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Swiftcurrent Creek halifax - Printable Version

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halifax - Bazi - June 17, 2014

@Shadow - I thought you might want a thread!

The new recruit looked promising. Long, sinewy limbs, nimble on his feet - a born explorer, and Bazi was itching to travel a bit further than the eastern side of the mountains. She wanted to see the great lakes of the south up close, and walk through one of the only forests not bordered by claimed territory.

This morning, the powers that be had spread a wispy film of cloud between the verdant meadows of Swiftcurrent Creek and the sun. It was pleasantly cool - 22 °C or thereabouts - and Bazi had just finished quenching her thirst in the river. Where would Shadow be? Border patrol? Out and about? She doubted the newcomer had strayed too far from the territory this early on in his probation. With that in mind, she pressed her nose to the banks and began to shuffle counter to the direction of flow, hoping to pick up a trace of the newcomer.

RE: halifax - Shadow - June 17, 2014

Shadow had dipped his muzzle into the river and lapped some water. He raised his muzzle and sniffed the air, searching for any trace of members of his new pack.

The only scent that met his nose were the smells of the river, the forest and the prey within. He decided to keep by the river and explore for a bit to get use to the territory. Shadow began to walk along the flow of the river, his eyes scanning the area, remembering it. Remembering all the scents that met his nose.

RE: halifax - Bazi - June 17, 2014

If you had trouble finding someone, your best bet was to stay close to the river. Most Swiftcurrent wolves built dens near it, and those that slept under the stars - like Bazi, nowadays - would come to rest on its banks at day’s end. It provided easy meals for those that could fish, and a constant source of fresh water.

It wasn’t long before Bazi spotted the monochromatic male. She hailed him with a bark, and trotted forward to relay her plans for a trip beyond the mountains. Though she held her tail moderately high, displays of dominance no longer gave her a rush - especially when they were unwarranted. ”Are you the explorer type?” she asked, blue eyes finding Shadow’s own as she drew near. ”I’ve got a mission for us.”

RE: halifax - Shadow - June 17, 2014

Shadow trotted for a while when a loud bark stopped him. Bazi, the Beta of his pack walked towards him. Shadow lowered himself submissively and listened.
His eyes met the Beta's blue gaze and nodded saying "What mission do you have for us?"

Shadow was interested in what kind of mission Bazi had in mind. Since he was young, he had loved exploring. He wondered what Bazi's plans were.

RE: halifax - Bazi - June 17, 2014

Shadow dutifully lowered himself in her presence, and Bazi thanked him with a gentle nudge to the top of his soot-grey head. Stepping back, she turned her muzzle towards the distant mountains in the west. The Sunspire stood tall and proud in the center. They were far enough away that all detail was lost, but Bazi imagined Jace and Ferdie prowling their lofty territory with erect tails and watchful eyes. Why couldn’t they have taken up residence on the other side of the mountains? Ferdie knew full well how Fox had felt about Northstar Vale - why risk the trouble?

”We’ll be going to the lakes on the other side of those mountains,” she told him, gaze drifting back to Shadow’s colourless eyes. ”Through Blackfoot Forest, over the mountain, into the valley, and back up again.” Bazi had only ever seen the southernmost, unnamed bowl of greenery from a distance, and was curious to explore further. ”We’ll emerge near Otter Creek and carry on until we hit one of the big lakes. Can you fish?”

RE: halifax - Shadow - June 17, 2014

Shadow followed Bazi's gaze to The Sunspire before turning to look back at her blue eyes and grinning happily.
"That sounds amazing and I do know how to fish."

He could explore again. This was brilliant. His first mission, an exploring one too. Wow. Perhaps he might also be able to gain the Beta's respect through this mission. This was one chance too good to miss.

RE: halifax - Bazi - June 18, 2014

Shadow seemed excited by the prospect of a trip, and his wide grin rubbed off on the Beta, who smiled vaguely in return. These were trying times for the pale girl, whose recent losses had left the mark of melancholia in her normally bright, playful eyes. The loss of Alyss and Scout after a mere week of Creekitude had soured her mood further, so this wolf’s enthusiasm was a welcome break. Now he just had to stay for long enough to prove himself worthy.

”Let’s go, then!” she barked, and promptly wheeled around to face the mountains. ”Have you eaten?”

RE: halifax - Shadow - June 18, 2014

Shadow's mind drifted off to the night that he had arrived at Swiftcurrent Creek's Pack borders. He had been exhausted, after all he had been running nonstop for days now. He hadn't eaten for a week in his desperation to find a new pack. It was only by pure luck that he had arrived that night and they hadn't kicked him out like many other packs did. If he ran for another day or two, he'd been sure that he'll be dead. He was very grateful for the pack and its protection. He would prove that he is a useful addition to the pack and not let them down.

Shadow studied Bazi closely but making sure it didn't seem like he was staring too intently at the Beta for that would be disrespectful. He laughed inwardly, after all he wouldn't be thinking like that in his last few months of being a loner.

Bazi seemed off. In fact, from what Shadow had observed, the pack seemed down. Something bad must happened to it, to them. Her eyes must once be full of light and playfulness but they were now gone, the warmth was all gone now. Hopefully, Shadow thought, this trip might bring a bit of her back.

Shadow's eyes focused again and he shook his head. "No, I haven't eaten."

RE: halifax - Bazi - June 18, 2014

Bazi contemplated raiding a cache for food, but Tuwawi’s pups were imminent and that meant Njal wouldn’t be available to keep their larder stocked. It was a shared responsibility, but certain wolves - herself included - functioned as the pack’s official gamekeepers. ”We’ll stop at Lower Arrow Lake for fish,” she decided after a moment’s thought, nodded towards the mountains to indicate that it was time to leave, and began to stride purposefully into the distance.

”We have trades in this pack,” she explained whilst they walked, throwing occasional glances at the male beside her. ”I’m the head outrider and one of the gamekeepers,, but we’ve also got wardens, warriors, caretakers..” She left the role of counselor out - that role as reserved for older, wiser wolves. ”Everyone should hunt and bury food; the gamekeepers only keep watch over the whole affair. What do you see yourself as?”

RE: halifax - Shadow - June 18, 2014

Shadow followed the Beta as she walked and listened as she talked about the trades that they had in the pack. His natal pack also had something like that except they had fighters, sentinels, hunters..... In his old pack, he had been a fighter and a sentinel. Only on some days had he hunted for the pack.

As he walked, he thought about it. Perhaps being a warden and a warrior would be good, but then he thought about it again. Maybe he could be a caretaker? He adored pups but perhaps that wouldn't suit him. He was more for battle, he had been trained since he was young for battle, even the hunting serves as battle skills sometimes.

"I think a warrior or a warden would suit me. I thought about caretaker, I mean I love pups but I don't think it would suit me. No, it wouldn't suit me." Shadow lowered his head, he said the word love like he said it for the first time, like he was trying it out.
"After all, I was trained only for battle in my old pack, even my hunting skills doubled as battle skills. I didn't even know about love. How it really felt like in my old pack. I was always abu-" He stopped abruptly and lifted his head to meet Bazi's eyes, for a moment his usually expressionless mask lifted.

RE: halifax - Bazi - June 19, 2014

Bazi listened with detached interest as Shadow put his internal wranglings into words. Njal and Tuwawi were unlikely to let anyone unfamiliar near their pups for the first few weeks at least, but having a fleet-footed someone to run after the pups when they started to push the boundaries would be a bonus. Everyone else already had jobs to do.

And then, quite suddenly, the conversation took a nose-dive into seriousness. Bazi slowed her gait momentarily, turning a gently frowning face towards her comrade. Love? Where was all this coming from? The Beta cleared her throat, eyes flitting awkwardly between the male's face and their distant destination. What was it about her that prompted everyone to spill their innermost secrets? It was a peculiar trait of those that were drawn to the Teekon Wilds, and one that Bazi had yet to get used to. "I'm sure.. that love will come eventually," she told him, nodding at the words. "You're only young, right?"

RE: halifax - Shadow - June 19, 2014

Shadow sighed. He should have known, he should have known! He scowled and his emotions vanished from his face and his eyes. Why did he even tell her that? That was his deepest secret, besides his father had always taught him not to show any emotions. Honestly, what was going on with him?

"I suppose so," said Shadow, his voice now emptied of feeling. "It's just that.... I just meant that most pups grow up with love from their pack but I didn't. I have never been loved my whole life. I know I'm still young but......" he scowled again and stared straight in front of him, refusing to meet the Beta's eyes.

I'm screwed up. I'm so screwed. he thought inwardly as he walked.

RE: halifax - Bazi - June 20, 2014

This was not Bazi's forte. The Beta averted her eyes and picked up the pace, whispering over the flat, grassy ground. After a moment of careful contemplation - she had learned that her first port of call in these situations, "Buck up and deal with it", was not always the most considered thing to say - she spoke again: "When we come back, I think you should seek out a wolf called Galileo. He's new, too, and a bit older - he might be able to help you with your... troubled feelings," she finished, parceling the last 's' up into a relived sigh. That definitely sounded 'Beta-like'. "You should nip these things in the bud. No secrets. OK?"

RE: halifax - Shadow - June 20, 2014

Shadow slowed and fell in behind Bazi and scowled. Honestly now all he wanted was for Bazi to just tell him to grow up and deal with it. He didn't need the help of any wolf. He just wanted to express his feelings, guess he should have just kicked a stone or something.

Shadow savagely kicked a stone embedded in the earth with his forepaw and it flew just over the Beta and landed. His ears slowly flattened and he bared his fangs at nothing. He wasn't angry at Bazi or anyone, he just needed to do something to something. His silver eyes darkened as he struggled to control himself.

RE: halifax - Bazi - June 20, 2014

Shadow didn't reply. Instead, he let the leader jog ahead and took up position behind her. Though she could not see his face, Bazi sensed that she had not found her answer particularly helpful - further evidenced by the rock that went flying over her head. She followed its progress, watched it land, and made a point of skirting around it when they caught up - to show him that the little outburst had not gone unnoticed.

"Come on - let's run," she barked over her shoulder. It seemed like both of them needed to let off some steam. Without waiting for a response, the fleet-footed northerner took off towards the mountains.

Shall we fade after your next post? I'll write a continuation in the mountains if so.

RE: halifax - Shadow - June 20, 2014

Shadow ran beside the Beta, he was fast, his eyes focused in front of him. He took a deep breath and managed to calm down, he was now only focused in running.

He didn't want to think about his past now, all he wanted to do was get away with it, and perhaps, with time, he would.
