Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest "I didn't give enough." - Printable Version

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"I didn't give enough." - Síff - May 21, 2018

It was dusk when she arrived.

There was no determinable point where things became recognizable. She'd come from the north nearly two years ago. This time she'd come from the south; she'd forced herself to detour around. 

It was Liri's hope that she wouldn't have to repeat that journey again. 

She'd wandered towards the west, unsure if she was even near Teekon. And yet, as the wraith limped along the forest loomed out of the horizon, great and dark and familiar. 

Liri stopped at its edge, frozen for a moment as the scent of roses and foxes crept gently on the breeze. She inhaled deeply. It was not home but it had been once.

Another might have felt lost in the gloomy tangle of woods. It might have felt sinister as the fading light turned the trees into black snakes. But as the haunting song of the foxes rose around her, Liri felt at peace. 

There. The den that had been mine. It had been scattered and ripped apart, messed by those pestering vixens. But the fallen tree was recognizable. It had once sheltered her from rain and fear both. 

As the spirit wandered, feeling as frozen in time as this relic of her past life, she found herself in a small clearing. 

Here she had gathered herbs for caches, she had met and played with the members of Rosings when she was still innocent, she had fought Pallas in defense of Aaron, and this was where she later said goobye to him. 

She'd never seen him again.

Just as the thought struck her, she crashed to the ground. A glance back revealed the source: her mangled leg caught in a creeping root. 

Liri shook it off, embarassment hot under her fur. An anger struck her then. 

What good was this place to her now, had it saved her? Had her love for Aaron kept her fed? Had her loyalty protected her? 

No. She'd never had any of them to rely on. They'd failed her when she'd needed them. She had only herself. 

There was nothing for her here. There was no reason to stay. They were all ghosts now.

With a last glance at the place, she moved on.