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Ankyra Sound does it seem so little to you? - Printable Version

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does it seem so little to you? - Caiaphas - May 14, 2018

with the whelps being older, caiaphas' excursions beyond the rendezvous were more frequent. the four of them were demanding -- excruciatingly so, and she was glad to have this moment to herself as she promptly left the second kierkegaard had arrived with lunch. her gain, his loss -- she cackled quietly to herself as her absence abruptly saddled him with grimnismal's four fiercest burdens.

she would make it up to him later, somehow -- maybe a crab secured from the flats, or some other tidbit. as she rifled through a patch of kelp, she thought she saw movement of of the corner of her eye -- when she looked up, she saw the dark liquid gaze of a sunning bull seal looking directly at her.

RE: does it seem so little to you? - Sirio - May 19, 2018

Most of his time is spent in the forest, close to the coast. Not particularly fond of the underground, he tries to stick to areas where he can see in all directions (even if the trees are surrounding him). Having somewhere to sleep at night, somewhere to hunt safely and consistently has put a few extra pounds on him in the wake of summer approaching. He’d been young his first season, scarcely remembering much other than the days of hot youth where anything had been possible.

Today, the sun shines high, a reprieve from some of the constant rain, and he steps out onto the beach after having picked up the matriarch’s scent along the way. When he arrives, she’s at a standoff with a large seal. One brow lifts and he watches, slowly curbing his way down the sand to stand behind the mother.

RE: does it seem so little to you? - Caiaphas - May 19, 2018

she felt a chill raze her; it worked in icy fingers down her fine coat, lifting her coarse fur and jolting her spine. the bull, with flat expression and deep-swimming eyes, blinked slowly -- when his eyelids lifted it seemed as if housed in its two glassy eyes was an intelligence both unfamiliar and startling.

caiaphas was not so stupid as to challenge his dominion -- he outweighed her by at least several hundred pounds, and the scuttle of scars that riddled his slick pelt spoke plainly of the harshness his life commanded. she took a single step back, detecting a presence behind her by the subtle flip of an auburn tinged ear.

reluctant to tear her gaze from the sea-wolf, she glanced at sirio from the corner of her eyes. "big one." she commented dryly, tense as the bull lumbered forward and then stretched flat out along the sun-touched sand as if the idea of two predators nearby was positively unconcerning. and perhaps, for a creature of his immensity, they were simply two ants among leviathans.

RE: does it seem so little to you? - Sirio - May 28, 2018

He doesn’t get much attention but the pull the large seafaring creature has doesn’t leave any surprises. The creature stays where he is, for the most part, and he side eyes Caiaphas in a similar fashion she does him but his gaze remains, eventually turning his head when there doesn’t seem to be a concern in the world from the larger animal.

“Yeah,” he says with a roll of his shoulder, glancing back for only a moment, before briefly taking a few steps back and away, assuming the leader would do the same to exist in peace.

RE: does it seem so little to you? - Caiaphas - June 02, 2018

a wry expression stole across the siren queen's muzzle. to be fat and content, that must be the life. for a moment she seemed lost in her own world, perhaps imagining the pelagic lifestyle of such a creature -- her gaze jerking from the sunning beast as sirio muttered a quiet 'yeah'.

yeah indeed; this massive male's presence would remain uncontested. neither she nor sirio were large enough to present any threat, and one blow from his cylindrical fluke would be enough to seriously maim a wolf.

turning away from the spectacularly round creature, caiaphas drifted a little further up-shore.