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Dragoncrest Cliffs there's a whole kingdom that will fit right in your mouth like your own name - Printable Version

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there's a whole kingdom that will fit right in your mouth like your own name - Antumbra - April 20, 2018

The puppies are all officially born! Single post only to offer a low howl to the pack to announce their birth. Not mandatory but encouraged! <3

They get through the night with all their children within reach* and her heart has never felt fuller. Months ago, she never thought they’d be in this position again. She briefly thought she’d never have her mate in her arms again but her she rests, curled up behind @Wildfire to the point she nearly overshadows her and their newest additions. She’d keep them from the rest of the world if it meant they’d be safe but their family is strong, and their wolves are stronger, and there’s no doubt they’ll all raise up to challenge one another.

The sun begins to rise as the morning opens up, glancing out to see parts of @Blixen, @Artaax, and @Bobby guarding the opening of their new brothers and sisters. Thuringwethil yawns, snaps her teeth back together, and noses behind her mate’s ear to rouse her, just as she hears one of the puppies mewl briefly. When the heaviness of sleep leaves her, she slowly unfurls to a chilly morning and crosses carefully over her little family, out into the open. She wakes any of their oldest children that may still be sleeping before she nudges them all, lifting her head and howling a low cry of joy to those in Drageda.

* assuming all older children show up and stay in the previous thread. If incorrect, I will change!

RE: there's a whole kingdom that will fit right in your mouth like your own name - Wildfire - April 20, 2018

When Wildfire's eyes cracked open the morning following the birth, she immediately tensed, bracing herself for an onslaught of unwelcome emotions. But the same misgivings that had plagued her the last time did not seem ready to assail her again. Slowly, she lifted her head to peer down at the four puppies tucked closely beside her. Still she waited for the old anxiety and doubt to take hold. But all she felt in her heart was a joy and lightness, not to mention no small measure of relief that she'd managed to produce four healthy puppies in spite of her questionable genes.

Thuringwethil had exited the log, presumably to check in with their older litter. Wildfire didn't look outside to check, instead staring down at the babies. Last time, it had taken weeks, maybe even a month, for her to feel properly attached. But the Feisripa could tell this time really would be different. She loved them fiercely and without hesitation. Although she felt slightly guilty about this, her lips twitched into a smile as she nuzzled their velveteen heads, the smile broadening as the Heda sent up a howl to celebrate their arrival.

RE: there's a whole kingdom that will fit right in your mouth like your own name - Artaax - April 22, 2018

Artaax had remained diligent at his post for the entirely of the night. He sat still as a statue outside of the tree that housed his mother and new little siblings, his thoughts pacing great depths in his mind, though his face was just as stoic and blank as ever. He still didn't know how to feel about these new additions to his family. Upon looking at them, he had felt nothing. They were small, noisy, and useless. All he could do was just hope that they grew up fast as he doubtless had done. Then, he would make use of them. He would train them to become just as good of warriors and hunters as he and his siblings had become. Or. That he and Blixen had become. He still had work to do on Bobby...

His mind had been devoted to planning out their training from then on. He paused only when he heard movement inside, or sensed movement around them. His hackles would rise and he would look sharply to pinpoint the source. It had been a quiet night, thankfully, and so it was only when heda emerged that he stood with a gentle beat of his tail as he awaited any further instruction.

No instruction came though, at least not in the traditional sense. Artaax felt the swell of his own voice as Thur sent hers alive to greet the dawn, and then he too joined the song in short order. His song, of course, did not hold as much joy and excitement as his nomi's, but there was pride in it, and honor, and duty - his usual chorus, but this time with some measure of the deep affection he felt for his family.

RE: there's a whole kingdom that will fit right in your mouth like your own name - Tirgatao - April 25, 2018

The children were here!

Tirgatao had been waiting anxiously for the announcement for weeks. Devoted as she was, it brought her immense joy to see Wildfire's sides swell, and how it made the younger woman glow. Theirs was a fitting end to a year of strife and turmoil; the final stitch in a wound carved open by the unfortunate, and terrifying, business with Blackfeather. 

As the howl sang out through the redwoods, Tirgatao lifted her chin from her paws, inhaled, and added a crooning, delightful melody to the trio of familiar voices.

RE: there's a whole kingdom that will fit right in your mouth like your own name - Rose - April 27, 2018

To say she was happy for the birth of the children would probably be a bit much. There was some delight in knowing that there were strong, committed relationships out there in the world, but other than that she didn’t find the day to be anything special. Rose wasn’t exactly close with either parent of the litter but she assumed that the start of new life was something to be celebrated considering there were others howling. So she followed suit and lifted her head to join in the joyous song, feeling a bit like an outsider but still trying to show she cared as best she could.

RE: there's a whole kingdom that will fit right in your mouth like your own name - Dio - May 02, 2018

On his way over the south-western edge of borderland stretch, the wocha's steps came to a halt and his ears turned eagerly, first to behold the commander's announcement, then pricked up even taller to the howls of Drageda rising to meet hers. A proud joy carried well on the winds and once he could be properly relieved by the good news surrounding Wildfire's litter (finally), he tilted back his head and added his own baritone to the mixture of howls--of congratulations and good will to the family, the pack, and the newest lives for a safe trip here.

With that said, the gold Drakru was back to work and went loping slowly on towards the next landmark. He would meet the new little ones soon enough when the time was right, of that he was confident, but for now, the outskirts were his priority--now all the more with new puppies here to protect.

RE: there's a whole kingdom that will fit right in your mouth like your own name - Mallaidh - May 05, 2018

She spends most of her days alone, if she’s in the territory at all, so when the call goes up she is a little surprised. The last she’d heard the woman had miscarried (right?) and her days without Blixen haven’t kept her up to date. For a few seconds, she considers not responding, but eventually she lifts her nose and howls in conjunction—if they hear her, they’ll know she’s still around—and when her song is done, she picks herself up and slips from the borders for a little while once more.