would play the part they gave him. He averted his eyes as he tore the image of his brother to shreds in his mind. I'm not from anywhere, really he said darkly. I'm hoping for a second chance, a new start he said and then gave her a little smile and a look that said I'm not ready to tell you the whole story, but do you understand the feeling?.

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Durnehviir - April 08, 2018

His demeanour changed, and Durnehviir was acutely aware of it. Where previously he maintained a bold and charming approach despite her initial hesitation, his expression dropped and he averted his gaze. Curious, the russet Frostfur continued to observe in silence, and acknowledged the sheepish little smile he offered her with a thoughtful twitch of her tail-tip. She felt safe to assume that his past might be a grim one, so did not press him to elaborate.

He claimed to be from nowhere, but everyone came from somewhere. Constantine had been born to Donnelaith, its territory reduced to nothing but his memories, yet still he held those close. She didn't doubt that her young acquaintance remembered the place of his own birth too - maybe even missed it, in some way. "New starts seem to be a common theme," she started with an amused smile, deciding then to finally stride carefully toward the boy and close what remained of the distance betwen them.

She breathed a and tentatively extended her muzzle to sniff at the denser fur of his ruff just enough to confirm that he did not bear the scent of any nearby pack. Sea salt lingered among the tresses, hinting that he might have recently been nearer the shore in the days before, but not long enough to make her wary that he'd built bonds with the coastal wolves there. "We are heading to the wetlands in the South," she informed her newest companion. "If you're done with travelling alone, might you be interested in joining us?"

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Rysk - April 08, 2018

He let her get close, Rysk understood that she needed to be sure that he was genuine and not their enemy. Then the woman asked if he wanted to join them. He watched her for a moment, one ear turned backwards, a little surprised by her offer. But he had never wished to be alone and he certainly hadn't been enjoying his life as a loner. He needed an audience who could listen to his charming talks and laugh at his jokes. The prospect of company and maybe a home… This could be his fresh start. He shot a quick glance over his should. The sea wasn't really my thing anyway, he thought and turned back to her. Durnehviir's offer was one he couldn't refuse. He grinned and said If you don't mind having me around, then yes.

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Durnehviir - April 09, 2018

Wanna finish up here? You can assume that Durnehviir introduced him to the rest of the pack, if you want.  :)

Many who'd pledged to their pack had come and gone over the months, but it didn't bother Durnehviir. She and her uncle had travelled between groups for most of her life, making use of resources and offering their skills in return; it was a way of life to many, she knew, and would never grudge another their choice if they decided to move on as long as they didn't take advantage of her family. Rysk was young, seemed fit and healthy, and Durnehviir was hopeful that he would integrate well and make himself useful.

He agreed to tag along, and the russet Frostfur's tail swished to attention at her rear. Swiftcurrent Creek meant a new start to all of them, so she was glad to extend the same chance to someone who actively sought it. "We are heading to a place called Swiftcurrent Creek," she smiled warmly, and turned back toward the base where her comrades had paused to gather themselves before the next leg of their journey. "Come. I'll introduce you to the others."

RE: Whatever you do, do it with all your might. - Rysk - April 09, 2018

Rysk nodded and followed closely behind Durnehviir, suddenly quiet. Despite his excitement for this new pack and for meeting its members, he felt a strange weight on his chest. To him, it felt like he was permanently closing a door to his old life, and once closed, he would need to let everything go - his brother, his past. He straightened his posture, put on a smile and metaphorically stepped through the door.